The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1387 Five Star Battleship

Chapter 1387 Five Star Battleship
"It would be great if the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword and the Demon Binding Cable can advance to the immortal level!" In the end, Gao Jiuding still planned to let his original spirit treasures devour the immortal materials. And worried.

Of course, Lingbao is advanced to Tongtian Lingbao, and then to Dongtian Lingbao, and then to Immortal Treasure. Every step in this process is dangerous, and it is not so easy to advance.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding has no shortage of resources, and there are many ways to help the magic weapon in his hands, otherwise, Gao Jiuding really can't afford this kind of ambition.

Taking a look at Hualing Pond, there is not only a pagoda for refining fairy materials, but now there is a huge vine, no, there is also a huge eucalyptus hidden in the void and a black and gold demon vine.

From this point of view, wood-type magic weapons should be easier to advance.

Eucalyptus, blood vine, and demon vine, these three wood-type spirits, should be the easiest to absorb the spirit energy in Huaxian Pond.

"Let's continue to look at the harvest. It would be great if we can get some important inheritance!" After observing the demon-binding rope for a while, its current body shape is no worse than that of the blood vine. Far.

Next is the treasures that Gao Jiuding found. The so-called heirlooms are different, some are good and some are bad. After Gao Jiuding's selection, most of them are good.

Gao Jiuding took out the colorful shell first, and at this moment, the pangolin rushed over.

This thing has a talent for treasure hunting and a keen sense of good things.

Gao Jiuding played with the colorful shell, and found a crack in the middle of the shell, obviously someone wanted to tear it open to see if there was a treasure orb inside.

It's a pity that the inside is empty, so this colorful shell has been relatively well preserved to this day.

Gao Jiuding couldn't help frowning, he felt a little weird, this colorful shell should be extraordinary, but he couldn't find out where the treasure of this shell is?
"Squeak!" The little pangolin nodded vigorously, apparently thinking it was a treasure.

Gao Jiuding laughed, he naturally knew that this was a treasure, but where is the magic of this treasure?
Gao Jiuding didn't forget to praise the pangolin, this guy has a good eye!
Unable to discover the mystery of the colorful shells, Gao Jiuding directly crossed his legs and entered the visualization space.

The spiritual energy was injected into the colorful shells, and Gao Jiuding immediately noticed something strange.

After recovering, looking at the colorful shells in his hand, Gao Jiuding couldn't help saying: "This is a real treasure!"

Gao Jiuding chuckled, and gently opened the shell.

Gao Jiuding stared at the shell and looked again and again, but it was still empty, and the shell didn't contain the texture of the road. Where is the treasure?

Gao Jiuding thought about it carefully, he will never give up, and now he has to see if he can discover the wonder of these colorful shells!
Gao Jiuding took a deep breath and stared at the center of the seven-colored shell. Gradually, the emptiness glowed faintly with seven-colored light, and gradually took shape, becoming a faintly visible seven-colored orb the size of a longan!
what!It was the first time that Gao Jiuding discovered that he was hiding so deeply, there was something that his eyes couldn't see through.

If he hadn't focused his clairvoyance, he really wouldn't have been able to see the orbs hidden in the colorful shells.

Gao Jiuding was a little annoyed at this moment, did he miss a lot of treasures because he didn't care too much?

When hunting for treasures in the future, do you want to stimulate the mana in your body to strengthen your eyes?

Unexpectedly, after inadvertently activating the clairvoyance, the hidden orb can be revealed. This is an unexpected harvest.

From the visualization just now, Gao Jiuding only discovered the functions of some colorful shells, and only then did he know its mystery!

"What kind of bead is this?" Gao Jiuding asked while playing with the orb in his hand.

"Fortunately, there is room for imagination, and you can experiment freely in the virtual world!"

In order to understand this treasure, Gao Jiuding has been experimenting in the visualization space for several hours.

Finally, Gao Jiuding finally figured out that this is definitely a treasure.

Of course, Gao Jiuding did not directly deduce the effect of the orb, but deduced some functions of the orb based on some records.

This kind of orb is very strange, only this kind of colorful shell can be cultivated, there is no one in a billion, and it will take hundreds of millions of years to grow and form!
This orb is not within the five elements, and its magical effects are infinite, even the gods can't figure out all its effects!
Dozens of known effects are very practical. For example, when worn by ordinary people, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are all inviolable.

Volcanoes and glaciers can wander freely, snakes and insects dare not get close to them, and all poisons will disappear on their own.

Drink too much, as long as you put him in your mouth, the alcohol will turn into sweat in an instant, and you will be sober again.

Of course, the easiest function to use is stealth...

It can be said that at such a small price, Gao Jiuding made a lot of money in exchange for this colorful shell.

Gao Jiuding looked at the orb in his hand, this treasure turned out to be so powerful, really good!

After playing with it fondly, Gao Jiuding carefully put it away.

Although the function of this thing is not strong, but it seems to involve a lot of rules, and this is the real value of this orb.

Of course, this kind of orb doesn't have much effect on Gao Jiuding now, but it will be useful when he needs to understand the rules. However, he doesn't need it at this time, but he knows that his precious daughter will definitely like it.

After figuring out the value of one treasure, Gao Jiuding immediately took out the next one.

Gao Jiuding first took out the dark red tortoise shell he found, and after studying the classics for a while, he generally knew what this thing was used for.

After fiddling with it a few times, Gao Jiuding was sure that the turtle shell could be used for divination, but it was a pity that he had never learned about it.

Not to mention Gao Jiuding, even his subordinates are not very proficient in divination, so this tortoise shell is not very useful for the time being, so keep it for now.

Next is the earthen jar. Gao Jiuding didn't need to look up ancient books or visualize this thing, because he could see that many of the restrictions inside remained intact.

As long as it is pushed a little, Gao Jiuding will roughly understand the function of the jar.

Gao Jiuding poured a bowl of clear water into the earthen jar, and signaled Tianying to look inside.

Tianying poked his head curiously, suddenly became dizzy, and began to shake his head,

"Hey? Why am I the only one left? Where's the master? What's going on?"

Skyhawk was in a hurry, it looked left and right, running around like a headless chicken, even though it flew out of the inn, it still didn't find Gao Jiuding's figure.

Moreover, the street that should have been overcrowded is also empty, and no one is missing. What is going on?

At this moment, the heavens and the earth were spinning again, Tianying shook his head, and saw that it was still in the space of the pagoda.

Turning his head to look, his master was still there, Tianying wondered at this moment, what's going on?

Gao Jiuding explained with a smile: "This is the illusion of flowers in the mirror, water and moon. Your soul was just sucked into this earthen jar. Inside is the reflection of this world. Because there is no special arrangement, what you see is empty." , this earthen jar is used to arrange illusions to make it look like real ones, if the pure Yang monks don't know it, they will be easily trapped!"

Tianying curled her lips in a very humane way. It turned out that she was treated as a guinea pig. If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have joined in the fun!
Looking at the pot, Gao Jiuding was a little surprised. Although he knew that there was a phantom formation inside, Gao Jiuding really didn't expect that there could be a phantom inside the pot. Go back and study it carefully. Of course, he will use the Skyhawk for the experiment.

The other treasures I found were all so-so, but none of them were particularly good.

There are not many treasures of this level in the entire universe. How can they be like Chinese cabbage, and you can find a few of them in a casual trip!
It is already lucky to find such a universal orb!
Gao Jiuding chuckled, no matter how many treasures there are in this trading conference, the sum of them will definitely not be worth the corner of this universal orb!

Of course, Taobao is just a picture of fun, magic weapons, ancient artifacts and so on, after all, they are just foreign objects, and they are not of much help to Gao Jiuding's current cultivation.

Gao Jiuding played with it a few times, then threw it into the storage bracelet casually, and went to accompany the various magic weapons that had been neglected for a long time.

Up to now, Gao Jiuding has already seen it. A few treasures can be used as the bottom of the box. If there are too many treasures, it will not be easy to cultivate.

For the next time, Gao Jiuding stayed in this small world, eating, drinking, and having fun every day.

When you have time, go to the market to buy some classics, or go to Taobao.

And on this day, Gao Jiuding suddenly noticed a change at the entrance of the small world. The battleships that passed there recently had a long queue every day, and today it started to increase again.

The countless battleships coming in and out show the prosperity of this place, but if the queue time is long, people will make trouble.

Waiting for a long time can easily make people feel irritable, and it is inevitable that there will be queue jumping and conflicts. Fortunately, the guards are still effective, and queue jumping is very rare.

If there is a backstage who jumps in line, a verbal warning is fine, but if there is no backstage, they will sneak in and jump in line, and they will be directly blacklisted and expelled.

Therefore, the vast majority of warships are still waiting in line for approval.

However, just now, a huge golden battleship that almost had the words "I'm awesome" written on its body, like a shit-stirring stick, rushed straight towards the guard in charge without slowing down at all. Small World Portal.

In front of the portal, the warships lined up in front screamed and gave way, and the slow-response warships were directly knocked out by the huge warship!

"Damn it, good dogs don't get in the way, get the hell out of here!" An extremely arrogant curse spread in all directions!
Of all the battleships waiting in line, none dared to make a sound, and the surrounding area quickly gave way to a broad road.

Without him, that huge golden battleship is one of only five five-star battleships in the entire starry sky!

(End of this chapter)

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