The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 821 The final battle

Chapter 821 The final battle
The strength of Gao Jiuding's subordinates is still too weak. Even if he has a fine iron ore vein, it is impossible to refine so many gold crystals in a short period of time, let alone refining into a flying shuttle.

At most one team can easily kill a flying shuttle of blood core stage monsters. The value is definitely not low, at least for Tie Jianmen, it must be very eager to get.

"I don't know if the ancestor from Iron Sword Sect will do it himself?" Gao Jiuding could only hope that the ancestor would not look down on him and would not attack him.

He has been tossing for so long, and Tie Jianmen has not responded, which is a good sign.

"While they don't care, it's better to occupy more territory. Let all the flying shuttle troops be dispatched, and break through the defense line of Tianyun City today, so as not to have more dreams in the night!" Gao Jiuding was cruel, intending to test the bottom line of Tiejianmen.

Anyway, the shuttle troops have already exposed so much, and I don't mind exposing more!
"It's enough to send out a team of [-] people, right?" Song Yue said.

They only have a team of [-] people, and they are all guards of two people. Naturally, they can't release all of them. Of course, it's also because they can't expose too much.

"Then dispatch a team of [-] people and attack from ten directions!" Gao Jiuding thought for a while.

Song Yue thought for a while, and said: "Yes, it is still very difficult to exhaust the aura of Sky Fate City. This time, we will break through the Sky Fate City once. A large number of flying shuttles rushed into the city!"

After finishing speaking, Song Yue waved her hand, and immediately there were ten thousand-man teams separated, five teams from Gao Jiuding's side, and five teams from Song Yue's side, exactly 1 people.

A team of [-] people was divided into ten teams of [-] people. Each team chose a city wall with the most serious damage, and immediately launched an attack.

They were even faster, and in just an instant, they controlled the shuttle and got into the city wall.

The city wall, which was shot like a hornet's nest by the crossbow arrows, immediately collapsed after a loud bang.

The city wall with a thickness of more than 100 meters was quickly penetrated by hundreds of flying shuttles, and the nine hundred flying shuttles behind it quickly skipped over the collapsed city wall and flew into Tianyun City.

It was at this time that Gao Jiuding discovered that the countless buildings in Tianyun City were all shining with a strong aura, and he was going to continue fighting with them in the streets!
This is definitely resisting every step of the way, and it can also be said that every inch of rivers and mountains, every inch of blood, vows to resist Gao Jiuding's aggression.

It's a pity that the attack strength of the flying shuttle is beyond everyone's imagination. Even the city walls of Tianyun City can't stop it, but those buildings in the city can resist it?

From the huge gap on the city wall, Gao Jiuding could clearly see that those flying shuttles were like tigers entering a flock of sheep, breaking through the layers of defense behind the city wall and rushing into the street at a destructive speed.

Twelve hundred flying shuttles formed a torrent of steel, shattering everything in front of them and opening up a road to advance.

"Giant shield soldiers charge!"

"Heavy cavalry attack!"

"Beast crossbowmen attack!"

Following an order, countless troops passed through the damaged city wall in an orderly manner and poured into Tianyun City.

At this time, the scene in Tianyun City was the same as those of the small castles outside, except that the buildings were denser.

After crossing the city wall with a width of more than 100 meters, there is no urn city or anything inside. What you can see directly are streets, but the buildings on both sides of the street are all shining with aura, which is shrouded by formations.

However, these buildings covered by the formation couldn't stop the impact of the flying shuttle at all. After the flying shuttle rushed into the city, they immediately separated!

They fought in independent teams, and every time they encountered a building with a flash of spiritual light, they would swarm up, and they would not leave until the building was destroyed.

At this time, various troops from behind will also rush up and start to clean up the enemies in the collapsed building.

The air force and the army cooperated in the battle, destroying one direction after another. This series of blows caused heavy losses to the enemy. They had no time to react, and the entire line of defense completely collapsed.

After all the enemies near the city wall were cleared away, Gao Jiuding and Song Yue were surrounded by guards and finally entered Tianyun City.

At this time, the Sky Fortune City has become very chaotic, and there are battles on almost every street.

"Look over there, it seems that some buildings haven't launched a counterattack!" Song Yue said just after stopping in a clean place.

Gao Jiuding looked over, sure enough, there were many places to fight, but there were still some places, although they were covered by formations, the charging soldiers passed by without being attacked.

Discovering the problem, Gao Jiuding immediately probed and said: "Convey the order, as long as they swear allegiance to us, we can accept their surrender, and the personal safety, wealth and status of those who surrender will be guaranteed!"

"Surrenders don't kill!"

"The head of the family has an order, as long as you swear allegiance to protect the interests of those who surrender!"

"Surrender without killing, and those who resist will be killed!"

"As long as you surrender, your personal safety and wealth status will be guaranteed!"

Following Gao Jiuding's order, people soon began to surrender!
No one can clearly see the current situation. They have been beaten here from thousands of kilometers away. Can't they explain something?
Following the execution of the surrender order, large areas of the outer neighborhoods began to stop fighting.

Although those buildings were still tightly wrapped by formations, they never launched a counterattack, which accelerated the speed of the siege.

The shuttle troops were the first to attack the city. At this time, they had already occupied some important nodes, cutting off the defense forces inside the city, making them unable to cooperate with each other.

The defenders in the surrounding buildings stopped attacking and prepared to surrender only after seeing this situation.

They are very clear about the tactics of the siege troops, as long as they get close to them, they will be surrounded, and when they are surrounded, they will start to break down one by one.

By now, everyone knows that Sky Fortune City cannot be defended.

As the fighting in the outer neighborhoods ended, massive cavalry units began to move into the city.

When he saw countless cavalry crisscrossing the city, Gao Jiuding knew that Tianyun City belonged to him.

Gao Jiuding casually released his battleship, and pulled Song Yuefei into it.

As Gao Jiuding and Song Yue disappeared, the countless guards who had surrounded them all took out their shuttles and flew into the air.

Gao Jiuding did not rush to launch an attack, but used the thousand-mile tracking mirror to carefully observe the entire Sky Fortune City.

"So many lakes and streams?" Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded after seeing clearly the Sky Fortune City covering a radius of more than a thousand kilometers.

The situation here is completely different from what he imagined. He was originally a metropolis where many people gathered together, just like the magic capitals and capitals in China. There are tall buildings everywhere, or they are all small castles.

But it’s not here, it’s more like a large garden, with mountains and hills inside, all of which are surrounded by lakes or streams, but lakes and rivers occupy a huge part of the ground.

Along the rivers and lakes, and even in the lakes, there are some dense buildings, and these buildings are Chinese-style buildings with pavilions and pavilions, which are not at all different from the small castles seen outside.

"Tianyun City, which is [-] kilometers away, is Acropolis [-] kilometers away, so the palace group covering a radius of [-] kilometers is the Royal City?" Song Yue was also surprised.

"Then the Acropolis on the northernmost island? The Acropolis in the southwest is even bigger!" Gao Jiuding said.

"This city is really strange, the royal city is not in the center!" Song Yue said strangely.

Gao Jiuding looked at it for a while and said: "It's actually not surprising. This city was obviously built with the back of the Daxue Mountain. The lakes and rivers here should originate from the Daxue Mountain behind, or this is simply the source of the Sky Canal. !"

"Maybe that's it. The geographical location here is truly unique!" Song Yue exclaimed.

"The surrounding city along the rivers and lakes must be tough!" Gao Jiuding sighed, the battle is not over yet!

At this time, the battle in the outer city was almost over. The main reason was that they had too many fighters, which had already filled the streets in the entire city. No matter who resisted, they would immediately be surrounded and beaten.

On some nodes extending from the inner city in the north, there are still sporadic resistance forces, but at this time, they are being besieged by the shuttle troops.

The [-] flying shuttle troops are the fastest. They specialize in looking for those diehards to launch attacks, and they swarm them every time.

This kind of attack is bullying, but the effect is good. Every time they encounter resistance, they will quickly pounce on them and eliminate them immediately.

Just like that, a group of flying shuttles streaked across the sky like shooting stars, approaching the royal city in the north without stopping.

"Let's help out, target the central city, attack!" Entering the cockpit, Gao Jiuding immediately issued the final attack order.

He brought [-] flying shuttle troops to the northwest of the city in just an instant.

Looking at the resplendent royal city below, Gao Jiuding was a little moved. The palace city here is even more majestic than the Forbidden City in China.

The tall city walls and majestic buildings are hidden among the mountains, jungles, lakes, and streams shining with strong aura!
"Is this a huge garden? The people here really enjoy it!" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery, he directly issued an order: "Squads form an formation, attack freely!"

Following Gao Jiuding's order, the countless flying shuttles around him were divided into small groups, circled around the city, and landed at high speed.

"Boom!" Countless thunder lights flashed and struck those flying shuttles in an instant.

The blue electric arc instantly spread over the entire royal city, making the surrounding sky blue!
"I knew it, this is the last battlefield!" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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