Chapter 1470 God Peak
The stone man suddenly asked in a low voice: "Brother, I advise you to stay away from the goddesses of the moon clan. Do you know that the goddesses of the moon clan are all appointed by the sun clan."

"Oh?" Gao Jiuding shook his head amusedly and said, "Thank you for reminding me, I know these things."

The stone man nodded slightly, and didn't say anything more. After all, it's good to mention something. People naturally know that if they don't listen, then they have their own plans. If he wants to interfere, he is not sensible.

The first generation of goddesses of the Moon Clan in ancient times, as well as Hou Yi, a hero of the human race, are all well-known figures.

Every ancient race is aware of this matter. Now that Gao Jiuding, a human being, is actually with a goddess of the Moon Clan, they naturally think of that legend.

"Everyone, this is the fairyland of the fairy clan. I guess this is where the Yaochi fairy palace is located. It is said that there is a kind of Yaochi fairy peach inside the Yaochi fairy palace." The young man of the Fengzu stood up and said.

Gao Jiuding looked at the young man of the Wind Clan, guessing that the other party should be of high status, or the young master of the Wind Clan?
Otherwise, it is impossible for this Feng Clan to marry the Yun Clan. This is a clan member of the direct blood line, and only then can he have the opportunity to marry the princess of the Yun Clan. These two people are the marriage bridge between the two clans.

As for whether they have feelings for each other, Gao Jiuding thinks that they have feelings, otherwise they wouldn't come out together.

Of course, these are not things he considers, he is thinking in his heart, can he unite with the Fengyun two clans?After all, he looked at the people of Fengyun and Fengyun, and he didn't seem to hate snakes or insects.

Although the human race here is not weak, but he is so powerful that he doesn't seem to be too strong here. At least compared with these ancient races, his power is still somewhat insufficient.

A single master is not at the same level!
Of course, the alliance also needs to rely on strength. If Gao Jiuding hadn't acted tougher, none of the protoss here would have liked him.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding began to look at the whole island.

It was only at this time that Gao Jiuding had time to check the surrounding situation, and soon he found that there was a fairy light everywhere, and the flowers, plants and trees were covered with a layer of crystal fairy glow, swallowing clouds and mist, it was amazing.

The entire island is very huge, and from here, there are countless huge palaces standing in the center of the island, which should be where the Yaochi Immortal Palace is located.

Whoosh!Suddenly, a figure flew into the sky and quickly flew towards the fairy palace group, which aroused the vigilance of everyone present.

Then, one figure after another moved quickly, and they all flew away at their fastest speed.

After Gao Jiuding saw it, he and Xi nodded to each other, reached an agreement tacitly, and immediately flew up to catch up with those people.

At this time, he naturally reached a joint agreement with the goddesses of the moon clan, hoping to win more treasures of the fairy clan.

"Xianyuan!" At this moment, Gao Jiuding saw the scene in front of him clearly, and Gao Jiuding also heard a pleasantly surprised cheer.

He raised his eyes and looked, only to find that he came to a garden with rising clouds and mist, where there was a jade plaque with three ancient characters of the fairy clan written on it, and the fairy light was shining. Is it the fairy peach garden?
As soon as he came here, Gao Jiuding immediately cheered up. He smelled a strange fragrance from the air, which was the fragrance from fairy things.

"There must be some immortal medicine here, so we must grab it!" The young blood clan's face was cold, and his words were sonorous.

Of course, the tone in that tone was more murderous. After the guy finished speaking, he rushed into the fairy garden in a flash.

The rest of the people followed one after another, each rushing in one direction.

And Gao Jiuding's speed was even faster, he had already entered in a flash, rushing towards the medicine garden.

Xi He, who was following him, was equally fast. The two of them followed a strong wave of spiritual energy, and soon stopped before a medicine field.

"This is?" Gao Jiuding stared at the medicine field in front of him in surprise. He had a faint feeling that the plants in the medicine field were extraordinary, but he didn't recognize what it was. Xi He beside him was different. She knew very well that it was what.

Xi He's expression was a little surprised, but it was more of a surprise. She said, "This is the elixir of immortality. This is the immortal plant of immortality in the legend. Does such a thing really exist?"

"The medicine of immortality? The medicine of immortality?" Gao Jiuding was taken aback when he heard that.

Originally, he thought that there would be no such thing, but in the medicine field in front of him, there really was such an immortal medicine, it was the Immortal Immortal Plant, also known as the immortal medicine.

"Haha, it turned out to be the elixir of immortality. It belongs to our Shark Race!" An excited roar came, which attracted the attention of Gao Jiuding and Xi He.

The two looked at it, only to find a figure flying towards quickly, it was standing in front of the medicine field, staring at the plants in the medicine field constantly.

The person who came was the young man of the Shui tribe. His body was full of breath, and the water mist rose. Finally, he turned and stared at Gao Jiuding and Xihe.

The youth of the Shui tribe sneered and said, "Young Master Ben, the Immortal Immortal Zhu, wants it. You two should leave quickly, so as not to cause this Young Master to do anything."

This made Gao Jiuding very speechless, why did he feel that the shark's head was broken?
Couldn't it be clear that there are two people here, and one of them is a moon goddess, so he is so confident?

"Shark people?" Gao Jiuding looked at him, and suddenly remembered that Song Yue and the others seemed to be fighting against the shark people, and the Shui tribe he had met before had even killed an old man from the Shui tribe. Now think about it, the Shui tribe has divided into countless large Tribes, among which the sharks are a big clan.

He suddenly laughed and said: "A mere shark, how arrogant and arrogant? Then you can rest in peace in the fairyland!"

"You are stubborn, then you all go to die!" The young shark man's face was gloomy, and he was covered in water mist, and with a bang, he suddenly erupted.

I saw that the body of the shark glowed for a while, and the blue brilliance came out mightily, and infinite power emerged from his dantian.

Gao Jiuding's pupils shrunk slightly, and he stared at the scene in front of him, only to see a turbulent wave gushing out of the shark man's dantian, rumbling violent vibrations, and turned into a boiling ocean.

It seems that each of these gods is not so simple!

Gao Jiuding could tell that the turbulent waves gushing out of the Sharkman's dantian were actually similar to Faxiang.

Combining magic with supernatural powers to form a means of killing?The power doesn't look weak!
"Kill!" An angry shout came, and then Wang Yang shook, forming a monstrous wave that swept over, covering the entire ten thousand meter radius.

The countless divine powers in the Sharkman's body turned into a vast ocean, and it was still a real ocean.

Gao Jiuding never expected that this shark-man youth would have the ability to turn a radius of [-] meters into a vast ocean, enveloping both of them in this ocean.

"This is the supernatural power of the Shui Clan's peak domain. In the future, it can be turned into a god's domain, and even a world can be opened up." Xi He reminded.

After Gao Jiuding heard this, his mind was shaken. He faintly felt that this was an extremely powerful supernatural power. However, this should also be a kind of domain, but it was the acme of domain, similar to the existence of God's domain.

This kind of supernatural power should be the cone shape of God's Domain, so the so-called small world is the materialization of God's Domain, right?It seems that the cultivation of the realm of gods and spirits is not that simple!
Gao Jiuding has seen a lot of monsters who have cultivated into the domain, but there are not many who can turn the domain into a god's domain, let alone the small world. He has never heard of such a master.

boom!At this moment, Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​blood rolled over for a while, and then shook violently, as if there was a silver ocean in it.

After he saw the blue ocean of the Sharkman just now, he immediately had a kind of enlightenment, and he also had some ideas about his own cultivation.

Sure enough, this change caught Xi He's attention. She stared at Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​blood, and found that there was really a silver sea there, and she was very familiar with this silver light.

Xi He vaguely saw an endless silver ocean, was this the result of Gao Jiuding's lunatic supernatural power?Thinking of this, Xi He's expression turned one side.

"How is it possible that a space is going to be formed?" Xi He was shocked, she was really frightened, the formation of a space was to form a small world, which was a step further than the formation of the God's Domain.

Not only her, but also a figure hidden around was also shocked.

He stared at Gao Jiuding's figure in astonishment, and found that the silver glow on the latter's body became more and more intense, and even he was about to turn into a silver ocean.

The young shark was frightened, and he roared: "Impossible, this is not true, you are just a demigod-like garbage, how could you activate this kind of vision? This is the power only in the realm of the gods."

It is normal for him to be terrified, because this kind of vision can only be activated when he reaches the realm of gods, and even elementary gods cannot do it. This is a distance of a big realm.

But the guy Gao Jiuding in front of him is clearly a demigod, but he actually wants to turn the sea of ​​blood into a vast world, this is the ability of the peak of the gods.

"Could it be that this is the real pride of heaven?" At this moment, the youth of the Shark Race was full of shock.

Then, his expression turned cold, and the shark youth murmured: "The human race's arrogance is too scary, we can't let him grow up, we must kill him."

This shark-human youth's intention to kill Gao Jiuding was clearly revealed.

This human race has brought too much pressure on him, how can such a talented and talented person stay?

If he is really the outstanding person of this generation of human race, he must be a great enemy of all races. Any strong man of a foreign race will have to think about getting rid of him before he grows up.

"Xi He, this human race can't stay, let's kill him together." The shark youth shouted.

At this moment, Xi He's expression was also very complicated. She also hesitated for a while. She wanted to kill Gao Jiuding to avoid future troubles, but she was also a little hesitant, appearing very hesitant.

It's not that she doesn't have this idea. As a goddess of the Moon Clan, she must consider for her own clan.

But she thinks about many questions, what will happen to the human race in this era, and how will the moon race break through the shackles?Let the Moon Clan recover their strength?

Here, it is not the sphere of influence of the Moon Clan. They are like a group of wandering children who can't find their way home.

The only chance now is to break through the blockade of all races and return to the moon clan battle star.

(End of this chapter)

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