Chapter 807

As time went by, Song Yue controlled more and more soldiers, and the army she equipped began to expand rapidly.

After the manpower is sufficient, those who should be transferred to the northern forest will be transferred away, those who should guard the place will guard the place, and the most elite group will be concentrated in the direction of Tianyun City.

Now Song Yue is not in a hurry anymore, she is advancing steadily and steadily, step by step!
As long as this continues, within a few months, that Tianyun City will become an isolated city, and it will be besieged by millions of troops.

Looking at the data provided by Song Yue, Gao Jiuding smiled. What they lack most is population resources, not others. As long as there is a sufficient population, many of his means of production can be transformed into strength.

With the passage of time, some schools established by An Shenxiu are providing them with a steady stream of talents, such as Talisman Masters, Artifact Refiners, Alchemists, Array Masters and so on.

With their support, the output of both armor and elixir for cultivation is increasing rapidly.

For example, the huge amount of black iron ore in Gao Jiuding's hands has been quickly and large-scale transformed into French armor, and as long as there is such a set of armor, even ordinary blood-refining monks can withstand the two or three attacks of hemolytic monks. attack.

As long as there is such a buffer, the newly equipped army can besiege the hemolytic monks.

A high cultivation base is powerful, but a large number of fighters who cannot be easily killed are even more powerful.

With a population of more than 5000 million, it is possible to equip tens of millions of elite soldiers, tens of millions of auxiliary soldiers, and tens of millions of militiamen. What kind of rhythm is this?This is the ocean of people's war.

Song Yue's plan was very good, that is, to win by the number of people, and with this army of more than 3000 million, it has just been equal to the strength of the local noble army.

It can be seen from this that the power of the local rulers is not weak.

The nobles in the land in the south are not stupid. Although they are small in number, they have high cultivation bases.

In a small castle of warriors, there are more than 100 hemolytic period monks, and by the way, there are more than a few thousand followers with good qualifications. This is already a huge force.

Without the appearance of Gao Jiuding, with such a force, it would be no problem to suppress a population of 40 to [-].

When it comes to the real leader, under the leadership of a leader, there are more than 1000 hemolytic period fighters, plus more than 1 blood refining period followers, which is another huge force.

In Xiaowang City, there are more than [-] monks in the hemolysis stage, and more than [-] well-qualified fighters in the late stage of blood refinement. Even if Gao Jiuding encounters this kind of power now, he can only escape for his life.

A small number of elite nobles rule the vast majority of the poor. The resources they exploited all support this small group of people. How could they not be powerful?
However, there are no absolutes in the world, everything has advantages and disadvantages!

Those nobles are happy, and their cultivation has improved smoothly, but those poor people don't do it!

It turned out that they dared not speak out, but now that Gao Jiuding and others have arrived, as long as they give a little guidance and support, there will be a surge of wind and clouds, and all those who are not reconciled will rise up.

During An Shenxiu's period, a series of systems were implemented to buy people's hearts. However, at that time, it was only a military system that gave all poor people a step into the ranks.

During the Song Yue period, she reformed again, and now, not only has the army this way of entry, she also proposed the privatization of wealth.

It turned out that everything in the occupied area belonged to Gao Jiuding. Now, Song Yue is privatizing it. As long as he joins the army, he will have a piece of military land, tax-free military land, which can be passed down from generation to generation!
Military fields, no tax, this is the means to buy people's hearts. With this means, the densely populated areas in the south are almost emptied.

The enfeoffment of military fields is naturally allocated in the forest, not only because there are more resources in the forest, but also because the population in the plains is too dense, and there is not much land to allocate.

Therefore, a large number of people entered the jungle and began to develop the jungle, and those who stayed in the warring area were all soldiers.

There used to be more than 5000 million people living on the land of one million square kilometers, close to 6000 million people, but now there are 3000 million people who have entered the forest and started large-scale development.

Originally, Gao Jiuding was worried that his population was too small and he would not be able to develop the forest even if he occupied it. Now there is no need to worry, he got enough population to start occupying the entire forest without paying any price.

Through this system, Gao Jiuding does not have to pay the salary of the army, and no one has complained about doing so.

An ordinary soldier is allocated one mu of spiritual land, a ten-man head is ten mu of spiritual land, a hundred households is a hundred mu spiritual land, an official of a thousand households is a thousand mu of spiritual land, and a ten thousand households is directly allocated ten thousand mu of spiritual land.

These lingtians are used to support soldiers, so there is no tax, and Gao Jiuding will not have to pay wages in the future.

The land is privately owned, and there is no need to pay taxes forever. If you get promoted, you can continue to increase the number of military fields. With such great benefits, who would object?
And is it difficult to get promoted?It's not difficult, as long as you have cultivation base, you will have military merits, as long as you are willing to work hard, anyone can be promoted.

Cultivation is clear at a glance, no one can cheat on this, military merit is earned by strength, with enough strength, one will get military merit sooner or later, but where does strength come from?

The resources produced by Juntian can allow you to cultivate smoothly.

It can be said that the privatization of this land is definitely killing several birds with one stone, and it is beneficial to everyone.

As for the distribution of land to individuals, without taxation, it will be a huge disadvantage in the future. Song Yue and her staff also thought of a solution, that is, commercial taxation.

If the land is produced without paying tax, it means that you don’t pay tax if you use it yourself. If you sell it, you need to pay tax!
Then you can say, I keep it for myself to practice, but I don’t sell it, so I will never have to pay taxes!

Good idea, but not feasible, because you will definitely need other supplies, and as long as there is a transaction, you must pay taxes.

Song Yue has thought of every aspect, and the execution is perfect. It can be said that everyone is happy. Up to now, the initial results have been seen.

Just using some useless land, a 3000 million army has been formed. How can this be a powerful thing that can be said exhaustively?
3000 million regular troops, 3000 million old and weak women and children, Song Yue made full use of it!

Those who can fight will go to war, and those who cannot fight will enter the rear mass production, and everyone will work hard!
At the end, Gao Jiuding could only open his mouth wide. What else could he say besides admiration?
"No wonder the enemy is so powerful, they can still survive, this is the real crowd tactics!" Gao Jiuding finally sighed.

Stepping out of the battleship, there is a large flat land not far from the Koi Lake. This is the place where Li Xitong left to build a city!

It's a pity that this place is too close to Koi Lake, and their current strength does not allow them to build a city here.

This is not the West Lake on earth, a big city can be built on the side, if it is really built here, it must have the strength to suppress the entire koi lake water monster group!

The city that was built now has been moved to the Yinyang Lake in the east, where the jungle covering a radius of [-] kilometers has all been turned into a city.

When Gao Jiuding left before, there were only [-] garrisons, and Song Yue tried his best to withdraw the [-] garrisons. By now, there were already several million people there.

Filling in millions of people, how much value can be generated every day?
Take a look at the investigation report over there, and you will know!
The first is the reserves of spirit trees. There are more than [-] spirit trees over [-] years old, over [-] spirit trees over [-] years old, and there are many trees over [-] years old.

This is the wealth near the Yinyang Lake, and this is only the most conspicuous spiritual tree, there are countless spiritual grasses and spiritual fruits produced around the spiritual tree.

Among them, the most important spiritual grass is the elixir. Among them, there are hundreds of elixir plants that are more than [-] years old. The number of elixir plants that are more than [-] years old has not been counted, because there are so many plants. Now there are more than [-] plants in the grade book, all of which are preserved. intact.

The reason why so many precious medicinal materials can be left on this piece of land is definitely related to the group of monsters waiting here.

According to the speculation of the director of the array, Chen Jiadu, every elixir that is over a thousand years old should be guarded by a monster. This may not be accurate, it should be that every elixir has an owner.

Those monsters guarding the elixir are naturally not purely guardians, they are waiting for an opportunity to devour it, or they have reached a critical moment in their cultivation, or the elixir is not powerful enough to allow them to break through their cultivation.

Of course, it is also possible that the surrounding monsters don't know the elixir at all. If they do, the monsters should swallow the elixir when they encounter it.

Those elixirs that have existed for thousands or tens of thousands of years are so powerful that if monsters know them, how can they not swallow them?
Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the elixir is too ordinary.

You must know that as long as the elixir is a little old, it will have a hint of spirituality, and the fetish will hide itself, and the psychic will hide itself.

Maybe an inconspicuous grass is a treasure of heaven and earth with thousands of years of medicinal power. Even many human monks don't know this kind of thing, let alone a monster.

If it weren't for the group of immigrants, it would be impossible to sort out so many precious elixir after carefully counting and harvesting every inch of land.

It was because of counting every plant and tree on that land that so many elixir were discovered!
Now several million people are gathered near Yinyang Lake, except for half of them are used for defense and external development, the others are all sorting out spirit grass, spirit fruit and spirit wood.

I don't know how many years have passed, and the spiritual field that no one manages is already very messy, but no matter how much manpower is spent, it needs to be carefully sorted out.

In this [-] square kilometers of land, there is no waste!
Countless years later, in this area of ​​rich spiritual energy, I know that any spiritual grass can grow into a spiritual medicine, and any spiritual plant can grow into a spiritual tree or a spiritual fruit!
It's just that the years are different and the efficacy of the medicine is different, which produces different values.

 Thank you~ 200 coins reward from Awakening Brothers!Thank you for the reward from the brother who poisoned you thousands of times!
(End of this chapter)

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