Chapter 814
Song Yue continued: "The scope of Sky Fate City is larger than you imagined. Its Four Great Cities are on the edge of Sky Fate City, and the coverage of the Four Great Cities coincides with the radiation range of Sky Fate City. That is to say, the Acropolis where we are now is closely next to the edge of Tianyun City!"

"Out of the Acropolis, is the scope of Tianyun City?" Gao Jiuding asked strangely.

"Yes, although the outside is not surrounded by city walls, it is the outskirts of Tianyun City. Otherwise, how could there be millions of people gathered within this hundred and ten kilometers?" Song Yue said.

The place was shrouded in thick fog, and Gao Jiuding didn't see clearly what was going on around him. Naturally, he didn't know that the coverage area of ​​Tianyun City was so large.

"The population here is dense, and the situation is very complicated. Otherwise, this acropolis would not be so tightly guarded!" Song Yue said helplessly.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were too many enemies and the situation was too complicated, she really didn't want to borrow troops from all the people!

We must know that it is easy to form an army of tens of millions, but it is really not easy to feed these tens of millions of troops!
"Take it easy, it's time for military training!" Originally, Gao Jiuding was not satisfied with the progress of the war here, but when he really came here, Gao Jiuding was not in a hurry.

The real situation is often much more difficult than imagined.

Sure enough, the couple had enough communication inside and out, and Gao Jiuding also understood the situation here.

He first learned about Song Yue's situation, and after he had a thorough understanding of Song Yue's inside and outside, he learned about the surrounding battle situation under Song Yue's protest.

Recruiting tens of millions of troops was definitely not Song Yue's original intention. As the war approached Tianyun City, Song Yue had no choice but to keep recruiting troops.

There are too many residents in Tianyun City, and they are all vested interests. They are different from the poor outside, they are all property owners. These people absolutely do not welcome Song Yue and her army.

Therefore, as the war approached Tianyun City, Song Yue faced increasing pressure and more and more enemies.

There is no way, Song Yue can only expand the army, keep expanding the army.

The expansion of the army, on the one hand, is to fight against Sky Fortune City, and on the other hand, it is also competing with Sky Fortune City for population resources.

Sky Fortune City implements an elite rule, so Song Yue implements a popular strategy.

The ruler of Tianyun City uses points and lines to form a network of large and small cities in various places to control the place.

And Song Yue implemented the strategy of encircling the cities from the countryside, developed the masses of working people, and overthrew the mountains on top of her head!

In this way, on this vast land, there are only two armies left, and both sides are all soldiers.

"There is no way, if we are not all soldiers, those rats will destroy our farm, if there is no output from the farm, let alone our army will collapse, even you in the northern jungle, developed a great The situation will also stagnate!" Song Yue said.

"Not only in the jungle, but even the northern and western grasslands need food and grass here!" Gao Jiuding said.

"It's good to know, all kinds of factors require us to tie all the population and groups to our chariots. As long as we harvest this season's grain, we can launch a full-scale attack!" Song Yue took out a Carrying the jade ultimatum with him, let Gao Jiuding check the situation of the entire battlefield.

Looking at the picture above, Gao Jiuding found that around the entire Tianyun City, there were actually fortresses of all sizes, or it could be said to be manors.

This is different from the outside, here is the castle surrounding the farmland, not the farmland surrounding the castle.

It can be said that every step forward must be broken. The densely packed castles in front of her are no wonder Song Yue's advance speed is so slow.

Even Gao Jiuding was helpless in such a situation.

"Can you make them surrender?" Gao Jiuding asked.

They have already surrounded Sky Fortune City, and within a radius of more than 100 kilometers, tens of millions of troops have gathered, and Sky Fortune City has at most more than [-] million troops.

"Tianyun City officials originally had more than [-] regular troops and [-] affiliated regiments. After facing the threat of war, they easily gathered [-] regular troops and a million affiliated regiments!

Their strength is very strong. Even in the affiliated regiment, none of their soldiers is lower than the twelfth level of blood refining. With such a huge strength, without much loss, it is you, will you surrender? "Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding was speechless, of course he would not surrender, with so many monks on the [-]th level of blood refinement, as long as time dragged on, it would be easy to get a large number of monks in the hemolytic period.

People have this strength and enough background, why should they surrender?

"Now they still have enough energy to launch guerrilla warfare non-stop. Tianyun City will send a large number of people to enter our rear every day to destroy our production. Their strength is very strong!" Song Yue said.

"One hundred thousand regular troops, all monks in the hemolytic period?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Yes, they are all hemolytic period monks, and I don't know what the big sects and big forces on this planet think. Such a powerful force doesn't pull down the starry sky to fight. Isn't this adding to our chaos? "Song Yue said without anger.

Gao Jiuding looked at the angry Song Yue, and was speechless. When a woman is unreasonable, it's better for him to talk less!

Gao Jiuding thought for a while and said: "I think, it's not those big powers and sects who don't want these guys to be cannon fodder, they probably can't do anything about it. The guys here should be the enemies of the sect. Now as long as they don't give If the sect adds chaos, the sect will be grateful, how can we drag them to death?"

"Well, when sorting out the jade slips you sent over recently, I also discovered something. This is the territory of the Golden Wolf Clan. Do you think this belongs to the original Golden Wolf Banner of the Beast Controlling Sect?" Song Yue said.

"Golden Wolf Banner?" Gao Jiuding hadn't seen many jade slips. He had collected a lot of ancient books and jade slips from the Beast Master Sect, and he allocated a large part of them to help sort it out. Instead, it was himself. Not moving.

"The Beastmaster Sect occupied a large area back then. This area was originally controlled by the banner owner of the Golden Wolf Banner. The Golden Wolf does not mean the gold-type demon wolf, but a collective term, or the noble wolf. Gold here also represents Noble means supreme." Song Yue explained.

Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully: "I understand what you mean. There are also branches of the Golden Wolf Clan, such as Demon Wolf, Black Wolf, and Snow Wolf."

"Yes, that's it, so I deduce that the wolf bandits should belong to the Golden Wolf Clan, but the composition of the Golden Wolf Clan is complicated, and they are not a unified whole!" Song Yue said.

"Of course not as a whole, otherwise we would be out of luck. The black wolf leader in the south is not easy. By the way, do they have anything to do with the Sun Tribe?" Gao Jiuding asked.

Song Yuedao: "Maybe it is related, but who knows which group of wolf robbers is related to the Sun Tribe? These are not important. The important thing is that the Golden Wolf Clan is hostile to the Iron Sword Gate, so no matter how big we make trouble here The movement of the sect should not say anything!"

"So, what should we do now?" Gao Jiuding went straight to the point.

Song Yue smiled and said, "An Shenxiu has entrusted others to produce a large number of flying shuttles!"

"With enough armor and so many fighters, isn't it enough to break through Tianyun City?" Gao Jiuding frowned.

Song Yue spread her hands and said: "When you go to the front line to see, you will know that it is very difficult to break through Sky Fortune City without the shuttle troops!"

Gao Jiuding fell silent. Of course he knew how powerful the Shuttle army was. With the help of Feishuo, even blood core monsters could be brutally killed by a team, let alone some hemolytic monks.

However, sending out too many flying shuttle troops will definitely attract the attention of Tie Jianmen, and as long as Tie Jianmen discovers their flying shuttle troops, they will not be far from the outer battlefield without thinking.

"Let's go to the front line first!" Gao Jiuding still didn't make a decision, because the outer battlefield is a meat grinder.

Also, Gao Jiuding doesn't know what the Earth Alliance thinks, he doesn't want to disrupt their plan.

Even if he didn't know their plan, Gao Jiuding could think of something, it was nothing more than using the battlefield outside the sky to continuously bleed the demon stars until they were extremely weak.

Weakening the power of demon stars is a long-term policy, and this is definitely not wrong!

Now that he has come to the front line, it is natural to have a banquet for the officials. This time, Gao Jiuding has seen what a real king is, and what is a real superiority.

He just needs to sit on the high chair and accept the worship of everyone!

It turned out that although he knew that he was awesome, it was the countless generals under him who really made him show his awesomeness!
As the dinner began, the city lord's mansion soon became crowded with people, and these were just some ten thousand commanders who had no military affairs.

There are too many troops stationed within a radius of hundreds of kilometers on the front line, even if half of them perform the mission, only half of them can come to the banquet.

"How many people are here?" Gao Jiuding could only ask Mo Dalang who was beside him as he watched the group of elders who came to greet him.

Mo Dahu beside him smiled lightly and said, "Are you surprised? In a team of ten thousand people, there are one officer, two officers and three ten thousand commanders. This time, only one officer and one officer came here. The one on duty has not yet come. I just saw After signing the sign-in book, more than 1000 people have come here, that is, five million chiefs of the ten-thousand team!"

Gao Jiuding sent off a team of ten thousand commanders again, before he had time to speak, Mo Dahu said again: "This is the ten thousand team with military missions on the front line, and the second line troops behind are not qualified to visit you! "

Gao Jiuding was speechless, so he simply stopped talking, so as not to embarrass himself.

"Let's go, there are almost enough people coming!" At this moment, Song Yue said.

A group of people walked to the large square in the City Lord's Mansion. There were already bonfires everywhere, and on top of the bonfires, there were complete monsters.

The monster was creaked by the spirit wood, emitting a strong smell of meat. Some chefs kept brushing spices on it, which enveloped the whole square with a strong fragrance.

 Thank you for the reward from the brother who poisoned you thousands of times!

(End of this chapter)

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