Chapter 427
"Just a few qi invigorating pills? Just sell them to us if they don't work!"

"It's almost the same. You all have ginseng gardens, right? Get ginseng in exchange!"

"Old man, we might as well make alchemy ourselves!"

"Old Song, you are too stingy, your family is not short of ginseng, just now I heard someone gave you ginseng!"

"Who? I don't know that the Song family has found a lot of wild ginseng recently? They even gave away ginseng this year? How blind is this?"

"How do you know that he is not confident? You don't have any confidence, dare to send ginseng at this time? Is this flattering the Song family, or is it satirizing Lao Song?"

"Someone really gave ginseng? Xiaosi, go and have a look, and bring it if you have it!" The old man of the Song family said to a middle-aged man standing not far away.

The middle-aged man came back soon, and what he brought back was the gift box Gao Jiuding gave him.

Gao Jiuding, who was listening to the conversation here, could only smile wryly, who knew that the Song family would not be short of ginseng this year?I knew that he would not give ginseng when he gave anything.

Looking at the thick, white, tender, round ginseng like a thin white radish, the faces of the old men became rather strange.

"This is ginseng? You've learned a lot!" It was a sarcastic voice.

"Haha, is this garden ginseng?" The man suppressed a smile.

"It looks like it's been three years, right?" The man's irony was already obvious.

"Who is so blind? How dare you use this three-year-old garden ginseng to show your eyes?" This person was already a little angry, and he might be from the Song family.

"Huh? Something's wrong, why do I feel the smell is so strong?" At this time, an old man looked surprised.

"It's a bit wrong, even if you don't wink, you can't give a pair of three-year-old garden ginseng as a gift!" Another old man said thoughtfully.

"Xiaosi, which one sent this gift?" Elder Song asked.

"Song Yue!" The middle-aged man known as Xiao Si spoke like gold.

"Song Yue? The original most talented heir of your Song family? By the way, Lao Song, why did you send him out? It stands to reason that it's not considered a foreign marriage. Your family has done something wrong!"

"This is our family matter, let's not talk about it, Xiao Si, what's going on?" Mr. Song said with a serious face.

Who wouldn't know Song Yue's situation?Even these old guys around him must be clear. What they don't know is why Song Yue broke through the door.

"Gao Jiuding is back, just stand there!" Xiao Si pointed to Gao Jiuding's direction, at this time Gao Jiuding was holding on to the railing, looking at the night view outside.

The speed of development of the capital in recent years is really too fast, at least the population is really too much. After standing for such a short while, Gao Jiuding saw tens of thousands of cars passing by on the road in front, and thousands of people passing by. Walk across the sidewalk.

There are people, it is prosperous, and the dividends brought by the population make this city, which looks like a large rural area, a veritable super city.

"Gao Jiuding? That grandson of Lao Gao? So what if he comes back?" Mr. Song said.

"I heard that I didn't bring anything, but this time I came here and brought two ginseng like this, some deer antler and two bottles of wine!" Xiao Si said unhurriedly.

"Nothing? Back from Africa?" someone asked.

Xiaosi glanced at Mr. Song, and after getting a signal, he said, "I don't know, since the incident on the East African Plateau ended, no one has found any trace of him!"

"Put it away, don't worry about him!" Elder Song closed the box without knowing what he thought of.

"Don't tell me, Lao Song, we are not blind. This is spiritual ginseng, right? It looks like three-year-old garden ginseng, but it is actually spiritual ginseng with decades of medicinal power. This kind of spiritual ginseng is stronger than ordinary wild ginseng. it is good!"

"Old Chen, are you reading that right?"

"I might be wrong? It was just a bit of an accident just now. I didn't think of it. I heard that Lao Gao's grandson is not easy!"

"Are those purple potatoes that were handed down back then?"

"Song Yue got it from Gao Jiuding, right?"

"That kid is not simple. We have cultivated a lot, but we can't achieve his effect!"

"Space plants and spiritual plants are two completely different concepts, Lao Song, don't you know?"

"I didn't know it before, but now I have some clues. You are an authentic local family, and our Song family migrated from Hong Kong Island. Ask us?" Mr. Song said.

"Recently, the country is a bit loose on the outside and tight on the inside, so you should pay attention!"

"Old Chen, have you made a breakthrough in your family's inheritance?"

"Breakthrough what? Song Yue has the best aptitude, has she made a breakthrough?"

"Old Song, when you said something, did Song Yue really go mad?"

"She's here today too, you won't see for yourself? You don't know if she has cultivation or not?"

"Then what happened to Gao Jiuding?"

"Check it out yourself!"

"Let's not talk about these, our family is in the same spirit, if we have benefits, don't forget us!" This time it was Mr. Chen who spoke, and his family was said to be the descendant of Chen Tuan's ancestor.

"Just two ordinary ginsengs, you don't have such shallow eyelids, do you?" Old Man Song said.

"Lingshen, don't lie to us, thinking that we don't know the existence of Lingzhi? The mutated potatoes last time were the most basic Lingzhi. Now there is Lingshen again. Is this a coincidence?" Mr. Chen said.

"Take out Gao Jiuding's gift and have a look!"

"This is an annual gift for my son. Is it okay for me to show it off?" Old man Song realized his mistake at this time. He shouldn't have shown the gift from Gao Jiuding and Song Yue in front of everyone. .

"I'll get it for you!" There was an old man who was so shameless that he went to find the cashier who received the gift and kept the book in person.

In just a moment, Gao Jiuding's gift was delivered to all the old men.

"Spiritual ginseng, spirit beast, spirit wine, these can't be magic weapons?"

Among them, the golden dogleg knife was the most conspicuous. The old men couldn't look away after taking a look at it.

An old man stretched out his hand and flicked his index finger on the knife.

"Zheng!" "Damn!"

"So solid!"

"Is this made of gold?"


The golden light is shining brightly, reflecting the surrounding area in a golden color, and the scene here can be easily seen by other people.

"Put it away, put it away!"

"That's right, who among us doesn't know about Lao Qin's supernatural powers? It's amazing!"

"Fortunately, we are all friends here, otherwise it will be troublesome, put it away!" Mr. Chen was the quickest to respond.

The situation on their side has actually been seen by the people around them. You must know that they didn't avoid people just now.

"Haha, this is the annual gift from Lao Gao's family? What are these things? Such a big lump, isn't it made of gold? It seems to be so bright because of gold plating!"

"That's right, who hasn't seen gold yet? The gloss is so strong, it's no wonder it's not gold-plated!"

"How rich is this, to think of giving such a large pile of gold?"

"Haha, it's also made into a dogleg knife, what does that mean?"

"What do you mean? Give father-in-law a knife, how much hatred is this?"

"What are you talking about? The dogleg knife is also made of gold, this gift is not light!"

The old men reacted quickly, but they couldn't stop the mouths of their children. Those people spoke quickly and said what they saw, without any scruples at all.

Gao Jiuding could see clearly what happened there, and he also saw that Song Yue came out with her mother soon!

Hearing those guys' discussions, Gao Jiuding's cheap father-in-law was already completely darkened.

"This is a magic weapon!" Elder Song gritted his teeth after glancing at Gao Jiuding not far away.

After he said this, everyone else fell silent. Those who can come to the Song family's reception are naturally not ordinary people without knowledge, at least they know the existence of magical artifacts.

"Buddhism prefers gold. Could it be that a master has enlightened it?" A woman who looked like a lady asked.

"Don't talk too much if you don't understand. Magical artifacts are treasures with special functions, and they don't necessarily need to be consecrated by eminent monks!" Obviously, this is the man of the noble lady.

"I have a mahogany sword in my collection, which is also a magic weapon!"

"Tch, a few days ago, I found a gossip mirror from Panjiayuan!"

"The Bagua mirror is too common, I have a Sishen mirror in my hand!"

"You guys are so weak, I have a piece of relic passed down from an eminent Buddhist monk!"

Hearing those young people's comments, the faces of the old men all became uneasy. These are the children of their family, but what they said made them feel ashamed.

"Let's go!" Song Yue came to Gao Jiuding's side and said softly.

"Let's go now?" Gao Jiuding was a little unhappy.

"Are you still planning to reveal the identity of the cultivator? Are you not afraid of taking over the karma?" Song Yue rolled her eyes at Gao Jiuding and said.

"I want to slap them in the face!" Gao Jiuding said.

"If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!" Song Yue said again.

"Song Yue, let's go now? Isn't it too mean?" As soon as they were about to leave, someone came to pester them.

This is a very pure looking woman. Of course, the women here are as delicate and beautiful as ever, but the artificial traces are too heavy, and they look like they were carved out of a mold.

Gao Jiuding looked at Song Yue, and Song Yue said, "You don't know one of the eight beauties of the family?"

"Where is she still a beauty, she is already an old aunt!" the woman said with a smile.

"The beauties who are at the same age as you? The beauties on the list, I shouldn't be unfamiliar!" In fact, Gao Jiuding has already recognized this woman. He has seen this woman several times, but he doesn't know her name. However, he said the woman's name , isn't that not giving Song Yue face?
"It's fine if you don't know her. You haven't heard that she's the old aunt? She's much older than us!" Song Yue said very naturally.

"You guys." The woman's pale face turned blue with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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