Chapter 1389
Gradually, the Wanbao Conference came to an end, and the real grand finale, as well as the long-awaited top ten beauties, were finally coming to the stage!
The auctioneer said cheerfully, "I won't say much below, let's keep your eyes open!"

Accompanied by the dancing of flowers all over the sky, ranked tenth among the top ten beauties, holding a tray covered with a red cloth, she walked from behind the curtain to the stage with a sweet smile, making everyone in the audience feel like a spring breeze.

When the woman's smile rippled, everyone woke up like a dream, and the howling of wolves suddenly erupted like a volcano, almost turning the place upside down!

"Huh!" Gao Jiuding couldn't help being surprised, but he was not facing the beauty, but the tray in the beauty's hand.

Many people around became excited. This is known as the top ten beauties in the small world of flowers in the past 20 years. Seeing her, many people were very excited.

"This is really a beautiful woman, it's rare to see her once!"

"Finally the top ten beauties, I can feast my eyes today, haha!"

"Haha, it will be great when we can see each other every day!"

"What kind of dream? Can we meet here once, or did we buy tickets, do you think there will be a chance in the future?"

"That's right, if you don't spend money, where can you see such a beautiful scenery?"

"Unfortunately, we still don't have enough money, and we don't have enough cultivation, so let's not talk about buying treasures, and we don't have enough money to buy treasures, let's not talk about feasting our eyes so extravagantly."

At this time, the tour guide beside Gao Jiuding was also in a slightly better mood. She also looked at the legendary tenth most beautiful woman curiously. She was quite cute, but she didn't seem to be particularly beautiful!
The tour guide also knew that this little beauty hadn't fully grown up yet, and she would definitely be a great beauty in the future
It's no different from us, but she's still pretending to be a saint, so thick-skinned!
Brother Ming looked down on the women on the stage now, but he looked down upon them a little!

Brother Ming suddenly lost interest and put away his things.

After a long, long time, and a long time later, the extremely hot atmosphere in the venue became less hot.

The auctioneer promptly lifted the red cloth on the tray, revealing an ancient wooden board underneath that seemed to have been chewed by a dog and had an unknown age.

Look carefully, it looks like a piece from an ancient coffin!
If you look closely, there are fine lines all over the wooden board, seemingly ordinary, but extremely extraordinary, like the marks of heaven and earth, and like the corner of a terrifying magic circle.

The monks present felt terrified just by exploring it a little bit.

Even the few top masters present couldn't see the specific name of this ancient wooden board. They could only use their spiritual sense to explore and study it.

Gao Jiuding was also checking carefully. He didn't see anything at first, but when he looked carefully, the crack was really not simple.

It looks like a rune, but it is different from the rune, and the arrangement is very regular, it is definitely not a natural crack.

But if it is a rune, but he doesn't know it, this is very important.

Gao Jiuding is now well-informed. Even if he has never seen any runes, he should be familiar with them. After all, he has seen a lot of runes. Even the mysterious ancient runes suspected to be Dao runes, he is familiar with them. seen.

Even if you can't comprehend by analogy, you should be able to see some clues, right?

However, he just couldn't see anything about the cracks on the broken board.

It looks regular, like there are more words, but it doesn't look like runes.

However, anyone who looks at it will know that it is a rune, which must represent a kind of law of heaven and earth, and it is absolutely impossible to be a simple and independent text.

This is interesting, and when Gao Jiuding's consciousness touched the board, his face immediately changed.

And at this time, he also knew why so many experts who checked were silent.

This board is definitely not simple, because Gao Jiuding felt a powerful aura inside it, even carrying negative emotions such as oppression, violence, blood, etc. What is this thing?
At this moment, the auctioneer briefly introduced the piece of wood. The source, history, function and price are unknown.

"Okay, all the judges can bid. It is still the old rule that the highest bidder wins. If you buy it, you can take it home and watch and study it slowly."

I also want to know that ordinary high-ranking monks like this final treasure can only stand aside, and only those big sects and powerful forces with background can get their hands on it. Ordinary monks should just watch the trenches and throw money!

Gao Jiuding looked at the ancient board, and carefully studied the broken marks on the ancient board, it was obviously broken from a bigger board!

This kind of board is unlikely to be formed naturally, so what exactly is recorded on this board?
While Gao Jiuding was in deep thought, the price of the ancient planks had risen to more than 2 low-grade immortal stones.

At this time, Gao Jiuding directly bid [-] yuan, which immediately scared off a large group of second-generation immortals.

5 yuan for low-grade spirit crystals sounds like a lot, but it is actually only five high-grade spirit crystals, and Gao Jiuding now has 10,000+ high-grade spirit crystals in his hands.

The tour guide looked at Gao Jiuding in extreme shock, it turned out that this man is the real Tuhao!

Fifty thousand low-grade immortal stones, my God, how many years would it take her to work part-time to make up a fraction of it?She probably won't be able to save so much money in her life!
Some monks who were not far from Gao Jiuding looked at each other in surprise at the same time. The guy in an ordinary box was actually interested in this broken wooden board. Is there any mystery in it?

Many people looked at the wooden board again and again, completely ignorant of its use, and the auctioneer also said that this broken wooden board has unknown origin, unknown origin, unknown function, and unknown value.

In short, there are many unknowns!
It's unknown, maybe it's really a coffin board, anyway, many people have no interest at all.

Some guys who had no interest in the old wooden boards at first already felt that something was wrong, such as a group of dudes in the supreme box.

Among them, Brother Ming sneered and directly offered [-] yuan.

There are not many fools here, even if they are dudes, they also know what is good.

Gao Jiuding frowned and added up to [-].

"There's still a little money for this guy, so let's play with you!" Brother Ming added to 100, and he was sure at this time that Gao Jiuding got [-]% of that giant spirit vein, otherwise, where would there be? Lingjing bid for that broken plank?

At this time, Gao Jiuding is also at the ninth level, and he only has 10,000+ high-grade blood crystals on his body. If he consumes too much, he will really feel distressed.

Of course, if he only consumes hundreds of thousands of low-grade spirit crystals, he is still worthless.

Converting the high-grade spirit crystals in his hand into low-grade spirit crystals, there are more than a billion, and he doesn't care if he consumes a little bit.

However, it is impossible for him to be too popular, because that is courting death.

Besides, although a piece of broken wood is very valuable for research, Gao Jiuding is not sure whether it is useful or what can be researched, so this piece of broken wood is not worth spending too much money. It is useless not to understand.

Gao Jiuding directly reported [-] yuan, no more.

Brother Ming was deeply afraid of being picked up by others, and he was a little bit aggressive, so he directly added it to 11.

"Small sample, keep going! There are so many fairy stones in my master's storage bracelet that I can't spend them all!" Brother Ming thought to himself, after taking down Gao Jiuding, everything he had belonged to him.

Gao Jiuding pouted, no more!

Let that idiot hold the incomplete plank and study it slowly!
I don't know runes, and I don't have a large number of runes to assist in the research. In the later stage of the research, it is most likely the result of vomiting three liters of blood every day.

"Is this not enough? Poor ghost!" Brother Ming snorted, shook his head and sighed secretly.

"11 for the first time! 11 for the second time!" The auctioneer shouted excitedly.

Brother Ming glanced at the old wooden plank, this broken plank is ugly, he really doesn't want it!

Also, it can't be that kid's game, right?Seeing that Gao Jiuding was no longer bidding, Brother Ming's expression was a little bit bad.

"15." Another offer was made.

The huge venue suddenly froze for a moment, the one who paid this price was a guest in the ordinary guest area!
"Is it true? It's not a price call, is it?" Many monks shouted, which was too unexpected.

Around the bidder, many monks looked at him in a daze. He was barefoot, his body was in tatters, and there was a broken hairpin in the shape of a fairy sword stuck in his bun. Bid 15 immortal stones?
Daydreaming!On the contrary, beside the barefoot monk, the brightly dressed red-faced monk looked like a wealthy gentleman!

Brother Ming didn't even want it anymore, so it was obvious that someone dared to fight against him, so he directly reported 20: "Fight with me? Who are you!"

"30." The old man offered a fair price.

Brother Ming was surprised, this it real or fake?

"Are you on the fence with me? Don't you want to be a babysitter? You want me to take advantage of you?" Brother Ming was a little bit surprised, but he really didn't want to make trouble out of it.

"Please, even the childcare should be done professionally, at least in a better private room!" Brother Ming's younger brother, who was born at this time, chimed in.

"Then I'll give you this broken plank. I don't want it anymore. Humph, let's see if you can afford it!" At this moment, Senior Brother Ming resolutely gave up.

"30 for the first time, 30 for the second time, and 30 for the third time." The auctioneer was stunned, but hesitantly knocked down the gavel.

Then... the auctioneer was puzzled, it was actually in the ordinary guest area, so how could this treasure be delivered there!

Don't be a fan of a certain beauty, deliberately use this method to meet the little beauty on stage, right?
Please, don't you think about yourself, do you think that if you bid casually, nothing will happen?Fuck you!
 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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