The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 806 Southern Battlefield

Chapter 806 Southern Battlefield
After refining this white jade gourd, at this time Gao Jiuding stimulated the blood essence to pour into the gourd, so he could control the gourd, let it exert its power, and use it.

However, it is more difficult to understand the functions of this magic weapon after refining, and even how to form these functions.

For example, now, Gao Jiuding's essence rushed into the gourd all at once, and in just a moment, his essence was full of the gourd!
why so fastBecause the large amount of essence he had consumed before was incorporated into the gourd, now he only needs to input a little essence to activate the qi and blood power contained in the gourd itself.

This part of the power, following the forbidden lines inside the white jade gourd, can flow into the gourd, improve the function of the gourd, let it generate a suction force, absorb external substances into the gourd space, and perform rapid refining.

The refined qi and blood nutrients can be absorbed by the gourd and feed back to the gourd, and even Gao Jiuding.

This in and out, back and forth, is all restricted by formations, which can also be said to be restricted by runes.

Of course, when he was in the blood eel's body, the nutrients would be integrated into his blood vessels, meridians, etc., but now these blood vessel networks and meridian networks have all been transformed into the routes of formation runes.

Gao Jiuding wants to study and understand these rune restrictions. If possible, can he copy this magic weapon?

The idea is good, but it is very difficult to actually implement it. Duplicating such a magic weapon is equivalent to duplicating the stomach pouch of a blood eel.

It is because of the complete refinement of this stomach sac that Gao Jiuding is more eager to know the complexity of its internal restrictions.

Think about it, inside a gastric pouch, each capillary is a channel for transporting nutrients, and these channels are combined to form a three-dimensional network, which makes this gastric pouch possess such a miraculous ability.

But if Gao Jiuding wanted this ability, did he need to copy all the capillary channels?
Therefore, Gao Jiuding just studied it for a while, and stopped dreaming!
Copying the stomach of a blood eel is a fantasy. With this time, he might as well catch a few more blood eels and directly take out their stomachs to practice. Maybe doing this will allow him to get The second white jade gourd.

Of course, people are different, and blood eels are definitely different. If you want to find a second blood eel with a space stomach, it is not so easy, and it may even be similar to finding a needle in a haystack.

At this time, Gao Jiuding could only regret it. If he had known earlier, he would have spared this blood eel. A living blood eel could reproduce. At that time, through blood inheritance, maybe it would get a large number of blood eels with space stomach supernatural powers. By then, wouldn't there be countless white jade gourds?
Of course, this is very difficult to imitate, but you can do more research without imitation.

And for this gadget, we need to study it carefully in the future. Even if we can't imitate the second gourd, we can still get some useful things by studying the internal blood circulation.

For example, if you absorb external substances, if you are powerful, can you directly charge powerful enemies?
For example, the ablation substance, can it be used for alchemy after research?Such as smelting medicine, refining medicine?
Gao Jiuding felt that he gained a lot from hunting the blood eel this time, especially through the training of gourd sacrifices and repeated cultivation of essence, which made his hemolytic period cultivation base much more stable.

The main method of cultivation during the hemolytic period is to absorb the blood essence of monsters in the hemolytic period, not the blood essence, because that little bit of blood essence is no longer enough to support the cultivation of monks in the hemolytic period.

In terms of body training, Gao Jiuding belongs to the fire cultivator. It is best for him to absorb the blood essence of fire-type monsters, but the most in Gao Jiuding's hands is the blood essence of water-type hemolytic stage monsters.

Of course, he also has a lot of fire monsters, but they are all alive, and he is really reluctant to kill them for cultivation.

Putting away the palm-sized gourd, Gao Jiuding happily left the pagoda space. When he came to the battleship warehouse, he didn't expect it to be very lively.

"Shouting? Have you eaten all of this?" Gao Jiuding looked at the most conspicuous cauldron in the middle of the warehouse. Inside was the bone of the blood eel boiled. Of course, there were also some fat intestines, which were really fat and big.

I don't know who handled the fat sausage. It was sliced ​​into thin slices, making it look like pork belly. It looks very appetizing.

"Patriarch, have you finished your training?" Seeing Gao Jiuding come out, most of the guards stood up, and some were practicing.

"Well, the cultivation is over, how is your cultivation going?" Gao Jiuding looked at the practicing guards.

"That's the way we are. It's only been a day. Our cultivation base has increased a little, but not much!" Deputy Commander Zhan Jiyan said.

"Don't worry, just accumulate slowly!" Gao Jiuding approached, and the smell of meat was even more attractive: "Are you full yet?"

"I'm full, what's the owner doing? Just give me an order!" Zhan Jiyan said immediately.

Gao Jiuding was a little speechless, this guy doesn't know how to read words, didn't he see that he wants to drink soup and eat meat?

"It's okay, I mainly see that there is too much meat in the pot, so it won't be wasted?" Gao Jiuding asked solemnly.

"No, these are prepared for our brothers who are on duty. After they finish their training, it's time for us to eat and drink. There won't be any left!" Zhan Jiyan was very fluent, and gagged Gao Jiuding's mouth. up.

This time, Gao Jiuding's face turned dark, he looked around, these soldiers drank a big pot of soup and ate a big pot of meat, isn't it too extravagant?

The benefits are too good, maybe they need to reduce some!
Looking at Gao Jiuding's changing face, Zhan Jiyan seemed to have noticed something!
He shrank his neck and said, "The owner is hungry? We have prepared grilled sausages for the owner, as well as stir-fried fatty sausages. How about you try it?"

Gao Jiuding's complexion immediately changed for the better, who said that the kid doesn't wink?This is absolutely slander!

"Not bad, not bad, you all know how to make grilled sausages? And stir-fried fatty sausages? Is there enough fat?" Gao Jiuding said cheerfully.

Zhan Jiyan breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and said: "The people below sent a few hemolytic wild boars, one of them is fat and strong, we boiled a lot of fat, you are right, stir-fried with fat The dishes that come out are more fragrant, even fried vegetables are better than stewed vegetables!"

Next, Gao Jiuding really had a delicious meal. This was the most satisfying meal he had eaten since he came to Yaoxing!
After eating and drinking enough, Gao Jiuding became interested in the chef who had carried forward the cooking.

Stepping out of the battleship, Gao Jiuding looked at the calm koi lake and asked, "What is the second Patriarch doing?"

At this time, Luan Changming, who had finished his training, came over and said: "The second Patriarch entered the western battlefield. After coming out of the lake, the second Patriarch seemed to have gained a lot. After listening to the Patriarch's instructions, the Second Patriarch did not retreat, nor Without cultivation, he returned to the north directly!
Then he took his men and went to the western battlefield. I heard that Commander Mo Er over there had made a breakthrough. He went to sit in the town. This time they will cross the mountainous area and directly invade the local grassland. "

While listening, Gao Jiuding took out the jade document that he carried with him, and sure enough, there were many news notifications in it.

There is a message from Song Yue, there is also a message from An Shenxiu, and finally there is a message from Yihu.

The western expedition led by Mo Erhu went very smoothly. Although they acted late, they advanced very fast!
The Golden Wolf Clan over there seems to have completely collapsed. At this time, Mo Erhu is leading an army into the grassland!

And as long as they cross the plateau and reach the western grassland, the sea and the sky will be vast in the future, and they are allowed to roam freely.

If you can beat it, you will rush into the grassland to rob, if you can't beat it, you will retreat to the plateau for defense, you can advance, attack, retreat, or defend. It can be said that Mo Erhu is already invincible.

For them, Gao Jiuding wasn't worried, even if it was An Shenxiu's side, he didn't have anything to worry about!

An Shenxiu is in the starry sky, as long as he does not enter some dangerous places, does not sail far, and just mines in the Oort cloud, he will never encounter too much danger.

Now Gao Jiuding is most concerned about the southern battlefield, and the situation there seems to be not going well.

The battle on Song Yue's side is still in a state of anxiety. She is mainly attacking the city, so the front line is not advancing quickly.

I thought that the nobles there were all rotten. Otherwise, how could their intelligence organization have infiltrated the nobles without being discovered?
And they took out so many people, but they didn't arouse the reaction of the noble city owners, which made Song Yue look down on those guys a little bit!

I didn't expect that the real war came, and they were also brave and experienced.

They want to rely on a surprise attack to directly take over the territory north of the Golden Wolf Clan, north of the Sky Canal!
They even sent [-] troops to besiege Tianyun City, but unfortunately, that little royal city was actually a tough one.

It has been two months since the siege, and the little royal city has not been captured yet, and it seems that there will be no results after another two months.

Looking at the information summary, Gao Jiuding didn't know what to say!
The army in the comprehension world has sufficient toughness. In the face of non-stop attacks, it can actually last for several months, and it seems that it can continue to support it.

Think about it too, as long as the resources are sufficient, a city protected by formations can really carry out a protracted war.

Can't take Tianyun City, now Song Yue has turned around and started to clean up the surrounding small cities, those small cities with tribal leaders stationed will definitely not be able to stop their siege.

Of course, even so, things are not all smooth sailing!
Those guys couldn't defend the city, but they could escape, which brought a lot of trouble to Song Yue's army.

She occupies a lot of sites, but those sites are a bit messy!
Think about it, a group of regular troops whose strength is above the hemolytic period has been transformed into terrorists, and you will know how troublesome it is to fight guerrilla and unrestricted warfare with you.

Fortunately, Song Yue was not stupid. She proposed the concept of civil war, and directly armed all the surrendered civilians in the territory to fight against the masters who carried out guerrilla warfare.

(End of this chapter)

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