The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1491 The Bottomless Pit

Chapter 1491 The Bottomless Pit

"I know that your consciousness has already been born. I came here today to ask for your help. If you are willing to help, I will give you a great opportunity. If you don't, then I will kill your consciousness and completely smelt you."

As soon as he came to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Gao Jiuding was straightforward and told his reason for coming.

Moreover, the meaning in those words is to use stone eggs to nourish the avatar, if you agree, you can get his gift and help, if you don't agree, then you can completely smelt it.

Shidan trembled and kept shaking there, looking terrified.

It has its own consciousness, and its IQ is not low, and now it panics when it hears it.

However, it was suppressed by the mysterious ancient scrolls, and it couldn't even move, let alone run away.

In the end, the stone egg tragically stopped shaking and resigned itself to its fate.

After all, the current situation is stronger than it. If you disagree, you will be directly obliterated. If you agree, you may also be obliterated, but at least you have some hope, right?

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding smiled, and he waved his hand directly, and the stone egg immediately appeared outside his body.

Of course, when he came out, he was still suppressed by a Tao word, and he couldn't move.

Gao Jiuding acted immediately, hitting one body after another towards the stone egg. There was a cracking sound, and all ten bodies were broken and fused into the stone egg.

This process was exceptionally smooth, just to see if these ten avatars can successfully cultivate an independent soul.

The stone egg in front of him exudes a hazy atmosphere, especially the chaotic atmosphere, which looks simple and vicissitudes.

If this thing can't help him condense a complete soul, then Gao Jiuding intends to split the soul himself to quickly ripen several bodies of the soul.

In fact, there is a trace of divine sense inside the Blood God Son, but that is divine sense, not divine soul, and it is still troublesome to control.

"Don't worry, as long as you help me smelt a clone, I will help you completely transform it." Gao Jiuding promised directly, and planned to do what he said.

He took out one storage treasure after another, and directly spilled a lot of things. These were all blood crystals, so many that even the stone egg seemed very excited when he saw it.

Boom!Regardless of whether it was dangerous or not, the stone egg directly devoured the sky and the earth, swallowing up all the blood crystals that spilled all over the sky.

Regardless of whether it is low-grade, medium-grade or high-grade, even the best grade is swallowed in one gulp.

This stone egg is like a bottomless pit, devouring everything with energy.

Gao Jiuding was terrified when he saw it, the blood crystals in three rings in a row had been swallowed up, and it was not enough.

"Hahaha, swallow it, as long as you have the ability to swallow it, I still have a lot of things."

Gao Jiuding was a little excited. He waved his hand again and spilled countless supplies. Anyway, he killed hundreds of ancient masters and got a lot of things. I don't feel bad at all.

In the cave, a sense of chaos permeated the air, and a primitive stone egg was faintly visible up and down.

And in front of the stone egg, a figure was sluggishly spilling countless blood crystals, even countless ore materials and so on.

These things were all swallowed up by the stone eggs, and there were not even some weapons and armor left.

During the whole process, Gao Jiuding was terrified, and it felt really terrifying.

"Damn, you've swallowed all the contents of the ten storage rings, are you still not satisfied?" Gao Jiuding was a little annoyed.

Just now, he has already spilled the contents of ten storage rings. These were obtained by killing a few alien geniuses earlier, and now they are gone.

And when he checked, he didn't find any particularly good things, so he piled them all up. He never thought that this stone egg would actually swallow everything.

Gao Jiuding looked at the trembling stone egg in front of him, the hazy atmosphere of chaos became more and more intense, and finally he had to continue to take out the storage treasures of those ancient masters, taking out piles of things.

It's a pity that the stone egg still swallows everything, it will not refuse anyone, it simply swallows whatever it gives.

Another hour passed, and the thirty storage equipment was empty, and everything was swallowed.

Gao Jiuding checked and took out some spiritual objects, but after thinking about it, he still threw it to the stone egg to swallow.

He knows that now is a critical moment, if his avatar cannot be cultivated, then everything will be in vain.

It is useless to keep these spiritual things now, it is better to cultivate a powerful clone, this is the right way.

Pile after pile of ancient materials flew out and were swallowed one by one, as if it was a bottomless pit that would never be filled.

Gao Jiuding was so entangled at the moment, he felt a little frightened when he saw it.

He really couldn't believe that a stone egg swallowed so many supplies, among which there were countless weapons and armor, and one piece of storage equipment was empty.

At this time, more than 100 pieces of stored equipment were emptied, and he even had to take out his original savings in the end, which made Gao Jiuding feel distressed for a while.

The accumulation left by Gao Jiuding is all good materials, especially some ores with fairy aura. He couldn't refine these ores, so he could only save them, but now he can use them to feed stone eggs .

"Still picky eater?" After feeding a lot of ore, Gao Jiuding found that the digestion of the stone egg was a bit slow, but as soon as blood crystals appeared, its devouring speed immediately became countless times faster.

"Swallow another 500 million top-grade blood crystals!" Gao Jiuding's face was numb. He watched more than 500 million top-grade blood crystals being swallowed lightly, without any fluctuation in mood.

Among the more than 100 pieces of storage equipment just now, it is not clear how many blood crystals there are, in short, all the blood crystals below the top grade have been swallowed.

Now that he has finally swallowed his belongings, he still has the top-grade immortal stone that he specially left behind. This is a more powerful energy stone, but it seems that he has to use it now.

"Ten thousand fairy stones!" A numb voice came from inside the cave, and Gao Jiuding watched the entire cave was filled with countless fairy stones.

This time it is not an ordinary spirit crystal, but a real fairy stone, the crystallization condensed by fairy spirits!

And in front, that stone egg was even more excited, buzzing and trembling, swallowing countless fairy stones!

The ten thousand immortal stones were gone, and then another ten thousand was thrown out with a wave of his hand. Sure enough, within a few minutes, they were swallowed up again.

Gao Jiuding completely lost all distracting thoughts, such as reluctance, pity, etc., have completely disappeared, he has been completely numb, and has no other thoughts at all, the only thought is to quickly fill up this stone egg.

It's a pity that he was disappointed, ten thousand and ten thousand, more than an hour passed, and he didn't know how many immortal stones he lost, maybe even more than 5000 million?

At this time, Gao Jiuding was a little skeptical about life. Even if this stone egg was born sacred, it is impossible to consume so many fairy stones, right?
Immortal stones are used by gods and immortals for cultivation, so after swallowing so many immortal stones, a real immortal will be piled up, right?
"Could this be a fairy embryo? If so, will it help me to raise ten fairy bodies?" Gao Jiuding is already on the verge of riding a tiger. Anyway, he has already wasted so many resources, so he might as well continue wasting them. No, it should continue to invest.

The fairy stones in his hand are different from spirit crystals, anyway, he can't use them now, and he won't need them for a long time.

Also, these fairy stones were all obtained from the storage equipment of those ancient masters. When he got them, he swallowed them before he had time to take a serious look.

Anyway, it's for nothing, waste is waste, Gao Jiuding is cruel and continues to invest.

Seeing the magic of the stone egg, Gao Jiuding knew that it was really powerful, so all the effort should be worth it.

Gao Jiuding himself was numb to the astronomical amount consumed, and in the end everything was thrown out.

At this time, the chaotic atmosphere on the surface of the stone egg was so strong that it would turn into a liquid, enveloping the entire stone egg.

However, this does not seem to have reached a saturated state, obviously not enough.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding, who was numb in his heart, finally felt a wave of fluctuation, and he almost didn't swear.

"I don't believe it, but you can't fill it up?" He was a little angry.

All the things obtained by bombarding the masters of various races before have been consumed on the ninth floor.

Even the fairy stone specially left at the end is gone, and there are more than 100 empty storage equipment and hundreds of powerful weapons left.

These weapons are the Horcruxes obtained by him after killing the masters of various races. They can also be said to be companion spirit treasures. There are all kinds of weapons. In short, they are not much worse than ancient weapons, and some are even more powerful.

"Can you swallow these?" Gao Jiuding said a little speechlessly.

Anyway, he couldn't use the horcruxes he had just snatched, because to refine them, he needed to eliminate the internal imprint of the soul.

These are not ancient artifacts. After countless years of passage of time, the imprint of the soul of the original owner inside the ancient artifacts has dissipated.

And now these freshly baked ancient artifacts still carry the body temperature of their owners!
He waved his hand and sprinkled a lot of magic weapons, all of which were Horcruxes of those ancient masters.

In an instant, there was a clanging sound from the entire cave, but it was a pity that it was enveloped by the chaotic atmosphere on the surface of the stone egg, and then it was crushed.

Click!There was a crisp click, and a Horcrux was shattered first, and was swallowed up by the stone egg.

The chaotic aura above the stone egg is boiling, and the aura is ancient and desolate, giving people a feeling of horror.

Gao Jiuding's eyebrows twitched wildly as he stared at one Horcrux after another being crushed like this, and then swallowed up, turning into the supreme nutrient inside the stone egg.

Hundreds of powerful magic weapons, including many top-notch magic weapons, unfortunately were still swallowed up.

"Gulu!" Gao Jiuding's eyes widened, and he swallowed with difficulty.

It was hard for him to believe that after swallowing such a magical stone egg, he didn't even have the slightest feeling of being born. Gao Jiuding could only vaguely feel that his avatars were getting stronger and stronger.

However, this is far from enough. To be born, more and greater energy is required.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding became completely annoyed, and now there was only a large pile of empty storage equipment left at hand.

"Tun, I'll let you swallow!" Gao Jiuding was almost insane, he threw a handful of things at the stone egg, which were one piece of storage equipment after another.

But the next moment, the stone egg was actually swallowed. After a crackling sound, more than 30 pieces of storage equipment disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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