The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1396 Silver Armored Shark

Chapter 1396 Silver Armored Shark
"Not bad, not bad, so much harvest just after coming out?" Chen Mingfei was excited, these swordfish are good things!
In that instant, they had killed eleven huge swordfish in all, and the one he had killed was the largest.

"Captain, those big fish are leaving." Someone exclaimed.

This situation is normal, and a large school of swordfish will be killed, which will naturally startle the rest of the fish.

The blood flooded the water, possibly attracting more fish, but those schools of swordfish ran away.

Chen Mingfei was aware of this situation, so he didn't care, but put away these behemoths with a wave of his hand.

"Brother Gao, why didn't you shoot? If you shoot, you will definitely gain something." Chen Mingfei was a little surprised, why didn't Gao Jiuding shoot?

After Gao Jiuding heard this, he just smiled and didn't say much, and Chen Mingfei didn't ask any more questions.

But some crew members looked disdainful, looking at Gao Jiuding, they seemed to guess that the other party didn't have much strength, otherwise they would have made a move long ago.

Gao Jiuding stood beside the hull, staring at the dark red water, the blood essence would dissipate soon.

On the opposite side, a large ship came rampantly, and it was the warship of Fenglong that caught up.

At this moment, that guy seemed a little surprised, and he was even more jealous of Chen Mingfei's good luck. He had just gone to sea, and he had such a big harvest.

This made Fenglong angry, and he roared at his team members, telling them to speed up and move towards the depths of the sea.

"This guy was stimulated by you!" Gao Jiuding said amusedly.

Chen Mingfei just took a glance and stopped paying attention. Instead, he checked the corpses of the beasts under the boat. He found that some of them were bitten to pieces, but they could still be used as bait.

Gao Jiuding also observed under the sea water, and found that if he tried his best to look, he could see a depth of four to fifty meters, and if it was deeper, it would be a little blurry.

This discovery made him a little helpless. The aura contained in the sea water here was too strong, blocking his sight.

Under such circumstances, it is not bad to be able to go deep into the sea and see through a distance of 50 meters.

Although Gao Jiuding was not very satisfied, there was not much he could do. The most he could do was to strengthen his abilities.

Originally, he wanted to output some mana, but he instinctively aroused a bit of fighting spirit, which merged into his pair of eyes.

The moment the fighting spirit entered the eyes, there was a trace of silver light shining, Gao Jiuding seemed to be a different person, his eyes became silvery white, making people feel that he had no emotion, as if he was an emotionless machine.

However, at this time Gao Jiuding saw the situation under the sea.

The incomparably clear picture, as if nothing could stop it, immediately caught Gao Jiuding's eyes.

As soon as this situation appeared, he was stunned. Gao Jiuding originally just wanted to try it, but he never expected the effect to be so good.

It was also at this time that Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that the battle qi was bred from the flesh and blood, and obviously the battle qi could in turn nourish the body, so his eyes became stronger.

To strengthen his eyes, of course he has to use fighting energy instead of mana!
"Could it be that it's easier to activate the supernatural powers of the body just because of the fighting spirit produced by the body?" Gao Jiuding thought silently in his heart, there may be more complicated factors in it.

This is not the time to study supernatural powers, Gao Jiuding focused his mind and continued to observe everything in the sea water.

Obviously, the swordfish group just now formed an orderly group, but their strength was too scumbag, and they were hunted and killed by a series of iron spears so easily, which made Gao Jiuding very puzzled.

Gao Jiuding doesn't think that there are only weak chickens in this endless ocean, and the group of swordfish monsters are weak, which only shows that this is not a dangerous sea area.

"Hiss!" Chen Mingfei who was next to him was suddenly taken aback, he felt a ray of breath emanating from Gao Jiuding's body.

Even, when Gao Jiuding accidentally glanced at it from the corner of his eye, he immediately felt a crisis of death.

"Brother Gao Gao, you... you are?" Chen Mingfei was a little scared.

Gao Jiuding came to his senses in an instant. He withdrew the wisp of fighting spirit, his eyes returned to normal, and then he turned to look at Chen Mingfei, who had a suspicious face on his face.

"I'm fine, but 300 meters below the boat, there is a huge sea beast. It seems to be a sub-dragon beast. It has a mouth that looks like a crocodile. It should be a crocodile dragon." Gao Jiuding said flatly.

But to Chen Mingfei's ears, it was as shocking as thunder in his ears.

He couldn't believe that Gao Jiuding could see the situation below 300 meters. Does this mean that this guy is much better than himself?
Chen Mingfei's face returned to normal. He looked at Gao Jiuding seriously, and suddenly smiled heartily and said, "Brother Gao, even if we find it at a depth of 300 meters, we can't hunt it down, because our strength is not enough, and even if we have enough, we can't kill it. deviation."

Indeed, there must be a slight deviation in projecting the iron spear from here, and this alone is fatal.

Gao Jiuding nodded and said nothing.

What other abilities does his fighting spirit possess?These are things he doesn't know, and he wants to understand clearly.

Even Gao Jiuding thought about whether to enter the deep sea and sharpen himself with these giant deep sea beasts.

This is a kind of practice and a kind of exploration. There are many spiritual things on land, so there is no reason why there are no spirits in the ocean.

Gao Jiuding thought of this, and suddenly asked: "Captain Chen, can you enter the deep sea? What I mean is, with your physique, will you be unable to withstand diving into the deep sea?"

"Dive into the deep sea?" Chen Mingfei straightened his face, stared at Gao Jiuding and said, "I entered the water once, and found that I couldn't breathe in the water at all, so I could only stay in the water for a long time by forcing the sea with fighting spirit.

You also know that the deeper the sea, the greater the pressure, and the fighting spirit will be consumed quickly. I have only entered the 100-meter seabed area, and I almost can't return like this, so diving into the deep sea is very dangerous. "Chen Mingfei warned Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding was thoughtful after hearing this, he nodded and said: "Do you think, under such strong oppression, can you practice faster and improve your fighting spirit?"

"You are not the only one who thought of this method. Many people have this idea, but they soon discovered that it is a kind of suicide. It is not only the pressure of sea water, but the most terrifying thing is the sea monster. In the water we The attack power is offset a lot."

Chen Mingfei shook his head, feeling that Gao Jiuding was also a little whimsical.

This method is not feasible. If you want to improve your strength quickly, you still have to practice step by step and carefully.

Many of those talented, thoughtful, lucky guys who wanted to challenge themselves died halfway.

For example, he went to the bottom of the sea and wanted to try to cultivate, but in the end he almost couldn't come back, because those sea monsters were too scary.

Thinking of this, Chen Mingfei said again: "Brother Gao, you'd better get rid of this idea, many pretentious people died in the sea."

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Captain Chen, look over there, Fenglong and the others seem to have met a big guy!"

Many people on the bow exclaimed, and then, Chen Mingfei and Gao Jiuding hurried away.

From here, one nautical mile ahead, there is a huge warship, that is Fenglong's ship, and they have already parked at this moment.

Gao Jiuding was surprised to find that there were black shadows wandering around the warship. They were killers in the sea. They were hunting Fenglong and others, and they were just looking for opportunities at this time.

"My God, it turned out to be a group of demon sharks?"

"It's a group of demon sharks!"

A group of people above the bow were full of surprises, and they stared at the distant sea.

There are huge black shadows wandering there, and the huge dorsal fin breaks through the sea water, swimming back and forth quickly.

This is a school of sharks, huge and very patient.

Judging from the vaguely seen shadows, there are quite a few of them. It seems that Fenglong didn't want to park there himself, and he was probably forced to stop by this group of big guys.

Since the group of sea sharks didn't hide their bodies, anyone with good eyesight could see that in the sea water there, one after another huge sharks were snatching some bait.

"This is a silver armored shark!" Chen Mingfei looked serious, and immediately ordered: "Drive it for me, we can grab a few of them. This is a good thing, the price is very high, and you can exchange for more blood crystals."

"Captain, if you are so kind, the wind dragon will not appreciate it!"

"Stop talking nonsense, if we encounter such a situation, Fenglong will also take action!"

Gao Jiuding's eyesight is naturally the best. His eyes are shining with silver light, which allows him to clearly see that there are really a large group of sharks in the distant sea. These sharks are huge in size, and the smallest one is eight or nine meters long.

And he also saw one of the silver sharks, with a body more than ten meters long, with countless patterns on its surface, which looked like runes, because there was a strong spiritual light shining on it.

From the ferocious sharp teeth that were exposed, one could tell how powerful they were, and through the aura on his body, Gao Jiuding knew that these big guys seemed to be covered with a layer of silver-white armor, and they were very difficult to deal with.

"Cast, quick, quick!"

"Aim for me!" On the battleship, Fenglong nervously ordered.

Even he picked up the iron spear and threw it down one by one quickly!
The dense iron spears set off a big wave, blood soon stained the sea red, and one after another silver-white giant sharks were pierced through their bodies, but none of them stopped.

What is shocking is that none of these sharks died, and they were seriously injured at most. After being injured, these giant sharks would wander and struggle more frantically. There were more struggling sharks. They even pulled the warship and started slowly. move!
More and more sharks were pierced, which made them even crazier. A group of sharks pulled the sailboat, making the situation of Fenglong and others even worse.

At this time, Fenglong and the others should have nothing to worry about, they have to attack, if they don't attack, they will soon become the food of this group of sharks, but if they attack, it will endanger their sailboat.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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