The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 812 Cleaning Up the Monster Beasts

Chapter 812 Cleaning Up the Monster Beasts (400 Monthly Ticket Plus Changes)

The topic of women is endless, Gao Jiuding doesn't want to get entangled in this, he said directly: "Let's go, I'll go to the river to have a look, if there are many monsters, I can make a small fortune!"

Gao Jiuding didn't dare to provoke this group of old bachelors who are 60 or [-] years old and have never touched a woman. This is a group of guys who have been aggrieved and turned into perverts. They used to have no conditions, but now that they have conditions, they are like sperm. It's as if it's on my mind, I can't help it.

Walking in front, Gao Jiuding listened to Chenchang Road, and gritted his teeth at Cheng Changlong, saying: "Don't make mistakes, if you make a mistake, you will cut off your little brother, and I will have peace of mind in the future."

When Cheng Changlong heard this, his legs immediately tightened up. His baby is still open, so he can't be cut off just because of the momentary pleasure.

Gao Jiuding staggered and almost fell, these guys, it seems that it's time to find them a wife.

As for the black wolf leader, don't worry, now that the golden wolf clan has not been defeated, don't think about the black wolf clan.

However, although he was not in a hurry to provoke the Black Wolf Clan, Gao Jiuding was still very happy to hear the level of corruption over there.

It's just that the army is powerful, and the nobles and the poor are all things that mud can't support the wall, so it's easy to deal with!
A group of wolves led by a group of erhas, it is very joyful to think about it. What fighting power does such a pack of wolves have?

"You guys wait here, I'll go ahead and have a look!" Gao Jiuding blocked Chenchang Road from following.

Seeing that Chenchang Road did not want to agree, Luan Changming behind Gao Jiuding immediately pointed to a high ground and said, "You guys watch over there, as long as there is no danger, don't come here."

Chenchang Road no longer objected, and Gao Jiuding led Luan Changming and the others to move forward!
Across the neat fields, there is a meadow in front.

After walking carefully on the grass for a few minutes, I saw that the green grass 100 meters away in the distance disappeared, and bare sand appeared, and beyond the sandy land was a very fast-flowing river.

This is a tributary of the Tianyun River. Now that Chenchang Road wants to divert this small river, it is best to go around the spiritual field they have reclaimed, so that they will not lack water to irrigate the spiritual field.

Gao Jiuding and others came to the edge of the river and searched for a long time, not to mention monsters, they didn't even see ordinary fish.

Gao Jiuding observed for a while, and found that there was enough aura here, there should be monster activities, but now the fact is the opposite, there is obviously a problem!

"Patriarch, there are no monsters here, right? The water flow is too fast!" Luan shouted.

"Why don't you go into the water and try?" Zhan Jiyan looked at Luan and shouted.

Luan Changming rolled his eyes at him and said, "Do you want to replace him? Doesn't my commander look pleasing to you?"

"Two commanders, our small group of captains are waiting!" Someone yelled again.

Although they were booing, the group of captains moved very cautiously. They surrounded Gao Jiuding, and by the way, even Luan Changming and Zhan Jiyan were wrapped up.

In fact, the strength of this group of guards is not much different. They are all nine levels of blood refining strength. Luan Changming and Zhan Jiyan are only a line higher than them, and they have not even crossed a small realm.

Gao Jiuding released his consciousness and scanned the surface of the river carefully. While scanning, he said: "Whoever you want to go out, I will give you a great commander!"

"Forget it, we'd better follow the Patriarch for a few years, when we have learned knowledge and improved our cultivation, we will definitely be able to become a general at that time!" said a squadron leader.

This time following Gao Jiuding, the team leader is the one with the lowest position, and he is considered to be the most elite group of people in Gao Jiuding's hands.

After patrolling in a large circle, they continued to advance along the tributaries. After they walked hundreds of meters, they still found nothing.

"Patriarch, there are really no monsters!"

"Are you scared away by us?"

"I've been practicing in closed doors recently, and my whole body is itchy, why don't I go into the water to test it out, and take a bath by the way?"

"Don't worry, we'll watch over you!"

"Brothers, you have to watch carefully, let me get closer!"

Seeing that Gao Jiuding did not object, a team leader left the crowd and approached the river bank.

Gao Jiuding's consciousness stared at the river surface closely, and as the team leader approached, suddenly, a light flickered abnormally by the water's edge, Gao Jiuding's heart was filled with warning signs, and he shouted: "Be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, he rushed towards the place closest to the river like a fired shell.

At this moment, a huge shadow jumped out of the water in an instant!
The giant beast that jumped out of the water bit the calm-looking squad leader. Seeing that the squad leader was about to be buried in the belly of the beast, he stretched out his hand, and a sword appeared in his hand.

With the saber out of its sheath, he slashed at the giant beast without hesitation.

The light of the knife flashed, poof, the giant beast was slashed by the sword, and blood was poured down his head and face.

"Wow!" Amidst the roar of the giant beast, it shrank its neck almost instinctively, and the team leader escaped.

Gao Jiuding was startled. The cry of the giant beast was unusual, but he looked at the team leader and found that he didn't seem to be affected much.

After Gao Jiuding thought about it, he realized that it was the armor that protected him!

Slightly relieved, Gao Jiuding turned to look at the giant beast.

Suddenly encountered an attack, the team leader performed well, but the giant beast was not good.

Puff puff!bang bang bang!The behemoth flinched slightly, then bumped into the captain.

The team leader stomped on the giant beast with terrifying force, kicked it back again and again, and then flew down to Gao Jiuding's side.

A group of people stared at the giant beast solemnly, trying to see what kind of monster it was.

The giant beast shook its head in pain, stared at them fiercely with its copper-bell-sized eyes.

This series of actions happened between lightning and flint, which shows how fast the team leader reacted.

Even Gao Jiuding's divine sense didn't have a locked monster, but the team leader was able to repel him easily. Gao Jiuding really couldn't do this kind of reaction ability and combat experience.

Seeing this formidable subordinate, Gao Jiuding had no idea of ​​helping, so he stood aside to escort him.

The squad leader held the saber in his hand and stared at the giant beast in front of him, which had obviously become very manic.

This is a giant beast covered in tumors, the size of a small house, and looks more like a toad, but now its mouth has been cut open, and inside the broken lip are rows of fangs that are shining coldly. .

A huge monster in the hemolysis period should be in the early stage of hemolysis, maybe it has just advanced, it has no supernatural powers, and no magic weapon, otherwise, the team leader just couldn't handle it easily.

Of course, even so, the squad leader's combat effectiveness is considered very good.

"Listening to the sound, it should be a giant toad!" Chen Changlu had already brought the other two deputy captains up, and they all drew their weapons.

Cheng Changlong also opened his mouth and shouted: "Everyone be careful, this is a hemolytic monster, and its cry can affect people's soul!"

"Wow!" Just after being reminded, the giant beast yelled again.

The cry this time was obviously different from the last one. Gao Jiuding only felt a buzzing in his brain, and his consciousness unexpectedly paused.

This is a soul attack, but this kind of attack is not powerful, and it lasts for a short time. At most, it will slow down his movements a little, and there is nothing else.

Gao Jiuding stared closely at this giant toad that had been magnified countless times!
It should have wanted to sneak attack just now, but Gao Jiuding and the others were surrounded by them, and they didn't give it a chance at all.

Surrounded by a group of people, the giant toad is a little restless!

It stared at the squad leader, this person had caused it a lot of injuries before, and now there are several more such people, which made it a little uneasy, and took a few steps back faintly.

"How much merit can be exchanged for the blood essence of a monster in the hemolytic period?" the team leader asked suddenly.

Chen Changlu didn't even think about it, and shouted: "This one head is worth a hundred ordinary heads!"

Hearing this, the squad leader's eyes brightened. The most powerful thing about this monster is its cry, which didn't seem to have much effect on him.

"Wow!" The cry came again, although it made people feel very irritable, but there was really not much threat.

At this time, everyone relaxed, and many guards all twitched their sabers, watching the giant toad eager to try!

The giant toad moved cautiously, its body constantly retreating.

Hemolytic monsters are always a bit wise. Even if the water monster has the lowest intelligence, it is not an ignorant beast that does not know how to be afraid.

This group of people is not afraid of its cry, and there are people who can seriously injure it, which has exceeded its bottom line of hunting.

At this moment, when the battle situation has not expanded to the point of being out of control, it finally decided to retreat temporarily.

The squad leader standing at the front clenched the saber in his hand: "Want to run?"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he swept over directly.

"Cooperate in combat!" Chen Changlu shouted, and then rushed forward, while the other two deputy captains spread out and shot the giant toad with crossbows.

Chi Chi Chi, the crossbow arrows shot into the thick fat layer of the giant toad. Although it didn't cause much damage to it, it also completely enraged it.

"Wow!" the giant toad roared, and the trace of reason before it disappeared instantly. After all, it was just a monster with little brain capacity.

Swish!At this moment, the team leader had already flew over its head, and the moment it turned around, it just slashed down with a knife.

Staring at the blood-red eyes, the giant toad did not slow down at all. It jumped up and kicked towards the captain with a strong hind leg.

Pfft, the saber shifted its attack trajectory in the air, and ruthlessly collided with the thrown long leg.

Breaking through the hard tail scales, the saber savagely opened a huge wound on the giant toad's long legs, and then he was also thrown flying by the huge force driven by the long legs.

The captain's body fluttered in the direction of the force like catkins, and instantly released the huge force. This is the force-relieving technique he has learned recently.

 Thank you~ 200 coins reward from Awakening Brothers!Thanks to the little cute brother Yuchen for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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