Chapter 185
It is not that Gao Jiuding does not have fire-type materials, such as fire glass, fire flint, fire marrow stone, and fire spirit pool, etc. These spirit mines and spirit materials are all incomparable with this metal, but from the outside, It's just too far away.

In terms of materials with similar grades, the only thing in Gao Jiuding's hand that could compare with it was the fire spirit oar in the fire spirit pool.

A calm fire spirit paddle won't work, only a mobilized fire spirit oar can burst out with the same aura as this piece of flame metal.

"A strange thing in heaven and earth - fire copper?" Someone asked in doubt.

"Is it really fire copper? It's a pity that there is only such a little bit!"

"Only the size of a fist? Impossible? When the planet crumbles, it's impossible to leave only such igniting copper!"

"With such a small amount of materials, we can only refine a small refining furnace."

"It is still very suitable for refining sword pills and other top-grade magic weapons!"

"Hey, why don't you talk anymore?"

"Damn, they're in private contact!"

In just a split second, the communication channel, which was very lively just now, fell silent.

Gao Jiuding shook his head, he had also reached a critical moment.

There are a total of four asteroids that he particularly valued, and he started to stare at them entirely because the aura emitted by these four stars is relatively strong and the most conspicuous.

At that time, the distance was far away, Gao Jiuding naturally couldn't see how big these asteroids were, so he sent out all the storage bags. Now it seems that he was unnecessary.

Cuiyi and the others approached those asteroids, and through their radar, Gao Jiuding had locked on to those four targets.

These four asteroids are a bit ugly, and the most important thing is that they are not big.

Two of them are more than 40 meters in diameter, and the other two, one is only eight or nine meters in diameter, and the other is not more than one meter in diameter, at most eight or ninety centimeters.

If Gao Jiuding hadn't specially issued an order for such a MSI, Cuiyi and the others would definitely not have looked at it.

Not to mention tens of centimeters or tens of meters, even the two asteroids with a diameter of 40 meters, Cui Yi and the others might not pay attention to them.

The number of asteroids that came with the demon group this time is huge, among which there are thousands of asteroids that are more than ten kilometers in size, and a few asteroids that are more than a hundred kilometers in size. How could they choose such a small number of little ones?
Gao Jiuding didn't think this way, because his eyes wouldn't lie to him.

In Gao Jiuding's eyes, these four asteroids are the most beautiful, and two of them are shining with a khaki-yellow light, obviously producing earth-based materials!

There is also a flashing five-color brilliance, and I don't know if it has all five elements or other circumstances!
The last asteroid was black, black like a monster group, but Gao Jiuding knew that it was not a monster group, but a water-attributed material.

"Could it be all ice souls?" Gao Jiuding stared at the four asteroids carefully, but couldn't see anything.

At most, he can only see the aura of any attribute, and nothing else.

"After spending so many Holy Light Bullets, it's best to get something good, otherwise it will be a shame!"

Gao Jiuding knew that Cuiyi and the others had opinions, so they gave up so many asteroids with demons gathering, and finally chose these four small asteroids, it's no wonder they didn't have any opinions.

They haven't been mining for a day or two, so they naturally know what mining is all about. When they encountered such a good opportunity, they just couldn't figure it out, why didn't Gao Jiuding choose a more valuable asteroid?

They would not have thought that Gao Jiuding had golden fingers, and they didn't know that Gao Jiuding could clearly see which asteroid was worth more.

They just think that Gao Jiuding is timid, and deliberately let go of those asteroids with big gains.

If you only get a few bits and pieces, you won't attract people's attention.

It seems that the returned battleship group has brought tremendous pressure to Gao Jiuding, this is the psychological endurance of the grassroots!

Cuiyi and the others were very unconvinced: "Boss, with so many goals, we are idle too!"

boss?Gao Jiuding felt the wonderful change in Cuiyi's tone, the relationship between the boss and the employees, this is Cuiyi's repositioning, but the employees can't get much training here!
Gao Jiuding rubbed his chin, he really didn't have the air of a king, or else he was full of domineering, all these women knelt down to him.

Now they knelt down and sang to conquer, but they were 1 dissatisfied psychologically!

"Clear the demons around you and make sure you are safe before you can move freely!" Although he felt the disobedience of these women, Gao Jiuding didn't take it seriously.

He still has useless means, and now he is not afraid of them acting as monsters, they are making money for him anyway.

"Free movement? How to be free?" A crisp voice sounded, it was the fire beauty.

They are going too far. At this moment, they don't see the master Gao Jiuding at all, right?

"Then just be idle, don't you know how to do less and make less mistakes?" Gao Jiuding said coldly.

Except for the four particularly bright asteroids, Gao Jiuding really didn't notice the other asteroids.

"There are only four spaceships mining, and most of them are idle, isn't it too strange?" At this time, the woman who was as cold as a fairy was actually trying to moderate the atmosphere.

This made Gao Jiuding a little bit impressed. It seemed that none of these beauties were simple.

She was right, of the sixteen spaceships, only four were busy, and the others could only be watched, which was too targeted.

Gao Jiuding wants to block the eyes of outsiders, he is not compromising with these women.

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Jiuding planned to show his hand in front of these women and shock them!
"108 stars, 1278 stars, 3421 stars in area C; 1st, 3rd, 11th, 78th, and 103th stars in D area." Gao Jiuding kept marking some asteroids, and these asteroids were more or less Few have some production.

"Attention, there is a small group of demons hidden on star C3421, don't be attacked by surprise!"

"Spaceship NO.17, are you an idiot? How long are you going to drill such a big asteroid?"

"Try to use the spirit detection radar as much as possible. There is still a distance of 100 meters. You must plan carefully and don't drill indiscriminately!"

"Cuiyi, don't move on, how many Holy Light Bullets do you have? Do you really think Holy Light Bullets don't cost money?"

"No discussion, no report, forgot?"

"Everyone cheer up, if you don't gain that little bit of power, you don't want to die!"

"What about you, spaceship NO.16, don't fly too far!"

"I said, you women, are you really going to turn the world upside down? Listen to the order and don't act casually!"

"Cuiyi, this is the last warning, follow the order, if you violate the order again, you will have no chance!"

Gao Jiuding frowned when he saw the spaceships looting everywhere like grass bandits.

When Cuiyi and the others moved freely, did they behave like this?

Was it made on purpose for him to see?Gao Jiuding couldn't help lamenting: Humans are indeed the most complicated animal, and also the most difficult animal to manage!

However, the human heart is like iron, and the law is like a furnace!
There was a cold light in Gao Jiuding's eyes. Although Gao Jiuding hadn't practiced for a long time, he didn't lack the means!

Gao Jiuding doesn't know what kind of performance others have when they enter and exit the door of cultivation. However, as a scholar, a person who is willing to read, a person who likes to read, and a person who reads anytime and anywhere, his level of adaptation to the environment is very high , is also very fast.

Put away the blood-colored animal skin roll at hand, he already has the means of refining blood, and now he is just getting familiar with it.

As long as he is familiar with it, he can use blood essence to depict the restriction and form a blood slave mark, so that the sacrifice can be practiced into the concentric talisman, and the effect will not be wrong.

Gao Jiuding is no longer managing the fleet, but the fleet has become orderly, and as soon as he speaks, the fleet will immediately become chaotic. Is this a change of direction to snatch his command right?Still expressing dissatisfaction?

The sneer on Gao Jiuding's face disappeared, because the four spaceships had returned.

Asteroids with a diameter of up to [-] meters, as long as they catch up, can be put into the storage bag directly, and there is no need to mine them at all.

Just now Gao Jiuding meant that the entire fleet would return together, but Cuiyi and the others were unwilling!

Challenging the authority of the spaceship owner is something that every spaceship owner cannot tolerate, but he endured it!

Imagining the power of the Blood Slave Seal, Gao Jiuding had a sweet smile on his face.

At this time, the four beauties who returned were also smiling very sweetly. They were a little bit dissatisfied at first, but after they communicated, they were convinced. At least Gao Jiuding's four random orders were all rewarding.

"The harvest is good, isn't it? Just now I was afraid that you would have an accident, so I deliberately chose four asteroids. We were fighting guerrillas, so we ran away after collecting them. I didn't expect your eldest sister to be dissatisfied. Hey, what a good employee!" Gao Jiudingyi He said with a smile on his face.

"Boss, you are really amazing, we all have something to gain!" The jade-handed beauty directly stretched out her thumb, letting her crystal-clear jade-like fist directly plunder Gao Jiuding's mind.

This beauty's attitude has also changed, hey, if they didn't look so evil, Gao Jiuding would have endured them?

It will be fine in a while, and by then, these beauties will be obedient.

Slandering in his heart, Gao Jiuding smiled and said, "Take it out and have a look!"

Four jade hands handed over four storage bags, which Gao Jiuding happily put away.

He didn't intend to show off now, at least he would wait until Cui Yi and the others came back before showing off.

"Boss, don't you see what it is?" the jade-handed beauty couldn't help but ask.

Gao Jiuding took a hard look at this beauty. Until now, none of these women planned to say their names, and they all replaced them with Cui Yi and Cui Er. How could he trust such a woman?

Such a woman sticking to his body wants to suck blood?

I want to blind them, so they don't have to blame him for his vicious methods, because they did it voluntarily.

If it wasn't voluntary, why did Gao Jiuding bring them out?Why did you bring them out?

"Wait a minute!" Gao Jiuding said casually.

The jade-handed beauty frowned her lovely brows, the treasures she harvested are very rare!

"It would be shameful if it's not as rewarding as big sister and the others." The long-legged beauty also spoke.

"Yeah, our eyesight is still a bit weak!" This is the beauty with jade eyes, applying eye drops to Gao Jiuding.

 Thank you Haha Fatty for the 500 coin reward from my brother!
(End of this chapter)

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