The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1399 Scorpion Tail Shrimp

Chapter 1399 Scorpion Tail Shrimp

Chen Mingfei was not very worried that Gao Jiuding would be in danger. After all, the magic dragon could be easily killed, which proved Gao Jiuding's strength and terror.

He didn't come out now, maybe he entered the sea, and he didn't want to go hunting with them anymore.

Even, he probably didn't come to hunt at all, but just gave him a ride with the wind.

Chen Mingfei sighed for a while, and then smiled wryly. He didn't expect to meet such a strong person by chance.

"A strong man, this is a strong man. It seems that I have to work hard. Only in danger can I get a higher temper. He must have gone into the deep sea to sharpen it. I want to learn!" Chen Mingfei secretly decided.

However, looking at the floating corpse of the magic dragon, he was a little embarrassed.

This thing was killed by Gao Jiuding, so it naturally belonged to his prey. Now that he is gone, what should we do with it?

"Forget it, put it away first, and give it back to him when we see him again." Chen Mingfei smiled wryly, then pulled the iron chain with all his strength, and pulled the dead magic dragon over.

He put it away like this, but no one dared to say anything, let alone make excessive demands. This is the deterrence of the strong.

Even though Gao Jiuding is no longer here, and he doesn't even know where he went, his threat is still there.

The magic dragon is not so easy to kill, even killed in the sea, this is the deterrence of the strong.

After Chen Mingfei put away the magic dragon, he turned around and looked at a group of his subordinates. Although he guessed that Gao Jiuding was a little extraordinary, he didn't expect Gao Jiuding to be so strong.

"Who the hell is he?" At this moment, Chen Mingfei recalled that there are absolutely not many strong men like Gao Jiuding.

Then inside the city, a master with such ability may be the leader of the three major armies, or one of the three leaders?

He thought about it, then shook his head and denied it, because he had seen all three leaders, and they were not like Gao Jiuding at all.

"It seems that there are still many hidden strong men." Chen Mingfei said with a complicated expression.

However, in an instant, his mood became very good, because he at least made friends with a strong man like Gao Jiuding. It can be said that this is the biggest gain today, and there will be a chance to see you again in the future.

"Brothers, keep hunting and strive for a good harvest!" Chen Mingfei ordered in a good mood.

They're going to keep hunting, because they've got off to a good start today.

A group of people on both boats were very excited, and they immediately took their positions and prepared for the next hunting activity.

Their hunting has just begun, and they will naturally continue, otherwise this opportunity to go to sea will be wasted.

Not far away, Fenglong looked at the sea for a long time without saying a word, and finally he smiled flatly, and his whole person became different from before.

"Chen Mingfei, the two of us hunt together and share [-]/[-]. How about you and I working together in the future?" Feng Long suddenly made such a suggestion loudly, which surprised Chen Mingfei, wondering if this guy has changed his nature?

The sea is mysterious and unpredictable. If it was before, Gao Jiuding would not have known what the sea was like. Even if he hadn’t entered the sea himself, he would have no idea what it was like in the sea. After all, Gao Jiuding was only on the earth. Swim in the shallow sea.

The boundless sea has always been mysterious and unknown. Even the human society on earth cannot detect some situations in the deep sea, let alone the endless sea here.

Here, it is even more mysterious, with countless crises hidden, and countless creatures swimming in the sea.

Here is a paradise for countless giant beasts, their territory and hunting ground.

The dark seabed, the light cannot be refracted down, and it is difficult to see everything on the seabed, but for the current Gao Jiuding, even if he does not use magical powers in the sea, he can still see the seabed far away, even at a depth of [-] meters. It has no effect at all.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was wandering in the deep sea, he was as free as a fish, without the slightest discomfort.

After entering the deep sea, Gao Jiuding's only feeling is that the pressure in the sea is relatively high, but his physical body is strong and he can bear it.

Huh. In the deep sea, a black shadow roared past, rolling up an undercurrent.

After looking carefully, I found that it was a huge sea beast, a kind of giant deep sea beast with an extremely huge body.

"A sub-dragon beast again?" Gao Jiuding looked at a giant beast swimming past his head. It was a sea beast with dragon blood, but the blood was not pure, but its size was huge.

The body of the Yalong Beast is more than ten meters long, and the fishy smell emanating from its body can be felt even in the sea.

Gao Jiuding ignored the sea beast, and the Yalong beast didn't even look at Gao Jiuding, as if he didn't exist.

Gao Jiuding restrained his breath, even his blood, and let the sea water oppress him. What was strange was that the 300-meter-deep sea water couldn't get close to his body.

Gao Jiuding looked at his body while swimming, and he found that he was placed in the sea water, and the sea water around him was forced by a natural force.

It wasn't the protective qi, nor did it activate the battle qi to protect the body. His body instinctively released a breath, forcing the seawater not to approach.

"It's not momentum, is it a rule?" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

Gao Jiuding knew that he didn't do it on purpose, he didn't force the sea water on purpose at all, at this moment, there seemed to be some strange aura around his body, blocking the sea water, it was very miraculous.

This may be a manifestation of his strength, a manifestation of his physical strength, which makes him want to understand the mysteries hidden in his physical body even more.

"Human beings are strong enough to a certain level, and they will definitely be able to fly into the sky and escape from the ground. Maybe with a complete battle body, they can gallop the world and the oceans alone, omnipotent. No, they must be able to gallop the starry sky, otherwise the monks here, How did it enter the starry sky?"

Gao Jiuding quickly swept away while thinking about this question.

The cultivation system here should be very complete. Their cultivation of the body is more scientific than that of the demon star civilization. Of course, this must be because the resources here are more abundant.

Adapt measures to local conditions and a suitable environment to develop the best civilization, such as the civilization of the earth. After the end of the Dharma Era, only technological civilization can be developed.

And the pinnacle of technological civilization must be biological civilization, so the end of science is theology.

When theology reaches its peak, it can definitely make people live forever, or live forever.

Therefore, no matter how the earth civilization develops, as long as there is progress, it will eventually lead to the same goal as the cultivation civilization.

The demon star and demon star are a set of civilizations, probably born out of the current star field, and they have also gone through the baptism of time, and finally developed a civilization that is half-refined and half-trained, and finally combined into a blood-refining civilization. civilization.

As for the current star field, because the resources are too sufficient, so the cultivation method of the ancient gods and demons is taken, this is Gao Jiuding's cognition.

Since entering this starry sky, Gao Jiuding has realized that the body training here is more powerful, and he is also exercising his body again and again. Up to now, he has cultivated a silver fighting spirit.

Although he didn't cultivate it on purpose, this is also his ability.

It's just that there seems to be a big bottleneck in the cultivation of the silver combat body until now. No matter how Gao Jiuding cultivates, he is always in the silver realm.

Of course, this must be because he hasn't cultivated to the limit yet, maybe when there is no more savings, at that time, he will break through to the golden battle body, right?
Thinking of the Golden Battle Physique, Gao Jiuding couldn't figure it out again. His physique is already very powerful, even stronger than ordinary Rank [-] body refiners. How is this state calculated?

Gao Jiuding feels that the cultivation of the body here is completely different from his ideas, so his strength is really hard to say now.

For example, Gao Jiuding felt the benefits of the silver battle body when he stepped into the water, especially when he dived into the deep sea.

Now that his shadow passed by, even the sea water could not stop him, and the speed still did not weaken.

Of course, Gao Jiuding knew that there was some influence, but he didn't feel it.

"That's it." Just when Gao Jiuding carefully realized the power of the silver combat body, he came to a huge hidden reef.

Finding that the spiritual light here was abnormal, Gao Jiuding examined it carefully and found a bunch of things in front of him, which were quite special.

These are plants on the bottom of the sea, which look like kelp, but they are definitely not.

Is this a coral polyp?Not too similar, but they live densely on the bottom of the sea, forming a strange scene.

And these were not what Gao Jiuding noticed, the thing he was staring at was hidden in this pile of other spiritual things.

This kind of creature has a hard shell and a pair of huge pincers. Is this a kind of big lobster?

It doesn't look like much, because it also has a tail hook that looks like a scorpion.

Gao Jiuding stepped forward, grabbed one, and examined it carefully. The one-meter-long monster really looked like a sea scorpion.

A monster was caught and immediately began to struggle crazily. Its pair of huge and sharp pincers waved around, but unfortunately it couldn't hit Gao Jiuding's arm no matter what.

Gao Jiuding looked at it in amazement for a while, and wanted to put the storage ring in, but the next moment he was surprised to find that the sea monster couldn't put it in because it struggled too violently.

Of course, if Gao Jiuding collected it forcibly, it could still be put away, but at that time, the sea monster would be dead.

Therefore, although the internal space of this storage ring is huge, it cannot carry living things.

The space ring on his finger is weaker than the pagoda.

No matter how this strange scorpion tail struggled, Gao Jiuding still put it in the storage ring, and sure enough, it died soon.

The space ring is not a complete space, at least the transformation of the five elements is not complete, and this scorpion tail shrimp is obviously adapted to the seawater environment.

Quickly putting away the scorpion tail shrimp, Gao Jiuding observed the storage ring on his finger. Some living things could still be stored in it, but it seemed that only plants could survive.

(End of this chapter)

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