The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1469 Fire Phoenix

Chapter 1469 Fire Phoenix

The mighty devil bird is still a strong member of the Dapeng clan, the Dapeng bird in the world of gods and spirits, who did not expect to be instantly killed just by meeting him. Gao Jiuding's performance like this is really terrifying.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also had a word in his heart, he didn't expect that after devouring so many immortal souls, urging the Taiyin to poke the divine light again would have such an effect.

Just activating this supernatural power, actually burned a god?He could feel that although his soul hadn't changed qualitatively, the quantitative change was really great. He seemed to have infinite power now, and this was the reason why he burned a roc with a light ray of divine light.

At this time, everyone felt a slight tremor at this seemingly demigod-like human race. This is a freak.

It's unimaginable that someone who is only a half-god can kill a god-level god in an instant.

Although Xi He had expected it long ago, she was still surprised. She looked at Gao Jiuding's figure with her beautiful eyes, and her evaluation of him in her heart once again reached a peak.

"That force just now, could it be a forbidden technique?" The Wind Clan monk's face was extremely serious, and he was guessing in his heart.

He stared at Gao Jiuding, he couldn't imagine, how could this human race possess the forbidden technique?Or is it not forbidden?But how is it possible?

Beside him, the woman of the Yun tribe was also a little surprised. This human tribe who didn't care about it before, it seems that it is not that simple now.

Among the remaining few people, the youth of the Shui tribe has been very quiet, staring at Gao Jiuding for a moment, thinking in his heart: Now the Shui tribe is at war with a part of the human tribe, and the situation is a little delicate.

"My lord is so powerful, my family's heart is moved by seeing it! Hehe!" The nine-tailed fox saint was full of charm, and she walked all the way with a coquettish smile.

Step by step, the fragrance is tangy, giving people an infinite dreamy reverie, but it's a pity that Gao Jiuding's consciousness is too strong, and he doesn't feel anything at all.

"I don't like body odor!" Gao Jiuding said, and walked forward.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand to put away a large piece of debris, among which was the storage treasure belonging to the roc, which was what he cared about.

As for the demon fox, upon hearing this, her originally charming face instantly turned ice-cold, and her pair of ruthless eyes stared fiercely at Gao Jiuding.

She was filled with monster power, and there was a bang behind her, and nine huge tails flew in the sky. This is the Nine Fox Tails.

Gao Jiuding felt the murderous intent, turned around suddenly, and said lightly: "What? Now you also think that I, the human race, have no right to come here?"

Gao Jiuding's indifferent words were filled with cold murderous intent, and the murderous intent chilled people's hearts.

This is a warning, if you still dare to say anything, then meet his attack.

Of course, the reason why Gao Jiuding was able to instantly kill the Dapeng in the Divine Spirit Realm was because of its arrogance, and the other was because of the powerful soul of Consciousness Sea. It would be enough for any god to catch him by surprise. accepted.

Supreme supernatural powers are not easy to deal with, and of course, they cannot be used frequently, otherwise these guys here will be prepared.

That is to say, if the saintess of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan dared to test him, then Gao Jiuding would still be able to teach her a lesson by surprise. Gao Jiuding believed that with just one shot, these guys would definitely not be able to see through his supernatural powers.

Yaohu's face turned cold, but it turned into charming in an instant. She gave Gao Jiuding a white look, and said delicately: "My lord, you are so fierce. You will scare my little boy out of my mind."

"Yaohu, hurry up, let's watch!" At this time, such a sentence came from the side, which meant watching a show.

It was a young man with black silk flying around his head, his breath was soaring, and there was a strong smell of blood permeating the air. He was a strong blood clan.

Gao Jiuding looked and found that the blood youth was very powerful, and there was a pressure in his breath.

He can be sure that this young man's strength is in the realm of gods and spirits, and he is much stronger than that roc.

The demon fox narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a delicate smile: "Blood clan, is there a good thing among your clan?"

"A demon fox is a demon fox. No matter how you change, you have a foxy smell. My aquarium is relatively clean and holy." The voice of the aquarium youth came with obvious contempt.

However, before he finished speaking, he was attacked by nine demon foxes.

Nine huge fox tails smashed across the air, and with a bang, a huge hole was smashed, almost knocking the Shui youth into the ground.

I saw the nine fox tails dancing endlessly, and the demonic power circling and intertwining, surging from the demon girl's body, forming an extremely cold killing intent, and the demon fox became angry.

And that young man from the Shui tribe was also furious, his whole body was filled with water mist, and the blood in his body was throbbing, unexpectedly, he easily smashed the nine demonic powers clean without any harm.

"Hmph!" The scales on the forehead of the young man from the Shui tribe flickered, and there were bursts of blue light. He said angrily, "You fox, don't be ignorant of good and bad. If you dare to attack me, you won't be able to get out alive today."

"Really?" Yaohu smiled coquettishly, and walked step by step.

Her demon power boiled all over her body, and it turned into a blue mist that permeated the air. Looking at it like this, it seemed like she had done a murder.

While Gao Jiuding kept watching, he thought in his heart that these alien races were not of one mind, and there were also struggles and hostility.

So, can such a phenomenon attract some allies for the human race?

He looked at Yaohu, she must be from the Yaozu, but he didn't know what happened to the Yaozu here?It should be stronger, right?

In this way, should we win over some monster allies?In this way, he can easily gain a foothold under this starry sky.

Not to mention anything else, it's just that the aura here is so strong that it cannot be melted away. Otherwise, why is the sky always so hazy?
Also, their attacks just now are not weak, but the void here is as solid as a rock, and it doesn't look like it's broken at all.

Obviously, breaking the void here is not easy, even for gods.

"Okay, did you come here just to fight?" Suddenly, a figure flashed out and stood between the two, blocking the breath of the two.

The person who came was also young, but his aura was terrifying, even surpassing the Enchantress and the youth of the Shui tribe.

"This is a member of the Desolate Dragon Clan." Xi He came to remind him.

Gao Jiuding was a little surprised, and somewhat surprised. It is not easy for a wild dragon to transform into a human form, and it is even more difficult to form its own civilization.

And the burly young man in front of him, could it be that he was transformed into a wild dragon?

It's really unbelievable, he thought to himself, after all the wild dragons have reached a certain level of cultivation, can they all be transformed into human forms?
Sure enough, the Shui Clan's face became unhappy, and he snorted: "Huanglong, you land dragon, you still can't control the affairs of my Shui Clan, get out of here quickly, or you will be killed together."

boom!As soon as these words fell, there was a terrifying air wave erupting from Huanglong's body.

The wild dragon had a fierce face, and he turned to stare at the young man of the Shui tribe.

This wild dragon was obviously stimulated by this sentence, his domineering aura was shocking.

This is the breath of the wild dragon, which caught the attention of the Jiaolong on Gao Jiuding's arm, who was staring at it with two dragon eyes.

This member of the Huanglong tribe is very powerful, at least much stronger than the young man of the Shui tribe, which made the latter a little frightened.

"Today, I don't care about your words, but after you go out, you just wait to die!" Huanglong sneered, turned around directly, and ignored this guy.

"Okay, we're here to hunt for treasure, not to watch you quarrel." At this time, the young man of the Wind Clan walked out, and said a faint sentence, like a ray of breeze blowing, giving people a refreshing feeling and making the atmosphere Much easier.

Beside him, the woman from the Yun family also walked out, her breath was ethereal and impermanent, the meaning was obvious, and this farce ended here.

At this time, the youth of the blood race also stepped forward, not wanting to waste time here.

Gao Jiuding looked at these people, his aura was very strong, they were all in the realm of the gods, as for the guys who were not in the realm of the gods, they had been forced to go to the periphery long ago, so they couldn't speak at all.

Finally, Gao Jiuding shifted his gaze to the last person. It was a woman in a red robe with a graceful figure.

This woman has pale red hair, and her aura is so intense that it even makes people feel that this woman is a creature made of flames.

Gao Jiuding was surprised. He looked at this woman, not to mention her appearance, but her aura was as hot as fire, giving people an extremely strong burning sensation, but she didn't feel like a fire clan. It wasn't the sun fire clan, or the moon Zu Xihe must remind him that looking at this woman, Gao Jiuding was really curious.

"This is a member of the Fire Phoenix clan." Xi He introduced calmly.

Only then did Gao Jiuding suddenly realize that this is a member of the Phoenix family, so is he a phoenix?And it's a living phoenix!
The so-called phoenix is ​​a legendary existence. I didn't expect to see a woman from the Phoenix clan, and she was also a princess.

In the Phoenix family, it is rumored that men take Feng as their surname and women take Huang as their surname. Of course, these two surnames are only possible for people with direct bloodlines.

That is to say, this woman is actually from the Phoenix family. This kind of Phoenix with pure blood is not only powerful in itself, but also has an extraordinary identity.

This phoenix is ​​too low-key. She is more like a real dragon, so she just listened quietly all the time. She only looked at Gao Jiuding for a few times, but didn't pay attention, and didn't even say a word.

"Why are you here?" At this time, Gao Jiuding came to the side, looking at the three cautious humans and a stone clan in front of him.

These four guys are the three people they met at that time, as well as the stone clan who were hunted down.

"Thank you senior for saving the siege." The woman looked at Gao Jiuding with surprise and admiration on her face.

In fact, it was really dangerous just now, if Gao Jiuding and Xi He hadn't suddenly appeared and killed the Golden Ring Snake and Dapeng, they might be in trouble next.

But those two youths didn't speak, their faces were not very good, after all, they thought they were strong enough, but now it seems that they are not as good as a finger.

As for the stone man, he was staring at Gao Jiuding and Xihe.

(End of this chapter)

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