Chapter 306
When the rubbing talisman enveloped the formation, the formation was immediately activated, emitting a burst of colorful light, but this colorful light seemed to have faded away.

The colorful light disappeared, and the Rubbing Talisman returned to normal, and fell directly to the ground.

Picking up the rubbing talisman, Gao Jiuding looked at the pattern on it, this is the formation rune rubbed.

"Although it's a pity, it can only be destroyed!"

Looking at those thick and twisting root systems, Gao Jiuding knew that there was something different under the roots.

However, he is not strong enough now, so he has no way to sweep all these things away. Now he can only destroy them first, and then restore everything here when he has the strength.

Looking at the layout here, it is definitely not the best choice to make a Qiankun bag with ten thousand zhang rattan, or the original owner of the demon battleship will be stupid?
"Hey!" The Star Sword pierced into a huge tree root.

"It can be chopped, An Shenxiu, send down some of the mechas above!" This time Gao Jiuding learned his lesson, he didn't want to cut down trees here himself.

"It's a pity about these arrangements!" An Shenxiu said.

"The aura absorbed by these tree roots must have been transported to the next level." Chen Kexin said.

"No way, if you want to enter the next level, you still need to destroy this five-element transformation formation!" Zhou Yaxian said.

"Hurry up, the Li family has already entered the next floor!" Wu Qingxian said.

"They look at these immobile demon vines that are struggling, and they just stare blankly if they stay here. Will they gain something if they enter the next floor?" An Shenxiu said disdainfully.

"They don't have many weapons similar to the Star Sword!" Chen Kexin said.

"Then don't worry about them, anyway, no one can take away the three thousand demon vines we are entangled with!" Gao Jiuding said.

"It's best to collect the cut roots. If the roots don't die, the next floor will be dangerous!" At this moment, Zhang Yujing said.

"Huh? The coward's idea is right. If we cut off the roots, does that mean we have saved the roots?" An Shenxiu said.

"Try it and see if you can pull it up. Also, it's fine if they lose their vitality. Otherwise, we have to be careful." After thinking for a while, Gao Jiuding said.

A vine with a diameter of several tens of meters covers a large area, but its root system is not very large. There are only five that can be seen. Except for the main root in the center, the other four are suppressed outside, so that these roots , can be easily cut off.

"If you cut it down like this, I wonder if this demon vine will die?" Chen Kexin said with regret.

"This is a demon vine in the Golden Core Stage. If it is in perfect condition, just one of these can kill all of us!" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"Boss, how do you know that these demon vines are not in full condition?" Zhang Yujing said.

Gao Jiuding chuckled, do you even need to think about it?

"Imagine how powerful the demon general is, and you will know whether these demon vines are in full condition!" Gao Jiuding said.

When he said this, all those women fell silent, and only the sound of mechas chopping down trees remained on the scene.

Tree roots several meters thick, even with the Star Sword, are not so easy to cut off.

"The demon general is so powerful without a body. If these demon vines are in their full state, how vigorous would they be?" Zhang Yujing was speechless.

Zhou Yaxian said: "If it wasn't so fierce, how could the owner of the demon warship restrict it so much? In fact, its most powerful thing is its survivability. With its help, mining will become easier!"

"There is another advantage. The demon vine is too sensitive to aura, so there is no need to use the spirit detection radar, and the demon vine can help find mines!" Chen Kexin said.

"Don't think about good things, we can't control this kind of demon vine!" An Shenxiu also understood Chen Kexin, and she directly dispelled her delusions.

They are a group of little monks in the Qi refining period, it's better to be honest, to dance with wolves, you also have to have the ability to kill wolves, if you don't have it, it's risking your life.

"Boom!" Just as everyone was talking, more than a dozen mechas had already cut off a thick tree root.

Such a thick demon vine was only supported by five main roots, and when one root was cut off, its body immediately began to twist violently, or whether it was tilted or struggling, it began to shake violently anyway.

However, not to mention that there are still four tree roots imprisoned on the lower floor, but the outer hull of the spaceship on the upper floor imprisoned the entire demon vine tightly.

This and the demon vine have passed through at least three layers of space. The lower layer is the root system, this layer is the old pile, and the upper layer is the trunk.

"Look, the roots are shrinking!"

"The roots below escaped, and it was fast!"

"The one that gets hurt should be the upper part. The origin of this kind of demon vine is at the root!"

"This is normal. As long as the root system is preserved, their vitality can be guaranteed!"

"The vitality has indeed weakened a bit!" At this time, Gao Jiuding said.

"The aura fluctuates too much, be careful of danger!" The little fox was also alarmed.

"Don't worry, there are no large beasts on this floor!" An Shenxiu said with a light smile.

"Those bugs are also very dangerous, it's better to be careful!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Don't worry, I'm watching!" Zhou Yaxian said.

Zhang Yujing also said: "Don't be afraid, those bugs are even more afraid of the demon vine. When the demon vine shook violently just now, all the bugs within a hundred meters around ran away!"

"Haha, it's nice to have a coward among us!" Li Xitong said with a smile.

"Why am I timid? Didn't the boss say it? Be careful sailing for ten thousand years!" Zhang Yujing said dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, it looks like we're going to harvest a vine!" An Shenxiu said.

Chen Kexin said: "It's just a pity!"

"What a pity? A dead demon vine is a good demon vine!" Zhang Yujing said.

"Your heart is the most poisonous, I have to be careful, I didn't expect that you are the most black-hearted among us!" Chen Yuan said suddenly.

"Is it inconsistent with her usual behavior? That's right, the purer the appearance of a woman, the more flamboyant and conservative a woman is, the sooner she gets married, this is already a conclusion!" Li Xitong laughed and said .

"Boom, boom"

"Everything is careful, only the last taproot is left."

"It's about to be cut off. This kind of demon vine is also strange. It actually shrinks its body when it is hurt. This is very convenient for us to cut it down." Chen Kexin said.

"It's nothing strange, they are gathering vitality!" Gao Jiuding said.

With a pair of cheating big eyes, Gao Jiuding could see very clearly. Every time the star sword cut the demon vine, the wound would not disperse much aura. This only showed that the aura was contained by the demon vine.

"It's no wonder Wanzhang Vine can refine Qiankun Bags. In the end, all the spiritual energy is stored in Wanzhang Silk?" Gao Jiuding really wanted to see the little fox's refining process.

In Gao Jiuding's imagination, to refine ten thousand zhang rattan, the first step is to burn it with fire, and the plant fiber that cannot be burned is the ten thousand zhang silk that contains rich aura.

After getting Wanzhang silk, the next step is weaving. Of course, making Qiankun bags must be more troublesome than weaving, because we still need to weave very complicated patterns. These are array patterns, and the weaving is completed. Array.

It's a pity that during the whole production process, Gao Jiuding could only imagine it out of thin air, and the little fox wouldn't let him watch it at all!
Up to now, Gao Jiuding has not seen how busy the little fox is. He even doubts whether the little fox will refine the Qiankun bag, because the little fox is too leisurely now.

"Attention all units, prepare, start!"

"Boom!" As soon as the tree root broke, the spaceship outside immediately began to exert force.

"Boom" A series of bangs came, and soon, this thick demon vine was pulled away like a dead snake.

Gao Jiuding adjusted his angle of view again, looking at the spaceship that pulled away the demon vine.

At the beginning, Gao Jiuding could still see the demon vine twisting slightly, but after the whole Wanzhang vine was pulled into the starry sky, it completely lost its vitality!
The root of this kind of demon vine is at the root, without the support of the root, they will die soon.

"It's no wonder that the roots of these monster vines are most imprisoned!" An Shenxiu obviously saw the scene outside.

"Okay, now is the time to harvest. I didn't expect that the first five-color stone was obtained under such circumstances!" Gao Jiuding looked at the location where the main root of the demon vine was, and there was a five-color stone the size of a fist. This is the five-color stone.

"If this piece of five-color stone is placed in our second-level spiritual field, will it form a third-level spiritual field?" Chen Kexin's eyes are about to burst into stars. As the big steward of their group, she has long wanted A third-level spiritual field.

"Well, the five-color stone can trigger the qualitative change of the five-color soil. With its existence, the spiritual field formed by the five-color soil will gather faster and more spiritual energy. It is only a matter of time before the third-level spiritual field is formed!" Gao Jiuding said.

With the passage of time, Gao Jiuding has learned more and more knowledge. Now he can't be said to be a know-it-all, but he can be regarded as a know-it-all.

"Hurry up and send it here, I'll try it first!" Chen Kexin said happily.

"Try it, don't break it!" Gao Jiuding said.

Gao Jiuding was completely relieved after successfully collecting one Wanzhang vine, which meant that all the more than 3000 Wanzhang vines around him belonged to him.

"Let's start working!" An Shenxiu said.

"Well, there's not much danger around!" Zhang Yujing said.

"Don't forget the spiritual field within the ten thousand zhang vine!" Chen Kexin reminded.

"I can't forget that there is an accumulated spirit pool inside, and the elixir inside will have no problem in a short time!" An Shenxiu said.

"An Shenxiu, let all the mechs enter this floor, first deal with Wanzhang Vine, and finally clean up Qianzhang Vine!" After analyzing the surrounding environment, Gao Jiuding immediately ordered.

"Okay, that's what I thought too. The upper floor is guarded by Qianzhang vines, so it's more dangerous!" An Shenxiu said.

"Boss, can you let some spaceships in?" Chen Kexin asked.

(End of this chapter)

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