The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 802 Devouring Blood Pill Monster Beast

Chapter 802 Devouring Blood Pill Monster Beast

Around the outer circle of the koi lake, I wandered around and found a lot of koi, but there were not many koi in the blood pill stage!
Even for those few, after meeting Gao Jiuding, they can only eat mud behind them.

He couldn't run Gao Jiuding, and Gao Jiuding quickly flew away, and the mud from the bottom of the lake brought up by Gao Jiuding quickly made those blood-dan stage koi lose his trace.

Now Gao Jiuding was sure that the water was indeed more dangerous than the land. After a while, he saw three blood-dan stage koi, a blood-dan stage black fish, and a blood-dan stage turtle.

He also saw a group of shellfish gathered together. They were huge, and Gao Jiuding's slight approach aroused their vigilance.

Don't think that scallops move very slowly. In the water, people can push themselves forward at high speed by spitting out a little water.

Moreover, these scallops do not take an unusual path. They are all spinning forward, just like flying saucers, dancing a death whirl in the water. As long as any creature approaches, no matter how strong it is, it will be destroyed by their sharp scallops. The shell is minced.

"Don't mess with it, don't dare to mess with it!" Gao Jiuding said with lingering fear after avoiding a huge vortex that suddenly appeared again.

He was just a little closer, and he was twisted by the vortex as if he was about to collapse. At this time, Gao Jiuding was sure that the scallop that started the vortex should be a magical power.

That is to say, the vortex has supernatural power attached to it, which can consume his energy and blood, and Gao Jiuding, who has turned into blood, is equal to a pure energy of energy and blood, and his energy and blood are exhausted. His life is also in danger.

Fortunately, a group of scallops have their own territory, as long as you don't get close, they won't chase you and attack, otherwise, Gao Jiuding is really afraid that the group of scallops will launch a vortex, trap him in it, and slowly crush him.

After this encounter, Gao Jiuding became more cautious underwater, especially when he saw those who were bigger or had a strange body, he would avoid them.

"Damn it!" Just after dodging a huge black fish, a blood-red light rushed over.

Gao Jiuding had no choice but to change direction quickly, and only after he dodged the impact of the red light did he see clearly that it was a blood-red long snake over ten meters long, no, it should be an eel.

This is a blood eel, but it is more than ten meters long and one meter in diameter. It is so big and super fast. Did it come here again?

After Gao Jiuding paused for a while, the blood eel chased after him again.

This blood eel, which looks like a blood jade with a strong aura outside its body, is too dazzling.

Is it showing off its rich energy and blood?Seeing this kind of monster, Gao Jiuding felt evil from his heart, no, it should be greedy, or it was wrong, he should stand up and resist.

He dodged the blood eel's head for a while, and then bumped into the blood eel's body.

For parasitism, possession, and getting into the body of monsters, Gao Jiuding is also very familiar with it.

"Pfft!" Gao Jiuding bumped into the blood eel, but did not penetrate into its body, but was bounced back.

The bloody light formed by Gao Jiuding, like a long arrow, was flattened by a blow.

If he hadn't suffered a counterattack, this time, he might have lost his blood and suffered heavy injuries.

Gao Jiuding was a little confused, shouldn't he get into the blood eel's body?How was it bounced out?

Looking at the ferocious head and sharp teeth of the blood eel, Gao Jiuding didn't dare to delay, he directly mobilized his blood, turned into a blood shadow again, and escaped the attack of the blood eel.

What just happened?Was he blocked by the protective energy?

Soon Gao Jiuding realized that the monsters in the blood pill stage were not easy to deal with.

The koi in the hemolytic stage just now must have been promoted not long ago, it didn't activate the protective energy, so it was easily drilled into the body by Gao Jiuding, absorbing all its energy and blood.

And this blood eel is completely different, it is a monster beast of the blood core stage, not to mention how powerful it is, but it must have inspired the protective energy.

The protective qi is also an energy body, and it naturally has a strong defensive effect on Gao Jiuding who has turned into a mass of energy.

Originally thought that the world was invincible, but did not expect to encounter difficulties so easily, which made Gao Jiuding a little disappointed.

However, he quickly lifted his spirits, there are more ways than difficulties, as long as he wants to enter the body of the blood eel, it will not be so difficult!

Gao Jiuding had just completed his psychological training, and the blood eel over there also regrouped and entangled him!

Gao Jiuding was really entangled by it this time, just as Gao Jiuding was distracted for a moment, he was entangled by the blood eel that was coming at high speed.

He didn't even have time to react, he was wrapped in a ball of blood and entwined together.

Gao Jiuding only felt a rush of fiery blood surrounding him, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free, couldn't run away, he was just wrapped in a rush of hot blood, and he couldn't activate the Blood Shadow Escape anymore.

No, he was still in the blood shadow state at this time, but he was imprisoned, as if he had fallen into a furnace, and the blood shadow he transformed was being roasted.

Gao Jiuding was startled, the blood eel in the blood pill stage was really powerful, in just a moment, he thought of a way and trapped him.

Although it felt a bit sticky, Gao Jiuding didn't panic. The moment he was entangled, he thought of a way to get rid of the blood eel.

There are too many ways for him to get rid of the blood eel, whether it is taking out a star knife and giving it a bite, or directly hiding in the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, or even spitting out the Suppressing Demon Tower, he can easily get rid of the blood eel. eel.

However, being closely next to the blood eel and being entangled, is it also an opportunity for him?
You must know that monsters in the blood core stage are not so easy to approach. Generally, they will use supernatural powers to attack the enemy from a distance, and they will never give you a chance to approach them.

And Gao Jiuding wanted this kind of opportunity, so even if he didn't know what method the blood eel used to trap him, he didn't run away immediately.

Gao Jiuding was waiting for the blood eel's next move, and sure enough, just a little hesitation, the blood eel opened its mouth wide!
Before Gao Jiuding could deal with the blood eel, the blood eel couldn't wait any longer, it wanted to swallow Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding didn't resist, he just felt that the melting furnace that wrapped him was loosened suddenly, and then he fell into a bigger melting furnace.

Now that the furnace is bigger, he can move around. At this time, he can see the surrounding situation clearly.

The wall exuding blood-red aura is constantly wriggling, and it is also wide and narrow. No matter how you look at it, it looks like the stomach of a blood eel.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding turned into a bloody light, and his body was not too big, otherwise, the esophagus of this blood eel would definitely not be so wide.

"Here, there is no protection from the body, right?" Seeing that he was about to fall into a larger space, Gao Jiuding directly bumped into the fleshy wall next to him.

"Hey!" This time Gao Jiuding was well prepared, he consciously condensed the blood shadow he transformed into a line, or spikes.

He has obtained this method a long time ago, and even deduced it while observing himself. Unfortunately, his qi and blood were not enough, not pure enough, not solid enough, and could not be condensed into a blood gang at all.

Yes, this is the famous stunt of the guy named Blood Knife in the Demon Suppressing Tower. He was called the Blood Knife because he was able to condense a Blood Knife.

It is bragging to call it a blood knife now, but it is still possible to call it a blood scorpion. The bloody scorpion is already very lethal!
If it was the original, even if Gao Jiuding got the blood knife skill, it would not be of much use, but now it is different, he himself has turned into a blood shadow, is it not easy to condense a blood gang?
Now this kind of method can be said to be a random move of the mind. As long as the mind moves, the transformed blood shadow will turn into a very solid blood line, directly piercing the blood eel's body.

The outer skin of the blood eel may have been trained to have a strong defense force, and it can even use the protective energy to protect itself, but the inside of the body is not so strong.

Gao Jiuding easily got into the blood eel's body, and began to quickly absorb the essence in its body.

The blood of monsters in the hemolytic stage is nothing more than essence energy, while the blood of monsters in the blood pill stage has been refined into essence, which is comparable to the existence of blood essence!

The phoenix blood inside the blood stone is very evil. It can easily transform Gao Jiuding's body into energy. His ability to turn his body into a blood shadow can easily allow him to parasitize into other living things. This is a success for him. On the road of blood demon.

Tens of thousands of incarnations, one drop of blood, immortality!

Such a method, he will always realize it, but now it is relatively easy to get into the blood eel and devour its essence.

Gao Jiuding absorbed it very well, but suddenly he felt dizzy. Is this the blood eel rolling?

"Could it be that the blood eel found out that he lost his essence?" Gao Jiuding was a little surprised. When he absorbed the hemolytic koi, the koi didn't respond at all.

Now this blood eel is terrible, how much blood has he sucked from it?It's really troublesome to make a fuss!
No matter how it rolls, no matter how its body folds, Gao Jiuding just hides firmly in the blood eel's body, never leaving it!
He had penetrated into the blood eel's blood vessels, or it could be said to be fused into the blood eel's flesh and blood. At this time, no matter how much the blood eel tossed about outside, it would not be able to affect Gao Jiuding.

"Ugh!" Gao Jiuding had to stop after happily absorbing a dozen mouthfuls of essence.

"I actually forgot, this is a monster in the blood core stage!" Gao Jiuding could only look at the good thing and sigh, seeing that he couldn't eat it, it was really uncomfortable.

Looking inside, the space of the blood sea was already full, and the essence of this blood pill stage monster was only a dozen mouthfuls, and his blood sea was filled.

"Practice it, um, run the Wutu Divine Art, and walk the Yangming Stomach Meridian!"

It is not once or twice to swallow essence, and it is not once or twice to use the space stomach to pack things. Now Gao Jiuding has deduced and invented a whole set of suitable exercises to match his newly acquired ability.

(End of this chapter)

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