Chapter 820
A team with eleven shuttles is more than enough to besiege a master, whether it is a master of the blood pill stage or a peak master of the hemolysis stage.

A group of flying shuttles charged into the enemy's formation, and those enemies would naturally feel uncomfortable. Although they really wanted to gather together and attack Gao Jiuding below, they could only disperse when facing the flying shuttle troops swarming up.

But if they are scattered, they will still be overtaken and hit by the fast shuttle.

The impact this time was not comparable to that of crossbow arrows and spears.

Now it is equivalent to someone driving a fighter jet into someone and killing you while the fighter jet has not suffered any damage.

This is how the shuttle troops bully people. They rely on the strong defense of the shuttle, its unparalleled speed, and the four edged knives on the shuttle to quickly hit and cut the enemy.

Because the speed of the shuttle was too fast, the group of masters couldn't dodge at all, and they were knocked dizzy in just a split second.

Some unlucky guys were hit straight on, and the magic weapon for protection on their bodies was immediately smashed, and then the protection energy was activated.

Fortunately, after the first collision, the impact force of the shuttle had been weakened a lot, and with their armor protection, those enemies were spared a small life.

But this kind of luck, there will never be a second time. When the shuttle makes a turn and flies again, those masters who have lost the protection of magic weapons will face the enemy's slaughter at will.

"Our cultivation is not good, but our equipment is great!" Song Yue said proudly looking at those masters who were beaten head-on.

Gao Jiuding also looked at the sky in amazement. Even a master of the blood pill stage, facing the siege of twelve flying shuttles, he would not have any power to fight back, because the speed of the flying shuttles is too fast. Danqi monk opportunity!

Gao Jiuding knew that Fei Shuo was very powerful, but after seeing their performance, Gao Jiuding was still amazed. Only then did he admire Li Xitong and Yin Rushui!

The flying gun that Li Xitong and Yin Rushui made first was like a child's play.

At the beginning, they wanted to use the powerful power to drive this aircraft to hit and cut the enemy, but no one was optimistic about it!

The current flying shuttle has increased the thickness in the middle for the convenience of the soldiers to control, which makes the streamlined flying gun into a flying shuttle with a big belly.

It can be said that the design concept of this thing is for people to control it and quickly hit the enemy in the sky.

They are like a pair of sharp files, as long as they hit the enemy, they will smash the enemy to pieces, or cut a huge wound, without any exception.

The advantage of this flying shuttle is power and material!
With strong power, you can make it hit the enemy at a faster speed!

The excellent material can make the flying shuttle have stronger defense. Only when the flying shuttle is stronger can it hit the enemy at a faster speed.

Now, a group of guards who have only got the shuttle for a few months have already figured out the performance of the shuttle, and have used the advantages of the shuttle to the limit.

The defense of an enemy protected by a magic weapon is much stronger than that of a monster in the blood pill stage that relies solely on physical resistance, but so what?
Facing the extreme collision of twelve flying shuttles, no matter how strong the defense is, it is useless.

And what made the group of masters despair the most was Fei Shuo's incomparable speed.

The streamlined flying shuttles with pointed ends and a high middle have the weakest wind resistance. At this time, although their flying speed does not exceed the speed of sound, it is not comparable to that of humans.

The flying shuttle with a diameter of one meter and a length of three meters, except for a cubic space inside which is the cockpit, is almost entirely a solid structure. Making such a magic weapon requires a lot of materials, but it is sturdy!

Once it is strong, you can push it to your heart's content to make it fly faster.

As long as the speed of those masters is not as fast as the speed of the shuttle, all they have left is despair.

When their armor was cut off, the only thing waiting for them was death. Unfortunately, these masters who had lost all defenses, those guards did not kill them.

As long as it is not too unlucky, the guys who were directly smashed by the flying shuttle, who are still alive until now, are all surrounded by the flying shuttle.

After giving up running and resisting, they were all collected by Fei Shuo and suppressed into Fei Shuo.

The space magic weapon inlaid on the shuttle was activated by the power furnace on the shuttle, and directly put away these desperate enemies.

"I'm a bit greedy!" Gao Jiuding said, looking at the sky where there was nothing but the shuttle.

Song Yue said with a smile: "Those small captains inside hold the ninth-tier treasure-level demon-suppressing tower, even if they are monks in the blood pill stage, it is not so easy to break out of the tower!"

Gao Jiuding said: "When they come back, hand over the captives to me!"

In his hand, there is also a demon-suppressing tower dedicated to detaining monsters in the blood-core stage. He has many magic flowers in it, and only in that environment can he feel at ease with a group of monsters in the blood-core stage. He had already killed and ate the monsters in the early stage, so how could there be such a large group of hidden dangers?
"No need, our research institute found that the magic flower has the effect of damaging the soul. After a long time, the damage to the soul is too great, and it will not do us any good. It would be better not to capture those masters!" Song Yue refused. .

"Injury? How do I feel that I can nourish the soul?" Gao Jiuding said.

Song Yuedao: "In the beginning, it was indeed able to nourish the soul, but after a long time, it can corrode the soul of monsters. We have experimented many times, and we have confirmed it!"

Gao Jiuding was taken aback, Song Yue didn't need to lie to him, so what she said was true?
When you are free, you should study it carefully!
Gao Jiuding didn't care about the masters who were captured, and they were just a few masters of the blood pill stage. As long as they stripped their magic weapons and suppressed them alone in a small space pagoda, they wouldn't be able to make much trouble.

"Be careful, don't be attacked by them!" Gao Jiuding was no longer opposed to Song Yue's handling of those monks in the blood pill stage.

Song Yuedao: "Don't worry, if they want to sneak attack us, they have to break the spatial treasure tower first, right? The movement of doing that will definitely not be small, and when they show up, at worst we will catch them again!"

Gao Jiuding didn't say anything anymore, he looked at Tianyun City in front again.

The continuous attack once again exposed the city wall. Although the bricks of the city wall were still shining with aura, the huge crossbow arrows fired by the current eight-ox crossbow had already begun to cause damage to the city wall.

As the crossbow bolts hit the city wall one after another, after piercing through the aura guarding the city wall, some crossbow bolts would be inserted into the city wall, directly destroying the runes on the city wall bricks, making them useless.

The city wall bricks are the foundation of the guardian formation, that is, the countless city wall bricks form the defense formation of the entire Sky Fortune City.

Although destroying a few city wall bricks alone does not have much impact on the operation of the formation, but if one can be destroyed, the second can be destroyed. If there are too many bricks, the city wall will eventually collapse.

This process may last for a long time, because the city wall is not made of a layer of city wall bricks, as long as the entire city wall is not completely destroyed, the large formation will continue to function.

However, as long as the city wall is damaged, Gao Jiuding and the others can pass through this point and continue to infiltrate until they completely destroy this section of the city wall.

As long as a gap is broken, a gap will appear in the entire defensive formation of the city wall. At that time, Gao Jiuding's army can drive straight in.

"After the battle of attrition on the periphery, there shouldn't be many masters in Sky Fate City!" Many city walls were damaged, but Sky Fate City never launched a counterattack.

"In a big city with a population of one million, and it is ruled by an elite, they can at least gather a strong combat force of 50 million people!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Doesn't the combat power consumed on the periphery count?" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding said: "You wiped out all the enemies on the periphery? Didn't you? Maybe there are still more than one million troops in Tianyun City at this time!"

"Their heads have been solidified, otherwise they would not have stretched the battle line. For example, if they shrink their forces and abandon the outer city wall, it will be really difficult for us to deal with them!" Song Yue pointed to the city wall not far away. .

Such a city wall is forty to fifty kilometers long, and there are thousands of people stationed every 40 meters. Even if the city wall is only [-] kilometers long, there are [-] people defending it.

And the troops that participated in the siege of Tianyun City, more than ten million, still attacked in turn.

Therefore, even if Tianyun City has more than one million troops, it cannot hold back their constant consumption.

Song Yue intends to bully the few with more people, as long as she launches an attack, she will never stop unless the city is destroyed.

"Everyone has their own ideas, maybe they haven't reached the end of the mountain yet? It's better to be careful!" Gao Jiuding reminded.

Song Yue pointed in the direction of Iron Sword Gate and said, "Don't worry, when the outer space invades, the masters of Fa Xiangqi will definitely be taken away. Even if they are not taken away, they will not dare to show their faces, because someone is watching them Well, as long as their strength is brought into play, there will naturally be more powerful masters who will come out and catch him and send him into space as cannon fodder!"

"We have to get ready too. Thousands of flying shuttle troops have been dispatched this time. They should have been discovered by the sect!" Gao Jiuding sighed.

Zongmen has provided him with convenience, and he has to give back to Zongmen!

"Don't worry, I heard that only monks in the hemolytic period are eligible to participate in the war. At most, we will provide some resources. At worst, we will hand over all the [-] shuttles here!" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding looked at those flying shuttles. The materials used by these flying shuttles are all gold crystals. Although the production of demon stars is not much, they can be obtained through continuous sacrifice of refined iron.

Refined iron is continuously refined to form black iron. On the demon star, black iron is called steel mother, and the steel mother continues to be refined, and it will be purified and synthesized into gold crystals.

Gao Jiuding's batch of gold crystals can be considered to be explainable, because he has a huge fine iron vein underground in the northern mountain range.

Thinking about it now, there is still too much exposed. If it wasn't for the rapid expansion of strength, Gao Jiuding really wouldn't dare to do it so obviously.

 Thank you~ 200 coins reward from Awakening Brothers!Thank you for the reward from the brother who poisoned you thousands of times!
(End of this chapter)

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