The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1490 The Son of the World

Chapter 1490 The Son of the World
Swish!I saw Gao Jiuding flashing out, suspended in front of the Nine Great Expelling Shells, then Gao Jiuding smiled inexplicably.

He didn't talk nonsense, he put away the nine shells with a wave of his hand, and came directly in a flash, and in an instant, he was not far from the crowd.

This arrival immediately aroused everyone's nervousness, and they all stared at Gao Jiuding vigilantly.

This evildoer, who has killed many ancient masters in a row, does he want to kill them now?

"You want to kill us?" The female cultivator of the Phoenix Clan said with a serious face.

The female cultivator of the Phoenix Clan stepped forward, not afraid of Gao Jiuding.

But Xi He and the others stepped forward one after another, looking at Gao Jiuding calmly, not to mention the slightest bit of fear, if that was the case, they would have fought a battle.

But at this moment, those ancient masters were breathless, and they were extremely vigilant, without any carelessness.

This evildoer is too terrifying, if they really make a move, they may not be able to resist.

One is that he has not recovered, and the other is that the opponent is too terrifying and has killed too many people.

Gao Jiuding glanced at the people in front of him, and suddenly smiled lightly: "Everyone, if you have time, you can come to our human race as a guest, I will take a step first, and we will meet later!"

Swish!As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared in an instant, as if he had never appeared before.

And the rest of the Tianjiao people were staring blankly at the direction where Gao Jiuding disappeared, it took a long time to recover, and then they began to look at each other.

"Is he inviting us?" Someone asked in surprise.

And everyone present is a master of their own clan, so they are naturally very clear that if they want to gain the friendship of others, they must first have enough strength, and Gao Jiuding has it.

The other party killed hundreds of masters of various races at the moment they were resurrected and born. Thinking about it now, if he is not qualified to invite them, no one is qualified.

"Goddess, our era has passed, this era is your era, what to do will be up to you, but my suggestion is that if our family wants to return to the ancestral land of our family, we must rely on the human race, otherwise, we will repeat the ancient times. The past!" An ancient master of the Moon Clan said cautiously.

On the other side, the ancient masters of other races all said cautiously: "Yes, the ancient times have become history. If we people can come back, it is because of the immortal tomb and the human king who is the king of the world. If we are still enemies of the human race, This era will bring us down."

"This is the ancestral land of the human race, the oldest and first ancestral land of the human race. We must see the situation clearly, otherwise this era will be more tragic than ancient times, and even all races will be destroyed."

These people from the ancient times knew more secrets, and even knew more about some secrets of the ancient and immemorial times, so they seemed very vigilant.

They have been sealed in the tomb since ancient times, some voluntarily, some forced, but now it is a great opportunity to live to this era.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding didn't know what these people thought, and if he knew, he wouldn't pay attention to it, because he now had the ability to challenge these ancient masters.

Even, his reputation will quickly spread to all ethnic groups, some people will be afraid, some people will be angry, and there will definitely be people who will come to hunt him down.

Especially those of the older generation, these people would want to obliterate Gao Jiuding, a monster, otherwise they would face a terrifying situation in the future.

"Masters from various races were born. It seems that the human race must be integrated into one, otherwise it will be difficult to compete." Gao Jiuding flew all the way, thinking about future plans.

His figure streaked across the void, thinking in his heart how he grew so fast.

The human race here is now divided, facing the ancient masters of these various races will be in great danger.

However, at this moment he sneered, Gao Jiuding stared into the distance, and said: "It's fine if you don't come, if you come, then I will kill one of you, and use the blood and bones of you ancient masters to pave the way for my invincibility." On the prestige."

He has this self-confidence now because he has reached the extreme state of rebirth and is entering the pure yang state.

The most important thing is that he completed the legendary tenth rebirth, which can be said to have ten exorcisms.

As for where the tenth exorcism shell is, it is actually right in front of him, which is his current body.

And inside this body, there is a figure sitting cross-legged, this is the real body, and the shell is only driven.

This is actually the result of Gao Jiuding's body training. If it wasn't for his continuous body training, even if he had endless resources, he would not have taken off the ten old bodies and achieved his current pure yang state.

Now his body is flawless, flawless, flawless, and his body, essence, blood, and soul are perfectly unified, and they are no longer separated from each other. It can be said that at this time, Gao Jiuding can really be reborn with a drop of blood, because every drop of his His soul is fused in his blood, as long as he is not directly turned into ashes, he is immortal.

And to this extent, even the assimilation ability of the blood nerves has been greatly strengthened. Now, he can directly devour the blood essence and soul of any creature.

As long as this can be achieved, Gao Jiuding can continue to erupt and burn blood essence without stopping. If it is truly achieved, the sea of ​​blood will never dry up, and he will live forever!

Now it needs to be sorted out so that Song Yue and others can be brought over quickly, otherwise, he is alone, and there is really no possibility of great development here.

There was a vibration in a mountain, and then the smoke and dust billowed, revealing a huge cave.

This is a hole that Gao Jiuding blasted out in the mountain range, and he wants to stay in it for a while.

Entering the realm of the gods, he needs to sort it out, because this is a strange and special realm.

This realm can be said to be very important. As a pure protoss, he can even cultivate his own warriors.

"Human soldiers? Accompanying spiritual treasures? This is made from your own body. In fact, you can also make clones, real clones!"

Inside the cave, a silver glow flickered, and a figure sitting cross-legged was vaguely seen, it was Gao Jiuding himself.

He is now thinking about a question, what kind of weapon should he breed in his body?Or refine the avatar directly?This is a very important question.

It is too common for a human soldier to use runes to shape a horcrux. Now he wants to refine the exorcism shell he took off into a weapon, and there is no better weapon than his body.

Now Gao Jiuding is thinking, if it is refining clones, will ten clones be too many, after all, he still has many incarnations.

So are doubles more useful than avatars?
Not to mention other things, the strength of each of the ten old bodies of Gao Jiuding at this time is no worse than the previous strength, this is the key point.

Especially the final utensil, which is infinitely close to the body of pure yang, transformation of god, and real body.

He has a lot of second incarnations, but they are not very useful. For example, Gao Jiuding has not refined a second incarnation for a long time, so a clone is not what he urgently needs now.

However, avatars can save lives. Having an avatar is equivalent to having an extra life. This needs to be paid attention to.

And this is also the benefit of achieving the primordial spirit. After the achievement of the primordial spirit, the body is in the process of being reborn, and the three treasures of spirit, energy, and spirit are integrated into one, so that Gao Jiuding's physical body contains his soul power. In this way, ten With a clone, it seems that it is not difficult to refine.

Of course, he can also sacrifice his own body to become a companion spirit treasure, or a human soldier, which will not affect him by giving him an extra life!

It is still necessary to cast human soldiers. If the real body really falls, the human soldiers can immediately turn into the real body.

Since the real body is a soldier, and the soldier is a real body, there is no need to think about it.

Having made a decision, Gao Jiuding began to calculate how to refine these bodies into magic weapons.

Along the way, the tower was used first, followed by arrows, swords, whips, etc., all of which seemed unorthodox.

But I haven't used it since then, I just hit it with my fist until now.

He thought, his body is extremely powerful, and he doesn't need any weapons at all, so it's just right for him to act in his true colors.

At the end of the calculation, Gao Jiuding suddenly waved his hand and emitted nine rays of light, turning into nine lifeless bodies, which were exactly his nine bodies.

Then, from his body, a figure suddenly walked out, which was exactly the appearance of Gao Jiuding.

This body is more perfect than the ten bodies, it is simply indescribable.

Gao Jiuding felt that when he was born for the tenth time, it seemed that his life and even his blood had undergone tremendous changes.

"These ten exorcisms are all my body. Can I fuse into one clone? It's best to be able to divide and change!" He stared at the ten bodies in front of him, thinking about this question.

What Gao Jiuding wanted was not a weapon, but to fuse his body into a stronger avatar, a tyrannical avatar that could fight against heaven and earth.

Of course, all of this is to save his life. He usually doesn't use this clone because it has ten lives.

For him, the body is a weapon. If so, it is better to turn into a clone, which can help him fight and save his life.

As soon as this idea came out, Gao Jiuding suddenly remembered that he seemed to have an ancient stone egg. If he could fuse the ten major bodies into the stone egg, and then use the vast essence of the stone egg to cultivate a clone, wouldn't that be the most perfect one born holy? ?
The Stone Clan is inherently sacred, and this stone egg was born when that small world was about to be destroyed, so it must have some magic, at least, it should also have some essence of that small world.

If it is the son of the world of that small world, as the last savior to save the small world, it would be even more awesome.

It is not too easy for this kind of child of the world who gathers the luck of a small world to become a master in the future.

"Try it!" Gao Jiuding thought, if his idea can be realized, then he will have a special clone. Moreover, this clone is still cultivated with ancient stone eggs, and there must be a complete soul in it. Moreover, it is equivalent to a creature born from heaven and earth. This must be an innate creature. If it is an innate god and demon, the meaning is even more extraordinary.

Gao Jiuding entered the sea of ​​consciousness and came to the center of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Here, it will always be suppressed by the ancient scroll with mysterious Dao characters. Under the ancient scroll, there is an ancient medicine tripod, and there is a huge stone egg beside it.

(End of this chapter)

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