Chapter 426
Those high-ranking guys who attended the Song family dinner all knew that the personal doctor of the old man of the Song family was his grandfather!

It can be said that his grandfather was loyal to the Song family. He had been serving them for decades, taking care of their family, young and old, and protecting their health!
And Gao Jiuding's grandma is simply the housekeeper of the Song family's old house.

As long as Gao Jiuding doesn't enter the Song family's door, he will never see his grandparents, because they are very busy and busy serving the Song family.

So, the woman just said that the Gao family is the Song family's slaves, it's really not wrong, it's just that in the old society, in the modern society, there is no such thing as a house slave anymore!
In childhood, the little friends around him were all sons of different families. Gao Jiuding didn't realize the gap between them, so he lived in such a muddle for more than ten years. When he realized the gap, he was hit hard.

Now facing all kinds of meaningful eyes again, Gao Jiuding felt very uncomfortable, but now that he has grown up, he will no longer be sad because of other people's eyes.

Glancing at Song Yue who was clutching her arm tightly, Gao Jiuding showed a smile on his face, only this little friend has never changed, even for her, he can bear what those people say.

Two people walked into the hall, and there were more people inside, because the top floor had a large area, so it didn't look crowded.

"Let's talk to Dad first!" Song Yue whispered.

"En!" Gao Jiuding glanced at the situation in the hall, and knew that there were a lot of right and wrong here.

Here, the three, six, and nine equal parts are more clearly divided. For example, the most central position is the place where the old man of the Song family communicates with some of his peers.

And not far from the edge is where Song Yue's father's generation played their part. They are the backbone of the family and the mainstream. This part occupies the largest area and has the most people.

Secondly, young people like Gao Jiuding, who have just participated in family affairs, are at the time when they are in high spirits, and they cause the most commotion, because these people are talking loudly.

The most chaotic place is the corners, where there are some teenage children. These children are in groups of three or four, six or nine, and they gather together to play and fight, which looks chaotic.

Everyone has their own circle, it turns out that Gao Jiuding didn't realize this, so he wanted to integrate into these big and small circles, so he hit his head and broke his blood, but now, these people's circles seem to be too small , is no longer in his eyes.

At this moment, think again, what is the contempt and blow you received back then?
No matter how old or young, rich or not, no matter how powerful people are here, after a few decades, will it still be a pile of loess?What is he to care about with these people?
This is detachment, detachment, right?

"Song Yue, you are here, let's go and see your mother, do you know how much she misses you? You are really cruel, if you don't come back, you won't come back, you really broke with the Song family?" Just standing in the hall for a while, before Song Yuelai had time to leave, a beautiful woman walked over and dragged Song Yue away involuntarily.

"Find a place to sit by yourself, I'll go over and say hello to my parents!" Song Yue said as she walked.

"Don't worry about me, I'm not a child now, can I still be bullied?" Looking at Song Yue's worried eyes, Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

Of course he knew that Song Yue was not worried about him being bullied, but worried about him bullying others.

Watching Song Yue leave, Gao Jiuding slowly turned around in the hall, and the little kids around, no matter how old they were or in their teens, were all expressing their differences.

"Is this your new phone?"

"Yes, the special customized version only costs [-]!"

"It looks pretty good, why is it only 3? I have more than [-]!"

"You are a business jet, used by the old man!"

"Look at my local tyrant's version in the Middle East. It has a gemstone screen, a gold edge, and a shell inlaid with diamonds and gemstones. I bought it when I went to the Middle East. This mobile phone company is also fucked up, as if we Chinese people can't afford it. Not for sale on our side!"

"It looks good, how much is it, I'll buy one too when the reception is over!"

"Not expensive, only $88888!"

"It's not expensive, it's not as expensive as the fuel cost to fly there!"

"Don't blow it up, your parents, let you go out? You little brats, let's play in the living mud!"

"Haha." A group of young people laughed at the teenagers not far away.

Most of those teenagers are underage, how could their parents easily let them go abroad?Therefore, being ridiculed by the young people, they had no choice but to endure it.

Those guys who looked like promising young people naturally had the capital to laugh at those little kids.

Suppressing the arrogance of those little kids, this group of young elites seemed to have the nature of conversation, or the mood of bragging and showing off, and they also began to discuss basic necessities of life.

"Have you heard that there have been a few aggressive sports cars in the Forty-Nine City recently?"

"I've also heard that they all appeared in the early hours of the morning. I heard that the speed is very fast, but I have been blocked a few times, but I have never encountered it!"

"It should not be someone in our circle, otherwise, how could we not have heard anything?"

"An alien dragon crossing the river?"

"Tch, are there any dragons from outside? Even dragons have to be coiled for us!"

"By the way, I heard you bought an electric car?"

"My mother bought it for me. She was afraid that I would go racing and insisted on buying me an electric car. She thought electric cars were slow and safe!"

"Haha, did you really buy it?"

"Why don't I buy it? 600 million, and the acceleration from [-] kilometers to [-] kilometers is less than [-] seconds!"

"Damn it, is this still an electric car?"

"You guys, you have to restrain yourself a little. You just want to play when you don't do your job every day. You should stay away from such dangerous things. I don't know if a gentleman can't stand under a dangerous wall?" At this time, a middle-aged man Attracted by the laughter, he criticized.

"Uncle, who doesn't have any hobbies?"

"Stinky boy, accelerating to [-] kilometers in [-] seconds, it's a life-saving job, have time to study and research business"

"Old Zhang, your family is good enough. I heard that all the properties in the fourth-tier towns have been sold out recently? How much money was recovered?" Another middle-aged man was attracted, but he was not interested in 600 million yuan. A sports car, but a [-] million real estate.

"It's not sold out yet, but it's almost there, and the capital is back!"

"Humble, I heard that your real estate is relatively large?"

"It's not too big, but I'm a little lucky. I heard that a university town is going to be built there. This one, a thousand houses, just sold!"

"Tell me, how did your family sell the house in full?"

"How else can I sell it? Apply for the real estate certificate for the customer in advance, and the mortgage loan is enough. The customer makes up the price. After that, it is a matter between the customer and the bank, and we have nothing to do."

"This method is good, but it's a pity that our family entered the real estate industry a bit late and lacked experience!"

"You can pull it down. Your family is in the pharmaceutical industry and is about to become a monopoly. Are you not greedy enough?"

"It's not as easy as making money in real estate!"

"Isn't it easy? I heard that your family is planning to build a chain of hospitals in third- and fourth-tier cities recently? This is a big deal!"

"Yes, you have to bargain when buying a house, but when you go to the hospital, which patient would bargain? It's easier for you to make money."

"What is this? The school chain of Lao Qian's family is very powerful. One-on-one teaching in the cram school, the minimum is [-] an hour. People nowadays have no bottom line for their children's investment!

People learn things like Mathematical Olympiad and dance. I heard that learning piano costs 10 yuan for 700 and [-] minutes, and painting is not bad. There are also various specialty classes. "

"I've also heard that the school chain of Lao Qian's family has penetrated into small villages and towns. How much does it cost!"

At this time, an old man who was relatively close to these middle-aged people couldn't see it anymore: "Are you getting into money? You are not too young, you should know how to restrain yourself!"

"Ha ha." Many young people laughed when they heard this.
"Old man, at our age, if we don't talk about career, what else can we do? We are restrained in our career, why don't you old men hit us?"

"That's right, our career is in full swing, so you can have fun secretly!"

"Brat, what are you talking about? You can't make enough money. At your age, you should know how to keep in good health. Come here and listen to the ways of keeping in good health like us old guys!"

"Yes, you little guys, the oldest is no more than 60 years old. Look at your appearance, all of you are greasy, pink, and fat. This is the legendary middle-aged greasy uncle? No, you should be called wretched old men. Grandpa!" The old man was ruthless, and began to attack personally.

But what he said is not bad, there are not many middle-aged people in their 50s and [-]s who maintain a normal body shape. They are relatively busy, but they are not so busy that they have no time to keep fit.

"Don't worry about them. In a few years, they will know the value of life. At that time, we don't need to tell them, they will also think about how to live a few more years!"

"By the way, old Song, I heard that your family has developed well this year?"

"Not bad, what? Can it compare to your family's medicine fields?"

"That's enough. Our two development directions are different. Your family is in tourism and hotels. In this regard, we are not as good as you, Lao Song. I heard that your family has recently found several centuries-old ginseng? How about it? Take it out for us to see and see?"

"By the way, what about Lao Gao? Could it be that he is hiding and making alchemy? Lao Song, you are wrong, how can you be so stingy, let's communicate, we must keep pace with the times, how can we develop while hiding?"

"What am I hiding? Just two hundred-year-old ginseng plants, how many panacea can be refined? Just a few qi-invigorating pills, what's the use?"

 Thank you for the reward of 2500 coins from my gentle knife brother, thank you brother YUEKEYAN for your reward of 1000 coins, thank you ~ Brother Awakening for your reward of 200 coins, thank you for the cute Yuchen, the belated soldier, and Wu Zhutianxing brothers. reward!
(End of this chapter)

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