Chapter 1391
At this time, Senior Brother Ming triumphantly took out a brocade scarf and sniffed it, and the playboys naturally took the opportunity to flatter him again and again.

In fact, many second-generation immortals already know that many of these top ten beauties have been ruined by the descendants of the small world of flowers, so no one has snatched these beauties.

It's just that those bustards are more skilled, they made the ninth beauty just now so contrived, and this time people started to follow her.

Next, the seventh-ranked beauty was molested by Senior Brother Ming who spent money to take the treasure.

When the beauty fled, she gave a bad mouthful and looked disgusted. In this way, the other supreme boxes became interested.

Therefore, in the next time, as long as Brother Ming made a move, the other dudes in the supreme box would start rushing in.

These guys think that the beauties that Senior Brother Ming shot were all missed by him.

However, Senior Brother Ming doesn't seem to be stupid, so after the treasure in the hands of a beautiful woman was photographed, Senior Brother Ming was very proud.

After a lot of looting, Senior Brother Ming leisurely took out a handkerchief: "Go and fight for it desperately. In the end, you just drank Lao Tzu's footwashing water!"

After the uproar, the auctioneer came to the stage again and announced the start of the auction of the last treasure!
Gradually, the second generation of immortals began to really spend money.

Brother Ming came back to his senses and slapped his thigh: "Oh, time is running out."

He hastened to focus on it and set up the game intensively. As long as he is taken down, he will never have to worry about it from now on!
Brother Ming let out a breath, clenched his fists, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed!

He waved his hand domineeringly and said: "Little ones, get up, let's go out and wait for the rabbit!"

Ordinary viewers don't know so much. Now that the Wanbao Conference is over and the top ten beauties have watched one by one, it is natural to do what they should do!
Some directly prepare to go back to the inn to check out, pack their luggage and prepare to go home.

Some are going to go to the food street to eat; some continue to have fun.

Some failed to auction treasures, and were going to Taobao Street to see if they could get something. They couldn't come to the Wanbao Conference, but they went back empty-handed, right?At least buy some specialty products and take them home!

"Hey, why is the gate so blocked? What's going on? Does anyone dare to go to the Treasure Pavilion to make trouble?" As soon as they went out, the exiting guests were puzzled, and many of them craned their necks to look.

"The gate is blocked, what is this for?"

At this time, the guests who came to the gate were already terrified, and many of them stared at the five powerful monks floating in the sky in a daze!

And in the distant sky, densely packed with three-star warships and four-star warships!
With five Rank [-] masters dispatched at once, and this terrifying net, what is this small world of flowers doing?
Is it to rob the trading market?Or do you want to take away the top ten beauties?
Blocking the way was the little master of the small world of flowers. He was used to being crazy, and it was really possible to do such a shocking thing!
The guests who left the stage couldn't help but tremble with fear. Could it be that who would provoke this little bully here without knowing his life?
Some guys who saw the top ten beauties are thinking at this moment, is this big dude really driven crazy by the temptation of the ten beauties?

Of course, Gao Jiuding was also puzzled at this time, what happened here?Even if it is aimed at him, there is no need to make such a big battle, right?

When Gao Jiuding walked out of the box, Brother Ming, who was squatting outside, immediately received the news that the heaven and earth nets had been set up, and even a fly could not fly out.

At this moment, a rank-five master fell a certain distance, brother Ming stepped on a top-quality flying sword, rose into the sky, and appeared next to the rank-[-] master.

At this time, senior brother Ming yelled in the direction of Gao Jiuding: "The spy of the orc clan, get out!"

Now that the other four have received the benefits, they naturally have to do a good job. They no longer hide their aura, and released a powerful and unparalleled coercion together!

When five rank five masters arrive, no matter who they are targeting, they will definitely die!

Countless customers inside and outside the trading market were completely in chaos!

They have never seen so many masters in their life, even the masters who are also Rank [-], they are also frightened and terrified at this moment.

However, these masters are now targeting orc spies?
"Don't look around, it's you, the spy of the orc race, who pretends to be quite similar. Do you think you can easily escape after looting the human race city?" At this time, Brother Ming pointed in the direction where Gao Jiuding was, and yelled loudly again stand up.

At this time, Gao Jiuding has already confirmed that this time he is really targeting him!

"Still pretending? The people around are hiding, our small world of flowers is going to eliminate the spies of the beast clan!" Brother Ming stared at Gao Jiuding with a look of complacency.

He really didn't expect that Gao Jiuding would come to his door automatically, and he also exchanged the magic pill for so many people's heirlooms in a very high-profile manner.

At this time, many people have recognized Gao Jiuding. Isn't he the one who made a lot of noise and exchanged the magic pill for the heirloom?

Could it be that he really exchanged for some top-quality baby?Brother Ming is going to bring someone over to snatch it at this time?

Then there is no need to dispatch five rank five masters, right?As for the orc spies, few people think it is true.

The sons and brothers of the second generation of immortals hurriedly reported their identities. They naturally knew that they could not be the ones being targeted.

"Brother Ming, please don't flood the Dragon King Temple!"

"Who are you going to deal with? We are here to help!"

"En?" Gao Jiuding frowned: People here really have no bottom line!

This is the second time for Gao Jiuding to see the heir of this small world of flowers. Although he knew that he was arrogant before, Gao Jiuding never expected that he could be so arrogant.

At this time Gao Jiuding had already gone to the top, he followed the team of ghost riders, and when he rescued the twin sisters Hua, he seemed to see a young man watching the fun.

After recognizing this kid, Gao Jiuding's expression turned a little off.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was sure that the wrongness he felt earlier all came from this guy.

However, there was only a Rank [-] cultivator beside that guy. If such a cultivator didn't have too powerful supernatural powers, Gao Jiuding would really not be afraid.

After many promotions, now he is not afraid even of a Dharma monk like the Five-Color Divine Bull.

The monks here, even if they have powerful supernatural powers or domains, are only equivalent to the top monks in the Dharma phase. If such a big monk was before, Gao Jiuding would never be sure to deal with it, but now, he really doesn't care.

That arrogant guy is only surrounded by a Rank [-] cultivator, he's afraid of a ball!

etc!Five five turns?
Soon, Gao Jiuding discovered that four rank five monks suddenly appeared beside that guy.

Doesn't it mean that there are not many such masters here?Seeing the situation around him clearly, Gao Jiuding's expression changed drastically!
At this time, the tour guide beside Gao Jiuding also had a pretty face. She also saw that Gao Jiuding was being targeted. At this time, her face was pale and the corners of her mouth trembled, because she was more aware of the power of the small world of flowers.

"Should I also be implicated? No, I don't want to die yet!" The tour guide turned pale. If caught by that bastard, it would be worse than death!
"He shouldn't have seen me, right? Senior, you must be able to stop him!" The tour guide couldn't cry at this moment.

Gao Jiuding comforted the tour guide with a few words, and said with a cold snort: "I don't even know why he troubles me, but there are five rank five monks, and they want to deal with me?"

"Five rank five monks are not enough to deal with you?" Many people around looked at each other and smiled wryly.

"Brother, you are only rank four right now, what do you think if you want to deal with five ranks five?" Someone who is not afraid of death directly laughed loudly.

Gao Jiuding ignored those people. Anyway, he was standing in the crowd at this time, and he was not afraid of the attacks from those people outside.

Without hesitation, Gao Jiuding said to the guide: "Your mission is terminated here, and you will find a free space to slip away later, and there will be a period later."

The tour guide, who had wanted to sneak away for a long time, nodded quickly: "Senior, take care of yourself, I hope there will be some time in the future."

While talking, the tour guide followed a group of monks and trotted into the crowd, becoming a very inconspicuous one.

If Gao Jiuding had no confidence, how could he be so high-profile here?

The five-star battleship here is the most powerful, at least stronger than the rank-five monks, and this small world of flowers, if it is a small world that has been completely refined, Gao Jiuding really has no way of escaping.

However, he has the Five Elements Realm, the small world is against the small world, and he has also got into the small world of flowers, which has an advantage.

Therefore, although it is possible to be besieged, Gao Jiuding doesn't care much.

As long as he escapes from the bustling small world, he can immediately use the fire spirit battleship to jump away.

Now that there is a retreat, why is Gao Jiuding nervous and afraid?
As the trading market was blocked, the managers of the trading market couldn't sit still anymore. The first one to come out was beyond Gao Jiuding's expectation, and it was the so-called top ten beauties.

It seems that the status of these top ten beauties here is not too low.

The gate of the trading market was already blocked, and the guests who were surrounded here spontaneously separated a road for them to come out!
Even at such a critical juncture, countless male cultivators still looked at these beauties with incomparably fiery eyes. If it weren't for the many bodyguards around them, these people would have jumped on them with enthusiasm.

A group of beauties walked to the gate and stopped at the same time.

The number one beauty obviously knew Senior Brother Ming, she glanced at the battleship and Rank [-] cultivator above the sky, and said, "Brother Ming, is it necessary to create such a big formation?"

The second beauty also said with a smile at this time: "Brother Ming, even we are blocked here, so you are not afraid of attracting the navy's attack?"

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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