The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1424 Power of Rebirth

Chapter 1424 Power of Rebirth
The liquid flowing out of the cauldron is the real magic medicine. It finally appeared for the first time at the moment of Gao Jiuding's life and death, and poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, and even into the skull, forming an extremely powerful recovery force. And Gao Jiuding finally had a chance of recovery.

However, when Gao Jiuding was trying to recover, some people panicked.

Because Gao Jiuding's soul has been shattered, causing the soul lamp left by Gao Jiuding to go out.

This thing is similar to a life lamp, a life talisman or something, it preserves a drop of Gao Jiuding's blood essence and a trace of soul, as long as the soul is shattered, the life lamp will go out and the life talisman will be shattered.

Now Gao Jiuding's soul is about to completely collapse, and the life lamp in the distance immediately responds, which triggers a series of chain reactions.

"what happened?"

"Why did the life lamp go out?" An Shenxiu, who was in the distant starry sky, and a group of high-level officials were all startled.

Their respective life lamps vibrated suddenly, a burst of light shattered suddenly, and the life lamp belonging to Gao Jiuding went out unexpectedly.

Their fates are connected, so when Gao Jiuding's life lamp is in trouble, they will find out immediately.

Everyone panicked for a while, the situation was so sudden that they still don't know what happened.

In the end, An Shenxiu and the others had no choice but to contact the Huoling battleship beside Gao Jiuding, but unfortunately the latter was in a hurry.

"Huo Ling, where's your master? What's going on?" Song Yue was suddenly relieved when she found that Huo Ling wasn't injured. She was really scared to death just now.

"Huo Ling is fine, what's the situation now?" An Shenxiu also heaved a sigh of relief.

The Huoling battleship is Gao Jiuding's natal warship, if Gao Jiuding dies, the Huoling will also dissipate.

Li Xitong said: "No matter what the situation is, we'd better take a little risk now and teleport it directly!"

Huo Ling reacted and immediately reported Gao Jiuding's situation: "Although we don't know what happened, we still have to do something. I was practicing before, but suddenly I was transferred to the sea of ​​consciousness. I can only watch Once inside the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the master's spirit fluctuated violently, and then was enveloped by a burst of colorful light, making him unable to see anything!"

It's a pity that Huo Ling is in Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness. Although he can contact Song Yue, An Shenxiu and others through the jade document, he knows very little about it.

"He's in trouble, it seems that we have to get ready, we must not be chaotic inside!" Song Yue regained her composure, and immediately prepared to take the risk of launching the space-time teleportation.

During Gao Jiuding's absence, they didn't do nothing.

Especially in the asteroid belt that Gao Jiuding discovered last, they found real spirit crystal veins.

Although there are not many low-grade spirit crystals produced, the large spirit veins may collapse after use, but at this time Gao Jiuding is in danger, and they can't care about it.

Because the soul lamp left by Gao Jiuding was extinguished, Song Yue, An Shenxiu and other high-level executives felt a pressure. They were sure that Gao Jiuding should be in danger or trouble.

Now, Gao Jiuding still doesn't know that everything in his body is gone.

If it wasn't for the fact that the sea of ​​consciousness didn't collapse, he would have suffered a great loss this time. Of course, even now he is having a hard time.

At this time, even his own body, there is only a skull left, let alone other things.

What's even more weird is that Gao Jiuding's whole body is gone, but there is still a huge mouthful of blood left.

At this time, in Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​blood space, in a huge spiritual pool, endless energy and blood surged.

Because the qi and blood were too strong, a wave of blood-red spirit energy resisted the erosion of the outside light mist.

The accident happened so suddenly that Gao Jiuding didn't have time to react. His physical body, including Zhongdantian, disappeared.

The sea of ​​blood left behind was isolated from his body, and it was only now that it merged into Gao Jiuding's head, giving Gao Jiuding the possibility to reuse the sea of ​​blood.

At this time, within the sea of ​​blood, spiritual energy was tumbling, and countless forces in the spiritual pool were intertwined, including mana, blood essence, lightning, flames, black and yellow energy, silver battle energy, and even other things. The essence of the five elements.

The sea of ​​blood at this time is composed of various essences of heaven and earth.

It can be said that all the power that Gao Jiuding cultivated before was concentrated in this spirit pool, and now all these have broken into his sea of ​​consciousness.

As long as this spirit pool exists, Gao Jiuding can return to normal in an instant.

However, what he encountered at this time was that his will sank.

Without consciousness and wisdom, his body would not be able to recover at all. As long as he recovered a little bit, he would be immediately melted away by the mysterious mist.

I don't know how long it took, the spirit pool turned into silver, and then the silver fighting spirit actually wrapped Gao Jiuding's skull.

Here, fighting spirit is really the best, Gao Jiuding has tried it before.

At this moment, wrapped in fighting spirit, Gao Jiuding's bones were slowly recovering, being recast bit by bit.

This is a brand new battle bone, forged from various sources of heaven and earth, blood essence, and fighting spirit.

This kind of physique is dozens of times stronger than before, and it can already resist the obliteration of those mysterious lights.

At this time, the Xuanhuang battle body, the fire spirit battle body, the thunder god battle body, the silver battle body, etc., seemed to have all melted into one furnace and turned into a whole.

Only by combining all the background information and reshaping a new combat body can Gao Jiuding be able to resist the erosion of that light and mist.

The changes in the body are coming out bit by bit, this is a metamorphosis of death.

Logically speaking, Gao Jiuding was indeed dead at this moment, but because of a mysterious force, he retained such a little vitality.

In the end, because of the limit of death, he finally turned into a burst of vitality, allowing him to recover gradually.

Moreover, as a wave of seven-colored magic medicine swept out, Gao Jiuding's body rapidly produced bones one by one.

Extending from the head down, one bone after another is derived, and the whole body is silvery white, as if poured with mercury.

Of course, if you look carefully, you will see a ray of colorful light inside these silver-white bones, which is shaped by including all the origins of heaven and earth.

These bones are very strong, and they can resist the obliteration of those mysterious light mist, which is amazing.

As for the bones, one drop after another is born from the bone marrow. These bloods seem to have spirituality. They are intertwined and entwined quickly to form runes. The combination of runes gradually produces a trace of flesh and blood, internal organs, etc. In one by one evolution.

The limit of death is actually life, and Gao Jiuding is in this situation right now.

As for why this happened, he himself didn't know, or even didn't realize it. Of course, if he was awake, he would definitely think that the power of his blood was working again, and the power of rebirth was second only to the power of Phoenix Nirvana, right?
Following the recasting of the physical body, the interior of Gao Jiuding's Sea of ​​Consciousness also transformed, and the light spots of soul consciousness became more and more intense, and the bright silver light even radiated the entire world of Consciousness Sea.

In addition to a colorful light, there is also a strong silver light, which is filling the space of the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is the light of Gao Jiuding's soul, the breath of his soul, and all his soul particles are growing.

The 360 ​​five bright auras in the Sea of ​​Consciousness are flickering, growing stronger little by little, and finally withstand the obliteration of the mysterious light mist, as if they have obtained a different kind of new life.

This rebirth represents the transformation of the soul into life under the extreme death situation after the soul first goes to death. The complexity and danger are unpredictable. It is possible that Gao Jiuding will never be able to wake up from now on. become another person.

Of course, this was the result of all the soul particles being wiped out, but Gao Jiuding still retained 360 five soul particles, so his memory was all preserved.

It can only be said that Gao Jiuding has too many hole cards, and now he only uses the Taoist ancient scroll and the mysterious cauldron, and the cornucopia has not moved yet.

With the strength of the two treasures, Gao Jiuding's soul is recovering little by little, of course at a slow speed.

In this way, Gao Jiuding doesn't care about body or soul.They are all ups and downs in this strange sea of ​​death, looking for life in the midst of death.

He really thought he was dead, and when he lost consciousness, he felt very clearly that not only was his physical body gone, but even his soul consciousness was obliterated. This is a state of collapse and disappearance.

However, as time passed, Gao Jiuding's physical body was finally completely cast, and a brand new physical body appeared in the dark Dead Sea.

His Blood Sea Spirit Pond, the moment his physical body was completed, had turned into light and entered the physical body, silent in the space of the Blood Sea.

If you look carefully, you will find that the silver liquid in the blood sea spirit pool is gone, and it has been completely dried up.

This situation means that all of Gao Jiuding's strength has been exhausted, because the cost of recasting his body is huge, if there is no such colorful magic medicine, he will definitely not be able to recover to the current level.

But at this moment, his physical body was submerged and wrapped by the black death water in all directions, rapidly eroding.

However, what was surprising was that the ability of these death waters to quickly corrode the body seemed to have disappeared now, and the black water at this time could no longer corrode his body.

You can even vaguely hear the crisp clanging sound coming from the collision of the flesh, like a kind of gold and iron colliding, it is very magical.

At this moment, if Gao Jiuding wakes up, he will definitely find that there are mysterious symbols on his body, intertwined into a kind of complicated chains, circling around his body.

Because it was too complicated, it seemed a bit weird, but Gao Jiuding had reshaped the meridians in his body under the influence of these runes before.

But this time, after his flesh body disappeared, runes were already densely covered after his flesh and blood reappeared. Is this rune reshaping his body?

At this time, Gao Jiuding hadn't woken up yet, and the shrunken dragon curled up aside, just hovering over his neck.

 Thank you for the reward of 200 coins from the brother who poisoned you ten thousand times, and thanks to the brother who is the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!
(End of this chapter)

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