The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 142 Low-key revealing wealth?

Chapter 142 Low-key revealing wealth? (Became an elder for Brother Defloration)
"What?" Li Rusong stopped and asked.

Ma Rulong said: "I mean, the equipment he bought just now is worth 6000 million low-grade spirit stones!"

Li Rusong was speechless, are there so many spirit stones?
After careful calculation, there are really so many, even if it is not middle-grade spirit stones, so many low-grade spirit stones are not something that some small families can get out.

Thinking of the 2 million low-grade spirit stones that he and Huang Quxing compensated, Li Rusong was no longer surprised. Gao Jiuding should still have a lot of good things in his hands.

"Could it be the hidden family?" Li Rusong asked with a wry smile.

"Maybe, China is the only country with an ancient civilization that has been passed down for thousands of years!" Ma Rulong said.

"He's down!" At this moment, Li Rusong looked behind him and said.

Taking advantage of no one around, Gao Jiuding paid a lot of Lingshi!
Since he could not use middle-grade spirit stones, he would naturally pay with low-grade spirit stones!

Gao Jiuding took out at one time, more than 10 billion low-grade spirit stones, and Chen Xiangyang transferred the unused spirit stones to him through the jade certificate.

This is also a business of Shengguang Company, and it is free to recharge the account!
It turned out that Gao Jiuding didn't quite trust, and he didn't dare to pour a large amount of Lingshi into's account. Now it doesn't matter. Anyway, the Lingshi charged into the account is only a small part of his assets.

Besides, he needs to buy too many things, and is more convenient to transfer money. Even if he rushes into hundreds of millions of low-grade spirit stones, he should spend them all quickly!
Gao Jiuding stepped out of the transport spaceship and immediately saw Li Rusong, who was speeding up his pace and walking out.

"My spaceship needs major repairs, especially the folding warehouse. I hope it will be faster!" Gao Jiuding said as he walked.

"Overhaul? Do the original internal facilities need to be demolished?" Chen Xiangyang asked.

"It's already been dismantled!" Gao Jiuding's footsteps paused slightly, but he kept complaining in his heart, what the hell, there are no facilities at all, okay?
"That's easy. What kind of design do you need? We have professional designers who can design according to your requirements!" Chen Xiangyang said very skillfully.

Gao Jiuding looked at him again. Yesterday, this guy said that he needed to see their manager to discuss business. Now their manager can't come, but he can recommend various businesses skillfully, which is not equal to his status.

Gao Jiuding said casually: "It is only used for mining, and the design is reasonable."

Gao Jiuding didn't have any good ideas either, he didn't know how to decorate, and the mining was completely dependent on the little fox, and now it needs to be operated manually, and he didn't know how to arrange it.

"We just bought a second-hand warehouse. Would you like to take a look?" At this moment, Chen Xiangyang pointed to a building not far away.

Gao Jiuding looked at the building. Such a large building is very conspicuous, but why does it feel more familiar the more he looks at it?

"Did you recognize it? This is a second-hand item we collected. I heard that the original owner still wants it, but he doesn't have enough spirit stones." Chen Xiangyang said with a smile.

Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that it was stolen goods. When they were eating yesterday, they met those big Russian men who were auctioning the magic tower, and now this warehouse building also appeared.

Knowing the origin of this building, Gao Jiuding was moved in his heart and said: "How long will it take to build such a building?"

"The speed is still very fast. It can be completed in a week at most, with fine decoration!" Chen Xiangyang said with bright eyes.

Gao Jiuding was indeed very interested in this building. Since he didn't know how to use the space of the spaceship to fold the warehouse reasonably, he might as well learn from other people's achievements.

If there was no Ni Xing, Gao Jiuding might spend some time here to remodel the Fox perfectly, but now, he doesn't want to stay here any longer.

"How many spirit stones are there for this building? If the price is right, I'll take it." Gao Jiuding was silent for a while before opening his mouth.

"Be careful, be careful not to touch, hide in front!" Just as Gao Jiuding walked towards the building, there was a sudden chaos around him.

"Everyone be careful, this is the holy light bomb, it exploded, and all my lives are gone."

"Stop shouting, who doesn't know that this is a holy light bomb?"

"I want a base number, hurry up, I have money!"

"It's amazing to be rich? I have Lingshi!"

"Here are 30 spirit stones. I want a basic ammunition, and I will be the first to ship it!"

"To be clear, it's only 30 low-grade spirit stones. You're talking about middle-grade spirit stones. What are you talking about?"

"That's right, it's just a basic number of ammunition, as if we can't afford it, give me ten holy light bombs!"

"I also want ten, ten is enough, anyway, it's just in case."

"Speaking so much, it can't cover up the essence of you poor ghosts!"

"A basic number of ammunition is one hundred pieces?" Gao Jiuding looked at the crowd rushing in in surprise. He really did something wrong.

These people look like veterans who have been in this starry sky all year round, and such a group of people actually only buy a basic amount of ammunition at most.

For 30 low-grade spirit stones, you can only buy [-] holy light bullets, and a base is [-] pieces. This is the limit, but Gao Jiuding bought [-] pieces at a time, [-] bases.

Thinking of Li Rusong's shocked expression, Gao Jiuding felt a little bit fucked up, did he make a fool of himself?

"It's too high-profile!" Gao Jiuding sighed involuntarily.

At this time, Gao Jiuding really felt like a dog. At first, he thought he was low-key enough, otherwise he would only buy a few weapons and equipment?

I met a lot of people here today, and Gao Jiuding planned to make a lot of purchases before leaving. Now it seems that these can be saved.

As for whether to break the pot and buy more mechas and weapons, Gao Jiuding never thought about it.

Since you can buy it here, you can also buy it in other places. Things that feel very scarce now may become common in a different place.

Besides, the things here are not cheap!
Thinking of the Holy Light Spaceship, which was ten times more expensive, Gao Jiuding felt heartbroken, no business without fraud, no business without fraud!

Gao Jiuding's performance attracted the attention of several people, among which Cui Yi's eyes were the most obvious, because Gao Jiuding's high-profile performance was very weird no matter how you looked at it!

If there is no spirit stone, who would dare to easily stay in the big hotel of the Shenzhou Daomeng?Who dares to ask ten beauties to serve him at once?Who can easily take out an inheritance and exchange it for a pile of garbage?
Chen Xiangyang was also making complaints. He really admired Gao Jiuding, because Gao Jiuding, a grassroots, was really powerful. Otherwise, how could he easily spend 10 billion low-grade spirit stones to buy equipment?
"Sir, this building only costs 100 million low-grade spirit stones, and there are some special facilities inside, or the price will be even cheaper!" Chen Xiangyang said.

Before Gao Jiuding could speak, Cuiyi said, "What special facility can be worth 100 million low-grade spirit stones?"

Gao Jiuding ignored Cui Yi, he was also surprised, what does this kid mean?
The special facilities are worth 100 million low-grade spirit stones, so the building itself is not worth much?

Chen Xiangyang's face turned bitter, and he said: "You will know when you go in and have a look, I definitely can't cheat people!"

"Then go in and have a look!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand and walked into the building first. Anyway, he has already revealed his wealth, and he doesn't care about exposing a little more!
Walk into the building and take the elevator directly to the top floor!

Stepping out of the elevator, Gao Jiuding immediately saw the luxurious interior decoration!

However, no matter how luxurious the decoration here is, it cannot conceal the fact that these are ordinary decorations.

The decoration here does not use any spiritual objects, and all use ordinary materials. Even if it looks resplendent and extravagant, it is not worth 100 million low-grade spirit stones!
I read it from top to bottom, but found nothing good. Gao Jiuding was a little disappointed.

"1000 yuan low-grade spirit stone is as good as the sky!" Cui Yi curled her lips and said.

The whole building is divided into two parts. The top floor is obviously a dormitory, which is luxuriously decorated. The lower part is obviously where the miners work. Although the facilities here are also luxurious, these ordinary materials are not worth a lot of spirit stones.

"The real good things are all at the bottom!" Chen Xiangyang looked at Cui Yi with a smug smile on his face.

"Huh? There is a secret door here?" Seeing Chen Xiangyang's smug smile, Gao Jiuding paid a little attention to the environment here, and found that this place is really different, because the underground materials shone with a faint aura, which shows that this place The floors on the first floor are all paved with spiritual materials.

"Yes, there is a secret door here, which leads to the bottom floor. In fact, this building is divided into three floors. The bottom floor cannot be found if you don't pay attention. This is specially designed for the ship owner. It leads to the cockpit. It's very strong!" Chen Xiangyang stomped on the floor as he spoke.

Listening to the sound of dong dong dong, it feels really solid!

Gao Jiuding carefully calculated the height of the building. It is roughly divided into three parts. The hidden part on the bottom floor should be only a corner of the second floor.

This building is a bit different from the design that Gao Jiuding had seen before. The one he saw before had two floors, the first floor was over 80 meters, and the second floor was only 20 meters!

The first floor 80 meters below belongs to the working space, and the upper floor 20 meters is the dormitory and some attached lower studios.

The two floors of space are mainly facing the exit of the folding warehouse. This exit is mainly used for mining needs, so the reserved space is relatively large.

The larger the space, the more visual deception comes. The space folding warehouse is 100 meters in length, width and height, and the 100 meters inwards are divided again to form a more complex structure, making the space layout here more reasonable. Utilization is higher.

Among these vertically and horizontally divided spaces, the place closest to the cockpit of the spacecraft is a solid fortress built with spiritual materials. This is the passage from the warehouse of the spacecraft to the cockpit, and it is also the place where the owner of the spacecraft works.

This hidden space is difficult to be found, and the decoration is even more luxurious!
(End of this chapter)

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