The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1395 Treasure Hunting in the Sea

Chapter 1395 Treasure Hunting in the Sea
Gao Jiuding nodded, this is the truth, the opening of the port is to allow more people to come in.

In this way, not only can the shortage of food in the city be alleviated, but also a large number of seafaring talents can be honed and recruited in the future to enhance the combat power of the navy. This is the reason why the navy opened its ports.

Even, the navy sold some small black iron ships, which also have the intention of incorporating them in the future.

This made Gao Jiuding very curious about the admiral here, what kind of person is he, such a great talent?
"Chen Mingfei, this time I'm going to hunt megalodon sharks, do you have the guts to compete?" A big ship approached in front, and there was such a shout.

It was a young man, Gao Jiuding had seen it once before, he was also a young man with a good mount, and he was also the guy named Feng Long introduced by Chen Mingfei just now.

He has achieved such achievements at a young age, not to mention his own strength, and he also has a black iron sailboat. It seems that no matter whether he is stingy or not, he has good abilities.

Gao Jiuding looked at the young man amusedly, he looked at Chen Mingfei so provocatively, is it really good?

And the latter was really speechless. He went out to sea to take risks for resources, but this guy just wanted to show off, so he ignored him.

"Full speed ahead, countless wealth in the sea is waiting for us!"

boom!Following Chen Mingfei's order, the huge sail was raised, and the entire black iron ship was accelerating, and it galloped towards the outside of the port.

Although the weather here is calm, there is still a swirling sea breeze, which just forms a driving force, so that the ships here can sail quickly with sails.

Although the black iron warship is heavy, it has huge sails, and it is accelerating continuously under the howling sea wind.

Human wisdom can never be underestimated. After all, humans here have also entered the starry sky. Now, only such a black iron ship can still be cast, otherwise how can humans survive?

"Chen Mingfei, what's the matter? Don't you dare to compare with me?" The black iron warship next to him yelled again, and this made Chen Mingfei's nose crooked with anger.

He looked at Gao Jiuding with a wry smile, and said: "Brother Gao Jiu, look at that guy, he is like this, but his heart is not bad, he just likes to show off, I have never bothered with him."

Gao Jiuding naturally noticed that Fenglong liked face very much, so he smiled and said, "Just tell him, today we are going to hunt the mosasaur in the deep sea, and see if he dares to follow?"

Uh!Chen Mingfei was almost choked, this was said too lightly, as if the deep sea mosasaur was so easy to kill?
However, he rolled his eyes, turned around and shouted: "Fenglong, I don't have time to accompany you to kill small sharks, I'm going to hunt deep sea mosasaurs, follow if you have the ability!"

"Go forward, we are going to hunt the Mosasaurus!" Chen Mingfei roared with a flushed face, his whole body began to roar, and he was pumping out all his energy and blood, urging the black iron boat to move forward at a faster speed.

At this moment, many sailors worked together to make the black iron ship faster.

Of course, no one took the hunting of the deep-sea mosasaurs seriously, they all thought it was a joke.

However, Fenglong was a little dumbfounded after hearing this. He said to hunt megalodon sharks, but Tie Feidao could talk about hunting deep-sea mosasaurs?

This guy is just irritating himself. He has a good face, but he is definitely not stupid, so he looks at this side with contempt.

"Chen Mingfei, I just discovered that you are very good at bragging. If you really hunted down a deep sea mosasaur over 30 meters today, I, Fenglong, will be your subordinate." He yelled mockingly.

Huge mosasaurs, not only over 30 meters, but also 20 meters and ten meters, are extremely terrifying.

The mosasaurs under ten meters are still young and underage, but they definitely have the strength of more than three ranks, not to mention the larger mosasaurs.

Moreover, in the water, coupled with its huge size, it is not so easy to deal with a juvenile mosasaur under ten meters.

"Mosang Dragon!" Gao Jiuding looked at the vast sea in the distance, where the waves are rough and there are countless crises hidden. Of course, if there is a crisis, there must be an opportunity.

The calm inside the port, but the rough waves outside the port, are simply two extremes.

Looking around, the blue sea stretches to the sky in front of you, and the blue sea water makes waves, and there are turbulent waves rushing up to a height of more than ten meters. This is the sea.

As soon as the black iron sailboat left the port, it galloped away like a sharp arrow. It braved the wind and waves and sailed into the boundless sea.

Standing on the deck, looking into the distance, Gao Jiuding saw a wave rushing towards the ship, hitting the hull with a bang. Gao Jiuding really doubted whether this wooden boat could withstand such wind and waves for a long time?
"Brothers, get ready. Our hunting may start at any time. As agreed, whoever performs well will be allocated more prey." At this moment, Chen Mingfei waved a giant spear and shouted, and more than 100 people on board immediately prepared .

Some sailors manned the sails, some steered the ships, and most of them were hunters.

Gao Jiuding also saw that one giant crossbow after another was being erected on the warship. The slender crossbow arrows even surpassed ordinary spears, shining with cold edges.

Seeing the giant crossbow, Gao Jiuding was in a daze for a moment. He seemed to have returned to the moment when he just entered the demon star. At that time, he could rely on the crossbowmen to support the scene.

It's just that, compared to his eight-ox crossbow, the shark hunting crossbow here seems to be simpler, but more powerful, because the material for making the crossbow seems to be better.

"Throw the bait down and get ready!" Chen Mingfei ordered, and then someone resisted the huge corpse of a low-level beast, and threw it into the sea dripping with blood.

This is to use the corpses of these fierce beasts to lure the creatures in the sea. As long as they surface, they are easy to catch and kill.

As for why you don't go into the sea, the sea is too dangerous. If human beings are not really strong, they don't want to go into the sea at all.

As several huge beast corpses were thrown into the sea, Gao Jiuding discovered that these baits were not thrown randomly, but were all connected to a thick iron chain and were dragged along with the warship.

"I guess there will be a good harvest this time!" Chen Mingfei came to the side and said with a silly smile. He was full of expectations for this hunt.

This starry sky is too big, and there are more races. It can be said that every race is struggling to survive every day.

Here, humans have to find ways to survive.

And Gao Jiuding has a deep understanding of this point. Even he has had a very difficult life along the way. It is really not easy for these ordinary humans to survive tenaciously.

"Attention, there is movement in the sea!" Suddenly there was a loud shout, and everyone immediately raised their vigilance. They raised their iron guns and other weapons, ready to shoot and kill those sea creatures.

This is hunting. It is impossible to go into the sea to hunt and kill. You can only hunt by throwing guns.

At least, there are not many people who dare to enter the sea to hunt those deep-sea monsters.

"There are fish coming!" Chen Mingfei stared at a place under the boat, where a huge beast was being dragged. The smell of blood attracted some fish.

Gao Jiuding stared at the water, he could see things 20 meters down.

There, a group of huge fish was approaching, but they didn't dare to get too close because of the black iron boat.

Unfortunately, in the end, there were still a lot of fish that couldn't bear it and swam up, quickly biting towards the bait.

Looking carefully, it was a big fish with a body size of five meters and a mouth full of fangs. Just by looking at it, one could tell that it was quite powerful.

Judging from the aura emanating from its body, it has at least three ranks of strength, and it is likely to be a huge fish demon!

When Gao Jiuding saw those big fish, he didn't feel like they were acting casually.

"Good guy, it's a group of swordfish, get ready, it's going to be a bumper harvest today!" Chen Mingfei was excited.

After seeing these fish clearly, Chen Mingfei immediately picked up an iron spear on the side.

There is an iron chain behind the spear body, and the spear tip has a sharp hook, which is a tool for catching and killing fish.

Gao Jiuding raised an iron spear beside him and stared at the sea.

More and more huge figures appeared, one after another huge swordfish rushed up quickly, they all wanted to snatch the corpses of these ferocious beasts.

"Throw!" When more and more fish gathered, Chen Mingfei roared, and took the lead in throwing the iron spear down the boat.

With a bang, the sea was lifted more than ten meters high.

Then blood was sprayed, dyeing the sea red!

Afterwards, Gao Jiuding discovered that a group of spear throwers were also in action. They all aimed at their targets and shot, and the sea water was quickly dyed red by streams of bright red blood.

"Hahaha! Come on, pull it up!" Chen Mingfei became excited, he was holding on to an iron rope, and was struggling to pull it up.

The iron chain suddenly tightened, and there was a terrible rattling sound, as if it was about to break.

Gao Jiuding was a little surprised to see the huge swordfish being pulled up one after another. He was really a little surprised. Human beings simply hunted down so many giant ocean fish?

Although the number of this kind of hunting will not be large, the harvest must not be said to be small, because these swordfish are really too big.

The small ones are five meters long, and some are even more than eight meters long.

If you go into the water, just look at the speed of these swordfish, you will know that it is difficult to catch them, but now, just lure them to float up, and then shoot and hunt them.

At this time, Chen Mingfei's iron cable hadn't been pulled up, as if it was under a huge pulling force.

He was full of blood, waiting for traces of fighting spirit to intertwine, and finally the swordfish was pulled up by him.

boom!The sea water was turbulent for a while, and after the water splashed into the sky, a giant fish with a length of ten meters was revealed!
A ten meter swordfish is rare as it is too fast to catch.

Now, Chen Mingfei actually hunted and killed such an animal, which made the people on the boat admire it for a while.

Everyone worked together and quickly pulled the huge guy onto the boat, and then someone stepped forward and quickly killed the struggling giant fish.

The whole process is fast and smooth, and it can be seen that they cooperate with each other like this for sure not once or twice.

(End of this chapter)

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