Chapter 813

Kicking, landing, and retreating, the squad leader was unscathed, while the other guards burst into cheers.

Gao Jiuding looked at the battle scene in front of him, which really surprised him.

It turns out that jumping battles are his patent. When will these guards under him be able to single out hemolytic monks so easily?

Looking carefully at this little captain, his cultivation base is not weak, but he is only at the end of the ninth blood refinement floor, and there is still a distance from the tenth blood refinement floor, but even so, this guy relies on his own fighting skills There was a huge monster in the early stage of hemolysis, and the battle ended in a tie.

Not only do you need enough combat experience, but you also need enough wisdom. Of course, you must also have self-confidence, which is the embodiment of comprehensive quality.

Under Gao Jiuding's nose, his subordinates have become so powerful, he didn't even know it.

In the battlefield, the squad leader was already boiling with enthusiasm. This thrilling battle, the feeling of punching to the flesh, made his inner desire to fight burn.

"Kill!" The team leader charged towards the giant toad again.

"Wow!" The giant toad also rushed towards him.

boom!He dexterously dodges the giant toad after hitting it, and then bites with another big mouth.

The small captain's sword turned into a sweep, and swept straight at the fangs of the giant toad.

Bang!Sparks splashed from the sword, and the team leader and the giant toad took a few steps back at the same time.

At the same time, there was a loud chirping sound.

But who knows who is behind, has moved out an eight-ox crossbow, and pulled the trigger. The powerful kinetic energy drives a thick throwing gun, drawing a spiral trajectory, directly towards the left side of the giant toad. eyes fly away.

The giant toad is always a monster in the hemolytic period. It has a keen sense of consciousness. When it encounters danger, it just turned its head slightly and avoided this fatal blow.

However, its eyes dodged surrender, but its head could not completely dodge it.

Blood spattered, centering on the forehead of the giant toad, a large piece of flesh and blood was torn apart by this terrifying spear.

Wow. The giant toad let out an earth-shattering roar, and its steps suddenly staggered.

This shot almost cost him half his life, and the huge pain made him completely lose his mind, and at this moment, he rolled crazily on the ground.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, this monster in the hemolytic stage has no protective energy, no magic weapon for sacrificial training, and such a monster that only relies on weak magical powers to attack the enemy is just right to use it to sacrifice the flag!
"Death!" The team leader saw the opportunity, raised his knife, jumped up, and slashed fiercely at the neck of the giant toad.

Pfft, the saber pierced the flesh, and the team leader also fell on the giant toad.

At this moment, the giant toad was still tumbling wildly. He kept moving, and following the force of the rolling, he directly dragged the saber. A terrifying wound suddenly appeared on the neck of the giant toad, almost cutting it open by a third. one.

The giant toad struggled even more frantically, and he drew out his saber and retreated directly.

One minute later, the giant toad lost all movement, and its huge corpse lay on the edge of the underground embankment.

"Awesome!" Luan Changming stepped forward and patted the small captain's shoulder, admiringly.

"Have you made a fool of yourself? You have become so rich in combat experience?" Zhan Jiyan also praised.

"Stinky boy, are you secretly cultivating yourself?" The other squad leaders all surrounded him and slapped him.

The team leader said: "How can it be? I just go out hunting more often. Who told you to be lazy and play tricks, and you all hide by the Patriarch's side to practice? I have hunted a lot, so I naturally have rich combat experience!"

Gao Jiuding said at this time: "In the future, you can't build a car behind closed doors. You still need to fight to practice, and you can improve faster on the battlefield!"

Luan Changming immediately said: "It's not too late to fight now, there should be many monsters here!"

"Forget it, we are helping others with work now, not for you to practice!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Hey, what a pity!" Luan Changming said a little unwillingly.

"What a pity? There will be more fighting opportunities in the future!" Chen Changlu said.

"Start working!" Gao Jiuding said.

Luan Changming and others retreated, Gao Jiuding began to arrange magic flowers!
In fact, this is simply treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, because the maximum range of influence of the magic flower is only 100 meters!

For a large river with an average width of more than 6000 meters and an average depth of more than 50 meters, the impact is not great at all.

But on Chenchang Road, as long as the riverside and embankment are safe, as long as Gao Jiuding helps them clear up the threats on the side of the big river, they can quickly dig ditches.

Now Gao Jiuding has a lot of magic flowers in his hands. The first floor of his pagoda is full of these things. As long as he thinks, he can quickly arrange a flower sea corridor with a length of more than [-] kilometers.

He arranged in the front for a while, then returned to the back to collect the magic flowers, and then went to the front to arrange, and then repeatedly collected and released the magic flowers, leaving nothing to him.

The next thing is simple, Gao Jiuding puts it in the front and collects it in the back. As long as this stage is completed, the riverside is already full of monsters. These monsters will naturally be dealt with by his hands.

Now Gao Jiuding does not only have a hundred and ten subordinates. With the spread of his work, tens of thousands of people cover a radius of [-] to [-] kilometers in an instant.

Gao Jiuding's magic flower attracts all threats around, especially the amphibious monsters, which pose the greatest threat to humans.

And this kind of monsters that can walk on land generally don't live in the depths of the river, so they are most likely to be attracted by magic flowers.

There are more turtle monsters, crabs and some crawling fish, such as a monster like a giant salamander.

Of course, there are also some powerful monsters inside, such as crocodile monsters. They usually hide in the grass, reeds, small puddles, and small swamps on the bank. They are difficult to find and relatively dangerous. Gao Jiuding focuses on dealing with these monsters Object.

This time, Gao Jiuding directly wiped out an area of ​​about ten kilometers by the river.

He sweeps in the front, and someone collects monsters from behind. Those who are valuable keep some seedlings for breeding, and the ones that are worthless are directly slaughtered for meat.

Slaughtering now, the warm blood essence was immediately drunk by the soldiers, and as more and more monsters were harvested, more and more soldiers were replenished with blood essence.

After a period of time, Gao Jiuding could see flashes of spiritual light in the crowd from time to time, which was a sign of a breakthrough in cultivation.

A group of people working desperately is equivalent to cultivating desperately. As long as there are enough resources, for some ordinary monks who can only rely on time to accumulate cultivation, they are too happy. As long as they are given a little sunshine, they will be brilliant. up.

Although the potential of these people is not great, as long as they provide a little resources, they can quickly improve their cultivation.

After all, their accumulation has been enough for decades, but they lack resources.

Now that there are resources, breaking through the current realm is not difficult at all!

It is also a happy thing to watch my subordinates grow continuously.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding was happy to work as a coolie.

Each time a section of river more than 50 kilometers long was laid out, more than [-] times in a row, they have advanced almost a thousand kilometers along this big river.

During this process, every ten kilometers, there is a small garrison, that is, a small castle with more than 1 soldiers.

That is to say, Song Yue deployed almost 100 million troops along the [-]-kilometer river.

Such a dense army arrangement could not completely block the guerrillas in Tianyun City, which made Gao Jiuding a little curious about Tianyun City.

So, when approaching Sky Fortune City, Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded, what the hell is the fog in front of him?

Tianyun City, which is located not far from the snow-capped mountains, is closely adjacent to the Tianyun River, but there is no need for it to be shrouded in mist in broad daylight, so that people can't see clearly, right?
A radius of hundreds of kilometers was covered with thick fog, which made Gao Jiuding stop in his tracks.

Approaching the edge of the fog, Gao Jiuding looked at the land ahead with a strange expression.

The square spiritual fields are densely packed and boundless, and there are countless ditches dividing the spiritual fields. Gao Jiuding can see that the mist is spreading from the ditches.

"This is a large formation?" Luan Changming exclaimed.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the thick fog here was formed because of the formation.

Just when Gao Jiuding was in a daze, a large number of flying shuttles flew out of the mist.

Gao Jiuding didn't stay any longer, he released the battleship, and followed a group of flying shuttles to shuttle through the fog.

Soon, Gao Jiuding saw a city, which was not small, covering a radius of more than ten kilometers.

This city was also shrouded in thick fog, making it difficult for Gao Jiuding to see what was going on inside.

"This is one of the four big cities in Tianyun City, the first big city we broke through!" Song Yue's image appeared on the jade scepter in Gao Jiuding's hand.

She came to guide Gao Jiuding forward, and when she got here, it was not the flying shuttle that was guiding Gao Jiuding, but Gao Jiuding was leading the flying shuttles.

This city is obviously guarded by formations, even if Gao Jiuding came, he still needs to step by step, without touching the formations, carefully cross the guardian formation before entering the city.

After flying for more than ten minutes and turning around countless times, Gao Jiuding entered the city.

The city is well planned, and the interior is full of neat buildings, the most conspicuous of which must be the City Lord's Mansion in the most central location.

The warship landed on a square in the city lord's mansion. There were many flying shuttles rising and falling here. It seemed to be a magic weapon base for flying, or it could be called a pier.

As soon as he stepped out of the battleship, Gao Jiuding saw Song Yue.

"There's no need to make such trouble, right? Sky Fortune City seems to be a hundred kilometers away!" Gao Jiuding held Song Yue's hand and complained as he walked.

"We can take shortcuts, so can the enemy. Now even we have to go around the city, what will the enemy do?" Song Yue asked with a light smile.

Gao Jiuding thought about it, that's right, there are advantages to stupid methods.

(End of this chapter)

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