The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1400 Ancient Hydralisk

Chapter 1400 Ancient Hydralisk
Gao Jiuding didn't think too much, now is not the time to practice the space ring, so he immediately caught a large group of scorpion shrimp from Zao Cong and killed them, put them in his storage ring, and prepared to go back and make a seafood feast to reward himself.

Yep?Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's face changed, and he saw that not far ahead, there was a group of algae dancing, and then a large group of insects swam out. After careful inspection, he found that these were also a kind of giant shrimp.

They are all shrimps, but the subtleties are still different. The only thing they have in common is that they are bigger, thicker, and longer. This time, the giant shrimp that Gao Jiuding found is two meters long, which is very huge.

Prawns have always been Gao Jiuding's favorite delicacy.

Gao Jiuding directly squeezed one by one and put them away, quickly caught a large group of strange shrimps, and rubbed them for a meal when he was resting.

"There are a lot of good things in this place, it's a pity to kill them all!" Soon, Gao Jiuding became a little greedy.

He directly took out the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and began to collect everything around, not only various shrimps, crabs, and shellfish, but also various fish, algae, and sea water.

A large saltwater lake was filled in the space of the pagoda before Gao Jiuding stopped.

"Are there any spiritual creatures on the bottom of the sea?" Gao Jiuding shuttled between some hidden reefs, thinking about this question.

He thought, there are so many spiritual things growing on land, so it makes no sense that there are no such things in the sea, so he thought that he came here to find spiritual things.

Think about it, he has obtained a lot of spiritual things, whether it is a thousand-year-old elixir, or a ten-thousand-year-old ganoderma lucidum, and even a large number of precious blood orchids in the end, these are precious and rare spiritual things.

Also, if a large number of spiritual objects are found, it proves that there are spiritual veins near the spiritual objects, regardless of whether they are large, medium or small, Gao Jiuding does not dislike them.

Now, after coming to the bottom of the sea, it is natural to look for treasures.

At least, he also wants to get a spiritual vein in the saltwater lake in the pagoda space!

"Sea turtle?" Gao Jiuding stared at the huge figure in front of him.

The Turtle Changshou in his hand seems to be a sea turtle. However, the Turtle Changshou Blood Pill Stage can transform into form, while the three-turn turtle here is just a ignorant beast. This is the difference.

The resources here are abundant and the aura is abundant, but these ferocious beasts seem to only strengthen their bodies and neglect to exercise their brains.

Gao Jiuding had already noticed this situation above the demon star, and it seemed to be even more obvious here.

"Could it be that the stronger the body, the more stupid the brain? Or they don't have the idea of ​​transforming at all?" Gao Jiuding asked a little puzzled.

At this time, the sea turtle was looking for some food in the algae. This is an ancient sea turtle, and it was hunting some prawns.

That huge body, with a round shell, is as large as five meters.

This kind of creature has existed for a very long time just by looking at its shell. It was not even seen in legends before.

Now, seeing such a huge sea turtle, Gao Jiuding was a little curious, he thought he should catch one and cook it in a pot!
From the body of this sea turtle, he felt a strong blood energy, which was very strong. He guessed that one of the reasons for the long life of this sea turtle was the support of this blood energy.

Moreover, there are traces of ancient blood fluctuations in this tortoise, obviously the blood of this giant tortoise is not very low.

Gao Jiuding thought of this, stepped forward quickly, and slapped it down with one palm.

With a muffled bang, the huge five-meter sea turtle was directly shocked to death.

Rank three turtles are too weak for Gao Jiuding at this time.

He put it away directly, ready to use the flesh and blood of countless sea creatures to refine a big medicine.

Here, marine life is very rich, and even countless giant beasts roamed about. It didn't take long for Gao Jiuding to encounter a huge marine life.

"A sub-dragon beast again? Could it be that creatures with low bloodlines can't survive here?" Gao Jiuding looked in amazement at a group of giant beasts wandering fast in front of him.

It was a sub-dragon with a slender neck and a large and bloated body.

This kind of dragon belongs to the sea creatures, and it is more than ten meters long. The largest one is actually 15 meters long.

This discovery made Gao Jiuding a little excited, and he rushed forward without saying a word. These big guys didn't expect to be attacked at all, so they were killed by Gao Jiuding in a short time.

Compared with land beasts, these sea beasts seem to be more stupid, so Gao Jiuding has no difficulty in hunting them down.

In this way, Gao Jiuding was collecting some marine life while looking for the spiritual things on the bottom of the sea.

Unfortunately, he didn't see any spiritual creatures along the way, and he even doubted whether there were spiritual creatures growing on the bottom of the sea.

hold head high!A small group of sub-dragons ran away in a panic, and they were terrified after being killed by Gao Jiuding.

There was no way, the most powerful sub-dragons were all killed, and the rest of the smaller ones fled in all directions. They were frightened by the little creature Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding smiled and continued on the road. He wanted to find more marine life. Sure enough, before he had gone far, he encountered some huge fish. This is an extremely huge fish.

Looking at a group of giant fish wandering past, their bodies are eight meters long, their armor is hard, their mouths are huge, and their mouths are full of sharp fangs.

This kind of giant fish has a huge body, some even exceed ten meters.

Now, those fishes were swimming towards him, as if they had regarded him as prey.

Gao Jiuding chuckled, and he quickly went up to him, waving his fists, the sea water vibrated, forming terrifying undercurrents, and then the blood sprayed, and one giant fish after another was killed.

Only at this time did the group of giant fish realize the strength of their prey, and the rest of the giant fish began to run away one after another.

Gao Jiuding didn't chase after him, he just cleaned up the dead giant fish, and was ready to move on, because there are too many giant beasts with strong vitality and high quality here, so he didn't need to waste time.

boom!Before Gao Jiuding could start to move, a stream of sand suddenly rolled up under the seabed below, and a huge creature swallowed towards him.

Gao Jiuding reacted very quickly, and only after one dodged did he realize that it was a huge shellfish.

"Conch?" Gao Jiuding was stunned. He looked at the huge thing in front of him, which was a huge conch.

This thing hides in a long and huge shell, and its slender and powerful tentacles swiftly hunt and kill its prey.

And just now, it was such a thing that attacked him, and he was almost hit in the body. Fortunately, Gao Jiuding was fast enough and his body was strong enough, otherwise it would be a little disgusting.

But this conch is really too big, it is 18 meters long, and the shell is even longer, so tall that I am speechless.

"Death!" Without hesitation, Gao Jiuding stepped forward and punched him.

With a bang, the solid shell shattered, spilling a viscous and disgusting liquid, the pitch black color making people sick.

The shell of this conch was smashed by Gao Jiuding in a few strokes, and the whole body was exposed weakly.

Gao Jiuding didn't collect conch meat because it looked disgusting.

"Huh? There is a strange fluctuation in front, could it be a spiritual thing?" At this moment, Gao Jiuding's body stopped, and he stared at the dark seabed ahead with a look of excitement.

He didn't even care that a huge lobster under him attacked him. Gao Jiuding's body shook, and a burst of fighting spirit shot out from his body, and then the lobster's big pincers shattered to the ground.

He stepped on it, crushed the giant shrimp, and then quickly crossed the seabed, heading towards the place where the waves came from.

Gao Jiuding faintly looked forward to it. He felt that it might be the fluctuations emitted by some spiritual creatures growing on the bottom of the sea.

Here, after all, it has not been developed by humans. Even if there are other intelligent races, when facing such a huge underwater world, they should leave more resources than those on land.

It's just that Gao Jiuding hasn't encountered it yet, and now he's here to check the secrets of the seabed.

hiss!There was a sharp hissing sound from a distance, and the sound rolled and vibrated, shaking the bottom of the sea, setting off a huge undercurrent.

It was the roar of a giant beast, which came from the bottom of the sea far away, which caught Gao Jiuding's attention.

He was a little surprised, and secretly guessed in his heart, could it be that a giant beast came first and found that kind of spiritual thing?
Gao Jiuding's expression changed, and he immediately accelerated his speed. He quickly parted the sea water, and soon came to a big trench.

"The wave is here!" Gao Jiuding cautiously stared at the huge trench in front of him. The top of his head was completely dark, and there was no trace of light reflected from the void. It was at least 1000 meters deep here.

This is already a deep sea, and there is a terrifying aura permeating the huge trench in front of him, as if there is something terrifying hiding inside.

In the pitch-black deep sea, a huge trench lay before the eyes, filled with eerie aura, this kind of ghostly place, no matter how you look at it, it feels creepy.

And in such a terrifying environment, there should be some spiritual creatures hidden, right?

call!Suddenly, an undercurrent surged in the trench, and the seawater suddenly eddies and rapids. I saw a swift shadow roaring towards it. It was a blood-colored cold light, and it quickly hit a figure.

Gao Jiuding's complexion changed, he only felt the sea water splitting, and the terrifying edge was approaching him, before he had time to think about it, Gao Jiuding instinctively waved his fist and hit it.

clang!There was a clanging sound, sparks flew, and the black shadow was repelled.

With just one blow, Gao Jiuding knew that the black shadow on the opposite side was very powerful. His punch actually rubbed sparks in the sea water, which was enough to show the strength of that unknown monster.

Gao Jiuding only felt that his body had endured a huge force, making his body move a hundred meters away.

Only then did he see what was on the opposite side. It was a huge tail with sharp spikes and terrifying hooks, shining with a bloody light. This was the tail of a creature, and it was it that was attacking him.

Gao Jiuding's expression froze, and he felt an extremely powerful oppression!

The rapids in the trench surged darkly, and then the sand rolled out, and finally a huge monster rushed out.

 Thank you for the reward from the brother who poisoned you thousands of times!

(End of this chapter)

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