The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 184 They Are All Liars

Chapter 184 They Are All Liars
The group of demons rushing in at one time was too large, and the city of light was impatient, and the communications he sent became more and more severe every time.

This effect is very good. The fleet, which was still chaotic just now, all jumped away in an orderly manner, and appeared directly behind Gao Jiuding's defensive area.

The original defense fleet, without the obstruction of the spaceship ahead, began to attack the demon group in an all-round way.

At this time, Cui Yi and the others had already released more than a dozen rounds of holy light bombs.

Anyway, the Holy Light Bullet had no lethality against the retreating spaceships, so Gao Jiuding asked Cuiyi and the others to use their full firepower.

This kind of effect is naturally good, even if it consumes a lot, Gao Jiuding will recognize it.

"Can't we get closer, can we fight again? We can help if we get closer!" The little fox appeared next to Gao Jiuding, complaining a bit.

In the past month, the little fox can only collect some small demon groups nearby, and its strength has not increased much.

Now that he had an opportunity, Gao Jiuding was attacking from a million kilometers away. Why didn't the little fox complain?So where can it get any benefit?
"No way, don't be more active, where is the meat to eat? Did you see that these demon groups were deliberately attracted by the spaceships behind, but now they can only watch, and they can't even get some soup!" Gao Jiuding He said with a smile.

"Attack with all your strength, don't stop!" Just after dealing with the little fox, Gao Jiuding discovered that Cui Yi and the others actually slowed down their attack speed. Are they planning to mine the approaching asteroids?
"Ignore those asteroids, attack with all your strength!" Gao Jiuding repeated the order again.

"Execute the order!" Cui Yi's voice came, which made Gao Jiuding a little annoyed. Those women really think that they can be the masters of the house?

Following Cui Yi's order, the spaceship, which was a little hesitant just now, began to rush forward with all its strength.

Seeing that they no longer paid attention to the asteroids flying by, Gao Jiuding also heaved a sigh of relief. His purpose was not these asteroids.

Round after round of attacks, endless, the sacrificial light of the Holy Light Bullet illuminated a large area of ​​the universe.

Therefore, as long as you are willing to part with it, no matter how big the demon group is, it is not a match for human beings.

"There is LAN communication, I hope to access it!" Just as Gao Jiuding was nervously observing the battlefield, his communicator thought again.

"Come in!" Gao Jiuding sighed, he must have been missed by others, of course, it is more likely to be envied.

"Brother, there's no need to fight like this, right?" This time it was actually Huang Quxing's communication that was connected first.

"Big brother, how much middle-grade spirit stones do you need to consume? Now you can't buy holy light bullets with low-grade spirit stones." Ma Rulong's words are still worth using.

"Little brother, you are so majestic!" The familiar communication number is not Li Rusong, it seems to be Li Rusong's family.

"Can't we shoot closer?" George Eiffel, who hadn't contacted Gao Jiuding, complained.

"Damn, this brother is fierce, is it because you have too much money and no land to spend?" I don't know this person, his communicator can be accessed by anyone, because these people talk a lot, Mr. Gao Jiuding You can get some useful information from their mouths.

"Haha, I recognize you, you are that lucky kid!"

"Yes, that is, he has obtained a huge treasure star, and it seems that he has gained a lot!"

"A mine star that is [-] to [-] kilometers long? It's really a big harvest, no wonder it's so rich and powerful!"

"Don't be envious, it's useless to be envious, let's think about how to deal with this wave of demons!"

"Those seniors are really unkind, they actually attracted so many devils!"

"Don't complain. The large number of monsters can only show that these asteroids are of good quality. Who of you is not willing to defend the position and give it to us. We are trying to contribute, but we haven't found an opportunity yet!" This person must have retreated one of the spaceships.

"That is, although we have disrupted the speed of the asteroids in the ecliptic disc, we have also brought you opportunities, so you don't appreciate it?"

"What do these little guys know? That's all they know."

"If there were no juniors among you, would you still be able to take advantage of such a good thing?"

"Forget it, forget it, let's watch the fun!"

"That boy in his early years, whether you can sell the treasure star under you, I will give you a billion low-grade spirit stones!"

"Cut, just want to earn trillions of tons of black iron with one billion low-grade spirit stones?"

"Dream, who doesn't know the price of black iron?"

"The price of basic materials has dropped recently. I wonder if the mining quantity has increased?"

"That's right. Are there other boys willing to sell the basic materials? Our price is already high."

"Yes, we all know how much basic materials are, and ordinary people are useless, so let's sell them if they can be sold now!"

"Who will sell it? I will also participate, and I also want black iron ore. There are not many opportunities like this!"

"Why is no one talking?"

"Are you there? Is anyone there?"

"Damn, what's wrong with the kid now? So disrespectful to seniors?"

A group of veterans got angry, and many people were still afraid, and immediately someone spoke on the public channel.

"Nothing, we are busy!"

"Yes, yes, we are fortifying the position."

"So many demons rushed over in one go. We didn't have the experience of our predecessors, so we were a little flustered and didn't have time to reply."

"I have gained a little here, I just hope to exchange some spiritual plants, spiritual grains, and spiritual fruit seeds. It would be even better if there are spiritual medicine seeds."

"I want some basic formation secret books. I have black iron, gold crystals, and ice crystals. I hope the seniors can give me some pointers!"

"Oh, I want to learn how to refine weapons. I don't need to be very advanced, as long as I can refine holy light bombs, I don't want to learn in vain. I can exchange it with millions of tons of black iron ore."

"I'll change it too. Use red copper. This is a good thing. Seniors understand, right?"

"Haha, these juniors are really rich and powerful, and they want to exchange technology!"

"It's not that they can't exchange, aren't they rich and powerful?"

"It's really rich and powerful, and thousands of holy light bombs have been fired!" This is the beginning of targeting Gao Jiuding again, and they have no choice but to target, otherwise they will not be able to step down.

Who is the fool here?These so-called seniors want to obtain materials at a low price, but Li Rusong and the others want their technology and experience.

Both sides don't want to pay much, but both want to take advantage, how can they reach an agreement?The final result can only be that everyone is laughing.

"Boy, holy light bullets are not something you can buy with low-grade spirit stones. Do you want me to support you with some middle-grade spirit stones? Just give me half of the ore star under your spaceship, and 100 million middle-grade spirit stones will be offered immediately! "It can't be cheated, and a little blood started to bleed.

"Wow, that black iron ore star is so valuable?" Li Rusong started to make trouble again.

"There are a lot of black iron ore, so there's no need to spend such a big price to buy it?" This is because the seniors are in charge.

"Yeah, 100 million medium-grade spirit stones can buy [-] holy light bullets. With so many holy light bullets, Oortyun can break through." This is Tito.

"What do you know? I am in urgent need of low-grade materials, otherwise I would give so many middle-grade spirit stones? Kid, have you figured it out? After passing this village, there will be no such shop." This is a god entrustment.

"I want to build a second-level spaceship, and I need a lot of materials. Anyone who needs materials that are not available can buy them at the price of this senior. As much as they want, they will all be traded with middle-grade spirit stones." Gao Jiuding was bored, and directly sent Big move.

"Damn, this kid is not a good stubble, whose family?"

"Fox? From the Daoist League of China?"

"Haha, trillion tons of black iron, only 100 million middle-grade spirit stones, I want it too, and I want as much as I have!"

"Boy, it's not that easy to make a second-tier battleship. Do you need help? When you get in touch!" This one seemed shameless, and started to solicit business.

"Same as above, we can provide spaceship design, formation layout, and weapon structure."

After Gao Jiuding got tough, a lot of spaceships sent business contacts, which made Gao Jiuding a little dumbfounded.

The speed at which these people changed their faces was fast enough. Just now, they were acting like seniors, and they were teaching him a lesson. Now that they heard that he was building a second-tier warship, they immediately began to put down their faces to attract business.

As more and more people participated, Gao Jiuding's communication channel became a group chat.

It seems that these people have been suffocated, and when they have an opportunity, they all become chatterboxes.

Gao Jiuding was not in the mood to listen to their gossip at this time, because now Cuiyi and the others have cleaned up the demon group around them.

Asteroids flew by quickly, and Cuiyi and the others began to fall into the asteroids to mine ore according to Gao Jiuding's instructions.

"Haha, I dug out a piece of ancient copper!" Just as Gao Jiuding was carefully directing Cuiyi and the others to mine, some idiot actually shouted in the public channel.

"Is it really bronze? What quality, show it?"

"There is still bronze here? Impossible!"

"How is it impossible? How many stars have collapsed outside? Don't you know?"

"You're going to find bronze, and you're going to yell?"

"Stunning? What a disappointment!"

"What's the disappointment? Even if you really collect bronze, you can't afford it!"

"Look, there are more than 100 tons. There is no need to think about the Hongfu furnace of the second-level road, but the Hongfu furnace of the first-level road is all right!" At this moment, a public voice sounded, this is the master who discovered the bronze up.

"Bronze is good, what is mine?" Someone directly sent a picture, looking at the fiery red metal, Gao Jiuding didn't need to think about it, it was definitely a treasure.

The metal that flickered like a flame did not emit a precious light, but emitted a layer of flame.

This kind of fire attribute material is really rare, at least Gao Jiuding has never seen such a miraculous material.

 One chapter will be added for [-] monthly tickets. Now it’s the end of the month, and monthly tickets are produced again. As long as you work hard and don’t dare to say that you can add one chapter a day, it shouldn’t be difficult to get [-] monthly tickets in two days. I want to add more, brother Let's beat me to death with monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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