The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 817 Ant Duo Kills Elephant

Chapter 817 Ant Duo Kills Elephant

Following Song Yue's order, behind her and Gao Jiuding, a large number of guards quickly rushed out towards the castle.

"Boom boom boom!" A group of people released their mounts just as they passed Gao Jiuding and Song Yue.

The mount made a huge vibration when it landed, and very tall and burly warriors flew onto the mount in an instant, and rushed towards the small castle.

It is not surprising that a warrior wears armor, but the mount also wears armor, which is very powerful!
"It's not a snowy yak, is it? It's not like a bull, it's not low!" Gao Jiuding said in surprise as he saw the cavalry troop flying away.

A mount more than two meters high, carrying a huge warrior two and a half meters high and weighing two hundred kilograms, and it can move forward at high speed, this mount is very powerful.

The snowy yak is not so small, and it is not very courageous, so it is difficult to play a role in this kind of battlefield.

Although the bull can carry such a heavy warrior, its speed will definitely be affected. Besides, the bull's strength is too weak, so it can't exert much combat power here!

"The one-horned rhinoceros, the monster we found on the other side of Sky Fortune City, is powerful, has a large load capacity, and is as courageous as a bull!" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding looked at the huge monster rhinoceros that slammed into the city wall arbitrarily. They were really very courageous. They were as bold as bulls.

Protected by a suit of armor, those demon rhinos were not affected at all. Instead, the small castle was directly hit by a group of continuous demon rhinos, and it collapsed in an instant.

It was at this time that the enemies in the small castle instantly turned into birds and beasts and scattered!

With the obstacle of the small castle, the cavalry rushing forward had no way of chasing the group of enemies.

However, don't think that they will be able to run like this!
The moment this group of people flew out of the small castle, a large group of soldiers appeared on the left, right and rear of them.

The thousands of enemies were instantly overwhelmed by the crowd.

Maybe their individual soldiers are very strong, and any one of them can overwhelm all the fighters on Gao Jiuding's side, but ants kill elephants more often.

A group of masters, surrounded by a group of small slags with super defense, can only end up being tied into candied haws in an instant.

Just a moment of collision caused huge losses to those thousands of masters!
It's just that Gao Jiuding saw hundreds of people, their armor was pierced by long horses, and they were picked up into the air.

And that's not all, at the moment the enemy was provoked, all the soldiers around him almost didn't hesitate to help nearby, and once again dealt a fatal blow to the provoked enemy.

This second attack was a thousand arrows piercing the heart, so they didn't think about leaving a way for the enemy to survive.

Of course, some people escaped this attack. They are the best of the best because they can fly.

Don't think that being able to fly is a must, they flew into the air as a last resort, otherwise, who would like to be a target?
The hemolytic period monk who was forced to fly into the air was baptized with bows and crossbows by some soldiers around him who hadn't touched the enemy at the first moment. This time, thousands of arrows really pierced through the heart.

No matter how powerful the protective energy of the hemolytic period is, no matter whether he uses treasure-level armor or not, anyway, in an instant, they were shot by dozens of arrows, and then fell to the ground again, never to be seen again. any sound.

The two consecutive rounds of attacks happened between lightning and flint, and only a few enemies were able to escape the attacks and flew far away!

Those were masters with powerful magic weapons. They resisted two rounds of attacks, successfully escaped the enemy's siege, and flew to another small castle.

"How many troops have been invested in this battlefield?" After watching this small battle, Gao Jiuding could only sigh with emotion.

The army he saw just now must have more than [-] soldiers, and these [-] soldiers only dealt with [-] enemies.

Song Yue looked away from the battlefield, and said: "There is no way, every action in the current battle is summed up from experience, and it is the precious experience gained after repeated battles over this period of time. If we do, we won't have much success at all!

As for the number of troops invested, I don’t know the exact number. However, I can calculate a rough figure after a little calculation. Look at the small castles here, there is almost one every 1000 meters, and they are 500 meters apart. 500 meters in length and width, exactly 1000 meters in length.

Up to now, there are 50 kilometers around Tianyun City, that is to say, there are [-] small castles on the outermost layer of enemies we attack, and there are [-] enemy defenses in a small castle, which is [-] If there are tens of thousands of enemies, we will send soldiers to attack the enemy according to the ratio of one to ten.

That is to say, we invested 500 million people in just the outermost front. There are three such fronts in total. In other words, one attack must penetrate 3000 meters into the enemy's defensive circle!
This is also impossible. We have to attack the front, middle and rear three small castles at the same time. Only in this way can we use the soldiers who have penetrated into the enemy's rear to strangle the escaped enemies after breaking through the outermost small castle. "

"That is to say, there are 500 million people participating in the three fronts?" Gao Jiuding looked at Song Yue, these women really want to go to heaven!

They mobilized a total of 3000 million soldiers to join the army, and now they have directly sent 500 million people to the battlefield. If they attack in turn, none of the 3000 million soldiers will be able to escape.

Of course, it is impossible for all 3000 million soldiers to go to the frontline battlefield, because the rear also needs to be guarded.

"This is something that can't be helped. If we can't try our best to strangle the enemy's vitality, as the enemy's living space is continuously compressed, their concentrated power will become stronger and stronger!" Song Yue spread her hands.

"What about the logistics? All rely on the support of more than 2000 million people in the rear?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"That's the only way. The surrounding farms provide food and spiritual wine, and the jungle and the sky canal provide us with meat. As long as there is food and drink, these fighters are happy to see that they can fight every day!" Song Yue said with a smile.

Gao Jiuding has been here for a long time. He naturally knows the natives' thinking. As long as he can eat enough, he can increase his cultivation base. If he can still move around and increase the speed of metabolism, his cultivation base will grow faster.

Therefore, the people here are not against labor. It would be even better if they could engage in high-intensity battles.

As long as there are enough resources to supplement consumption, the people here are a bit fanatical about war. Otherwise, Song Yue and the others would not be able to create an army of 3000 million. A colossal force to be reckoned with.

"Now we can advance three kilometers every day, and I think in another month, we will be able to hit the Sky Fortune City!" Song Yue said confidently while Gao Jiuding was meditating.

"Then I'll wait here for a month!" Seeing that the battle was proceeding smoothly as planned, Gao Jiuding had nothing to worry about.

In this kind of large-scale battle, even if there are a few monks in the blood pill stage, there will be no waves.

A group of people swarmed up, using armor-piercing arrows at long distances, and armor-piercing horses at close range. It can be said that the level of cultivation level will not play much role in this kind of battlefield, unless you have a powerful magic weapon.

Therefore, this is a place that compares financial resources. If you have enough materials and can equip enough equipment, you can take the initiative on the battlefield.

Think about it, in just two months, 3000 million soldiers have been equipped. What a terrifying force this is?

Without the support of Xingkong's mining troops, and without the production line of the Earth's large industry, neither Song Yue nor An Shenxiu would be able to achieve the current level.

In the following time, Gao Jiuding was not in a hurry anymore, he just walked around the battlefield every day, and if he met a master, he would go out to exercise his muscles.

The strength of Tianyun City is indeed very strong, but they have been at ease for too long, and they overestimated their own strength, and put the surrounding fronts too long.

As time goes by, their advantage is getting smaller and smaller.

If the line of defense is long, the masters will disperse, which gives Song Yue a chance to defeat each one.

After more than two months of war, the rulers of Tianyun City already knew what kind of enemy they were facing. The enemy like a sea of ​​people was terrifying.

They were afraid, and they began to lose their pride. At this time, the rulers of Tianyun City finally regained their senses, and they began to shrink their defenses.

Almost overnight, the outer castles were completely abandoned, and they concentrated all their troops in Tianyun City.

Going across the abandoned castles and looking at the ruined Lingchi, Gao Jiuding still felt a pity, these are the capital for his future rise.

"Don't be a pity, we will take back all the spirit pools they took away, and they will still be put here!" Song Yue said with a light smile.

Gao Jiuding nodded and said: "They also have the same idea. After repelling our attack, they will easily restore the old view here, so we must wipe them out!"

"Let's go, Sky Fortune City is completely exposed, we can take a closer look at this largest city in the south!" Song Yue pulled Gao Jiuding, quickly flew out of the castle, and entered a battleship.

There are more than [-] guards around, all riding Yaoxi mounts, waiting quietly.

Every time Gao Jiuding saw the dense crowd of guards, Gao Jiuding felt a little emotional. He was called a big boss with countless subordinates!
Pushing forward all the way, the [-] guards made a huge vibration, overwhelming all the surrounding sounds.

When they advanced dozens of kilometers and came to a piece of camp, the vibration of the cavalry running was suppressed by the chirping sound from the front.

(End of this chapter)

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