Chapter 1397
The attack in panic made the chained iron spear that was originally a hunter's helper, but now it became a chronic poison. If this continues, the sailboat of Fenglong and others will definitely capsize.

It was at this time that Fenglong finally discovered Chen Mingfei and the others.

Fenglong stared at this side, and shouted: "Chen Mingfei, you bastard, you really came in time."

"Your mouth is really unforgiving, brothers, the prey is right in front of you, prepare the crossbow, aim it for me!" Chen Mingfei came and ignored the shouting Fenglong, but immediately ordered the crossbow to prepare.

Ten giant crossbows had been prepared long ago, and they quickly aimed at the huge black shadows above the sea, all of which were giant silver-armored sharks.

Gao Jiuding stared at the black shadow wandering in the sea, especially the biggest silver-white giant shark. The 15-meter-long huge body of that shark was comparable to that of a whale.

collapse!Bumble!There was a whistling sound after another, and the giant crossbow roared and launched!
Huge sharp arrows whizzed down one after another, piercing through the huge black shadow in the seawater, and the bright red liquid emitted, immediately dyeing the seawater red.

At this moment, one shark after another was pierced through the body, and the sea water was blood red.

Under the attack, the giant shark struggled frantically, and immediately set off huge waves. The surging waves kept hitting the sailboat, and suddenly, the sea was already in chaos.

"Damn it, the iron cables are entangled!" At this moment, Chen Mingfei was shocked. He found that the iron cables under the boat were entangled by struggling sharks, and even entangled at the bottom of the boat, making it impossible to pull them up.

At this time, everyone was stunned to realize that too much projection is not a good thing.

Those sharks were pierced through their bodies, but they couldn't escape, and they were entangled with each other in the process of frantically struggling to escape.

boom!The huge hull shook, and dozens of huge sharks struggled together, pulling the hull forward quickly.

Even Fenglong's face changed at this time, and his problem became more serious.

Fenglong roared loudly: "Damn Chen Mingfei, what are you eating? You are so close, the iron cables of our two ships are entangled, I see how you solve it, you bastard."

Chen Mingfei's face was a little reddish, and the situation was a bit complicated now. Those sharks were still alive and struggling crazily. The two warships were getting closer and closer, and they might even be entangled.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding was speechless for a while, and he secretly thought that these people still lack experience, otherwise such problems would not have arisen.

If you have rich experience, you will avoid such a thing from happening, and you will not just want to shoot more sharks, but not whether the chains of the two ships will become entangled in the future.

"Let go of the chains!" After pondering for a while, Chen Mingfei immediately ordered to give up part of the chains.

As soon as he finished speaking, some crew members acted immediately, abandoning more than a dozen iron cables fixed on the ship, allowing these iron cables to be dragged away by the shark.

As soon as there was a movement here, Fenglong on the opposite side immediately imitated it, and he ordered almost at the same time to abandon the entangled iron chains.

Sure enough, the situation immediately improved. Some sharks below swam away with the chains, but unfortunately they were injured and could not survive.

Whoosh!Suddenly, Gao Jiuding, who had not moved all this time, moved, and suddenly threw the iron spear in his hand!
The jet-black iron spear whistled, and rushed into the sea water with a pounce, without a single wave, only the long iron chain could be seen, flying fast.

A clattering sound caught the attention of Chen Mingfei and the others, and they realized that Gao Jiuding had thrown his iron spear.

But at this moment, the long iron cable was still extending rapidly, and even the entire 300-meter-long iron cable was pulled down.

"This..." Chen Mingfei was stunned. He didn't know how hard Gao Jiuding made this throw, but he could tell from the situation that this attack was very powerful.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was holding onto the iron chain, motionless, as if he hadn't stabbed his prey yet.

The expression of Fenglong on the opposite side became a little weird. He looked at Gao Jiuding and thought in his heart that this guy couldn't be messing around, right?

He didn't believe that Gao Jiuding could be thrown into the sea at a depth of 300 meters, where nothing could be seen at all.

Moreover, in the previous burst of projection, many sharks were pierced through their bodies, which scared the sharks away long ago.

The attack was launched at this time. There must be no sharks here. The only possibility is those sharks that are about to die.

"Brother Gao, you should have launched an attack earlier!" Chen Mingfei smiled wryly, but he immediately ordered: "What are you doing in a daze, pull them up quickly, those sharks are our prey, what a great harvest!"

"Hurry up, move quickly, otherwise you will attract even bigger beasts, and you will be in trouble!" Fenglong also ordered.

The team members on both sides pulled up some iron cables with all their strength, and they rolled under the water for a while. Some sharks were not dead and were struggling crazily. Unfortunately, they could no longer escape.

At this moment, the people on the two large ships were all excited, and huge sharks were pulled up one after another.

All the sharks that survived were to be killed and put away by their respective leaders. Chen Mingfei and Fenglong each smiled with satisfaction.

The two of them gained a lot this time. Chen Mingfei hunted a total of eleven huge sharks here, each of which was nine meters long, which is definitely a big gain.

On the other side, Fenglong gained more, after all, he was besieged by giant sharks earlier.

There is no danger, Fenglong is looking at this side proudly at this time, as if showing off, he harvested [-] sharks, it is definitely a big harvest.

"Chen Mingfei, why hasn't your brother stayed still? Hurry up and tell him to come up, let us see what he hunted, it must be a golden armored dragon, right?" Fenglong said with some amusement.

Everyone looked over one after another, only to find that Gao Jiuding still hadn't moved. He was holding onto the thick iron chain and staring at the sea water, as if he was looking at something.

"Brother Gao, it's okay, just be more careful next time, that's how it was when you first went out to sea to hunt." Chen Mingfei walked over and comforted him softly.

He thought that Gao Jiuding would be in a daze if he hadn't killed his prey, but that was not the case at all. Gao Jiuding was in a daze because he caught a huge monster.

He originally wanted to kill the biggest shark, but when he finally attacked, there was a deviation, and he stabbed the other one.

But it wasn't a shark, but another even bigger beast. It was because of this that Gao Jiuding was in a daze.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding said: "Everyone, get ready, the warship is about to start!"

Gao Jiuding's inexplicable words stunned many people.

However, before everyone woke up, they suddenly felt a shock, and then the entire huge black iron warship moved immediately.

"What's going on?" Chen Mingfei's face changed, he looked at the group of guys in the cab behind him who were looking blank, they didn't sail the boat?

How could the warship move without even raising the sails?

Moreover, the warship is getting faster and faster, as if something is dragging it.

In this situation, Fenglong on the opposite side was dumbfounded. He stared at the fast-moving warship, and said in a daze, "What's going on? Why did the warship move?"

He looked at the fast-moving warship in a little surprise, but his reaction was quick, and he even ordered to follow it immediately.

Next, Chen Mingfei and the others came to their senses and looked at Gao Jiuding holding a thick iron chain!
The iron cable crashed and collapsed straight, and the tension on the boat came from here.

Chen Mingfei walked over quickly, and said in surprise, "Brother Gao, what did you pierce through? Why was such a heavy black iron boat dragged like this?"

Indeed, the speed of the warship is getting faster and faster at this moment, even catching up with the time to raise the sails.

Gao Jiuding's body stood there motionless, and he held the thick iron chain tightly with one hand, as if it would break at any moment.

Gao Jiuding said with some embarrassment: "Captain Chen, I just wanted to attack a shark, but there was a deviation. I didn't expect the iron spear to enter a depth of 300 meters, and it just pierced into the body of a giant animal that was swimming over."

"Gulu!" Chen Mingfei and the others swallowed hard, and he asked, "Brother Gao, can you see the situation underwater? Then tell me what kind of giant beast it is? If it's too powerful, quickly throw away this iron chain."

Chen Mingfei was very worried. With such strength, it was definitely not a small thing. It might even be a terrifying sea monster. If he couldn't match it, it was better to give up.

Gao Jiuding stared at the sea water in front of him and said: "That monster is 30 meters long, it looks like a dragon, it looks like a huge phantom dragon!"

"Phantom dragon? Can it transform into a heavier image? How did you recognize it?" Chen Mingfei's face changed wildly. He is familiar with these things, because this thing is one of the taboos at sea. spared.

Chen Mingfei reacted, and he said in amazement: "Hurry up, let go brother, we are not the opponent of this phantom dragon, and even the whole iron boat will be overturned."

This 30-meter-long phantom dragon is as huge as their black iron warship, and its own strength is terrifying. He dare not attack such a giant beast.

But now, Chen Mingfei heard Gao Jiuding say that he had hit a phantom dragon, and it was a 30-meter-long phantom dragon. He was immediately stunned!
That's why he asked Gao Jiuding to give up immediately, otherwise the whole warship would be in trouble.

Everyone's face changed drastically, they stared fiercely at Gao Jiuding, and all of them gasped for breath after breath.

They never thought that this guy not only shot the prey, but even shot a terrifying phantom dragon.

The 30-meter-long phantom dragon must have grown up. This kind of beast is definitely a terrifying existence.

Even if the magical power of the magic dragon is an illusion, it doesn't have much attack power, and it is not something they can deal with.

Thinking of the horror of Huanlong, many people were immediately frightened into a cold sweat.

Now there is a huge phantom dragon, just under everyone's warship.

(End of this chapter)

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