The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 723 Flying Boat Flying Shuttle

Chapter 723 Flying Boat Flying Shuttle
The demon battleship has been drifting in the starry sky for an unknown number of years, so it is not impossible for those black ginseng to have lived for tens of thousands of years.

Gao Jiuding didn't think the medicine was very powerful at first, but now that he knew it, he naturally wanted to find Hui Ben.

The value of water meditation should be squeezed out as much as possible, not to mention other things, just the classification of some heaven and earth spirits, which is very valuable.

For example, Gao Jiuding now knows that as long as the elixir is still alive, even if the potency of the elixir is not increasing, the purity is increasing. This is the transformation of the essence of life, right?

"No wonder that guy Li Rusong wants to work hard with him, so the benefits inside are so great!" Gao Jiuding was a little bit emotional, his accumulation is still too thin, and he doesn't even know what a heavenly elixir is, which is really inappropriate .

Shui Jingxiu was already so happy after getting the black ginseng, he didn't care about Gao Jiuding at all.

Gao Jiuding looked at a table of animal skin rolls, and could only smile wryly, while Shui Jingxiu had already gone to the water spirit vein at the bottom of the big tree to practice.

See what he meant, that is to refine that black ginseng immediately!
The wild environment is very dangerous. If there is an opportunity to increase their strength, they must increase it immediately. Even if they cannot maximize their benefits, they must eat it first. This is their way of survival.

Looking at the animal skin scroll, it mainly contains the population and food of this water village.

The population here is more than [-], mainly adult men and women, and there are few elderly people. Because the wild environment is harsh, after the elderly's physical strength declines, they are prone to casualties when they go hunting.

"A total of [-] soldiers, [-] are female soldiers, which is half of the ratio!" Gao Jiuding was a little bit emotional, this wild village is really powerful enough, and women also have strong combat power.

At this time, Gao Jiuding thought of his 40 population. He only used [-] young and strong men among them, and at least [-] young and strong women. some?
"Armor has become the main problem!" Closing the animal skin roll, Gao Jiuding was quite satisfied with what he had gained from going out this time.

Some of the army here must be recruited, and the rest will continue to guard Xuehe. However, for the convenience of ruling, this water village must continue to expand.

"Use the aura of the Xuehe water spirit vein to quickly nourish the demon tree!" Gao Jiuding looked at the surrounding demon trees through the window dug out of the tree trunk.

Water meditation is also considered lucky. Among the inheritances he has obtained, the most are water spells. He combined the water spells he learned to research a large woody water source formation. This village is located in this formation. built on the basis.

Water is the source, wood is the foundation, and the two complement each other, and the formation will function normally. Now that the water is prosperous and the wood is weak, the formation will naturally not work.

Therefore, the protective array of this water village is not damaged, but it will stop functioning every season.

The main defense method of the woody water source array is the group of tree monsters. Now they are all submerged in water. After a long time, they must die. How much combat power do they have?
"In the final analysis, the strength of the two is still unbalanced. If we can get the huge demon tree in the forest and strengthen the strength of these tree demons, can we suppress the water? Maybe with the help of the tree demon, we can It can intercept a small water spirit vein!" Gao Jiuding looked away from the forest and fell into the snow river.

Water is impermanent, and the water veins are attached to the water veins. Wherever the water veins go, it is possible to attract the water veins. However, such water veins are more difficult to tame.

However, Mu Keshui, with the help of the tree demon, now a tiny water spirit vein is imprisoned here!

Of course, it was just a confinement, this miniature water spirit vein was not separated from Xuehe.

If Gao Jiuding wants to extract this water spirit vein, he must find a way to cut off the connection with the large spirit vein of Xuehe first!
"This large spiritual meridian will be occupied by the demon clan, and I will break through the Xueyuan clan in the Daxue Mountain sometime!" Gao Jiuding checked the information of the surrounding human and demon clans recorded by Shui Jingxiu.

The Xueyuan tribe is actually a kind of eagle demon. I heard that they have the blood of Jinpeng, but I don’t know if it’s true or not. Anyway, they are the kings of the Great Snow Mountain, occupying the entire Xuehe spiritual vein. The snow river is their hunting ground.

Gao Jiuding and the others are located close to the swamp, which is the end of the Xuehe River, so there is no Xueyuan clan descending, and as long as they enter the plateau, there will be the Xueyuan clan's sphere of influence.

As long as a large group of human beings appeared in the snow mountain, they would definitely be attacked by the Xueyuan tribe.

As for the Golden Wolf Clan, they are only active on the outskirts of the snow mountain. Anyway, the very low temperature of the snow mountain is not suitable for human survival, so it can be said that it is desirable.

"Over there, it seems to be the location of Xuehewei of Tianjianmen!" Looking at a map in his hand, Gao Jiuding discovered that the Daxue Mountain now occupied by the Xueyuan clan is only a part of Tianjianmen. guard.

In recent years, the strength of the human sect has dropped a lot. This must be related to the outer battlefield!
Looking at the map, the Daxue Mountain in the south belongs to the plateau. After crossing the Daxue Mountain, you enter the tropical rainforest, which is also dominated by the monster clan. Now Gao Jiuding can't get through it, so you can ignore it.

Going westward, crossing the small plateau where Muhan and his tribe are located, you will enter another larger grassland, which is connected to the grassland at Lianshan Pass in the north, with a larger area and more ethnic groups living there.

It turns out that there are mainly two tribes living there, the Golden Wolf tribe near the plateau area, and the Wild Lion tribe who live after water and grass.

But 30 years ago, on the border between the Golden Wolf Clan and the Wild Lion Clan, another tribe rose up, the Sun Tribe.

The Sun Tribe developed rapidly, and by now, it was already a local tycoon with millions of soldiers. Even the Golden Wolf Tribe and the Wild Lion Tribe were defeated by them in a short time.

This time Lianshanguan sent troops, the main attack was the Sun tribe, not the so-called Wild Lion tribe, because the Wild Lion tribe has no settlements at all, and its strength has been weakening in recent decades, so it will not attack Lianshanguan at all. Shanguan poses no threat.

On the contrary, it is the Sun Tribe, which is very aggressive. Since their rise, they have been aggressing against the outside world.

I heard that those large groups of wolf thieves have the shadow of the Sun Tribe behind them. It's no wonder that Gao Dalang and others don't know anything about the Sun Tribe, because their tribe is likely to be attacked by the Sun Tribe. He was used as cannon fodder and plundered among the wolf thieves, becoming the advance army of the Sun Tribe army.

The places where wolves haunted would only bring blood and chaos, and after that, the army of the Sun Tribe would come to clean up the mess.

Perhaps knowing this, Lianshan Pass would take the initiative to attack, and they would not have any objection to Gao Jiuding's attack from the south, directly targeting the Golden Wolf Clan and the Sun Tribe, because this was exactly their purpose.

"The territory of the Golden Wolf clan has shrunk? No wonder one of their tribes of ten thousand tents has been defeated, and there has been no response until now. Is this because they were disabled by the Sun tribe?"

Studying the map and looking at the annotations of Shui Jingxiu, Gao Jiuding already has a good understanding of the surrounding environment.

"It seems that after crossing the small plateau, the first thing we will face is the Sun Tribe!" Coming to this conclusion, Gao Jiuding was still a little emotional, no wonder that boy Long Mingyang agreed so happily.

"The Snow Wolf Pirates have appeared, and the Demon Wolf Pirates have also been offended. It is inevitable to face the Sun Tribe!"

In the current situation, it is difficult to tell who is using whom, because sooner or later Gao Jiuding will confront the Sun Tribe.

"Flying magic weapon, large flying magic weapon!" The influence of water retreat on the Sun Tribe is mainly flying magic weapon, and there are many large flying magic weapons.

Shui Jingxiu's strength is not weak, and he is careful enough. He knows a lot about the situation.

The large magic weapon that the Sun Tribe relies on is the flying boat, and the personal use is the flying shuttle, and the battle mainly relies on the flying shuttle.

Looking at the picture, the flying boat is a canoe-style warship, each of which is more than 20 meters long, which is an absolute magic weapon.

The appearance of the flying shuttle is very similar to the flying boat, which is a simplified version of the flying boat. The magic weapons of this form include flying transportation magic weapons and combat magic weapons.

The flying shuttle is a bit like the Tianyun Shuttle that Gao Jiuding auctioned off at the moon base, it can carry one person, of course, there must be a shuttle that can hold more than ten people, it is likely that Shui Jingxiu has never seen it before.

The Sun Tribe's weapon refining level is very high, and their main combat force, that is, the regular army, all use small flying shuttles.

The small flying shuttle is a dart-like thing with two pointed ends. Under the control of the hemolytic monk, it flies very flexibly.

Such a small team, even Shui Jingxiu, a master at the blood core stage, would not dare to bully casually.

"From now on, treasures will officially enter the battlefield!" Gao Jiuding thought of the Snow Wolf Pirates, they were still a mob with incomplete armor, and they were incomparable with the regular army of the Sun Tribe.

Facing the Snow Wolf Pirates, Gao Jiuding's guards had a hard time. If they faced the regular army, how could they win?
The flying shuttle is obviously the same sharp weapon as the crossbow. If the defense is insufficient, Gao Jiuding's troops will not be able to take advantage of it at all.

"It's still necessary to cultivate water meditation well. Even if you can't practice spiritual weapons, there should be no shortage of ninth-level treasures in the future!" Gao Jiuding thought of Rubbing Talisman and Branding Talisman, which are simply the most powerful cheats. device.

With their help, even a guy who doesn't know how to refine weapons can also refine weapons!

The most important thing now is to make treasure talismans, treasure-level branding talismans. As long as they have it, it is possible to use top-grade spirit stones to refine earth-level spirit mines and high-quality ninth-level treasures.

And now, the most suitable place to draw treasure talismans is water meditation!
The localization and miniaturization of flying magic weapons is a trend, and Gao Jiuding is also very excited.

This was handed over to Song Yue and An Shenxiu to design and manufacture. If 10,000+ ships could be obtained, who would be afraid of Gao Jiuding here?

(End of this chapter)

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