Chapter 305
When I opened my eyes, I saw some strange things. Naturally, I was a little scared, but those strange things were even more scary.

After being disturbed by him, they were all hidden in the dense grass in an instant.

Just for a moment, Gao Jiuding saw all kinds of strange things!

The originally green turf suddenly bulged and turned into a long green insect, swimming away quickly!
There are fast ones, slow ones, some like soft plastic spiny balls, some like hairless Dalmatians, some like balloon monsters, and some tentacle monsters with multiple tentacles.

These strange things are not big in size, and they are all fleshy, and they look a little cute, but they are rather strange.

"Are they all magnified bugs?" Gao Jiuding was a little lost!

When he raised his head again and took a closer look at the surrounding environment, he was even more shocked.

Black Optimus Prime, green forest, verdant grass, green flowers and various animals, here has a complete ecology.

"Be careful, although I didn't see any large animals, those bugs are also very dangerous!" An Shenxiu reminded immediately.

"I know, do you see what's coming?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"It should be the elixir garden!"

"I think the trees over there should be fruit trees!"

"It's not just fruit trees, the one over there looks like a tea tree!"

"There is a flower field in the distance, the flying insects there should be something like bees, be careful!"

"Those black pillars should be demon vines, what should we do now?" An Shenxiu said.

"These demon vines should not be able to fight back now, right?" Gao Jiuding said with a smile after seeing the surrounding situation clearly.

These demon vines are now in the mezzanine of the demon battleship, and they are all imprisoned up and down, so naturally they cannot attack Gao Jiuding.

"Yes, within this space, these demon vines can only be meat on the chopping board!" Li Xitong said excitedly.

"What I'm worried about now is, if these demon vines are dug away, will this space collapse? These demon vines are the pillars of this space!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Well, this is a problem. The owner of the demon warship should have thought of this, right? They designed this environment and absolutely controlled the demon vine, so will they face the day when the demon vine is destroyed? As long as they think of this As a result, it is impossible to completely rely on demon vines to support this layer of space!" Zhou Yaxian analyzed calmly.

"That's right, although I haven't seen the structure of the next floor, that floor must have the means to support this one!" Gao Jiuding was completely relieved.

He took out the nano sword again, walked under a much thicker black Optimus Prime, and dug up.

The severed thousand-foot vine was Gao Jiuding's passage back to the upper floor. He didn't want to move it. He wanted to see if he could kill a thousand-foot vine.

"Use the broken vine as the coordinates to determine the location of this mighty vine. When I dig it out, you control the spaceship outside to pull it away!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Do you want to cut off its root system?" An Shenxiu was taken aback and asked.

"This is really a problem. If you don't kill it, even if you take it away, we can't do anything about it!" Gao Jiuding was also taken aback. These demon vines, they can't deal with any demon vines at all.

"A living demon vine is too dangerous!" Zhang Yujing said immediately.

"What's the danger? Is the boss in danger now?" Wu Qingxian said: "If you encounter an opportunity, you must seize it. We have already delayed it for a long time."

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time, anything you can get now is for nothing, don't be too greedy!" An Shenxiu said.

"What would happen if you put the demon vine in a small space?" Zhang Yujing put forward a constructive suggestion.

"That's right, why is the boss not afraid of the demon vine's attack now? Isn't it because the demon vine is too big to come to this floor? If the space is small, the boss can't be threatened!" Zhou Yaxian responded the fastest.

"Included in some of the Five Elements Pagodas we built, this kind of demon vines have very strong vitality, and they won't die for a while!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Just do it like this. Every floor is filled with demon vines. As long as we feed spirit stones regularly, they can help us cultivate elixir continuously!" Chen Kexin said excitedly.

"Don't get too excited, try it first and see if you can pull these ten thousand-foot vines away, you know, they are fixed inside this battleship!" Gao Jiuding said.

Next, Gao Jiuding turned into an invincible miner again and started digging non-stop.

Gao Jiuding took away the soil around Wanzhang Vine time and time again, every time Gao Jiuding did it seriously, and the land that could cultivate the demon vines in the Golden Core Stage might be able to give him some surprises.

"By the way, where are we flying now?" Gao Jiuding asked during the break.

"It has already left the intersection of the ecliptic disc and the Oort nebula, but it has not left the ecliptic disc!" An Shenxiu said.

"The speed is too slow. Digging up ten thousand zhang vines won't cause the speed to drop, right?" Gao Jiuding said.

"No, our speed has reached the limit!" Li Xitong said.

"With fewer carts, can you still pull the demon warship?" Gao Jiuding said worriedly.

"No less, the liberated spaceship, even if it falls into the demon warship, can help drive the demon warship to fly!" Yin Rushui said.

"Leaving the zodiac disk now is only a matter of time, after all, the demon warship can no longer jump in space!" An Shenxiu said.

Gao Jiuding nodded, he couldn't jump in space, the distance would be too far, and it would take time to pull this demon warship away with a spaceship.

"Boss, you can actually choose to drive automatically!" Chen Yuan suddenly said after digging out a vine.

Hearing Chen Yuan's reminder, Gao Jiuding immediately stopped. Is he stupid?

Can he do the laborious work of mining by himself?

However, now that the work is almost finished, he just remembered, isn't he a little too stupid?

"Don't I know? If you come across a good thing, these intelligent programs can be carefully mined? What if it is destroyed?" Gao Jiuding pointed to the huge tree pit, which is full of five-color soil.

"It needs to be carefully excavated. By the way, boss, can we dismantle this demon warship and take it away?" An Shenxiu said suddenly.

Gao Jiuding fell silent again. If he could tear it apart and take it away, would he still be digging here?

"Even if the battleship is to be dismantled, the demon vines inside must be emptied, otherwise, with them there, it is impossible for us to smash this spaceship!" Zhou Yaxian said.

"Yes, there are also spiritual plants and monsters here, if they are not collected, will they all be wiped out?" Wu Qingxian said.

"Come on slowly, as long as this demon warship is not discovered by others, we will always have time to dismantle it slowly!" Gao Jiuding dug again.

"It must be dismantled. Only by destroying part of it can we control this demon warship. It is too strenuous to pull it now!" An Shenxiu said.

"Haha, I finally found something!" Gao Jiuding finally found something after digging to more than ten meters, exposing all the roots of the ten thousand zhang vine.

"What did you find?"

"These roots have no attack power?"

"Nothing strange, right?" The voices of all the girls came at once.

Gao Jiuding looked at the thick root systems that were fixed underground. These were the means used by the original owner of the demon warship to restrict these demon vines.

An Shenxiu and the others couldn't come in person, so naturally they couldn't see clearly. They didn't know that these root systems were all imprisoned by the gaps in the ground.

If these demon vines were like this before they were planted, then the demon vines have never grown in the past few hundred years?
After clearing out a large area, Gao Jiuding could see clearly that the root system of the demon vine was very developed, but these root systems, according to their thickness, were all stuffed into the holes in an orderly manner and imprisoned underground.

Gao Jiuding drew out the Xingchen Sword, and stabbed at a thick root system. Looking at the twisted tree root, which seemed to be avoiding, Gao Jiuding broke out in a cold sweat.

These roots are powerful, but they are firmly imprisoned here, which shows that the owner of the demon warship has a whole set of methods to deal with these demon vines.

Of course, these are not the point. The point is that these demon vines have never grown in the past few hundred years. Then, in the past few years, they have wandered around the zodiac discrete disk, and what are the plundered resources used for? up?

Ever since he came into contact with these demon vines, Gao Jiuding discovered their sensitivity to spiritual energy. Over the years, it is impossible that they have not mined spiritual stones. Then, what are so many spiritual stones used for?

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, the five-element formation, it seems that in the universe, no matter what kind of civilization, the five-element theory will be derived!" Studying the flashing spiritual light underground, Gao Jiuding found several nodes.

"Golden Soul, Fire Flint, Ice Soul, and the middle must also be earth-level materials. It is likely to be five-color stones. Haha, all four series of town objects have been found, so the wood-type spiritual thing is this Wanzhang Demon Vine?" Gao Jiuding smiled happily after seeing clearly the town objects above the formation nodes.

Five giant root systems, five town objects, and the outer four Gao Jiuding are very familiar. Only the earth system town in the center can't be seen clearly, but Gao Jiuding can see the five-color aura emitted by it.

He is familiar with this kind of aura, and it must belong to the category of five-color soil and five-color mud, but the five-color aura found this time is much richer, but it occupies a smaller area.

Therefore, if it is an earth-level material, it must be a five-color stone, but the volume should not be large.

After studying for a while, Gao Jiuding took out a blank rubbing symbol.

This kind of talisman is very useful, so Gao Jiuding will naturally keep it as a standing item.

Stimulated by the aura, the rubbing talisman emitted a burst of brilliance, and the treasure talisman flew up, pulled by the surrounding aura, and quickly enveloped the surrounding space, completely covering the five-element formation that Gao Jiuding discovered just now.

(End of this chapter)

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