The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1398 2 Shot to Kill

Chapter 1398 Two Hit Kill
"It's late!" Gao Jiuding said, and then stared at the distant sea. Sure enough, everyone looked and immediately saw a bang on the sea ahead, setting off a huge wave that soared to the sky.

"Damn, it turned out to be a phantom dragon?" Behind him, Fenglong, who was chasing up with all his strength, was frightened.

The sea in the distance was blasted, and a gigantic monster rushed out of the sea with a bang, setting off a stormy sea.

I saw a huge monster jumping out of the sea, it was a terrifying monster, its body more than 30 meters long flew up, and countless people were startled to turn pale.

This is a terrifying creature, with a huge body, a mouth full of fangs, sharp and flickering cold light, and a terrifying fishy smell permeating, shocking people's hearts.

hiss!A group of people gasped and backed away.

They were frightened, the magic dragon is very ferocious, its strength is terrifying, and it can perform illusions, if it is not an accident, you will not be able to hit it at all.

The phantom dragon can attack you, but you can't hit it, what kind of terrifying existence is this?

This kind of phantom dragon has a strong bloodline, and its power exceeds people's imagination. Fighting it in the sea is simply courting death.

But they didn't expect Gao Jiuding to shoot a phantom dragon, and he didn't let go. Now the whole black iron warship has been pulled out by a long distance.

Now, the phantom dragon flew up and was rushing towards the crowd.

At this time, everyone's faces changed. They looked at the rising sea water and felt very desperate.

"Damn it, turn around quickly!" Fenglong reacted the fastest, he hurriedly ordered to turn around, wanting to leave here.

However, their sailboat is not slow, and now they want to turn around, but they can't do it for a while, so they can only watch helplessly as the magic dragon is getting closer and closer.

Not to mention him, even Chen Mingfei was dumbfounded. He stared at the roaring waves ahead with a heavy heart.

He had encountered a phantom dragon before, the previous one was far away and almost died, but now he met another one, and it was so close, he felt that this time it was over.

Hunting in the sea is extremely dangerous, just like at this moment, it has reached an extremely critical moment, if one is not good, the entire warship will be overturned.

At that time, the people on board will definitely not be able to escape.

"Brother Gao, hold on to the iron chain, I'll kill it!" Chen Mingfei forced himself to calm down, he stimulated the blood in his body, and his whole body immediately filled with evil spirit.

Chen Mingfei was about to jump out with a giant spear in his hand, going into the sea to kill that phantom dragon.

This is their only chance, since they have stabbed the magic dragon, they have a chance to kill the magic dragon.

Although he knew it was dangerous and he might never return, he couldn't watch the entire warship die.

Chen Mingfei said decisively: "If I can't come back, you take my people back."

After finishing speaking, Chen Mingfei was about to fly up, but unfortunately, he was held by a hand.

Gao Jiuding shook his head, he stared at the fast approaching Huanlong in front of him and said: "You are not an opponent when you go down, let me come!"

boom!After Gao Jiuding finished speaking, his figure flashed and he rushed into the sea.

The expression of Chen Mingfei, who was left behind, changed drastically. Before he could stop him, he lost sight of the person. Gao Jiuding's speed was too fast.

At this moment, he was instinctively grabbing the chain, pouring all his strength into it, and pulling it quickly.

"That guy, is he looking for death?" Feng Long stared in surprise, and he found that Gao Jiuding had jumped into the sea.

This approach made countless people think that he was looking for death, and they were sure that if he went down, he was looking for death.

Everyone has seen the horror of the magic dragon. A black iron boat of 30 meters can overturn it.

These are the giant beasts in the ocean. The ocean is the territory of these giant beasts, and human beings can only wander on the sea surface.

It was the first time for Gao Jiuding to enter the sea. As soon as he entered, he felt a difference, a sense of tranquility filled his surroundings.

After stepping into the water, it seemed as if all the surrounding sounds had disappeared, but then, there was a sound of ripples.

Roar!A roar came from the front, and it was heard more clearly underwater.

That was the magic dragon roaring, it was very angry, obviously provoked by Gao Jiuding's spear.

Now, that 30-meter-long phantom dragon is rushing towards it. It wants to overturn the huge warship and swallow the small shrimp that injured it.

However, since Gao Jiuding came down, it was impossible for him to make it as he wished, otherwise why would he come down?
"In the sea, I didn't feel any difference, it seems normal." Gao Jiuding was a little curious.

Because, he didn't have the feeling of difficulty breathing.

Even, there is a wave of blood in the body, which automatically splits the sea water to both sides, as if it is an instinct.

Gao Jiuding felt a little surprised, he didn't expect that the power of fighting spirit could be used like this.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is the so-called going to the sky and entering the earth. He can fly, and now in the sea, he can do the same thing as walking on the ground.

After feeling that there was nothing obstructed, he immediately became excited, thinking that it would be better to enter the deep sea and explore it.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's previous accumulation also played a role, especially his water-type supernatural power, which came into play for the first time here.

Of course, this is the moment when Gao Jiuding was launched into the water, he changed his avatar and entered the water, naturally he relied on the avatar of the water and fire python. If he used the avatar of the Zijin Dapeng, wouldn't it be that the iron lump entered the water and his life would be long?
Roar!Another roar came, and Gao Jiuding's face froze, he stared at the huge beast that charged!

This is a dragon, a real dragon, but it's not a real dragon, otherwise it wouldn't know how to use illusion!

Without any hesitation, he broke through the sea and rushed forward, punching the huge phantom dragon.

There was a muffled bang, and the huge sound shook endlessly in the sea, even a large expanse of sea water was scattered by this punch.

Gao Jiuding was full of blood and energy, he passed through layers of phantoms, and directly smashed his fist on the head of the magic dragon, and the sea water in the distance couldn't stop it.

There was a bang, blood sprayed, and the huge phantom dragon was pierced through its body!
However, its body is too large, and even a hand-deep wound is not fatal.

However, Gao Jiuding's punch was more than that, the majestic shock force directly shattered part of the body tissue on the head of the magic dragon.

With just one punch, this terrifying phantom dragon was severely injured, causing the latter to struggle miserably and run away quickly.

It realized that it was in danger, so it turned around and was about to run away.

It's a pity that an iron cable collapsed, and it was pulled, and it was a little stagnant for a while. It was such a slight pause that killed it.

boom!Gao Jiuding waved his fist and struck fiercely, this time he hit the phantom dragon on the head!

With a bang, the entire huge head exploded directly, and the blood and brains shattered, staining a large area of ​​sea water red.

Gao Jiuding secretly heaved a sigh of relief. When the phantom dragon was hit, it fell into a disadvantage.

Without the help of illusion, it was destined to be killed by Gao Jiuding!

Of course, compared to the main body, the incarnation of the water and fire python is more powerful, so it punches through the skull of the magic dragon with two punches.

How much time did Gao Jiuding work hard to accumulate?But can his physique be compared with the current incarnation of the water fire python?
At this time, the incarnation of the water and fire python is only at the middle stage of Dharma Aspect, and there is still no Dharma Aspect in the middle stage of crossing the catastrophe, but even so, no matter it is strength, physique, defense, or even supernatural power, it is not comparable to Gao Jiuding .

After a few incarnations of the water and fire python, the phantom dragon doubts life. This is strength.

At this time, Chen Mingfei's expression on the bow of the boat changed. He felt the iron chain collapse, and then came a violent struggle, which turned out to be a little more violent in the end, and even stood on the boat trembling.

After a long time, a bright red color rose from the sea, which was blood.

Chen Mingfei was shocked, he was worried about Gao Jiuding's situation, but there was a moment of calm underwater afterwards.

"Where is the magic dragon?" Fenglong stared nervously at the water.

However, he just didn't find the shadow of Huanlong, not even that guy Gao Jiuding, maybe he was swallowed?

However, when everyone was waiting nervously, a wave was turbulent on the surface of the sea, and an undercurrent was surging under the water, rushing up from under the sea.

With a bang, a terrifying giant flew out.

Wow!A huge phantom dragon flew up to a height of ten meters, and then fell down, setting off a stormy sea.

The magic dragon finally floated on the sea in front of everyone, motionless, its belly turned white, is it dead?
Looking at the size, this is a proper fourth-order monster, but such a giant dragon beast can be killed so easily?
For a long time, hundreds of people on the two black iron warships stared at the huge beast motionlessly.

That huge head has been shattered, was it blown up?At this time, the magic dragon was obviously dead.

And this situation shocked everyone so much that they couldn't believe their eyes.

grunt!Someone swallowed fiercely: "The magic dragon is dead? How is this possible?"

"It's really dead!"

He was indeed dead, Fenglong was a little dumbfounded, he stared blankly at the sea level ahead.

His heart was trembling, the magic dragon was killed, killed by the young man who looked very square.

This kind of thing had a huge impact on him, and it had a huge impact on the face-saving Feng Long.

At this moment, he suddenly realized a truth, there are many powerful people in the world, it is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"This is the strong one, I used to be too self-righteous!" Feng Long's expression became very calm.

"Where's Brother Gao?" At this time, Chen Mingfei was very nervous. He kept looking for something, but unfortunately he didn't see that figure.

In other words, Gao Jiuding didn't come up, they just saw Huanlong being killed, but Gao Jiuding disappeared.

 Thank you for the reward of 500 coins from the brothers of the Queen of Earth!Thank you for the reward from the brother who poisoned you thousands of times!
(End of this chapter)

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