Chapter 818
Five hundred steps ahead, countless eight-ox crossbows were piled up layer by layer. When Gao Jiuding came, these countless eight-ox crossbows just launched an attack.

Gao Jiuding could only see countless huge crossbow arrows with thick arms and more than one meter long, making a hissing sound, piercing the sky and flying forward.

There is a huge black shadow in front of it, and it is impossible to see what is there, because countless crossbow arrows cover the front.

"Bang bang bang!"


"Puff puff!"

Countless crossbow arrows landed on the black shadow in front, splashing countless blue-black mist, and then there was a crackling sound.

Countless crossbow bolts fell off and fell to the ground, only some scattered crossbow bolts passed through the blue-black mist and hit something, making a bang bang sound.

"Let go!" Before Gao Jiuding recovered from the spectacular attack scene, he heard a violent shout.

Following this violent shout, Gao Jiuding saw countless crossbow arrows flying out, and instantly shot at the huge black shadow in front of him.

There was another chaotic sound, all kinds of abnormal noises ended, and the blue-black fog in front became more dense.

Gao Jiuding withdrew his gaze and looked at the crossbow soldiers. He happened to see the crossbow soldiers in front of him, put away the crossbow beds that had just been fired, and stepped back.

And as they retreated, another group of crossbowmen who were one step behind immediately stepped forward, and with a wave of their hands, huge crossbow beds appeared again.

"Let go!" Another rain of crossbow arrows flew forward.

In this way, Gao Jiuding watched round after round of attacks, and kept attacking the black shadow in front of him until the surrounding blue-black mist became thick and intractable.

Only then did Gao Jiuding realize that the blue-black mist was actually spreading around, and when the mist spread 500 meters away, they turned into long snakes and began to spread outward at a faster rate.

"Is this extracting the aura of Tianyun City?" Seeing this, Gao Jiuding immediately understood why he had to spend so many crossbow bolts for useless work.

The city in front is very defensive, even if it is hit by countless crossbow arrows, it is just a burst of spiritual energy, which has no effect on the city wall at all.

This is the power of the formation, and this is the power of a big city supported by a powerful spiritual vein.

But there is no way to deal with this kind of big city, and that is to draw from the bottom of the pot.

Intercepting the spiritual veins of the Tianyun River in the periphery is a means, and now it is also a means to continuously attack the city wall to protect the formation and increase the spiritual energy consumption speed of the formation.

Song Yue's battle plan is very good. They are not only consuming the aura of the big formation, but also extracting the surrounding aura. Only in this way can the spirit gathering formation in Tianyun City become useless.

After extracting all the aura emanating from the Sky Fate City, the Sky Fate City can only consume the spirit veins in it continuously.

And a spiritual meridian, no matter how powerful it is, can't stand up to such non-stop, long-term extraction.

Round after round of crossbow bolts, it seems that they are constantly covering and attacking, as if there is no end. This kind of attack, people with a little weak willpower will definitely collapse when they encounter it.

Even Gao Jiuding at this time is a little skeptical about life, he himself doesn't know that his accumulation is already so powerful.

It is not surprising that Gao Jiuding can equip 3000 million soldiers, because since he left Iron Sword Gate, he has been cultivating weapon refiners.

Before going south, they produced thousands of armor sets every day. When they occupy the land under their feet and get more people, they will definitely train more refiners.

Because of the standardized and streamlined production method, it is not difficult at all to increase the daily armor output to tens of thousands or even [-] sets.

As long as there is no population limit, it is not difficult at all to train one million low-level craftsmen. What's more, Gao Jiuding now has more than 700 monks in the hemolytic period. With their help, tens of thousands of sets can be produced every day. Treasure level armor.

If you add the monks that An Shenxiu recruited on Earth recently, or the monks hired, it is really not difficult to produce tens of millions of sets of magic weapon armor.

Therefore, it is not difficult to produce crossbow arrows of the same specification, but the crossbow bed is a bit troublesome.

"We don't lack any of spirit wood, animal horns, and animal tendons. We still use metal for the main frame, which simplifies the production process of a crossbow bed to the extreme!" Seeing the realization of Gao Jiuding, he always concentrated On the crossbow bed, Song Yue explained.

"No matter what, you have been working a lot recently!" Gao Jiuding said with emotion.

"That's right, we've all been busy recently, otherwise we really wouldn't be able to support such a big stall, but it's all worth it, and we're about to see the results now!" Song Yue looked at the distance gradually exposed The current city road.

As the blue-black mist was continuously extracted, the invisible shadow in front gradually revealed its true colors!
The exposed blue city wall shone with a psychedelic light, which made people unable to move their eyes away.

"So beautiful? It's a pity to destroy it!" Gao Jiuding couldn't help but said.

Song Yue said: "If you don't destroy it, it doesn't belong to us!"

"Let go!" A loud shout was mixed in the conversation between the two of them, so that the two of them had to pay attention to the countless crossbow bolts from time to time.

"This thing works really well!" Gao Jiuding sighed again.

Song Yue proudly said, "If it wasn't for accumulating eight oxen crossbows, our attack speed would be even faster!"

"En!" Gao Jiuding remembered this time, when the soldiers attacked those small castles earlier, the soldiers didn't use the eight-ox crossbow once.

"In order to accumulate enough crossbow beds, the millions of people in the rear have no day or night to work. When they completely occupy this place, they should fulfill their promise!" Song Yue said after taking a look at Gao Jiuding.

"What promise?" Gao Jiuding said: "Your words are mine, how can I not admit it?"

"Land privatization, this must be carried out, otherwise, we would not be able to produce so many materials by ourselves!" Song Yue said.

"I know that the privatization of wealth can promote social progress!" Although Gao Jiuding has no experience in governing the country, he has never eaten pork, and has he ever seen a pig run?

The area he now controls is larger than many small countries on the earth, and the population has exceeded 6000 million. With so many people, it is definitely a country.

With such a large territory and such a large population, he can no longer play by himself. Therefore, to promote the enthusiasm of everyone, the privatization of land is one of the opportunities.

"We still need a larger site, not a densely populated site like this one, but a sparsely populated site, otherwise, it will be difficult to accommodate such a large population!" Song Yue reminded.

Gao Jiuding immediately said: "Mo Erhu has also made a breakthrough. Now that the second brother has gone to sit in the town, I think there will be no shortage of land. If it really doesn't work, I will resettle in the Lianshanguan and Marshes areas!"

Song Yue said: "It's good if you have an idea. Why do the people here give their lives to us so easily? Isn't it just to earn a chance? This place is different from our earth. If we have enough food and clothing on the earth, no one will rebel.

Here, everyone has an ambition to live forever. It is not enough to just let them have enough to eat, but also to let them have a way to advance. The people in Tianyun City are our lessons from the past! "

Gao Jiuding said: "Of course, I know that more than half of the population can be accommodated in the jungle and grassland, which can reduce the population pressure here. When we have a big breakthrough in the direction of the grassland, we will no longer have to worry about land. Worried!"

"We also think so, and we are also making plans in this regard, so we propose the privatization of land and wealth. After privatization, those who produce food will specialize in food production, and those who breed monsters will specialize in breeding monsters, cultivating spiritual grass, spiritual The wooden ones specialize in cultivating spirit grass and spirit wood, and the craftsmen and alchemists specialize in crafting crafts and alchemy, and we will have everything in the future!" Song Yue said with a smile.

Listening to Song Yue and the others' plans, Gao Jiuding also laughed. He was so happy to have someone to help.

How slow did he develop when he first arrived?

Since he had the support of An Shenxiu and others, his development speed has really improved with each passing day!
"Look, the city wall is completely exposed, how long has it been since the attack, and the spiritual energy in the city has been exhausted?" At this moment, Gao Jiuding saw the blue city wall bricks.

"It's still early, how can a large spiritual vein be consumed so easily? It's just that the speed at which the spiritual energy is emitted cannot keep up with the consumption. As long as we pause for a while, the city wall will be enveloped by spiritual energy again." Just looked With one glance, Song Yue said.

"War really trains people. You have only been here for a long time, and you have grown better than me." Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"Heavily Armored Raiders attack!" Song Yue just said that the attack stopped, and it really stopped.

The crossbowmen were not attacking, this time they were dispatched by heavy armored soldiers, the cavalry that Gao Jiuding had seen earlier, those cavalry wearing thick armor and riding demon rhinoceros.

This time, there were a lot of heavy armored soldiers dispatched, and heavy armored soldiers appeared in every direction of Sky Fortune City.

Only 500 meters away, the heavily armored soldiers who were originally hidden behind the crossbowmen rushed to the root of the city wall almost instantly.

"Huh!" When the heavy armored soldiers approached a hundred meters from the city wall, the defensive forces on the city wall also began to show their power.

Perhaps it was because he was reluctant to continue to consume the power of the spirit veins. The enemies in the city did not use a large formation to fight back, but used talismans and magic weapons.

The first is the talisman attack. This time the enemy is no longer stingy, as if they use as much as they want. The countless talismans, as if they don't need money, instantly covered a radius of 30 meters outside the Tianyun City.

Thunder, fire, hail, gusts of wind, fireballs, golden knives, all kinds of attacks are there, and they are densely packed, forming a storm-like attack that blocks the sky and blocks the sun.

Fortunately, such an attack time is very short, otherwise the group of heavily armored soldiers would be in trouble.

Of course, they are not feeling well now. After experiencing the baptism of talismans, a large number of magic weapons also follow.

 Thank you for the reward of 500 coins from Brother S of Fantasy Carnival, thank you ~ Brother Awakening for the reward of 200 coins!Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, brother lads4017 for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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