The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 815 A Little Inhuman

Chapter 815 A Little Inhuman

"A lot of monsters come from the jungle in the north, and the rest is due to the Patriarch!" Mo Dahu said as he walked.

Gao Jiuding naturally saw that some crocodiles, toads and big fish must have come from the Tian Canal not far away!
This is what he harvested last night. He didn't expect it to be shipped here so quickly and turned into a delicacy.

"I have seen the owner, madam!"

"I have seen the owner, madam!"

"I have seen the owner, madam!"

Along the way, everyone kept saluting to Gao Jiuding, which made him feel as if he was surrounded by stars.

"It's all at the late stage of blood refining, which is not bad!" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

Walking to his place, there is a blood-dan stage monster here. It is not big, and it looks like it weighs three to five hundred catties!
Such monsters are very difficult to deal with. They are strong, small in stature, and naturally fast. Even with a shuttle, it is difficult to hunt them down!

However, after being hunted and killed, it is definitely the object of Gao Jiuding's mouth. This is the nobility, this is the king, and this is the right of the ruler.

"It's just that I'm a little older. If I can't break through to the hemolytic stage as soon as possible, I won't have much potential in the future!" Song Yue whispered.

"Well, don't be reluctant to give up resources. This group of people should be the most loyal to us. As long as they have a chance to break through, we will support them!" Gao Jiuding said.

He could see very clearly that this group of people used to have a very difficult life, but now because of their arrival, these people got a chance, so these people are grateful to Dade, swore a blood oath, and pledged their allegiance to Gao Jiuding.

When it comes to their next generation, those who have not suffered much, those who are loyal and unfaithful will not be able to guarantee it.

"Got it!" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding took the wine glass handed over by the maid beside him, and picked it up.

As he picked up the wine, the noisy plaza immediately fell silent. This is the king, and everyone will pay attention to him all the time, not daring to be negligent!
"Everyone raise the wine glasses, let's have a drink together!" Gao Jiuding didn't say much, and directly toasted.

"Damn!" Everyone shouted in unison, and they all took a sip. This sip was just half a catty of wine, but for these ten thousand elders, it was already easy to digest.

"The second cup, thank you for your support!" Gao Jiuding toasted again.

Now this little wine entered his stomach, and after a round, it was all digested.

Compared with the blood essence of monsters in the hemolysis period and the blood pill period, the spiritual energy in these spirit wines is nothing at all. Therefore, these spirit wines are not much better than drinking cold water to Gao Jiuding.

"The third cup, I wish us all victories in every battle!" Gao Jiuding breathed out again. He drank like this, which made many people dumbfounded.

You don't lose if you lose, how can a man admit cowardice when he is on the wine field?

"I wish us all victories in all battles, do it!" Everyone raised their glasses together and drank it down again.

"Okay, this time is mainly to meet and get to know everyone. In the rest of the time, eat and drink as you like!" After finishing speaking, Gao Jiuding picked up another bowl of wine and drank it down again.

Everyone was speechless. They were silent for a long time before someone said: "The master is a good drinker!"

"No, it should be that the Patriarch is strong!" Someone said again.

"You are not bad, you can still speak now, look at them, all of them are blushing and have thick necks, are they drinking too much?" Gao Jiuding laughed loudly.

"I didn't drink too much, I just didn't want to waste that bit of spiritual energy!" A big man with a flushed face said.

"Then let's have another bowl!" Gao Jiuding stepped forward, dragging the guy to drink.

The next time was Gao Jiuding's performance time, he opened his heart and completely let go of himself.

He didn't drink much before, but now, he is stronger than those who have been tested for alcohol, mainly because he has a strong stomach.

For these men in the army, for these guys who practice martial arts, for these strong men who look big and three thick, there is only one word: drink!

There are only a thousand people here, Gao Jiuding really doesn't believe it, he can't accept them!
As Gao Jiuding kept drinking with this group of men, they soon became acquainted.

They didn't know each other before, so what can they say?So Gao Jiuding didn't talk nonsense when he came up, he just drank!

Drinking more, the barriers were eliminated, and the atmosphere became more enthusiastic.

So this night, the entire square was full of drunks who fell to the ground!
The spirit wine is delicious and has more energy. If you drink it slowly, these physically strong guys can still take the opportunity to practice, but facing Gao Jiuding, they can only drink non-stop.

Wherever Gao Jiuding went, they were all brought down, and finally the entire square was full of drunks!

Eating and drinking consumes a lot of energy, but the benefits are even greater. Once this kind of activity is held, Gao Jiuding will truly become the head of the group of ten thousand elders.

From then on, he was no longer just a name, but the real head of the family with flesh and blood.

Of course, since then, the name of Gao Jiuding's bottomless pit has also spread!

His stomach is a bottomless pit, as if no matter how much he eats or drinks, he can't fill it up.

The next morning, Gao Jiuding, who had practiced all night, just opened his eyes when he saw Song Yue sitting aside.

"I'm not drunk, why are you guarding me?" Gao Jiuding smiled wryly.

Song Yue rolled her eyes at Gao Jiuding and said, "You still say, what are you drinking so much for? I have also eaten emerald fruit, but I dare not drink so much spirit wine!"

"Huh? Can't you drink that much spirit wine?" Gao Jiuding asked doubtfully.

"Of course I can't drink it. How much did you drink? At least [-] catties. This amount of spirit wine is equivalent to being soaked in a wine vat. Is that something humans can do?" Song Yue said angrily.

Gao Jiuding has black lines all over his head, who is not human?

However, when he thought about it carefully, his body was really a bit inhuman!

Well, that Kid Maverick must be one of the Inhumans too!
He also ate the emerald fruit, refined the phoenix blood, and his body can also be transformed into energy. This is the root cause of his stomach turning into a bottomless pit.

"Forget it, there's already a fight ahead, aren't you going to the front line today? Hurry up and wash up, you smell like alcohol!" Song Yue said a lot, but Gao Jiuding's face was lost, and he didn't know what he thought of, from time to time She smirked a few times, and finally Song Yue couldn't continue.

"Shall we wash together?" Seeing that Song Yue was about to leave, Gao Jiuding was naturally not happy, he hugged the beauty and quickly entered the bath.

After walking into the bath, Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded, resplendent and resplendent!
Not to mention the gold foil on the lamps, but the bathing pool is all made of suet white jade.

Huge blocks of jade, carved with exquisite runes, built a bath in this way!
"Luxury, right? You haven't seen the spiritual pool built by the aborigines here, that's called luxury!" Before Gao Jiuding could make a move, Song Yue looked up and knew what Gao Jiuding was thinking.

"Isn't that the case with Lingchi?" Gao Jiuding came back to his senses and said.

Song Yue rolled her eyes at Gao Jiuding and said, "Where is this? Have you heard of Jiuchi Meat Forest? Lingchi is a place for cultivation. It is not only luxurious, but also has countless cultivation materials. I was shocked when I saw it!"

"It seems that the people here are really wealthy landowners!" Gao Jiuding said.

Song Yue immediately said: "You are really right. The people here are really richer than those old landlords in our country in ancient times. You will be shocked when you see their accumulation of collections!"

"So, when we conquered the city, we gained a lot?" Gao Jiuding took off his clothes, hugged Song Yue and started talking nonsense.

While attacking each other, the two talked about some happy things, such as the various gold and silver treasures they harvested. As for the cultivation materials, they didn't care too much.

At their level, practical items are no longer in their pursuit. Instead, they will pursue some beautiful but useless things. They have reached the stage of enjoying life.

The two of them delayed taking a bath for an hour, and then came out to eat, and then flew out of the city lord's mansion slowly under the protection of a group of guards.

After leaving the city lord's mansion, there are phalanxes outside, and each phalanx has a hundred people, that is to say, each combat unit is a centurion!

The warriors in full body armor moved forward quickly with neat steps, and there was a small castle no more than 500 meters in front of them.

The small castle was flickering, indicating that it had formation defenses. After careful observation, Gao Jiuding found that the wall bricks used in this small castle should have formation runes engraved on them.

A castle with complete functions is not easy to break through. To break through it, you must first break the entire defense formation of the castle, or exhaust the spiritual energy reserves in the castle.

Without the support of spiritual energy, no matter how powerful the protective formation is, it is useless!
"This is the first war zone we are facing. Since the start of the war, it has never stopped attacking here!" Song Yue said indifferently after stopping.

"Aggression day and night?" Gao Jiuding asked.

Song Yuedao: "Yes, the small castles on the outskirts are very sparse, and the closer to Tianyun City, the more such defensive fortresses. When you get here, there is one every few hundred meters. Look over there, front, back, left, and right , There are such small castles everywhere, if we want to attack Tianyun City, we must pull out these small castles one by one!"

Gao Jiuding didn't continue to say anything, but looked at the centurion in front, because they were already within a hundred meters of the small castle.

"Shield!" At this moment, the centurion in the middle of the phalanx gave an order, and all the soldiers took out a shield as tall as a man from their storage bags.

Then, the shields of all the soldiers immediately covered the entire centurion, including the top of their heads.

"Chi Chi Chi!" As soon as the shields of the soldiers were raised, an attack was launched from the castle not far away. Both sides have rich combat experience!
(End of this chapter)

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