The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1394 Black Iron Sailboat

Chapter 1394 Black Iron Sailboat (200 Monthly Pass Plus Update)

The sailboats in the harbor are cast from towering ancient woods, which can withstand the beating of waves.

Of course, if you encounter some overlords in the sea, you may be in bad luck. Compared with the attack power of those fierce beasts, these wooden boats may not be strong enough.

"Look, it's a black iron warship!" At this moment, the young man next to him exclaimed, and he pointed to the outlet ahead.

Gao Jiuding looked over and saw a large group of huge fleets docking. This is a huge fleet with more than ten huge ships. The whole body is black and made of black iron.

This is a big ship made by the monks of the human race here, and there are many large civilian ships, such as some passenger ships, cargo ships, etc. They all have one thing in common, that is, they are very defensive.

Only with such a design can it return smoothly when facing the dangerous sea.

However, Gao Jiuding could see that although these black iron battleships had strong defense, they could not fly into the sky. This was a pure naval fleet.

"This is the endless sea!" After the fleet left, Gao Jiuding stood at a pier, looking at the sea in the distance. The wind and waves here were calm, but he felt that if he went outside, it would definitely be a stormy sea. This place is definitely a natural and excellent place. port.

The human race here, its potential background, is still extremely huge.

Here, it can be said that the technology is not bad to be able to cast those huge black iron giant ships.

"Brother, do you want to go hunting together?" Suddenly, a hearty word came from a distance, which caught Gao Jiuding's attention.

When the loud words came, they sounded hearty. Gao Jiuding turned around to look, only to find that a burly young man was walking over.

The young man was bare-chested, and his bronze-colored body looked very powerful.

He is tall, Gao Jiuding estimated that he is two meters tall, with a simple and honest face, but his eyes are shining brightly, his breath is strong, and he holds a giant spear showing his sharpness.

As soon as he came to Gao Jiuding, he said with a silly smile: "Brother, are you looking for a boat to go to sea? We are short of manpower. If you want to go fishing and hunting at sea, you can come together, as long as you can throw a spear."

"Oh?" Gao Jiuding changed his expression and asked, "Fishing and hunting in the sea is very dangerous. I have never been there before."

After occupying the Golden Wolf Palace, there were also such people in that great river. They all relied on mountains to eat mountains, and water to eat water.

This is the endless sea, how many monks can the resources in it support?

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding's heart was moved, he really wanted to enter the Endless Sea to have a look.

"It doesn't matter if you don't, anyone is born with it. Anyway, as long as you have the strength, you can throw a spear. After you come back, there will be a lot of fish and meat to distribute. What do you think?" The burly young man enthusiastically commentary.

It was only then that Gao Jiuding realized that these people were grouped together and temporarily joined together to go hunting in the sea.

And this young man feels very familiar to him, he seems to have seen it once in the previous war city, and he still has some impressions.

Gao Jiuding pondered for a while, and finally agreed. He really wanted to go to the sea to see if he could survive in the ocean. It would be better if someone invited him now.

"My name is Chen Mingfei, brother, what's your name?" Chen Mingfei asked curiously.

He looks very simple and honest, but his mind is very delicate. Although Gao Jiuding's breath is restrained very well, he always feels a little extraordinary. He stood for a while, looking at Gao Jiuding alone, and then came to invite him.

In fact, there is really a shortage of people there, so I just invite him to give it a try.

Gao Jiuding smiled and said: "My name is Gao Jiu, brother Ming Fei, I seem to see you riding a sub-dragon, why are you going out to sea now?"

Indeed, Gao Jiuding remembered that this young man was the one who saw riding the Yalong beast at that time.

Now think about it, isn't there a sub-dragon beast mount?Why doesn't he go hunting in the deep mountains and jungles?Wouldn't it be better to hunt directly in the forest on land?

"Tell me about my sub-dragon beast!" Chen Mingfei smiled honestly, and said as he walked: "Many people can go hunting on land, and the number of fairy beasts in the mountains and clouds has gradually decreased. There are more fairy beasts. We dare not go anywhere, the only prey that has the most prey and the weakest is the sea, and if you are lucky, you can harvest a few days above the land once you go to sea, so many people are willing to go to sea." Chen Mingfei explained with a smile.

Indeed, there are countless fish and various strange creatures in the sea. As long as you have the ability, you can hunt and kill them, and the sea will reward you generously.

The endless sea is extremely huge, and because of the dense fog, humans dare not go deep into it in many places, which gives many creatures a chance to survive and reproduce.

The number of reproduction is huge, and it will naturally spread. Therefore, even in a safe sea area, there are a large number of various marine life hidden in it. It can be said that no matter where, there are countless sea giants living. Although it is very dangerous, but With the protection of warships, you can still guarantee your own safety.

The sea is always mysterious and vast, but the endless sea has been here for tens of thousands of years, and it has never been completely conquered.

"Brother Gao Jiu, look, there is the big boat I bought over there." At this moment, Chen Mingfei suddenly pointed to the front and said proudly.

What he was referring to was a big ship moored in the port. The whole body of this big ship was black and shone with metallic light. It was actually a warship made of black iron.

Gao Jiuding looked surprised. He looked at the huge warship, which was 30 meters long, [-] meters wide, and [-] meters high. It was definitely a huge ocean ship.

If it has the function of runes, and can even engrave formation patterns, it will definitely play an unparalleled role. Unfortunately, no such formation patterns and runes exist on this ship.

He didn't expect that Chen Mingfei, who looked unremarkable, would actually have the strength to buy such a metal warship. It's a pity that there were no runes on this ship, otherwise it would be a more powerful flying warship.

"Captain Chen, hurry up, we'll be waiting for you!" On the black iron warship ahead, several burly men greeted, looking anxious.

These people were all waiting for Chen Mingfei, but when they arrived, they found that Chen Mingfei had brought Gao Jiuding onto the warship.

"Hahaha! Come on, let me introduce you, this is brother Gao Jiu, everyone will be our own from now on." Chen Mingfei introduced with a hearty smile.

Gao Jiuding looked at the crowd and found that among the more than 150 people present, more than half of them looked friendly, but a small number of them ignored him, and some even had disdain and displeasure on their faces.

He didn't care, but asked curiously: "Captain Chen, did you buy this boat?"

Chen Mingfei glared at those people, then smiled and said, "Of course, I bought this ship with a lot of blood crystals, and it's an outdated warship bought from the navy. Many people don't have black iron ships."

"Navy? Blood crystal? Elimination?" Gao Jiuding's expression remained unchanged, but he was secretly surprised.

The navy in that city seems to be very powerful, otherwise, they would not have the ability to forge these black iron warships. Maybe it is because there are no runes and formations that they will be eliminated?

Can the naval warships in that city now gallop in the sea more easily?
Also, this is the first time he has heard of blood crystals. Could it be that blood crystals are produced in the sea?
After living in the city for such a period of time, Gao Jiuding has never seen or even heard anyone mention blood crystals, so there is only one possibility, blood crystals are more precious than he imagined, so blood crystals are not Not a currency in circulation.

Gao Jiuding had some thoughts in his mind, but he didn't think much about it, it was just a thought.

Afterwards, he followed Chen Mingfei to the deck, and the latter shouted orders, and the warship set out to sea.

This is a sailing boat. Most of the boats that Gao Jiuding saw around were sailing boats. They had no other power and were all driven by natural wind or formations.

It can be said that the use of runes and formations by the comprehension civilization has reached an extreme.

Even if he didn't take a closer look, Gao Jiuding could tell that there were some rune formations arranged in many places on the sailboat, such as the wind-defying formation above the sails.

This is a low-level warship, so there are few runes. It sails on the sea, and its defense depends entirely on the materials of the warship itself, so it will be eliminated.

"Chen Mingfei, I wish you to meet the mosasaurus when you go out to sea today!" At this moment, a loud shout came from a distance, attracting the attention of everyone on board.

Gao Jiuding looked over, and there happened to be a large ship on the left. It was also a black iron warship, the same size, and it might also be an out-of-stock product.

On the other hand, Chen Mingfei laughed and said: "The warship over there was bought by a guy named Fenglong, and his strength is average. He just cares about face. He will show off his superiority to others from time to time, because I also bought it. A black iron boat, he always felt that I was against him, what a stingy guy."

"Heh!" Gao Jiuding chuckled, and said, "Captain Chen, you brothers are not bad, everyone is strong, and at least has the strength of the third rank, which is rare."

Chen Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and then became serious. He looked at Gao Jiuding unceasingly.

The more Chen Mingfei looked at it, the more surprised he became. Now he was finally sure that Gao Jiuding was a master, otherwise why didn't he even have a trace of breath?

Of course, the main reason is that ordinary people dare not go to sea with them, so it would be strange if Gao Jiuding was really an ordinary person.

"You said that my subordinates are actually not powerful, but Brother Gao Jiu, why can't I feel your aura? Could it be that it is hidden?" Chen Mingfei was a little curious.

He looked at Gao Jiuding, but unfortunately Gao Jiuding didn't speak, but said with a smile: "Captain Chen, that guy seems to be driving over, does he want to fight with you?"

"Don't pay attention to him, that guy is a cheapskate!" Chen Mingfei glanced at the fast-approaching warship, and continued: "If you want to fight here, unless you want to be wiped out by the navy, this is a port, isn't he There might be trouble here."

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoned you thousands of times, and the book friend 20191119072717223 brothers for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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