The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 143 Prohibited List

Chapter 143 Prohibited List
"Look, there is a complete command system here, as long as you sit here and drink tea, you can easily command everything in the spacecraft, including radar scanning, mining, and fighting!
There is also a practice room here. The most valuable thing inside is a gravity array, which can adjust the gravity for practicing. This is the study room, all made of spiritual sandalwood that refreshes the mind, and there are bathrooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, etc.!
These are all decorated with top-level spiritual materials, and the value of these spiritual materials alone exceeds 100 million low-grade spiritual stones! "Entering the owner's space, Chen Xiangyang said proudly.

"No matter how well you say it, you can't cover up the fact that these are all second-hand goods!" Cui Yi lashed out, disliked Chen Xiangyang.

"Forget it, 100 million is 100 million!" Gao Jiuding felt very satisfied, and he didn't want to waste any more time here. If he had that time, he might as well quickly enter the void of the universe!

If you leave now, you can completely avoid the prying eyes of some people, and you can find more spirit stones. Maybe in a short while, millions of low-grade spirit stones will be in your hands.

Now that he has revealed his wealth, Gao Jiuding intends to leave quickly and not be exposed to others in a short time!

Although I have bought a lot of equipment, it is not complete. In other words, there are many better equipment that cannot be bought here.

For example, better treasure-level exoskeleton armor, such armor can be sacrificed like a magic weapon, to be precise, it should be treasure-level armor, as long as it is sacrificed, it can be sent and received freely.

Think about it, as long as you move your mind, a layer of armor will appear outside your body to protect yourself. What kind of feeling is this?That's how security comes about.

The current exoskeleton armor is really just a pair of armor. It is inconvenient to use, and it is troublesome to carry. Its defense is not high. After all, it is only a magic weapon level armor.

The main function of the holy light exoskeleton armor is to resist the attacks of Qi training level monks, and the highest resistance to the attacks of Qi training Dzogchen monks!
Its lethality is mainly aimed at the little devil, and at most it can defend against the newly promoted big devil. Therefore, in this star field, the combat power and defense of this armor are considered scum.

Even so, this kind of defensive equipment is also indispensable, because if the monks in the Qi refining period do not have enough defense, they only need to be exposed to the universe!

If this is the case, it will be cold in a few seconds, no, it is freezing, which is more terrible than being cold.

The exoskeleton armor is the standard equipment for mining ships. It is a tool for the miners to work with peace of mind. Gao Jiuding didn't even point to using it for defense.

If you really want to go into space, Gao Jiuding must at least drive the Holy Light Mecha. The reason why this type of mecha is ten times more expensive than the exoskeleton armor is not unreasonable. The full blow of the consummate monk.

That is to say, equipped with the Holy Light Mecha, even the big devil can't hurt you at all, and it can't beat it to death.

This kind of defensive power has already caught up with the Fox. A mid-grade spirit stone worth 10 yuan is comparable to a holy light mining ship. Gao Jiuding still bought ten.

Compared with the Holy Light mining ship, this kind of mecha also has weaknesses, that is, it has a small space, weak lethality, and carries less energy. After encountering an enemy, it will have less support time.

Although there are many weaknesses, it is more flexible and convenient!

Just this little advantage makes its value soar!
In comparison, the added value of exoskeleton armor is the least!
The lethality of the exoskeleton armor mainly comes from its owner, while the lethality of the mecha mainly comes from the mecha, which can greatly enhance the strength of low-level monks.

The Holy Light Mecha is specially designed for the devil, and its peak combat power has reached the top level of the big devil. That is to say, even the big devil who is a half-step devil is not the opponent of the Holy Light Mecha.

Of course, whether it is the Holy Light Exoskeleton Armor or the Holy Light Mecha, they are the most basic magical equipment!

Compared with magic weapon level equipment, its defense and attack power are not strong, but better equipment, but no one sells it!

At least there is no channel to buy loose cultivators like Gao Jiuding.

Now Gao Jiuding also has some understanding of some powerful equipment, such as large-scale energy weapons-laser cannons, and individual physical weapons-Vulcan cannons!
There are also some powerful lethal equipment, such as fire towers, arrow towers, thunder towers, etc. These are powerful lethal weapons equipped on spaceships!
Compared with the individual weapons that Gao Jiuding bought now, those are considered weapons of mass destruction and belong to strategic weapons. Gao Jiuding can't buy such weapons at this stage.

Calculating the equipment he wanted to buy, Gao Jiuding realized that he could only do so much now!
This time he took advantage of the French fleet, otherwise, his middle-grade spirit stones would have been exhausted.

As long as the equipment is better, it must be traded with middle-grade spirit stones. This is the rule of this starry sky.

He now has some middle-grade spirit stones in his hand, but can he spend them all?

Since everything requires the trading of middle-grade spirit stones, the role of middle-grade spirit stones must be greater than what he imagined.

"All ordinary cannons?" Walking out of the building, Gao Jiuding smiled wryly when he saw the twelve cannons on the outer side of the building. He shouldn't have too much hope.

"The activation method of the Holy Light Bullet is no different from that of ordinary cannons, and there is no need to equip magic-level cannons." Chen Xiangyang said.

"What about the laser cannon? This thing should be nothing, right? It can be made in the secular world." Gao Jiuding was still a little bit unwilling.

Chen Xiangyang spread his hands helplessly and said: "The laser cannon in our comprehension world is different, it is also called Lingshi cannon, or magic crystal cannon, you can tell by the name, it mainly relies on stimulating aura to attack the enemy!

The power of such a cannon can be continuously improved. It mainly depends on the power of the shell. Equipped with medium-grade spirit stone shells, it can kill and injure foundation-building monks. Equipped with high-grade spirit stone shells, it also poses a great threat to Jindan stage monks. . "

"Is this kind of equipment on the banned list?" Up to now, Gao Jiuding still doesn't know what's going on with each alliance.

When he first logged in to, he seemed to be able to buy everything on it. But now he found that the things that can be bought on are all popular goods, and the real good things have the right to buy them.

"A lot of equipment requires Level [-] authority to purchase!" Chen Xiangyang said.

"Forget it, that's it for now, you clean up this building, and I'll go sail later." Gao Jiuding didn't want to continue entanglement, and he also knew that Chen Xiangyang couldn't satisfy his request.

Chen Xiangyang was left behind, and Gao Jiuding followed Cuiyi back to the small courtyard. After eating and practicing for two hours, Gao Jiuding called in the ten beauties from the courtyard.

"What are your plans?" Taking a closer look, it turned out to be beautiful women. They are really impeccable, but trust is a big problem!

If Gao Jiuding hadn't accidentally bought a copy of the blood inheritance forbidden technique, Gao Jiuding would have left without even asking their opinions.

It is impossible for Gao Jiuding to be brainless, so if he bought these ten beauties, even if a million low-grade spirit stones are considered a drop in the bucket for him, he would not be able to do such a mindless thing. Now Gao Jiuding wants to hear their thoughts .

Cuiyi was the first to speak: "We have come here, and we can sell our dignity. Of course, we hope to get a chance, or get a fairy fate!"

Obviously, Cui Yi can make the decision, otherwise she would not speak as a representative, which also shows that they have reached a unified opinion.

"Xianyuan is easy to obtain. Since you have come here, you should know the current cultivation world very well. So, let me tell you now, what is the most important thing in cultivation?" After thinking for a while, Gao Jiuding asked again.

It was Cuiyi who said, "Immortal fate, or fortune, that is the most important thing. Without fortune, entering the world of comprehension is nothing but cannon fodder, and you may die at any time without a burial!"

Gao Jiuding was stunned, did he answer so simply?
He agrees with Cuiyi's point of view that the most important thing in cultivation is not aptitude, character, or character, but luck.

To put it simply, if you don’t have good luck, no matter how many resources you have for cultivation, you will be hit by a car and die when you go out, so what kind of fairy do you still want to cultivate?
It is also a kind of chance to be able to come to the outer space of tens of thousands of astronomical units. Cuiyi and the others are not short of opportunities. Now they pay more attention to luck, or luck.

Now that he can say this to Gao Jiuding, he naturally wants to choose Gao Jiuding, and now it depends on whether the two sides agree or not.

Gao Jiuding can increase the fortune of these women, now it depends on what they can give.

"Two-way choice, I don't ask why you choose me, just ask, why should I choose you?" Gao Jiuding asked again.

Cui Yi immediately replied: "The question of still trusting, your choice is easy, but our choice is more difficult, because after we make a choice, it is equivalent to handing over our fate to you."

Gao Jiuding nodded, no matter whether there were people behind them or not, those people couldn't give them more protection, because the starry sky was too big, if they followed him away, their little lives would really be in Gao Jiuding's hands.

Gao Jiuding touched the room card in his hand. It contained all their information. These information should be very reliable. If they are unreliable, they don't need to show it, so it is not a lie.

These women don't lack wisdom or perseverance, they just lack qualifications, or lack of luck.

Just like what Cuiyi said just now, the most important thing in cultivation is luck, not aptitude, and lack of aptitude can be made up with enough luck.

Of course, aptitude is very important, but if there is no opportunity for aptitude, then it will not be a smooth path for cultivation.

Of the four elements of cultivation, one is indispensable, the other is wealth and land, and the most important thing is luck. Without luck, how can one obtain a cultivation method?

If there is no blessing, can you get a suitable partner?Can get enough financial and material resources?
(End of this chapter)

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