The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1393 Endless Ocean

Chapter 1393 Endless Ocean
The huge fleet gathered in a small airspace, and the two sides just collided without firing for the time being!
But who knew that the next moment would be an extremely tragic warship battle!
With a period of time as a buffer, Brother Ming quickly formed a powerful fleet!

The situation was urgent, and Gao Jiuding immediately activated the Huoling battleship without caring about so many things.

All of a sudden, the space was torn apart, and the Huoling battleship dexterously got into the space crack and disappeared.

Brother Ming's complexion immediately sank, and all the monks in the surrounding battleships were also dumbfounded.

Gao Jiuding acted so fiercely, but he didn't expect to be anticlimactic in the end!
"Naive, you actually think that you can escape our pursuit by doing this? Follow up!" Brother Ming was only a little dazed before reacting.

"Master, that person has entered the endless sea!" Someone immediately reported.

"What? Are you sure? How dare he?" Brother Ming's face turned red immediately.

Where is the endless sea?There is no end, the infinity is all sea water, or else it is mist, otherwise why is it called the endless sea?

The most important thing is that it is the territory of the Sea Clan, and the navy is not under their management. If they rush into the Endless Sea rashly, they are likely to be tricked.

Brother Ming's complexion has changed a lot. The navy is now under the command of their deadly enemy, and they have set a trap to let the sea clan destroy the admiral, and they will launch it soon. At this time, he will not into the endless sea.

Of course Gao Jiuding didn't know what the Endless Sea was, but he did know that it was not a place of death.

Moreover, the endless sea that Gao Jiuding chose was just the location on the edge of the continent, not the foggy area where the orc battle star broke into in the starry sky.

The starry sky here is really amazing. The ocean on the planet can actually extend into the starry sky.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was driving the Huoling battleship and appeared in the endless ocean at the edge of the continent.

It's not far from the war city and the small world of flowers. After all, the people there sometimes come here to hunt sea monsters.

Gao Jiuding has long wanted to take a look, but compared to the small world of flowers, the ocean is not a good place to go, so this can only be a retreat for Gao Jiuding.

Although he didn't know why he was being targeted, Gao Jiuding had been vigilant ever since he heard that he was a spy of the beast race. He was sure that the hunter of the beast race had arrived.

Although he was not afraid of them, Gao Jiuding didn't want to waste time for no reason.

Struggling to break out of the shattered space storms, Gao Jiuding immediately put away the Huoling battleship, and then he immediately disappeared into a ball of blood.

When Gao Jiuding reappeared, he had already turned into the incarnation of Zijin Dapeng. Of course, he was carrying the beast-guarding ring, so he didn't reveal any trace of evil spirit.

After changing his identity, even his own aura has become completely different. At this moment, he looks like an out-and-out body cultivator.

After entering this starry sky, the Zijin Dapeng gold-type monster, Gao Jiuding has been letting him practice the local secret body training techniques, especially the nine-turn body training art.

At this time, the Zijin Dapeng is also at the peak of the third rank, and it is only one step away from crossing the catastrophe and entering the fourth rank. must be strong.

Looking around, Gao Jiuding chose a good jumping position. He just flew out a few hundred meters, and then came out of the fog and came near a huge port.

There are a lot of people here, as long as Gao Jiuding enters the port, it is impossible to be found out.

Sure enough, as soon as he appeared at the beach, Gao Jiuding saw groups of people coming out of the port with faces full of excitement.

He didn't care at first, it was just a hunting team, but then, the conversation of these people attracted Gao Jiuding's attention, and even surprised him.

"I heard that this time the commander of the navy is going to go hunting at sea."

"Is it possible? Those people in the city are not incompatible"

A group of people are discussing, among them, many people do not believe it.

But more people believed it, because these people learned some inside information, which seemed to be of amazing value.

"Are you sure?" As soon as this question came out, some people were surprised, and then gathered together to see what this person had to say.

This news aroused Gao Jiuding's curiosity, and at the same time Gao Jiuding was also very surprised. Did this person spread the news on purpose?Or do you really know the information?
He listened to the side, and saw the middle-aged man whispering: "There are three armies here, the army, the army, and the air. The three camps were originally a whole, but over the past few years, they have formed three forces, and no one obeys the other's leadership. "

"Sea, land, and air?" Gao Jiuding was stunned. He suddenly felt that this middle-aged man was deliberately spreading this news, and it seemed that there was some meaning in it.

Sure enough, next, the middle-aged man hit the point, which surprised him a little.

"I heard that the army was originally the strongest, but the navy came from behind, because there are too many monsters to tame."

"As for the air force, how many warships do we have now? Therefore, within the city, the army was originally the strongest and had the largest number, but after years of development, the navy was the first to grow, and the navy came from behind. resource.

Then the air force that I will talk about next, you should understand it better. There are more resources in the starry sky. "

"It's okay, right? It's a good thing after all. We humans don't have an advantage here. Also, does the navy really dare to enter the ocean on a large scale?"

"I still don't understand? No matter which faction it is, the most fearful thing is that the internal forces are not much different. As long as there is a big difference in strength, they will naturally be unified!"

"So this naval operation is a precursor to unification?"

"Well, I just received the news that the air force has been integrated, and I heard that it is flying towards this direction!"

"Is this going to attack the navy?"

"Stop talking, hurry up and save yourself trouble!"

"You must not spread this news." The middle-aged man warned, and then retreated quietly, leaving a group of people discussing excitedly.

"You said, is our war city going to be unified?"

"I think it's possible that the Air Force is developing too fast!"

These people were discussing here, and the faces of many people in the crowd changed.

The ones who changed their faces were the spies of the three major forces here, and their faces changed drastically, because the news could be big or small.

Even, this is a kind of rumor spreading. If one is not good, it will cause the instability of the three parties and cause a civil war.

Gao Jiuding also saw something from the changes in the expressions of these people.

Needless to say, there must be a fourth force here. This is to sow discord. Do you want to see the three major forces fight?
He was a little curious, but he didn't think too much. He was more interested in the ocean not far away at this time.

So, he followed some teams who wanted to go to sea and came to an anchorage.

Regarding the words of that person just now, Gao Jiuding only believed one-third of them, but not the rest, so he had to find out.

"Brother, are you also going to sea to hunt sea beasts?" On the way, a young man saw that Gao Jiuding was alone, and asked curiously.

He thought that Gao Jiuding was fine by himself, why didn't he even have a weapon, but only wore an animal skin suit?
Gao Jiuding was a little funny, this suit was made by himself, the armor, animal skins, and robes here are different from the earth civilization, so Gao Jiuding didn't wear anything at all.

As for the animal skin on his body, he got it from hunting by himself. Now that he has processed it a little, he is wearing an animal skin coat.

However, don't look at the animal fur coat that looks a bit frustrating, but its defensive power is very strong.

Gao Jiuding looked at the young man who was coming, and said with a smile: "Yes, I want to see it. I have never seen the sea, and I have only heard of warships, so I have to go out and see."

"You're right, I haven't seen those warships before, but the navy's ships are still very good, and they are very exciting to look at. If we humans don't have these powerful magic weapons, how can we survive here? "The young man said excitedly.

Gao Jiuding pretended to be surprised and said, "So powerful? How did you know?"

"Everyone here knows that we have a boat and are about to go to sea." The young man said confidently.

At this time, some people were talking about what they knew, one sentence at a time, which surprised Gao Jiuding.

"Brother, look, there is the dock!"

The crowd was very fast, some were riding ferocious beasts, some were jumping fast, and soon they came to a huge dock. If someone hadn't specifically explained, Gao Jiuding would have thought that this was also a war city, or It is also right to say that it is another small town.

The entire dock is surrounded by a huge and towering iron wall, which is to prevent the attack of sea monsters.

To be honest, Gao Jiuding was a little shocked, he didn't pay much attention to the huge city wall in front of him, he felt a huge breath rushing towards his face, it was the breath of the sea.

Rumble!Waves of waves are coming from a distance, and the earth is trembling. It is the sound of waves hitting the shore.

The waves in this sea are so powerful that people are shocked!

"The waves here are a bit different from the sea under the mist in the sea!" Gao Jiuding entered this small town, and immediately found that it was extremely lively, not even much worse than the previous battle city.

There are countless human beings here, and he even saw many huge sea ships in the distance.

The ships here are gigantic, most definitely built of massive timber, these are a huge sailing ship.

When I got closer, I found that the lowest of these big ships was 15 meters high, and the tallest one was 30 meters high in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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