The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1423 Between Life and Death

Chapter 1423 Between Life and Death
Just when Gao Jiuding was at a loss, the crisis came again, and the cloud of light from the outside rushed into his body, attached to his bones, and invaded his body.

At this time Gao Jiuding was completely stunned, he didn't know what to do, he could only watch his bones disappear little by little.

Even those light mist invaded the interior of his sea of ​​consciousness, directly attached to his soul body, making his huge soul body shrink and disappear rapidly.

"Quick, help me!" At this moment Gao Jiuding was finally scared, he yelled in panic, he wanted help from the mysterious ancient scroll, cornucopia or the mysterious cauldron in the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

However, what made him angry was that these things didn't move, not even a little vibration.

In this case, isn't it just watching him disappear?

Gao Jiuding was furious, he couldn't care less, he could only figure out a way by himself, otherwise the soul would disappear.

"Damn it, get the hell out of here!" There was a frenzied roar from the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and Gao Jiuding's huge spirit was shaking, bursting out with terrifying power, and crazily impacting the attached mysterious light mist.

It's a pity that this kind of power didn't shatter the mist of light, but instead made his spirit dissipate quickly.

Gao Jiuding felt that the power of his soul was completely melted and swallowed by these light mist.

These fogs of light were even more terrifying than the water of death outside, corroding silently, without feeling a trace of pain, but it could make him walk towards death quietly.

This is the annihilation of body and soul at the same time. He seems to be obliterated by a mysterious force, ignorant, but fast towards death.

When Gao Jiuding's spirit shrunk to its normal size, the rate of corrosion of these mysterious light mist accelerated again.

"Ah, you bastards, you won't help if you occupy my sea of ​​consciousness!" At the critical moment, Gao Jiuding roared angrily.

His divine sense sank to the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and grabbed the big tripod.

There are a lot of powerful magic medicines in this cauldron, and the only way to save life is these magic medicines.

boom!Unfortunately, a burst of colorful light sent Gao Jiuding's soul flying with a bang.

Then the ancient scroll trembled, and the words of Dao flew across the sky, shaking away the mysterious light and mist he brought, and calm again.

At this time, Gao Jiuding simply hated himself, but then he discovered that the mysterious ancient scroll shook, and the suppressed medicine cauldron immediately tilted, the cauldron's mouth cracked, and finally a seven-colored air flow gushed out.

This is a magic medicine. As soon as it comes out, it pours into the body from the sea of ​​consciousness, sweeping Gao Jiuding's body, causing the entire collapsed body to instantly produce blood and flesh, and even restore the corroded wounds, and the crisis is completely resolved.

The soul even rushed out, swallowing a big mouthful of seven-color airflow, and immediately, his entire soul began to swell, and was nourished by the seven-color magic medicine. Gao Jiuding's soul grew crazily, and even surpassed the previous possibility.

Unfortunately, what frightened Gao Jiuding was that with the appearance of the seven-color magic medicine, more and more light and mist invaded, and his body and soul were still dissipating rapidly.

In just one breath, his entire body, including the skeleton, disappeared, and his internal organs disappeared, leaving only a skull.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the consciousness of the soul was blurred for a while, and the huge soul collapsed directly. Was it wiped out by the mysterious light mist?

At this time, Gao Jiuding only had a little bit of flickering silver light left, still resisting, still proving that Gao Jiuding was still alive.

The physical body was obliterated, including the soul consciousness, and Gao Jiuding was already in a state of suspended animation.

Logically speaking, Gao Jiuding is already dead at this moment, leaving only a skull, and his spirit has collapsed, leaving only a flickering silver light.

However, at this time, between the eyebrows of his skull, a silver symbol wrapped in colorful rays of light loomed, exuding a mysterious luster, barely resisting the erosion of that terrifying mist of light, which prevented his skull from being melted .

From this point of view, the seven-color magic medicine still worked. Without its help, Gao Jiuding might have been in a real tragedy this time.

At that time, maybe his entire physical body will disappear.

If Gao Jiuding hadn't collected all his treasures, including all of them, into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, a large number of magic treasures would probably have been corroded at this time.

What's strange is that just when Gao Jiuding was about to make a tragedy, the dragon that had shrunk from its original size didn't die.

Although it lost its main consciousness, the dragon was a little terrified at this moment. It hid in a corner, not daring to get close to Gao Jiuding's body, which kept it from being corroded.

And then, it saw a large pile of blood crystals and countless things burst out.

This is the interspatial ring on Gao Jiuding's finger was broken, and some of the treasures that Gao Jiuding used frequently in it burst out immediately.

Seeing countless treasures, the flood dragon was not stupid, it immediately opened its mouth and swallowed all the blood crystals into its stomach, and then swallowed the blood orchids and two ten thousand year water lotus seeds.

If Gao Jiuding was free, he would definitely yell at him, and he might even kill the dragon, because he put these things in the storage ring to deal with accidents.

For example, now, if Gao Jiuding is still conscious, he will swallow it immediately to replenish his own consumption.

This flood dragon actually swallowed all his life-saving things?It's a pity that Gao Jiuding doesn't know anything at this time.

Of course, what he lost was only a storage ring, not the storage ring with a lot of space that he got later.

This is the difference in quality, that space ring, after feeling threatened, immediately drilled into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Gao Jiuding didn't know all this, but the Jiaolong at this time had gained great benefits. Its entire body was wrapped in a burst of divine light, allowing its small dragon body to enter a more powerful transformation process.

There are countless blood crystals, there are medium-grade, high-grade and even top-grade blood crystals, there are two ten thousand-year-old water lotus seeds, there are many things and countless beast corpses, all of which were swallowed by the dragon at once.

With these supplements, the damage Jiaolong received before will be restored.

But at this moment, Gao Jiuding was not in the mood to care about the flood dragon. All he had left was a skull. Fortunately, there was a mysterious symbol flickering between his eyebrows, quickly absorbing the terrifying light mist around him.

And those rays of light became stronger and stronger, and with the movement of the light mist, they were all absorbed by the silver symbol, producing a mysterious change.

With the passage of time, the sky was filled with silver light, and where the silver light shrouded, starting from the skull, runes emerged one after another, intertwined into a round silver cocoon.

As time passed, this silver cocoon became bigger and bigger, and even swallowed the sleeping little dragon, and then wandered in this dark and boundless Dead Sea, drifting to nowhere.

At this moment, inside Gao Jiuding's Sea of ​​Consciousness, there was another scene.

His soul has been disintegrated, turning into countless light spots floating around, and the entire sea of ​​consciousness space is filled with these light spots.

The light spots were flickering, the silver light was shining, getting stronger and stronger, and even exuded an incomparable aura.

This aura is very similar to the aura emanating from those mysterious light mist. In the end, Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness was covered by the mysterious light mist, and at this time his entire sea of ​​consciousness was still.

hum!At this time, there was a buzzing sound from the center of Gao Jiuding's Sea of ​​Consciousness, the mysterious ancient scroll was shaking, and the words of Dao flickered, the mysterious ancient scroll suppressed the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness, causing the light and mist to stagnate.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's entire sea of ​​consciousness world was completely still, as if time had stopped, which was really weird.

And Gao Jiuding himself didn't know about this matter at all, his consciousness had dissipated, if it wasn't for the fact that his sea of ​​consciousness had not collapsed, perhaps his soul power had dissipated.

It was because his dissipated soul remained in the sea of ​​consciousness, and there were mysterious ancient scrolls suppressing the sea of ​​consciousness, which made Gao Jiuding vaguely feel that he was about to die.

To die, but not to die, this kind of death is not real death, but a state of suspended animation.

Gao Jiuding's soul consciousness didn't really disappear, the aura that shone all over the sky in the sea of ​​consciousness was his soul, and at this moment, these auras dissipated little by little, and were wiped out by the mysterious light mist.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the soul energy belonging to Gao Jiuding is dissipating, and some soul particles are dimming one by one, like stars all over the sky, being obliterated by something.

There are fewer and fewer soul light spots, and in the end there are only five brightest light spots in 360 degrees.

Death was approaching, but Gao Jiuding didn't feel it at all, he was in an ignorant consciousness right now.

And at this time, from within the five bright soul light spots of 360, some pictures continuously flashed. In the picture, there is a bustling city, which is the scene on the earth.

Gao Jiuding's soul light spot carries these memories, and even has his later experiences. Images flashed and then disappeared. These are fragments of his memory.

Countless memory fragments are rapidly flashing out of Gao Jiuding's soul memory, more and more, even some memories that do not belong to him, but memories obtained from his soul search, are flashing out one by one .

Countless memories flicker in Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness, these are the memories of his life.

What happened to Gao Jiuding was very strange. His body disappeared, leaving only a skull, and his soul was obliterated. Only 360 five soul light spots were left flickering. He was considered completely dead.

However, the remaining things did not disappear, but instead formed a strange balance, and even grew little by little in the end, which was self-recovery.

Moreover, with the effect of the mysterious ancient scroll, the suppressing medicine cauldron tilted, and a huge colorful torrent gushed out, nourishing Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness again.

However, these colorful gases still cannot restore Gao Jiuding's body and soul, they can only maintain the current state without letting the soul particles in the sea of ​​consciousness be wiped out, and finally a wisp of liquid flows out with the ancient medicine cauldron. A liquid that emits colorful light.

(End of this chapter)

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