Chapter 804
"Recently, you have all worked hard. I plan to open up meritorious deeds to exchange for the flesh and blood of monsters in the blood pill period. Everyone has a chance. The remaining bits and pieces are considered benefits for you. You can figure it out yourself!" After finishing speaking, Gao Jiuding once again Drilled into the space-time god domain inside the pagoda.

After the blood eel died, the essence and blood inside the body had all solidified and sealed within the body!

Even if this kind of monster at the blood core stage dies, there will be no changes in its body in a short period of time. This is the result of body training!

The body has become a treasure, which can seal off the aura, otherwise, even if the jerky monster meat is preserved, it will be of little value.

The higher the level of the monster, the stronger the body and the stronger the potency of the medicine. Among them, the most valuable must be the blood pill, followed by the blood essence, and the last is the material of the monster.

Materials are the raw materials for refining treasures and spirit weapons, but it is not that simple to refine spirit weapons.

For example, although this blood eel is a monster of the blood core stage, it seems that it has not refined a magic weapon, whether it is a treasure or a spiritual weapon, Gao Jiuding has not seen it.

Gao Jiuding felt a little strange that a monster in the blood core stage didn't even have a magic weapon!
Without a magic weapon, there must be some good materials, right?That's why he collected most of the eel's materials, and he wanted to look for it, maybe he overlooked something.

When he came to the practice room of the Time and Space God Realm, Gao Jiuding carefully controlled the blood eel outside the pagoda, and flew in in sections.

The diameter of this thing is one meter thick, and the length is more than 14 meters. Even if it is left to Luan Changming and the others, it is still 12 meters long.

The part left by Gao Jiuding is mostly the tail, and there is not much flesh and blood in that part, but the length is not small.

It can be said that the main part of the blood eel is all here.

"Let's break it down first!" Gao Jiuding took out a lot of primary storage bags and prepared to put them into them.

Since the pagoda has been promoted, even if this thing is opened, the space inside the pagoda will not be affected, mainly because the cubic space of the primary storage bag is too small, and it is impossible to bring much pressure to the pagoda .

In fact, the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is already a low-level spiritual weapon. Even if the treasure is used internally, it should be able to withstand it. However, Gao Jiuding does not want to put pressure on the pagoda. If the space conflicts and the pagoda is damaged, he will not be able to find it even crying to place.

It's not easy to upgrade this pagoda, and it also contains 90.00% of his wealth, how can he use it for adventure?

Taking a star knife, Gao Jiuding divided the blood eel bit by bit. The blood eel's physique didn't seem to be very strong, otherwise those flying shuttles would not have chopped it up so easily.

Sure enough, without the protection of the body guard, this blood eel was really weak. Gao Jiuding easily chopped it up with the star knife.

The body of the blood eel is huge, and Gao Jiuding can easily cut off a huge piece of meat that is one meter square as long as he avoids the bones.

Of course, these meat pieces also contained the blood essence of the blood eel. As the blood eel died, its flesh and blood fused together and turned into a crystal-clear jade-like blood-red flesh, which looked very beautiful.

After cutting off a piece, Gao Jiuding put it away in a primary storage bag. In this way, only a huge skeleton and some internal organs remained of this eel.

"Is there really no magic weapon? Not even top-quality materials?" Gao Jiuding looked at the skeleton of the blood eel.

There was nothing strange about the whole skeleton like a giant snake. Gao Jiuding tapped it with the Star Knife, and it was unexpectedly hard.

"This thing seems to be good!" Gao Jiuding is a medical student, and he also studied Chinese medicine with his grandfather when he was a child. He knows that the bones of eels have the effect of strengthening muscles and bones. Of course, the blood of eels on the earth is poisonous. Yes, if you can't handle it, you will have an accident if you eat it.

But here, Gao Jiuding absorbed the blood essence of the blood eel, but did not produce any toxic side effects. This is the difference between a monster and an ordinary beast.

After using spiritual energy to quench the body for a long time, the body will definitely be refined into a treasure, which is already compared to acquired spiritual objects.

Eel bones are very hard, and they can definitely be refined into treasures. After all, they are the best materials that even the Star Knife can't see.

Naturally, it is impossible to waste such materials, but it is impossible for Gao Jiuding to use it to refine weapons, because it is too troublesome, and what is refined must be something like a long whip, so Gao Jiuding does not need it.

No need, naturally you can't waste time refining it!
Of course, this huge bone can't just be put away, it's a waste.

Soon Gao Jiuding had a solution. While continuing to decompose the internal organs, he muttered to himself: "Clean up and get out to make soup. If there are no nutritious bones, put them in the warehouse. Let's see who has enough military merit to exchange them for." !"

Gao Jiuding took out the heart, liver, intestines and stomach one by one. These things have medicinal value, but they may also be poisonous. Gao Jiuding didn't plan to use them before researching them.

Separate these miscellaneous things, take some primary storage bags, mark them, and Gao Jiuding is ready to put them away.

The heart is specially placed in a storage bag, the liver is specially placed in a storage bag, and the intestines and stomach need to be separated. This thing is the largest, and he doesn't know what else is in it. Naturally, he will not mess with it.

How disgusting would it be if it were cut open and a whole lot of rake would flow out?

"Forget it, just take it out and let others deal with it, and give them some benefits by the way!" After watching for a while, Gao Jiuding didn't do anything, this thing is a bit irritating.

"En!" Just as he was about to drag this big lump and throw it out, at this moment, Gao Jiuding saw the stomach pouch of the blood eel.

Looking at the stomach sac that shrank into a ball, Gao Jiuding was a little strange. When he was swallowed by the blood eel, it was in the esophagus at first, but it seemed that he almost fell into the stomach sac at the end!
At that time, Gao Jiuding seemed to have seen a huge pit, but the stomach pouch now is a bit different from what he saw back then.

After cleaning the intestines, only the stomach pouch of the blood eel was left. Gao Jiuding opened his eyes wide in surprise. This stomach pouch is not big, but its aura is not weak!
The blood pill Gao Jiuding didn't take it out, but put it directly into the storage bag together with a part of its body. Except for this part of the blood eel's body, it seems that other parts are not as strong as the aura of this stomach pouch.

Impossible, after the blood eel died, the aura emanating from its body was not as strong as the aura of this stomach pouch, right?This is so strange!

"Separate it and see!" Gao Jiuding's face showed a trace of excitement, he thought of a possibility, maybe this blood eel is the demon of Neixiu.

It doesn't pay attention to the outside, but focuses on the inside, so its skin and flesh are so delicious!

On the contrary, it is the internal organs, which have been trained to be extremely powerful, such as that powerful bone, and this stomach pouch.

Gao Jiuding was so excited that he pulled hard, he wished to throw out all the intestines that got in the way.

When he grabbed the slightly soft and slippery large intestine again and yanked it violently, there was a bang, and the large intestine broke.

"Broken? No, it should have fallen off?" Looking at the large intestine separated from the stomach pouch, the ports of the two contracted, and nothing flowed out.

Gao Jiuding studied it for a long time in surprise, but he didn't find any activity in them. This thing is just a lump of dead matter.

Picking up the stomach pouch, the size of the thing shrunk again. In such a short period of time, it was still the size of a basketball, but now it has become only the size of a football.

This thing is crumpled and looks like a human brain.

Touching the white folds, it feels very smooth, but this stomach sac has become very hard.

"Won't it turn into a stone?" Gao Jiuding was thinking a lot, and finally after throwing out the big lump of intestines, he cleaned up his practice room before going to the jade couch to sacrifice and practice this animal. Stomach sac.

"The blood eel is a monster in the blood core stage, and the food must not be bad. Even if it digests some, there should be a lot left!"

After doing enough psychological construction for himself, Gao Jiuding hugged his stomach and settled down cross-legged.

Streams of blood poured into the stomach pouch, Gao Jiuding planned to use the method of blood refinement to refine this stomach pouch.

If there is really a space inside this stomach pouch, then it is very likely to be a treasure trained by the blood eel sacrifice.

This possibility is very high, after all, the aura emanating from this stomach pouch is stronger than the aura in its body.

A stream of qi and blood sank into the stomach wall, and Gao Jiuding felt that the inside was very empty. His essence rushed in, as if he had fallen into a bottomless pit. No matter how hard he hit, he couldn't reach the end.

It's as if you punched with all your strength, but it hit the empty space, which makes people very uncomfortable, but at this time, Gao Jiuding is very happy.

The weirder it is, the more difficult it is to practice, the more miraculous it is, the more it means it is a good thing!
At this time, Gao Jiuding was already a hemolytic monk, and he had enough confidence to practice this stomach pouch. Therefore, Gao Jiuding was not only not depressed, but he was more motivated to fight.

Streams of qi and blood continuously melted into his stomach, and he even hoped that this kind of sacrificial training could last longer!
Because the more difficult it is to practice, the higher the quality of the stomach, if it is a spirit weapon embryo, it will be even better.

I don't know how much time passed, Gao Jiuding finally stopped, looked at the time, more than ten hours had passed.

Feeling the space of the sea of ​​blood, the essence he cultivated has almost been consumed.

After entering the hemolysis period, the essence qi is condensed into essence, although it is much stronger, it is really useless!
"It's time to practice!" Gao Jiuding looked at the stomach pouch in his hand, this thing was even more miraculous than he imagined, if he was still in the blood refining stage, he might not be qualified to refine this stomach pouch.

This is definitely a good thing. At the beginning, although he thought it was a good thing, it should not be easy to practice, but Gao Jiuding never thought that with the purity of his blood at this time, he had exhausted his essence and hadn't practiced yet. Done, that's a really good thing.

Putting down his stomach pouch, Gao Jiuding began to restore his essence. He had swallowed a lot of energy and blood, and he hadn't had time to refine it yet!
Although his body and stomach were constantly refining that part of blood essence, without his guidance, the refining speed was still a bit slow.

(End of this chapter)

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