Chapter 803
With such a strong space stomach, how could Gao Jiuding let it go?

He is also an earth cultivator, and among the nine tripod magic arts he cultivates is the Wutu Chapter, which is the Yangming Stomach Meridian. Doesn't this just happen to speed up the digestion of the stomach?
And the qi and blood transformed in this way, not to mention the speed, will not merge into the body, but will be directly refined and collected into the sea of ​​blood.

No matter how the blood eel rolled outside, Gao Jiuding just ignored it, he controlled the newly increased qi and blood in the blood sea, and tried his best to guide it into the Yangming Stomach Meridian.

When all the unrefined qi and blood are introduced into the Yangming Stomach Meridian, it is equivalent to Gao Jiuding digesting the koi blood essence and blood eel blood essence looted just now.

"I feel that practicing like this will become addictive! Have a few more mouthfuls!" Seeing that the qi and blood in the sea of ​​blood had increased a lot, Gao Jiuding was overjoyed by this visible increase.

After swallowing a few mouthfuls of blood eel blood, Gao Jiuding refined it again. He only needs to run a big circle to guide the blood essence into the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming, and with the help of the stomach, the blood essence will be digested smoothly .

After the essence and blood were converted into blood energy and returned to the sea of ​​blood, Gao Jiuding's cultivation base increased a bit.

"The essence and blood of monsters in the blood pill stage are really good. The speed at which the cultivation base increases is really visible to the naked eye!" Gao Jiuding happily continued to devour and practice.

If the cultivation base can grow like this, even if you are a blood demon, there is nothing wrong with it!
"No, this blood demon is not so easy to make. It's too slow to absorb like this!" Soon, Gao Jiuding recovered from the ecstasy.

It is very cool and safe to absorb the blood essence of the blood eel in this way, but it is too time-consuming!
Every time he absorbs only a dozen or so mouthfuls, he needs to practice for a while, and it takes about ten minutes to run a big circle.

Calculated in this way, for a huge blood eel more than ten meters long, how long would it take for him to absorb all its essence and blood?

"Do you want to find a way to destroy it? Bringing it into the Space-Time God Realm will save time!" Gao Jiuding didn't continue to absorb the blood of the blood eel, but was thinking of a way.

"Huh? The blood eel doesn't seem to be moving? What's wrong?" Gao Jiuding came back to his senses, only to find that the blood eel had calmed down. How is this possible?

Is it hopeless?Give up your life?
"This seems unlikely, did an accident happen? By the way, there are Luan Changming and the others!" At this time, Gao Jiuding finally thought of his group of guards.

Without the help of his refining battleship, Luan Changming could only escape for his life when facing a blood eel in the blood pill stage, but now it is different. After losing the trace of Gao Jiuding, they will naturally go crazy.

When they found the blood eel where Gao Jiuding disappeared, they quickly launched a fierce attack. No, a group of guys who are not afraid of death, using battleships, and with the help of a group of flying shuttles, quickly killed the blood eel. eel.

Of course, the reason why this blood eel died so easily must be due to Gao Jiuding!

It can be said that they attacked both inside and outside, and the blood eels, who were restless and panicked, were unluckily torn to pieces by the flying shuttles.

After getting the shuttle, Luan Changming and others watched the battle video of Li Xitong's guards. They used the shuttle cluster for the first time and captured a golden bird in the blood core stage.

Ever since watching that battle video, Luan Changming and others dreamed of showing off their skills, but they didn't expect to encounter an opportunity here.

Of course, now they are not happy about killing the blood eels, but are even more panicked.

A blood eel was hit by a group of guys who regarded death as home, driving a flying shuttle, until the flying shuttle smashed through the blood eel's protective qi, penetrated into the blood eel's flesh and blood, and melted its body by the way .

When the blood eel was torn into several pieces and completely lost its ability to move, Luan Changming and the others didn't find Gao Jiuding. At this time, wouldn't they panic?

It was at this time that Gao Jiuding, who was hiding in the blood eel, discovered a clue, because the blood eel was losing blood, and the speed of the loss was getting faster and faster.

This made Gao Jiuding not care about continuing to hide in the blood eel, he just dodged and ran out following the blood of the blood eel.

Since he can enter the blood eel's body once, he can enter it a second time. He doesn't worry about running out, and he won't be able to come back.

After escaping from the blood eel, Gao Jiuding immediately saw flying shuttles flying wildly around, and a warship floating above the blood eel.

Gao Jiuding immediately showed his figure, and then a group of flying shuttles flew over and surrounded him.

The hatch of the battleship opened, and Gao Jiuding flew directly into the folding warehouse of the battleship.

Through the lake water, Gao Jiuding clearly saw a layer of light net covering the blood eel in the lake.

After discovering Gao Jiuding, all the guards calmed down, and they quickly pulled several parts of the blood eel's body into the battleship.

Seeing a group of panic-stricken guys, Gao Jiuding said angrily: "You guys, why are you panicking? Look at the good deeds you have done, how much blood has been lost? No, you can't waste it like this, you should hide away! "

Although several parts of the blood eel's body were pulled into the warehouse, the blood lost in the lake was not easy to recover!
Diligence and thrift are as high as Jiuding, how can this kind of waste happen in front of my eyes?

Let the guards drive the shuttle to hide away, while Gao Jiuding directly controlled his body to turn into blood, and escaped into the lake again.

Gao Jiuding was looking for lake water diamonds that were stained red with blood eel essence. Wherever he went, all the red color disappeared immediately. Gao Jiuding didn't return to the battleship warehouse until the surrounding lake water completely returned to normal.

"Patriarch!" All the guards looked at Gao Jiuding in surprise, not knowing what to say.

"This is amazing supernatural power!" After a while, Luan Changming said.

Gao Jiuding said proudly: "It's very powerful, right? Don't worry about it indiscriminately in the future. If there is danger, I will avoid it. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. I understand this!"

"Patriarch, what strength do you have now? Why can't I see it?" Standing beside Gao Jiuding, Luan Changming felt only coercion. This feeling can only be felt by monks who are a level higher than him. This made Luan Changming feel very incredible.

Gao Jiuding spoke earnestly, and said in a sad tone: "You guys have to practice hard, look at your current cultivation, don't you feel ashamed? I am cultivating, and you are also cultivating. Why did you increase your cultivation so much? ?”

Luan Changming and the others were speechless, the Patriarch was right!
When the Patriarch was retreating, they were also retreating!

After all, with the protection of the battleship, they can practice at will, as long as they don't leave the battleship.

However, as soon as they practiced with the Patriarch, they couldn't see clearly the depth of the Patriarch's cultivation base, and they hadn't improved much, which is definitely not right.

All the guards were secretly muttering that they had been slacking off recently. With the good conditions provided by the Patriarch, they fell into depravity and lost their original intentions.

It turns out that when you were at the bottom of the house and your life was at stake, you forgot all the vows you made?
If one day I get a chance, I will definitely work hard and cultivate
But they really got the opportunity, did they work hard?Tried hard, but not hard enough.

Seeing the heavy faces of all the guards, Gao Jiuding smiled, and didn't ask him about his cultivation?Are you no longer curious about the magical powers of blood?

It's not that Gao Jiuding is selfish, and it's not that Gao Jiuding is reluctant to part with the bloodstone, but that he is a little scared!

The combination of bloodstone and emerald fruit made Gao Jiuding feel weird, this thing is too evil.

"Stop it, don't run too fast!" Gao Jiuding muttered to himself.

Thinking of his thoughts when he was inside the blood eel, Gao Jiuding felt a little wrong!

He is not a martial idiot, there is no need to rack his brains to find ways to improve his cultivation!
Besides, his recent cultivation speed is too fast, so he must stop, stabilize and accumulate more, so as to avoid hidden dangers.

Gao Jiuding looked up, Luan Changming and others were still thinking there, this is not acceptable, thinking too much, it is easy to become stupid!

Gao Jiuding immediately broke the silence of the crowd, and said: "Okay, let's work harder in the future, we still have business to do, let the second Patriarch know and let him take it easy, the strength has improved too fast recently, we need to accumulate more to be able to Continue to improve your cultivation.

Also, let the guards here tell them to send flying shuttle troops to come and clean it up. At least they have to figure out how many monsters of the blood core stage are in this lake. I just walked all the way and found at least ten of them Monster beasts in the blood pill stage, this is an unstable factor, and it is a threat to the base we have established not far away! "

Seeing that the guards regained their vitality and began to get busy, Gao Jiuding's gaze once again fell on the blood eel.

This blood eel doesn't know what evil it did when it was alive, it is really miserable now!
Not only was Gao Jiuding's parasitism almost sucking up all his essence and blood, but in the end he was cut into eight pieces by Luan Changming and others. This is a terrible death!
It has to be said that the hearts of women are the most poisonous. Song Yue and the others are definitely a big killer when it comes to Fei Shuo!
As long as this thing's defense is strong enough and its speed is fast enough, the wings on the shuttle can kill people instantly!
As long as it is scratched by this thing, it will be a huge wound. This huge eel has been cut into pieces again and again!
Monster beasts in the blood pill stage are good things, especially this kind of monsters with strong qi and blood and the effect of nourishing qi and blood, the benefits are even greater. This is reflected in the black bull monster that was obtained first.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was thinking, he hadn't finished eating the black bull monster yet, so he didn't need to dominate this blood eel.

Hello everyone, it's really good. The strength of these cronies around me also needs to be improved.

Gao Jiuding glanced at the blood eel for a few times, then put away the part with the blood pill!

After thinking for a while, he put away the head, chest and abdomen, Gao Jiuding didn't care about the other corners and tail.

 Thank you~ 200 coins reward from Awakening Brothers!Thanks to the little cute brother Yuchen for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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