The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1401 The Mysterious Trench

Chapter 1401 The Mysterious Trench
What rushed out of the trench was a snake-like creature. Its body was extremely huge, about four meters thick and more than 30 meters long. With a faint blue light.

Almost the moment he saw this giant snake, Gao Jiuding matched this monster with a legendary creature he had searched for.

"Ancient Hydralisks?" Gao Jiuding had seen such things on the demon battleship, but the Hydralisks inside were very small.

Also, why did he seek this information?

That's entirely because he found a huge ferocious tail in the teleportation hall he found on the Ethiopian plateau. Gao Jiuding still has a deep impression on him until now. He really wants to know what kind of creature's tail it came from.

Therefore, after searching a large number of ancient books and knowing many legends, Gao Jiuding was able to recognize this Hydralisk at a glance.

Seeing the things in front of him clearly, Gao Jiuding was already astonished enough. He never expected that this legendary thing would appear here, and it was also a sea creature.

After a few glances, Gao Jiuding was sure that this was an ancient Hydralisk.

It is full of poison, the most terrifying thing is the huge tail with sharp hooks, blood glistening, very frightening.

This kind of hydralisk is now a terrifying creature living in the deep sea, but according to old legends, it is a land creature. Now it seems that it is likely to be able to survive in the sea and on land. It is a standard amphibians.

call!The sea water in front roared and surged, and a huge tail came through the water and through the air.

With sharp barbs and flickering cold lights, filled with a kind of cold murderous intent, they rushed towards Gao Jiuding.

Although Gao Jiuding was surprised, he didn't panic. His whole body was full of blood, and he burst out quickly. As the fist hit, a clang came from the bottom of the sea, shaking all directions.

This punch was so fierce that even the sea water was forced to part, and sparks burst out.

Gao Jiuding could only feel that the hook snake's power was enormous, even reaching a terrifying level.

He felt that this ancient Hydralisk bloodline was very powerful. Although it was not of dragon and phoenix bloodline, it had its own unique ability.

At this time, the ancient Hydralisk was covered in blood streaks, streaks of blood intertwined, forming a terrifying force, posing a great threat to him.

"Drink!" Gao Jiuding yelled, and silver arcs flickered, intertwined around his body, hovering in his hands, and with his fists waving, the four directions were turbulent, the sea water was beaten to stagnation and split, the scene was terrifying and terrifying.

His punch.Containing an ancient bloodline fighting spirit, it formed a series of silver arcs, and hit the body of the huge hydralisk with a bang, and there was a crackling sound from the body of the hydralisk immediately.

Hiss. There was a sharp whine, the ancient Hydralisk roared, its body trembled and began to crack, blood sprayed out quickly, immediately polluting the surrounding sea area.

What this ancient Hydralisk spewed out turned out to be a kind of dark green blood with strong toxicity. All the fish and shrimps in the surrounding sea area would die if touched.

Gao Jiuding's face froze slightly, and he moved quickly, evading the attack of the tail at the moment he activated the battle energy in his body to protect his body.

Then, he leaned forward, and with a flying turn, he stepped down with his foot. With the force of thunder, his foot directly stepped on the body of the ancient Hydralisk.

boom!A shock came from the bottom of the sea, the sand rolled and the rocks shattered.

Gao Jiuding stepped forward and stepped the huge Hydralisk into the hard rock on the seabed.

This blow was very violent, and even contained wisps of silver-white fighting spirit, causing great trauma to the Hydralisk.

The Hydralisk suffered severe injuries and began to struggle hard. Its tail roared, trying to sweep Gao Jiuding away.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding has figured out the full strength of this hydralisk. It is only equivalent to the ordinary four-turn silver realm of the human race. Although the body is very strong, it is still not Gao Jiuding's opponent.

Although the venom of this Hydralisk could corrode Gao Jiuding's fighting spirit, it only stopped at corrosion, and could not quickly melt away the fighting spirit and destroy his body.

Click!Gao Jiuding grasped it with both hands, grabbed the tail fiercely, then twisted his arms vigorously, and with a click, the huge barb broke off directly.

Since there is not much danger, Gao Jiuding does not intend to give this giant a chance.

At this moment, the huge Hydralisk seemed to feel the crisis of death, it struggled desperately, trying to escape.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding couldn't let it go, he stomped down, and with a bang, there was a violent vibration from the bottom of the sea.

It was just a kick, and the armor of the Hydralisk immediately shattered, blood spurted out, and spread rapidly in the sea water, forming a stream of poisonous water that spread continuously. During this process, many creatures were directly poisoned to death.

Crash!In the bottom of the sea, the huge Hydralisk was struggling, but its vitality was losing its vitality, and it eventually died.

Gao Jiuding's expression relaxed, he was considered to have killed the mighty ancient Hydralisk.

However, he didn't take a close look immediately, because he had to be cautious, this Hydralisk was not only poisonous, but also very ferocious.

If he wasn't strong enough, he might not be able to get close to this Hydralisk. This is the result of his strong physical body and fighting spirit.

"This Hydralisk seems to be guarding something!"

Gao Jiuding looked at the dead huge Hydralisk, thinking about this question.

This Hydralisk must be guarding something. It came up from the huge trench ahead. Is there something in it?
Gao Jiuding sensed it carefully, and found some fluctuations. It seemed that there were some spiritual creatures in the trench.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding immediately became excited. Although the four-turn Hydralisk was much weaker than him, its physique was almost the same as Gao Jiuding's, and even stronger.

The spirit guarded by such a monster must be very useful to Gao Jiuding.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding rushed forward without hesitation. He wanted to enter that huge trench to find treasures, because there might be spiritual veins in it.

However, before he entered, he felt a sense of danger.

Gao Jiuding dodged, and immediately saw a black shadow rushing out of the pitch-black trench, faster than the Hydralisk before, and brought Gao Jiuding a stronger sense of crisis.

As soon as Gao Jiuding's expression changed, before he could react, he was hooked by a huge barb, and then dragged violently, he entered the huge trench.

boom!Gao Jiuding was falling rapidly, he was clamped by a huge barb, and he couldn't break free at all.

He tried his best to shake the fighting spirit in his body, but for a while, he still couldn't break free.

Gao Jiuding was very frightened and furious. He didn't expect that there was a hydralisk hidden in this trench, and this hydralisk was even bigger.

Judging from this section of the tail, the body size of this Hydralisk is definitely more than five meters thick, and its body length is likely to be as long as 50 meters.

This Hydralisk was even more terrifying than the one he had killed before. Gao Jiuding's blood boiled all over his body, with silver arcs flickering. He stretched his arms hard, and with a bang, he finally struggled out.

Gao Jiuding immediately dodged to dodge, and sure enough, a huge black shadow rushed down the trench, and it was biting, but unfortunately Gao Jiuding had already dodged and was not bitten.

Hiss. Gao Jiuding's face froze slightly, only then did he realize that this Hydralisk was even more terrifying. Its huge body was even as thick as six meters in some places.

Its entire body is more than 70 meters long, which is far beyond his estimation.

Is the Hydralisk outside a male?Is the Hydralisk in front of you a female?

Otherwise, why are there two Hydralisks entrenched in this trench?

The couple made their home here, and Gao Jiuding broke the tranquility and killed the male snake, so this female snake, which is even bigger, came to avenge her husband?
hiss!With an angry roar, the sound wave shook the bottom of the sea, causing countless waves!

The rapids on the bottom of the sea were surging, and in an instant, the Hydralisk was coming.

Its tail swept over first, Gao Jiuding quickly dodged.

The solid rock next to it was swept away by the tail, shattered and scattered, and fell into the deep trench.

And that Hydralisk opened its mouth wide, just about to swallow Gao Jiuding's body in one bite.

However, Gao Jiuding is not a weak person, so naturally he will not let Hydralisk's wish come true.

Gao Jiuding waved his fist, condensing wisps of silver-white sharpness, and hit the Hydralisk's jaw in one go.

With a click, the Hydralisk's entire huge jaw was directly shattered.

The Hydralisk not only didn't run away after being wounded, but killed it quickly and crazily, as if it hated Gao Jiuding extremely.

"Death!" Gao Jiuding waved a cloud of silver light, lighting up the bottom of the sea in all directions, and finally hitting the Hydralisk's head.

A dark green liquid spewed out, the Hydralisk's head shattered to the ground, and it was killed by a punch.

The powerful female snake was still no match for Gao Jiuding, and she also died in Gao Jiuding's hands at this time.

At this moment, the Hydralisk's huge body was struggling frantically. The huge and ferocious head, with its even bigger body, came circling and entangled. It wanted to strangle this small creature before it died.

However, Gao Jiuding avoided the past directly, ignoring the hooked snake whose head was crushed.

The vitality of snakes is tenacious, their heads have been smashed, but they are still alive.

Gao Jiuding's figure flashed, and he stepped on his left foot suddenly. After a crackling sound, Hydralisk's body was broken into two sections and completely stiffened.

It didn't take long for Gao Jiuding to kill the two huge and terrifying ancient Hydralisks from their sudden attack.

Gao Jiuding carefully sensed the trench below him, he was really worried that there were more Hydralisks below.

But after careful observation and sensing, Gao Jiuding didn't find any dangerous aura.

He was finally sure that there were only these two Hydralisks here, and only then did he land with confidence.

The whole trench is very long, wide and very deep.

Gao Jiuding descended all the way down to a depth of 100 meters, but still found nothing.

Even, he hadn't come to the bottom of the trench, which really surprised him.

(End of this chapter)

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