The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1388 Wanbao Conference

Chapter 1388 Wanbao Conference
Those who own a five-star warship are definitely powerful monks, so it is self-evident what this five-star warship represents. Who dares to say a word, it is death!
Opposite to that mighty and domineering five-star battleship, several senior monks in charge of guarding the gate in this small world, could not wait to kneel and lick it. Their faces were full of smiles, and they called out like their own father: "Hello, Senior Brother Ming!"

"You are here."

"The inn is ready, just waiting for your arrival."

That lord hummed indifferently, and the five-star warship whized through the portal without slowing down.

The battleships waiting in line immediately exploded: "Who is that uncle? Is he the ultimate boss of the small world of flowers?"

"The voice sounds quite young, probably the disciple of the owner of this small world!"

"No matter who it is, that five-star battleship is a symbol of status. No one dares to offend such a person."

"However, that guy is simply synonymous with arrogance. This trading conference is really going to be lively!"

Inside the five-star battleship, a young man was lazily lying on a grand teacher's chair, surrounded by eight stunning beauties, all of whom were real monks, and their strength was definitely not weak.

However, at this time their performance is very weak, these Yingying Yanyan, serving tea and water, beating their backs and legs, throwing themselves into their arms.

If Gao Jiuding had saved the two twin sisters under Guishuai's command before, Huahua would have recognized them as the young man who picked on them.

Of course, if Gao Jiuding analyzed it carefully, he would find that he was the guy who was watching the battle not far away.

"Brother Ming, you are really too majestic!"

"This is the real domineering leak!"

"This time we are fortunate to follow Senior Brother Ming to participate in the trade conference. It's really insightful!"

"It's the first time for me to ride a five-star battleship, it's so cool!"

"Does it need to be said? Five-star battleship, the combat power is comparable to the existence of five-rank gods!"

"Okay, okay, stop flattering, five ranks are not gods, at most they are demigods!"

On the side of the grand master's chair, a group of youngsters who can be seen as dudes at a glance are working hard to flatter.

"Pay attention to this, our side is not peaceful now!"

"It's not peaceful? Where is it not peaceful? It's impossible for it to mess up in this small world, right?"

"It's true, even in the battle city outside, there are not many forces that can break through!"

Gao Jiuding watched the huge and arrogant warship leave, he was really curious about what kind of warship here.

Looking inside, an ancient bronze battleship in the sea of ​​consciousness can already emit a faint aura.

When all the spiritual light is restrained and flows perfectly, this ancient battleship will be safely repaired.

At this time, Gao Jiuding has confirmed that after the repair of this warship, it will definitely reach rank five, which is the appearance of the highest-level warship here, a five-star warship.

The five-star battleship is compared to the fifth-rank body refiner. Even if it is not as good as the pure-yang monk, it is not much weaker, because the monk at that level is very powerful even if he fights with the body alone. The most important thing is that the fifth-rank here Body refiners all have domain supernatural powers.

"Although the realization of the domain and supernatural powers is a bit late, they are indeed powerful!" For the cultivation civilization here, Gao Jiuding still retains a lot of awe.

Looking back, Gao Jiuding didn't care about that five-star warship anymore, because he would have a batch soon.

Not one, but a batch, following the refinement of this bronze warship in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Gao Jiuding already understood the internal structure of this warship, and also knew the power of such a warship, so, Gao Jiuding Song Yue and the others are making copies.

Black iron warships, bronze warships, silver warships, and gold warships, should they be divided like this?
Ordinary warships are one-star warships, golden warships are five-star warships, but the ancient bronze warship in Gao Jiuding's hands can be regarded as three-star warships at most according to reason, but he knows that it is absolutely impossible for that warship to fully recover The existence of a master must be powerful, and the existence of this is absolutely comparable to the five-star battleship here.

"Time is a killing knife. The current five-star battleship must be a castrated version. The real technology must be lost, right? Or is it controlled by some big sect?"

Thinking of the great sects here, Gao Jiuding said that he still needs to develop insignificantly now, because he already knows that here, there is no future for fighting alone.

Therefore, when the pagoda fully merged with the giant spiritual vein, Gao Jiuding would be able to open up the space-time teleportation array, and really start to conquer the world in this starry sky.

And in the future, his study object will be this small world of flowers.

Now Gao Jiuding still needs to be more honest, because the big forces here are really not easy.

For example, this small world of flowers here has only one battle city outside, but there is a small world hidden in this battle city, and this small world does not know how many resources it has accumulated, not to mention other things, just to say Battleships, how many ships do they have?
To fly out of this continent, warships must be used, so the monks here should have warships, but there are not many five-star warships.

"It's a pity that the Fire Spirit battleship is only at the fourth rank, and it is still far from the fifth rank!"

"Well, the fifth-rank five-star warship is the treasure of the cave. Does this mean that it is a small moving world? No wonder it is said that there are only five five-star warships in this starry sky!"

Gao Jiuding didn't expect that he accidentally came to one of the five top forces in this starry sky.

Of course, he also understands now that even within one of the five major forces, the internal relationship is intricate. For example, he knew before that there are three forces that control the small world of flowers.

After wandering around the trading market for a few more days, no one was found following him, but Gao Jiuding was always vigilant.

In the following days, Gao Jiuding did not show off, he just bought some of the most common classics.

Because he knows that he still needs to learn the basic knowledge here, after all, it is a civilization that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, and there are too many classics left behind.

These days, Gao Jiuding has bought hundreds of thousands of books just by buying books, and this is still a matter of chance, and he will only buy when he encounters it.

If it weren't for too many repetitions, Gao Jiuding would have bought more.

While buying and studying, Gao Jiuding discovered that the situation here is more complicated than he imagined. For example, alien races, ordinary alien races are some monster tribes, and the real alien races are gods, like the fire that Gao Jiuding knew before. Both clans and blood clans can quickly become gods.

"A demigod is a pure-yang cultivator, and a god is equivalent to a fairy? Even if it is not as good as a fairy, it should be very powerful, right?"

Gao Jiuding had known for a long time that there were immortals here, but he didn't expect that there was a god under the immortals here, and there seemed to be many gods.

"Be careful, keep a low profile!" In the following days, Gao Jiuding kept a low profile.

On this day, the trading conference finally started, and the name was Wanbao Trading Conference.

The so-called Wanbao Conference is not just a gimmick, it is actually an auction of [-] treasures in turn!

Usually, a Wanbao conference lasts for more than half a month, and once the competition was too fierce, it even lasted for more than a month!

Of course, among the [-] treasures, the real top quality is saved until the end as the finale, and some small top pieces will be interspersed in the front, middle and back!

All the main guests have arrived, and only a small number of ordinary customers are still queuing up to check in.

The beautiful host in the trading conference did not wait any longer, she walked to the auction stage enchantingly, and solemnly announced that this Wanbao Conference is now starting!
Flowers, applause, cheers, countless men shouted: "Where are the top ten beauties we want?"

The beauties just smiled and left, the audience seemed lost. Sure enough, the top ten beauties can only be the finale. Fortunately, we will definitely see the top ten beauties gathered together, so wait patiently!
A supposedly famous auctioneer came on stage. He looked around, cleared his throat, and began to introduce the first treasure.

Two beautiful and beauties spread out a long and lifelike treasure picture to the audience. It is a masterpiece of famous masters and the quality is guaranteed.

Pieces of ancient artifacts and treasures were auctioned off. You competed for the auction, and the final transaction price was not low.

Soon, the first small climax of this year's Wanbao Conference was ushered in. A purple ginseng king plant that had grown for thousands of years was accidentally discovered by a monk from an extremely remote small planet. Yes, it has at least 2 years of medicinal power, so it's not wrong to say that it has become refined!
Therefore, this is a spirit that can transform into a shape, the ginseng doll that Gao Jiuding has been looking forward to.

After 2 years, if the growth environment is suitable, this ginseng king does not know how many years of medicinal power it has accumulated.

The purple ginseng king triggered looting from various forces, and was finally bought by a wealthy local tycoon who spent 500 yuan for the spirit crystal.

This is a real trench, and the majority of practitioners can only pay homage to it!

This also includes Gao Jiuding, the only blood crystal in his hand is regarded as the fairy stone (that is, the spirit crystal), but up to now, he has consumed a lot, even the top-grade blood spar is almost consumed.

As for the low-grade and middle-grade blood spar, he had already consumed them when he helped the Five Elements Realm again and again.

Therefore, this time, when I met a plant of Wannian purple ginseng king, I could only watch it fall into the hands of others, which made Gao Jiuding very distressed.

Of course, Gao Jiuding can also make a move. Using high-grade blood crystals, he can take down this purple ginseng king without even using a single one. But, is it worth it?
This is a problem, and this is just the beginning. In the words of the auctioneer, this is just a drizzle.

The Ten Thousand Treasures Conference has just begun. If you start to consume high-grade blood crystals now, then you will encounter treasures that will make Gao Jiuding even more excited. What will he do?
Gao Jiuding held back his greed and continued to observe. Next, rare treasures appeared on the stage.

Some of the guys that Gao Jiuding had met before shot one after another, and they were just throwing money at them. The most important thing they lacked was money!
 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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