The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1392 Strength is not allowed

Chapter 1392 Strength is not allowed

"Navy? Without the support of the Ministry of War, I would be afraid of you little girls who were sent to sea?" Brother Ming continued with a smile: "However, I am not interested in you now, I just want to block that guy, But I don’t mean to block other people, it’s because their legs are weak and they can’t walk fast.”

The first beauty gave a noncommittal oh, and asked: "How did that monk offend you? You are so inspiring."

Brother Ming didn't explain, but yelled at Gao Jiuding again: "Trash, you shy turtle, get out of here!"

Of course Gao Jiuding wanted to go out, but the gate was blocked, and he didn't want to fly out and be besieged, so he was blocked inside.

Hearing Brother Ming's scolding now, can Gao Jiuding bear it?

"Sneaky guy, are you targeting me? Although I don't know why, but in broad daylight, are you barking outside?" Gao Jiuding immediately shot back.

Gao Jiuding's counterattack was like a sudden heavy snowfall in March in Yangchun. Countless people inside and outside the trading market were froze at the same time!
That's okay too?How dare he?Is it really good for a sinner like you to be in someone else's house?
What is the background of this uncle?With five masters in battle, he dared to scold Master Ming?Still scolding so badly?Crazy before dying?Don't implicate us, okay?
Brother Ming's momentum faltered, he...he actually scolded me?

If it weren't for the fact that there are many people standing at the gate, gnashing their teeth, Senior Brother Ming will directly launch a devastating attack on the people below!

The people standing around Gao Jiuding, as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight, immediately huffed and hid away.

Finally able to go out, Gao Jiuding walked towards the gate with high spirits.

The people at the gate spontaneously opened a broad road, which is much wider than the beauties and their party just now!
"Is this the one? Orc spies?" People looked at Gao Jiuding in a daze, this one didn't panic at all, why is he so confident?

There are five top masters outside, not five ordinary masters, but the strongest fighters other than the master of this small world!

Gao Jiuding should be a Rank [-] monk, right?No matter how powerful a Rank [-] body refiner is, against a Rank [-] bodybuilder, you will only be crushed. Where do you have the confidence?

The beauties at the gate all looked at Gao Jiuding suspiciously, this guy is really confident, what's his trump card?

Gao Jiuding ignored the melon-eaters around him, he walked around and walked out of the trading market.

He looked up at Senior Brother Ming, and shook his head tut-tut, that guy has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, he doesn't look like a good bird at first glance!
Brother Ming glanced at Gao Jiuding again and again. He was sure that this guy had a magic weapon with a huge space. Otherwise, how could it be possible to collect a huge spiritual vein?
The sky-reaching python that Gao Jiuding suppressed before has been noticed by this war city, or everyone here.

As the owner of this territory, no one knows the situation there better than Senior Brother Ming. If they hadn't deliberately blocked the news, how could Gao Jiuding get the giant python, spiritual objects and spiritual veins there?
Also, if he hadn't tracked down the pair of sisters, he wouldn't have discovered the strangeness of Gao Jiuding.

However, since he found out, he must gain something.

This time he paid a huge price and recruited five Rank [-] masters just to take him down smoothly.

Being able to suppress the giant python, being able to collect a giant spirit vein silently, and being able to deal with the team of ghost riders attracted by him, no matter how cautious he is, it is not wrong to treat such a master.

This is what Brother Ming thinks, if Gao Jiuding knows his thoughts, he should be ashamed at this time.

He was careful enough, but he still exposed his strength.

Therefore, keeping a low profile is simply not allowed by strength.

Up to now, Gao Jiuding still doesn't know why he was targeted by the small yamen here, because he thought he collected that giant spiritual vein and did it very secretly.

No matter what happens, Gao Jiuding will not be framed. Hearing what Brother Ming said, Gao Jiuding sneered directly: "I am a spy of the beast race? You should have met those masters of the beast race who chased me down? I didn't expect you You actually have contact with the beast race, it seems that you are the traitor, your good days are coming to an end, I will take good care of you."

Brother Ming's complexion changed, and he looked back at the five masters: "Everyone, have you all seen it? If he hadn't been backed by beast race masters, he would have ignored you so much?"

The five masters gave a cold snort at the same time, and directly activated their magical powers to lock Gao Jiuding.

The supernatural powers have not been activated, only the aura or their spiritual consciousness is exposed.

The power of divine consciousness enveloped Gao Jiuding, making Gao Jiuding understand the role of the domain better.

At this time, what these people showed was arrogance, or a coercive offensive!
Not to be outdone, Gao Jiuding immediately took a step forward and slapped the sky, forcing the pressure of the five masters to be offset.

Gao Jiuding is not stupid, although he did not release the Five Elements Realm at this time, the Tianmembrane of the Five Elements Realm has been integrated into his body's protective energy.

With the protection of a celestial treasure, Gao Jiuding really didn't believe what these fake Chunyang could do to him.

Gao Jiuding has confirmed that the rank five monks here are at most half-step pure yang, and they can't reach the level of pure yang monks, even if they use supernatural powers.

These people were actually not as powerful as that five-color bull, Gao Jiuding immediately felt relieved.

With a bang, Gao Jiuding was unscathed, but the Baiyu Square in front of the trading market was completely shattered!
Countless cultivators fell to the ground, and many of them were scared to death, as if the end of the world had arrived!
Although everyone was just making preliminary attempts and didn't show their real strength, after all, Gao Jiuding was overthrown with one against five. However, although he was thrown out, his body was not damaged at all.

Of course, it's because those five didn't show their full strength, otherwise most of the people present would have almost disappeared!

Gao Jiuding snorted coldly: "There are so many people here, it's not good to be accidentally injured. If you want to fight, you can fight in another place."

Brother Ming also had the same fear. Anyway, the sky and earth nets had been set up, and even a fly would not be able to fly out of the small world of flowers. He snorted and signaled.

The five masters retreated a certain distance at the same time, but still maintained the encirclement trend.

The rest of the assisting three-star warships and four-star warships expanded in an orderly manner.

Gao Jiuding didn't want to fight here either. It's nothing to ruin this small world, but it would be a great crime to lose millions of cultivators.

The ordinary monks, who were terrified and trembling, breathed a sigh of relief, as long as these big guys are not crazy.

Gao Jiuding released the Fire Spirit battleship, got in directly, and then flew up leisurely and leisurely!

At this time, the second generation of immortals finally breathed a sigh of relief, and they rushed to support one after another, but the three-star warships and four-star warships from Brother Ming's side covered the entire sky, blocking their way.

The fleet that came to support could only circle around in a hurry, not daring to break in easily.

Fortunately, so much support has come, and together it is an extremely huge force, what Brother Ming wants to do, he has to weigh it first.

With the transfer of Gao Jiuding's position, the encirclement circle of Senior Brother Ming also gradually shifted, and the trading market finally got out of the vortex of war!
Countless cultivators immediately dispersed and flew away like fleeing.

The tour guide hired by Gao Jiuding quietly fled among the crowd. Before leaving, she turned her head to look at Gao Jiuding. In the end, she could only silently send her blessings, hoping that Gao Jiuding could get through this time safely. Rob!
There are also many monks who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and they are waiting to watch the excitement.

The Second Generations of the Immortals entered their own battleship, and they immediately gained confidence: "Come on, let's fly closer to see the excitement. Such a big battle is rare in several years!"

The peripheral fleet roared to protect many princes.

Their bodyguards had already arrived, so it was worth it at this time, and some guys even invited those ten beauties to board their four-star main battleship.

Countless battleships flew out of the small world of flowers very quickly, there was no way to do that, they were all afraid of destroying the small world, especially Senior Brother Ming.

Although he is one of the successors of the small world, after all, he is only the successor, not the master.

Besides, even the master is afraid that his small world will be destroyed from the inside.

Flying out of the small world, Gao Jiuding also heaved a sigh of relief, he was also afraid of being closed and beaten!
Originally, Gao Jiuding thought that they were going to lock him in the small world and use the power of the small world to suppress him. Unexpectedly, Brother Ming was a paper tiger, and he didn't dare or couldn't use the power of the small world.

Right now on a Rank [-] battleship, Senior Brother Ming was panting heavily. He suppressed it for many days and was unwilling to wait any longer. Suffer!"

Gao Jiuding stood in the Huoling battleship, this guy really didn't know what to do, he sneered and said: "Just because of you guys? I wanted to let you go for now, it seems that I won't teach you a lesson today, you I can't be a human anymore!"

Being deliberately targeted, Gao Jiuding jumped up angrily.

Although Gao Jiuding is a good old man with an excessively good temper, it doesn't mean he has no anger. Now that Gao Jiuding is no longer angry, is he still a man?
However, he was not dazzled by the anger, because even if he left the Small World of Blossoms, Gao Jiuding would not have the upper hand.

For example, now, there is already a huge fleet of [-] people around, consisting of a large number of two-star warships, a few three-star warships, and two four-star warships. The logo of Blossoming Small World!

Completely ignoring the encirclement circle of those spectators, the huge fleet rushed directly into it!

(End of this chapter)

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