The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 672 Anomalies Found

Chapter 672 Anomalies Found

"Of course, I heard that as long as the blood core monsters in the mountain are discovered, they will all be captured. I heard that they entered the starry sky and fought against the evil spirits from the sky. Otherwise, how could we be in the mountain? So long?" Gao Dalang said triumphantly.

These news were all obtained when the wolf bandits were wandering around and robbing everywhere.

"I'm relieved that there are no monks in the blood pill stage, but is the Sun Tribe really so powerful?" Gao Jiuding was really worried. If the Golden Wolf Clan couldn't hold back the Sun Tribe's soldiers, wouldn't he just have to withdraw his company? Within the mountain defense line?

As for the mountain gate of Iron Sword Gate, Gao Jiuding was not worried. With a great master in charge, the Sun Tribe would not be able to make waves!
Gao Dalang said: "It's really powerful, just like the magic weapon for harvesting pasture that I just mentioned, that thing can automatically harvest the pasture, pack it automatically, and put it in the storage bag automatically, the efficiency is really too high.

With endless pastures, more cattle and sheep can be herded, so that a large number of warriors can be trained, as well as mounts. With warriors and mounts, the battle is even more powerful. "

Gao Jiuding was completely speechless, why did he sound a little weird?

Automatic harvesting, automatic packaging, and can be stuffed into storage bags for quick transport back, and transport a large amount of pasture at one time.

The emergence of this kind of magic weapon will surely liberate many shepherds, just like what Gao Jiuding did now, the liberated shepherds can improve their cultivation by drinking more cold water!
As long as you have enough money and resources, it's really not difficult to cultivate a large army!

Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and he asked, "Have you seen that kind of large magic weapon?"

Gao Jiuding has only seen a harvester, but he has never seen a magic weapon for harvesting grass. He also wants to liberate a large number of laborers at the beginning, so that he can also form a standing army.

The grass-roots team is naturally not as good as a professional professional soldier, and all of this will naturally liberate more labor.

Combine harvesters, automatic balers, these must not be exposed, otherwise he is likely to be treated as an earth spy.

Originally, Gao Jiuding was still thinking about how to make some automation equipment, but he didn't expect that the native aborigines actually had a large-scale automation magic weapon.

"It's roughly like this. For a while, we wanted to snatch some of these magic weapons, so we stared at them for a while. However, the Sun Tribe's defenses were very strict. We had no chance at all, so we finally gave up!" After finishing speaking, Gao Dalang roughly drew a picture on the ground.

While drawing, he also described: "This kind of magic weapon is a bit strange. It seems that it can only run on the ground. They don't use feet. There are four circles underneath, and they crawl forward quickly with wheels, with the big roller in front, non-stop. Gather the pasture.

You see, they eat in from this side, come out from this side, and finally put them on the ground neatly. They also have another magic weapon, which can automatically collect pasture, pack it into bundles, and then store it in a storage bag! "

Gao Jiuding opened his mouth, what the hell, isn't this talking about a combine harvester?However, how could there be a combine harvester on this planet?

Could it be brought by the earthlings?Thinking of how he got here, Gao Jiuding had to be suspicious!
This possibility is very high, but how dare they invent such a thing unscrupulously?
Most of the monks above the demon star know how to forge weapons, but what they forge are magic weapons and magic weapons used in battle. No one has ever refined magic weapons that are convenient for work. This is a different concept , is also a difference in consciousness.

If there were no special circumstances, it would be impossible for the demon star civilization to invent the combine harvester. Therefore, Gao Jiuding determined that there was also a monk from the earth on the western prairie, and he was doing well.

If the mix is ​​not good and the strength is not strong, how dare you risk being discovered and make such a big noise?

"I don't think it's complicated. After the excavation work here is completed, we will also refine a magic weapon like this!" Gao Jiuding actually had this idea when he saw the familiar appearance.

"I heard that Tianjianmen imitated some large-scale magic weapons, but I don't know if they still exist!" Luan Changming stared at the magic weapon map drawn by Gao Dalang.

"Has the Heavenly Sword Gate imitated?" Gao Jiuding asked thoughtfully.

"Since it is useful, why not imitate it? We still have difficulties in imitating, but for the Zongmen, there is no difficulty at all. I just don't know if anyone can imitate now!" Luan Changming sighed.

Gao Jiuding didn't know what to say, Tianjianmen had perished, and now is the era of Tiejianmen.

However, after getting in touch with Mingxi, Gao Jiuding felt that Tiejianmen was changing, from focusing on sword training to developing in an all-round way, it is hard to say whether they have other ideas.

The battle above the starry sky is very cruel. If you don't change your mind and develop other technologies, a sword cultivator like Tie Jianmen won't last much time at all.

You know, as the master of Iron Sword Sect, Tianjian Sect has been destroyed. If Iron Sword Sect does not make changes, can they last longer than Tianjian Sect?

"It's not difficult to look at, but it turns out that we don't have the conditions to learn to refine such a large-scale magic weapon!" Gao Dalang directly erased the picture and drew it again. This time he drew more carefully, and some important parts were actually drawn. Very fine!
Gao Jiuding glanced at Gao Dalang again, this guy definitely belongs to the inner show, and his rough appearance is definitely an act.

"Huh? Patriarch, we have dug up jade again!" When Gao Jiuding was calculating how to modify the combine harvester, Mu Han discovered something.

He sent a message to Song Yue with his handy jade certificate, but Gao Jiuding didn't care about it anymore. With Song Yue's help, he believed that he would be able to refine a simplified version of the combine harvester soon.

With the discovery, Gao Jiuding naturally paid more attention to treasure hunting. At the excavation site at this time, after cleaning the upper layer of soil, what was exposed was no longer the glazed layer, but jade.

These jade stones were obviously also melted, but the place where jade stones appeared must be more important than the place where there was only soil.

"How many places like this have been found?" After coming out of the passage, they found a lot of jade recently, and now Gao Jiuding is a little confused.

"Many, I don't know those people. What kind of formation was arranged with jade at that time, it was too messy!" Lang Tuo said.

"The center of the city here, since jade is found, maybe this is really the center!" Mu Han said happily.

Gao Jiuding said: "Well, clean it up and see if there is anything abnormal down here!"

Gao Jiuding chose this side and braved the rain to dig here because it is the center surrounded by cliffs on all sides.

After discovering a large number of jade stones around here, Gao Jiuding locked the central location by calculating the positions of those jade stones.

Gao Jiuding believes that as long as the city is built, formations must be arranged, especially the spirit gathering formation. Only when enough spiritual energy is gathered can it support the city's defense formation and support the cultivation of the monks in the city.

Gao Jiuding was still very interested in archeology. He really wanted to see what the spirit-gathering formations set up by the ancients looked like. Of course, it had to be preserved.

After digging here for a long time, Gao Jiuding understands how powerful the attack suffered here was, comparable to a nuclear explosion!

Under this kind of powerful attack, if there is anything left, it is only possible under the protection of the formation.

"Hey, this piece of jade is buried very deep!" The more he dug down, the happier Mu Han was.

"Drainage must be done well. I have never discovered that the rainy season is so annoying!" Lang Tuo said angrily.

"Stop for a while, after the straw shed is built on it, continue digging!" Seeing more and more accumulated water, Gao Jiuding could only think of a way.

There are many people and strength, and a large amount of wood was quickly pulled in, covering the entire surrounding area.

Pile up the surrounding soil and build it up high, so that the rainwater from the outside will not flow in. At this time, continue to dig the soil, and the surrounding area can be piled up higher.

"The area is so big, how much jade does it cost?" Gao Dalang exclaimed when he cut another piece of jade with a square meter.

"Isn't this area a hundred paces wide?" Luan Changming was also a little surprised.

They have already dug down four or five meters. Such a thick jade covered a hundred steps. How proud are these ancient monks?

"It's almost done. Be careful and see if there is any formation!" Gao Jiuding looked at the warriors who kept cutting jade. They were careful, but they were destroying it.

"These jade stones were definitely not a whole piece in the past, but now they are fused together, which can only mean that they have all been melted!" Luan Changming said.

Gao Jiuding nodded helplessly, it should be very difficult to find something in the melted jade!
But Gao Jiuding was a little reconciled. He used jade deep underground to build a formation with a radius of more than [-] meters. What was he doing?
According to Gao Jiuding's speculation, this is either the formation hub of the city, or the spirit-gathering formation!
It's a pity that the damage here is so serious that there is nothing left at all!
"Patriarch, there is something abnormal. Look at these jades, is there something wrong?" At this moment, after cutting a few more pieces of jade, Lang Tuo discovered the abnormality.

Gao Jiuding took a look, that piece of jade was really different from the previous one.

The pieces of jade that had been cut earlier were crystal clear without any impurities, but this one looked a bit cloudy.

"Chop it up and see!" Gao Jiuding glanced at Gao Dalang and said.

Gao Dalang immediately raised the Star Knife and cut along the abnormal place.

As pieces of jade were cut off, the abnormality became more and more obvious.

"There are no impurities, this is fluctuation!" Soon, Gao Jiuding understood what happened.

Ripples appeared in the jade. Looking at the situation at that time, the vibration was very strong. When the jade solidified, there were still ripples.

(End of this chapter)

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