Chapter 724
On the side of the demon star, Gao Jiuding is timid, but Song Yue and An Shenxiu in the starry sky don't have to be afraid of anything. They don't know how to make flying boats and shuttles, and they can also hire craftsmen to make them. It's just a matter of paying. It costs more.

However, all of this is worthwhile. As long as he has enough strength, Gao Jiuding will soon grab more resources back on top of this demon star.

"According to the theory, monks in the hemolysis period can draw treasure talismans!" Gao Jiuding felt a bit overkill by using water static to refine treasures, but unfortunately, he didn't have the help of monks in the hemolysis period or foundation establishment period.

"No, there seem to be a few foundation-building monks!" Gao Jiuding glanced outside. At this time, the villagers in the entire village had completely merged with the guards he brought, because they were all busy dealing with the situation. reward.

There are thousands of snow crocodiles, both in the hemolytic stage and the blood refining stage. They don't have much brains at all. Even though they have been hunted and killed a lot, they just don't retreat.

As the snow crocodiles were hunted down in large numbers, not only did they have no intention of retreating, but they desperately wrenched the water of the Snow River, wanting to destroy the water village and take revenge.

Unfortunately, these brainless monsters are destined to become their food.

This bloodline is really important, a monster with a low bloodline level has no brains!
This group of brainless people can only be food for other higher bloodlines!

A group of people happily gathered together to deal with these huge snow crocodiles. This harvest is definitely not something that a village of [-] people can easily obtain.

Now that their supplies are extremely rich, no one thinks that Gao Jiuding and the others will rob them of their living supplies, and as long as there is no conflict of interest, and even such a huge interest, then how can the people in this water village Against the forces that merged into Gao Jiuding?

Attachment to the strong is their instinct in their blood. In the wild, the die-hards are just like those snow alligators, who have already been stripped of their skin and bones to eat their meat.

"Shui Jingxiu is considered good at living!" Thinking of the material records he saw just now, Gao Jiuding laughed.

Shui Jingxiu was worried about being hunted and killed by Zongmen masters every day, but his little life was still very good!
It is rare for a village with [-] young and middle-aged people to accumulate hundreds of thousands of tons of supplies.

The materials here include fungi, dried fruits, and some dried goods collected and dried. The others are meat, especially fish, shrimp and crabs. They store too much.

However, no matter how much they store, it is not as good as what the guards have gained today.

The guards flew above the snow river, with the help of crossbows and armor-piercing arrows, it was too easy to hunt and kill those monsters that could not fly and could only hide in the water during the hemolytic period.

"Armor-piercing arrows are really a good thing. If we had this thing, why would we take the risk of hunting in the jungle?"

"Our ancestors don't know how to refine weapons, so where can we get armor-piercing arrows?"

"Even if the ancestor knows how to refine weapons, we can't afford to use them. If we see if we accidentally fell into the water, who of us would dare to go into the water to retrieve that precious arrow?"

"It's true. This is a magic weapon. If you shoot it once, you won't be able to find it. No matter how many magic weapons you have, they won't be enough to consume like this!"

"If there are really so many magic weapon arrows, we might as well melt together and refine a suit of armor!"

"That's right, there are so many spiritual mines, who of us can refine armor-piercing arrows? Armor is more important, and this thing can't be shredded by a snow crocodile, right?"

"Of course it can't be torn apart. Didn't you see the previous battle? Those snow wolves in the hemolytic period can't even bite them!"

"Of course I saw it, but I didn't look at the snow wolf, but observed those snow wolf thieves. They can use magic weapons. How fast are those magic weapons? They can also be manipulated flexibly. Even so, none of them can break through their shields." First!"

"So, this bow and arrow is not affordable for everyone. Even if we have it, we can refine it into a magic weapon, which can be controlled, recycled, and used many times. This kind of bow and arrow is not good!"

"We still don't have spirit stones!"

"What do you mean by that? You mean our new Patriarch has spirit stones?"

"Ah? The new Patriarch uses crossbow arrows and equips a large number of warriors, so he should have a lot of spirit stones, right?"

As they talked, everyone began to discuss how many spirit stones Gao Jiuding had.

It's a pity that poverty limited their imagination. No matter how they thought about it, they couldn't imagine how many spirit stones Gao Jiuding had, which allowed him to waste resources at will.

They got a magic weapon, which can be passed on for several generations, as a family heirloom.

And Gao Jiuding got good materials, instead of making family heirlooms, he turned it into a one-time crossbow. How rich is that?What a prodigal!

As long as they thought about this clearly, they were all amazed, and even snickered in their hearts. They followed a rich patriarch.

As for true and false, the facts are in front of you!

Gao Jiuding looked away from those guys who were happily discussing him. They worked together, and they were quite harmonious!

No longer worried about conflicts, Gao Jiuding casually threw out a formation plate to cover himself up.

Entering the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, he practiced for a while, and when he came out, he was already holding a space pagoda in his hand.

This is also the method that Gao Jiuding came up with when he was forced to have no choice. The hundreds of wolf thieves who had just captured the hemolysis period were locked in the Demon Suppressing Tower. Can these guys take advantage of it?
Gao Jiuding has experienced the hands-on ability of the local aborigines. If a group of monks in the hemolytic period help him draw symbols and refine weapons, can he speed up his development?

After mobilizing the Demon Suppressing Tower, Gao Jiuding used a large amount of real energy to sacrifice and practice this primary treasure.

The first-order space treasure, if it was the original, Gao Jiuding could not easily refine it, but now, for Gao Jiuding who has a steady stream of real energy support, it is very easy to control it.

Of course, if you want to control it as you like, you still need a lot of time to practice.

But now, as long as Gao Jiuding wants to control a little bit, this space pagoda like Rubik's cube is not difficult.

As long as there is enough real energy to support it, it is still very easy to control the internal changes of this pagoda.

A large amount of true energy gushed out, and Gao Jiuding began to control the situation inside the Demon Town Tower.

At first, he just separated the snow wolf thieves inside from their mounts, but this time, he needed to subdue those snow wolf thieves who were held alone.

First of all, they have to squeeze their living space, and then deprive them of the magic weapon they sacrificed to protect themselves. After they are deprived, Gao Jiuding will go in to persuade them to surrender.

First control the small room inside and keep squeezing the living space of those guys.

At this time, almost 700 Snow Wolf Bandits all began to struggle violently.

The originally small room of dozens of cubic meters was quickly compressed to less than ten cubic meters.

Then, the small room became a square box with a length and width of only two meters.

At this time, the six walls of the house are still squeezing their living space.

Seeing that they were about to be squeezed into meatloaf, no one dared to give up casually, they could only keep attacking the walls on all sides.

Attacking desperately, using all kinds of attacks, after their bodies are compressed to the limit, they can use whatever skills they have.

They should have used their ability to save their lives, but most of them were treasures.

As long as they attack, Gao Jiuding will control the walls of the small house to change, let their magical weapons and treasures come out of the small house, cutting off their control power.

Although they knew it was a trap, they didn't dare to give up, because if they gave up, they might die.

In desperation, after losing a magic weapon, as long as there is still a magic weapon, they will immediately release one and continue to attack the walls that are getting closer.

It is not difficult for monks in the hemolytic period to sacrifice a piece of monster material and refine it into a treasure. As long as they persevere, let alone one, two or three are also completely fine.

It's just that when fighting, it must be a treasure that is fully activated.

There are not many skills for you to play in the battle between lightning and flint.

At this time, these snow wolf bandits were forced to launch their most powerful attacks without staying behind.

If one treasure is lost, as long as there is a second one, it will be released immediately until the space they are in is completely squeezed together.

The four walls were surrounded by snow wolf bandits, and as long as their arms and feet attacked the walls, the walls would immediately collapse, freeing their hands and feet.

Soon the seven hundred snow wolf thieves were all imprisoned in cages, the cages on the ancient prison cars shown on TV.

It's just that these snow wolf thieves in the hemolytic period were imprisoned in cages made of metal without any gaps, and they couldn't even show their heads.

With hands and feet hanging in the air, only the body is imprisoned in a metal cage, unable to see the outside situation clearly, and the spiritual consciousness is also shielded by the cage. The fear of facing the dark is really not something ordinary people can bear.

When Gao Jiuding entered the Demon Suppressing Tower, what he saw were those people struggling violently.

Although only the palms of both hands and feet were exposed, they were still writhing in such a small area, which must be a violent struggle.

Arriving at the side of a Snow Wolf Bandit on the far side, Gao Jiuding's hands flickered, and the position of the Snow Wolf Bandit's head changed.

The metal cage squirmed, and the snow wolf thief's head was exposed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" the Snow Wolf Bandit shouted loudly while gasping for breath.

I'm afraid he didn't know what he was yelling, but he couldn't help yelling all the time, he must have been terrified!

"How about surrender?" Gao Jiuding patted the man's dull eyes.

After being slapped in the face, the snow wolf thief's head froze, his eyes regained focus, and he looked at Gao Jiuding, his eyes changed from bewildered to fierce.

Just now he thought that he was about to be buried alive, although he was struggling violently, he couldn't get away. There was darkness in front of his eyes, a kind of blackness that made him despair.

And at this moment, he saw Gao Jiuding, and his mind instantly returned to normal!

 Thanks for the 500 coin reward from the brother who sells goods at a good price!
(End of this chapter)

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