The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 801 Incarnation of Blood Demon

Chapter 801 Incarnation of Blood Demon

"Isn't it a bit disgusting? I have a telepathy with you, a big man, and I feel awkward no matter how I think about it!" Maverick said directly.

Gao Jiuding's head was full of black lines: "I haven't said that you are disgusting yet? How dare you despise me? I also feel uncomfortable with the blood resonance with you kid."

"Okay, okay, I don't despise you anymore!" Maverick immediately changed his attitude, and the smile on his face was actually a little flattering.

Gao Jiuding looked at Yihu with a puzzled expression. Did this kid have some conspiracy to become so stupid?
"You kid, aren't you trying to plot against me? Tell me, if you can agree, I will definitely agree!" Gao Jiuding said with a vigilant expression.

Yihu smiled and said, "Brother, I haven't seen any sister-in-laws yet!"

Gao Jiuding was even more vigilant: "Be clear!"

"Let me, sister-in-law, introduce me to some beauties? I'm old too, don't you want some brothers and wives?" Yihu said very naturally.

Gao Jiuding was speechless, how many sisters and daughters-in-law?

Is this kid too flamboyant?Who can introduce beautiful women to such a guy?Who dares?
Gao Jiuding turned his head to look at the Koi Lake, he had no time to waste here.

Now Maverick has a battleship escort, he can safely enter the Koi Lake for a lap!

"Brother, you are wrong. I heard that in the south, you caught a lot of beauties. You can't eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot. That's wrong. Hey, brother, what are you doing?" Maverick looked at the big brother who turned into blood and disappeared into the koi lake with a dark face. How could he run away when he mentioned women?
"I'll go and have a look too!" Without a woman, Maverick turned his grief and anger into strength, and plunged into the koi lake.

At this time, a warship was also floating above Yihu's head, which was his guard, and in Gao Jiuding's battleship, Luan Changming and others had already followed him into the Koi Lake.

This time, the direction of Gao Jiuding was the center of Koi Lake. He believed that there must be some powerful monsters in such a big lake.

It used to be that he didn't dare to provoke him because he had no strength, at least he didn't have the strength to save his life, but now it's different, his body can turn into blood, even if he encounters danger, he can just turn into a light and escape at worst.

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't come here to provoke powerful monsters, he came here for the rich resources here.

No matter Gao Jiuding or Yihu, after they finished their cultivation, they all realized one thing, that is, the purer the blood essence, the greater the benefit to them both.

If you want to quickly improve your cultivation, the best way is to absorb a large amount of monster blood to refine it!
If you use the blood essence inside the blood stone to practice, the speed will be faster. However, after actually melting all the phoenix blood, Gao Jiuding and Yihu no longer have the idea of ​​​​continuing to use the phoenix blood to practice, not because they are afraid of danger, but It feels like it would be too wasteful to do that.

After fusing and refining the phoenix blood, it is possible to awaken the supernatural powers of the blood. What is the chance of this?

How precious is this kind of phoenix blood?How can it be used for cultivation?

The most important thing is that through Gao Jiuding consuming a lot of energy and blood to help Yihu refine the Phoenix blood, both Gao Jiuding and Yihu realized that absorbing other blood essence can also quickly enhance their cultivation.

Since this is the case, they have no shortage of cultivation resources, so why would they waste Phoenix blood?

Therefore, after Gao Jiuding and Yihu left the customs, they plunged into the forest. There are many monsters here, and they will definitely not lack resources.

The place where the monsters are most concentrated in the jungle must be Koi Lake. If the resources here are not enough, then go to Xuehe Lake in the east, or even the ocean in the east.

Oceans and lakes are places where human monks rarely set foot, and there must be many powerful monsters inside. Knowing this, Gao Jiuding and Yihu chose the smallest koi lake as their first stop.

Of course, they can also go to the snow river to practice, but there is Gao Jiuding's fishing ground, he is a bit reluctant.

As for the Koi Lake, it is already in Gao Jiuding's pocket, but this will be his lair in the future, and he will come here first if he wants to find out the situation in this lake.

After entering the koi lake, Gao Jiuding immediately met a koi, it was a fiery red koi, it was red like a ball of flame, it was too conspicuous in the water, so after coming over, Gao Jiuding immediately saw it .

This koi is not small, fully four meters long. It has a slender body and is surrounded by blood-red auras. However, it is not a fire-type monster, but a pure water-type monster.

A koi in the hemolytic period with so much blood that it glows like fire is very rare.

When Gao Jiuding discovered it, it also discovered Gao Jiuding.

"We are equal in strength, let's see who is stronger!" Gao Jiuding saw the koi and rushed towards it without hesitation.

The koi's reaction speed was not slow either. The moment it saw Gao Jiuding, it also rushed towards Gao Jiuding.

In the eyes of the koi, a small thing that is two meters long and thirty or forty thick is just a mouthful of food. For such a big creature, it eats too much.

Gao Jiuding only felt that he bumped into the koi head-on, and then he merged into the blood of the koi.

"Sure enough!" Gao Jiuding wanted to laugh happily, but his body at this time turned into a thick bloody light, completely integrated into the body of the koi, which is the rhythm of turning into a blood demon.

Gao Jiuding had thought of this kind of result as early as when Yihu used Blood Shadow Escape for the first time!
When refining the Demon-Suppressing Tower, he confirmed his thoughts, and now it's time to enjoy the results.

Gao Jiuding felt the strong energy and blood around him, they seemed to exude boundless fragrance, attracting him to start merging these blood energy.

He was like refining and suppressing the demon tower, and soon infected the whole body of the koi.

The qi and blood in the whole body of a hemolytic monster is not only abundant, but also pure. This is no longer essence, but essence.

Therefore, even if Gao Jiuding is all over the body of the koi, it is impossible to quickly refine the koi.

Gao Jiuding is not in a hurry, as long as he can refine it, he only needs to spend a little time to absorb all the blood essence of this koi.

Entering the blood sea space of the koi smoothly, there is no blood wave here, only a blood-red crystal, Gao Jiuding knows that this is the blood essence cultivated by the koi.

Gao Jiuding's body training has just reached the hemolytic stage, and he hasn't condensed blood essence yet.

However, he can already absorb the power of refining blood essence!

As long as enough blood essence is condensed, the essence in his body will be transformed into blood essence!
The body that had just broken through the cultivation base was hungry and thirsty. After seeing the blood essence exuding a strong aura, Gao Jiuding couldn't help it.

The temptation of blood essence of the same level to him has become extremely powerful.

Although he really wanted to devour the blood essence now, he didn't act immediately, he was still quickly sweeping away the blood in the koi's body.

Gao Jiuding's speed is still very fast, as long as the blood is touched by him, it will be plundered first, and then refined.

At this time, Gao Jiuding didn't care, as long as it was the blood of the koi, he would wipe it out when he encountered it, and put it in the sea of ​​blood first.

No matter how powerful the alien power is, can it be stronger than the phoenix blood?

Gao Jiuding is very relieved to sweep it away, he won't be able to absorb and refine it for a while, so let's save it first!

When you encounter something good, you won’t be able to eat it for a while, so naturally put it away first, which is to store food.

Gao Jiuding is very frugal, he is not willing to waste a little bit!
The koi he was carrying was unlucky, it only took 2 minutes, all of its blood was absorbed by Gao Jiuding.

Without the support of qi and blood, the body of the originally very powerful koi became fragile, but it did not have the decay and decay that Gao Jiuding imagined.

Feeling the koi struggling frantically, Gao Jiuding once again found a stream of pure Qi and blood in its body.

Gao Jiuding chased this qi and blood, and came to the blood essence in the blood sea of ​​the koi carp. This is the source of life of the koi carp and the essence of its body.

Gao Jiuding's mind turned as he watched streams of blood qi emerge from the blood essence.

It is definitely not that easy to directly refine blood essence, but it is very simple to swallow blood.

Gao Jiuding immediately decided not to kill them all first, but to stare at this blood essence, and wait until when the essence in it has been absorbed.

In this way, Gao Jiuding surrounded the blood essence, constantly absorbing and refining it.

As long as the essence emerges from the blood essence, it will be absorbed by Gao Jiuding before it enters the koi's body to nourish its extremely nutrient-deprived body.

In this way, one release and one absorption, it only took a few minutes, and the brainless koi exhausted the essence of the whole body.

Looking at the dim blood crystals, Gao Jiuding finally didn't make a move. He directly withdrew from the body of the koi and appeared beside the koi.

Looking at this koi again at this time, where is there such a strong flame-like aura outside its body?

Now the scales of this koi are dim, and even its body has shrunk a circle. Looking at its aura, it is like a candle in the wind, which will go out at any time.

"Being a man can't be too extreme, it's better to leave a chance, so that we may still see it in the future!" Looking at the listless koi carp, which had no trace of arrogance, Gao Jiuding once again turned into a bloody light, spreading wantonly in the water.

Energizing his body not only avoids physical attacks, but also reduces wind and water resistance, which makes his escape faster.

Although compared to flying in the air, the speed in the water is still slower, but no matter how you calculate it, it is much faster than the original flying speed.

Gao Jiuding kept flying in the water at an extremely fast speed. During this process, he saw countless koi, many of which were stronger than the one he bullied!
Among these koi, Gao Jiuding even saw a few monsters in the blood pill stage.

Although the number is not large, it can even be said to be very rare, but it is not without it!
 Thank you~ 200 coins reward from Awakening Brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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