The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 671: The Magic Weapon of the Sun Tribe

Chapter 671: The Magic Weapon of the Sun Tribe

"Patriarch, the cliffs are preserved so well, probably because they are the walls of the ancient city!" In the end, even Lang Tuo, who was more straightforward, guessed the situation here.

"The city built on the top of the mountain suffered a huge attack, and an explosion occurred from the inside, and the city wall fell outward!" Luan Changming said.

Gao Dalang also said: "So, I couldn't find anything inside, but outside, I found the city wall bricks!"

"Actually, we should be thankful that we can't be the only ones who discovered the situation here, so what about the people who came here before? Why didn't they find anything?" Gao Jiuding clapped the city wall bricks in his hand and said.

This thing is just the runes on it, so it is very valuable. If there are too many, no one will let it go. If someone finds out, how can it be kept until now?
"I must have searched below, but there was nothing!" Mu Han pointed to a plain surrounded by the center of the cliff, laughing loudly.

"Well, that's the center of the attack, and there shouldn't be anything left behind. Who would have thought that such a tall cliff around would be an ancient city wall!" Gao Jiuding could only sigh, this is the fate of such a person.

It's a pity that the damage here is too serious, otherwise, there must be spiritual veins in this kind of mountain city.

Fortunately, he found an earth spirit vein at the foot of the mountain. As long as he has the earth spirit vein, he can build a city under the mountain.

Now we can only tear down the city wall. Once we find the scope of the ancient city, it will be easy to tear it down.

Maybe after demolishing this place, he can still build two cities. After all, the ancient city here is very large, and it should be more than enough for him to build two small cities.

If he still has enough money, he still wants to build another city in the west, in Muhan's tribal mountain.

There are miniature spiritual veins participating there, and there is no shortage of spiritual energy. As long as there are enough city wall bricks, building a city is very simple.

And at the foot of the mountain, even in order to protect the underground stone milk essence leylines, a city needs to be built.

There are earth spirit veins in the stone milk essence ground veins, it is not difficult to build a city there, but now the most difficult thing is on the side of Tulong Pass, there is no spirit veins there!
Idle in the rainy season is also idle, let's build a city!

Gao Jiuding didn't leave at all. As long as the city wall bricks here are filled with storage bags, they will be transported down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain at this time, there were not only the people of the tribe, but also Gao Jiuding's army.

They brought craftsmen and were surveying the terrain, planning to build a city around the molten cave.

And Gao Jiuding sits in the mountains, guarding the warriors in the mountains, while he is also hunting for treasures.

To find the city wall bricks outside the city, you only need to dig hard, but inside the city, although it has been severely damaged, you still need to search carefully!
On the outer city wall, at most you can find some city bricks, and don't think about the rest.

Therefore, even though he knew that the central city had been blown into a deep pit, and that it was still a place like the site of a nuclear explosion, Gao Jiuding kept looking for it with a glimmer of hope.

They took the exit of the underground passage as the center, and directly lifted off the upper soil layer from there, exposing a layer of glazed glass more than one meter thick.

This is the ground that was left after the war that year. If the guess is correct, the entire ground should have been glazed.

Sure enough, with the excavation, the glazed layer became bigger and bigger.

If there was a battle here that year, there must have been a target. Otherwise, what was the enemy fighting?
And as long as you discover the place where you fought back then, you will definitely gain something!

"The soil has melted, so what can be left?" After digging for another day, the tall man covered in mud said a little dejectedly.

"If you don't want to dig, you can go hunting. We've been spending a lot recently!" Luan Changming said directly.

"I'm not going. Under the attack power that can melt the soil, if there is anything left, it will definitely be a treasure!" Gao Dalang shook his head and continued digging in the rain.

"How many days has it been raining?" Gao Jiuding was really not used to it, the rain has been raining endlessly, when will this kind of day end?

"This kind of light rain has no effect at all. By the way, we will be harvesting grass recently, so we still have to stop our work!" Mu Han said suddenly.

"Stop working? Specialize in harvesting grass?" Luan Changming looked at Mu Han like a fool and said.

Mu Han's eyes were similar, he also seemed to be looking at a fool: "Boss Luan, the water level on the grassland has dropped, and the grass is exposed, and all the monsters will come out to find food!"

"Grass-eating monsters aren't that dangerous, right?" Luan Changming said dissatisfied.

"Meat-eating monsters will chase after grass-eating monsters!" Mu Han said.

Luan Changming was speechless, Gao Jiuding was happy, he really didn't realize that Luan Changming had such a silly side!
"How did you harvest grass?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Naturally, all the staff mowed, cut the pasture, carried cattle and sheep back to the tribe for storage, and usually put them in caves, or dug pits and buried them underground. No matter where they were placed, they had to be sealed, or they would rot!" John said.

Gao Jiuding understood as soon as he thought about it, they seemed to be in the green reserve.

The method of silage is simple and low cost, as long as the silage raw materials are transported back in a short period of time, the proper moisture content is mastered, crushed and pressed firmly, and then compressed and sealed. Moreover, the silage stored in this way is more nutritious. It is the reason why the grassland tribes survived the dry season!

This is a typical environment that forces you to improve. Otherwise, with the level of civilization here, they would definitely not be able to invent this method of silage storage. You must know that the development of silage fodder on earth is not long!
"Harvesting manually? Don't you have to be busy harvesting pastures throughout the rainy season?" Gao Jiuding asked, he didn't mean to think highly of the herdsmen in this world.

"How is it possible for you? As long as it rains, the grassland will be flooded. We can only harvest grass after the flood recedes!" Mu Han said.

Gao Jiuding was speechless, they had no chance to harvest every day!

If there is an opportunity, they will definitely not miss the opportunity, because pasture is the wealth of the tribe!
"This efficiency is too low!" Gao Jiuding could only sigh, no wonder they could only herd so few cattle and sheep.

"I heard that among the sun tribes in the west, there is a magic weapon for mowing grass. As long as the magic weapon moves, a large area of ​​pasture will be cut down very quickly!" At this moment, Lang Tuo said.

Gao Dalang also immediately said: "Yes, yes, I have seen it before. Originally, our wolf bandit gang was in the west, and now the Golden Wolf tribe is fighting with the Sun tribe, and life and death are being fought there every day. We didn't Under the circumstances, we can only run this way!"

"Sun tribe?" Gao Jiuding asked curiously, he really knew too little about the surrounding situation.

"Well, after crossing the western mountains, you will find the base camp of the Golden Wolf Clan. If you continue to the west, you will find the Sun Tribe. This is a big tribe that has risen in recent decades and is very powerful!" Gao Dalang said.

Gao Jiuding glanced at Gao Dalang, he should have asked these wolf thieves a long time ago, they were running around in the grassland, and they must know the situation of thousands of kilometers around here.

Before Gao Jiuding could ask, Mu Han said: "We originally lived in the west of the Snow Mountain, but because the Sun Tribe encroached on our pasture and was constantly robbed there, our old chief chose to move here.

Unexpectedly, it is not peaceful here. There are too many monsters in the jungle. Every year before the rainy season, they will ravage our tribe along the mountains, which makes the strength of our tribe constantly diminished.

After the death of our chief last year, the tribe fell into even more disputes. Later, Wolf Qianli was sent here, and the wolf riders in the clan were recruited. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for us to take down the entire tribe! "

"How many wolf riders are there in your tribe?" Gao Jiuding looked at Mu Han strangely and asked.

He thought that there were only about a hundred wolf riders in the previous tribe, and they were all killed by him, but he didn't expect that some of them were recruited.

"There are [-] wolf riders in total, all of them have been recruited!" Mu Han said.

"All recruited away?" Gao Jiuding was surprised, the wolf cavalry who killed himself last time, which tribe's cavalry was it?

"You didn't leave any wolf rider behind to protect the tribe?" Gao Dalang asked with a strange expression on his face.

"No, there are only more than 100 trainee wolf riders left. They were established using the wolf demons that were just cultivated in the clan. But once they went hunting, they never came back!" Mu Han said.

Gao Jiuding nodded, the real master has been found, and he is still a wolf rider from this small tribe of the Golden Wolf Clan!

That's right, he has a predestined relationship with this tribe, otherwise how could he have swallowed them all?
"We're digressing, shouldn't we be talking about the Sun Tribe?" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

Lang Tuo said: "Yes, I have also heard of the magic weapon of the Sun Tribe. I heard that the magic weapon is very big. As long as it is moved, a large piece of pasture will be quickly cut down, but we thought it was a legend at the time. fake.

If it is true, with more pasture harvested, they can feed more cattle and sheep. With more cattle and sheep, they can raise people and raise wolf demons. I heard that the Sun Tribe has cultivated millions of wolf riders. They We want to unify the entire prairie, otherwise our Golden Wolf Clan would not have fought them again and again! "

"Your information is inaccurate. The Sun Tribe doesn't have a million wolf riders at all. If there were, they would not only have unified the prairie, they would have fought here long ago!" Gao Dalang said.

Gao Sanlang said at this time: "The large-scale magic weapon is real. The million wolf riders are not accurate, but there are many. Their rise time is too short, and their accumulation is not enough. However, as their territory grows bigger and bigger, their It will become stronger and stronger!"

"So, our sect will also be threatened?" Luan Changming said.

Gao Dayang sneered and said: "How can it be? They rose too fast, and the time was too short. There are not many masters at all. I heard that there are not many masters in the blood pill stage, and they were recruited away!"

"He was conscripted like our sect?" Luan Changming asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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