The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 822 Natural Treasure

Chapter 822 Natural Treasure
Preventing lightning attacks is the most basic function of the shuttle. Whether it is divine thunder or ordinary lightning, it cannot smash the shuttle.

Countless flying shuttles rolled and moved forward quickly, and they were about to rush into the exquisite garden. At this time, many monks flew out of the jungle, lake, and mountain peaks in an instant.

"It's another thousand-man team, and there are only ten blood-dan stage monks in it!" Gao Jiuding said immediately.

"It's just right, we have ten thousand flying shuttles here, and it happens that ten flying shuttles can deal with one person!" Song Yue said with a light smile.

The speed of both sides was very fast. As soon as Song Yue's voice fell, more than half of the monks who flew into the air were shot down.

A peak cultivator in the hemolytic period is considered a master in shopping with people, but it is not enough to deal with the shuttle, which is more powerful than a fighter jet.

The two sides only had a little contact, and many monks in the hemolytic period were hit and torn apart by more than a dozen flying shuttles!
Just barely breathing, ten solitary figures descended from the sky.

"This kind of situation has been encountered several times in the periphery. In general, there should be more than a hundred monks in the blood pill stage!" Song Yue said.

"The blood pill period is more than a hundred? So the number of the peak strength of hemolysis exceeds ten thousand?" Gao Jiuding really didn't expect that the strength of the golden wolf clan is so powerful.

"Without the siege of the flying shuttle, we would never have come here!" Song Yue said affirmatively.

Gao Jiuding shook his head, and said: "The weak are preyed on by the strong, their strength is still a little weaker!"

With the elimination of the last batch of resistance forces, the faintly exposed royal city was completely exposed in front of Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding saw that the passport covering the royal city collapsed in an instant. He didn't know whether someone destroyed the formation or the people inside the royal city took the initiative to revoke the defense.

No matter what, this royal city has fallen!

Seeing that the flying shuttle troops were about to completely occupy the imperial city, Gao Jiuding and Song Yue slowly controlled the battleship and landed outside a hall.

This hall is too conspicuous, the tallest of the other buildings is no more than 30 to [-] meters, and many are only about ten meters, which makes this hall look extraordinarily tall and majestic.

The architecture of the entire royal city is very different from the Forbidden City on Earth. It is more majestic, especially the hall in front of it, which seems to be carved out of a complete boulder, no matter which direction you look at it, it looks like a whole.

99 meters high, 99 meters wide, and 99 meters long, it is just such a huge square building, but the interior is empty without any support.

Gao Jiuding looked at this huge building strangely. It looked a little strange, but it actually exuded a strong green aura.

This can only show that this is a building carved out of wood-based materials. It is not earth, stone or metal, but a piece of wood?
The more he observes, the more surprised Gao Jiuding is. What is this huge building on the outside?All runes?

Under Gao Jiuding's gaze, the originally connected aura turned into green dragons, winding and swimming around the exterior of the entire building, like living creatures.

Gao Jiuding knew that this building was definitely a treasure, even if its internal space was very normal and not a magic weapon of space, it was definitely a rare treasure.

Not to mention anything else, just the rune that swims like a dragon on the outer layer, it is a treasure!
From bottom to top, every green light dragon is complete, and every time they flow, it represents a formation rune!
This building is a natural treasure, and its internal runes can grow, transform, and connect with each other. This is a natural formation textbook.

Reluctantly pulling out his eyes from the formation runes, Gao Jiuding looked at the doors and windows specially set aside by the building.

Through the doors and windows with exquisite patterns, you can see the situation inside. There are a hundred large seats carved with various monster wolves.

The interior space is not too empty, but it looks not too small. Except for the oppressive one hundred seats, the remaining space is not too big.

At this time, there were only some people who were not sufficiently breathed, standing scattered around the hall!
On the huge chair in the hall, there is only one person, who is sitting on the northernmost, highest, largest and most exquisite seat.

The majestic hall, the majestic seats, and the person sitting on it are a mountain of meat, a fat man who is so fat that he can't see his eyes.

Even from a distance, Gao Jiuding can tell at a glance that this fat man is only at the peak of the hemolysis stage, and he is not a monk at the blood pill stage.

It's a bit strange that a tall guy is not the one with the highest cultivation level.

Could it be that the blood inheritance above the demon star is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people?
What qualifications does this big fat man have, so many monks at the blood pill stage dare not replace him?
"Clean up all the buildings and don't leave anyone behind!" Although there were many doubts, Gao Jiuding didn't want to go down and ask in person.

"Which demon king is coming outside? Please come in and talk!" Seeing that countless flying shuttles were about to break into the hall, the fat man sitting on the seat in the hall finally spoke.

The huge voice kept echoing in the hall, making him look a little imposing.

"The demon king?" Gao Jiuding glanced at Song Yue, how did the demon king come here?

"Maybe it's because we came from the jungle!" Song Yue said with a smile.

"En? This might be a trap!" Gao Jiuding rolled his eyes and said, "I'm a disciple of the Tiejian Sect's lower court. I'm here this time to recover our Tiejian Sect's former homeland, not some demon king!"

"Not the demon king? How come there are so many demon mounts?" The fat man asked with small eyes.

"You Golden Wolf Clan, don't you also control a huge number of demon wolves? Could it be that you are also a demon clan?" Gao Jiuding said amusedly.

"Golden wolf clan?" The fat man asked in astonishment.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback, the fat man's expression was a bit strange!

"Aren't you from the Golden Wolf Clan?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Why do you think we are the golden wolf clan?" The fat man laughed out loud as if he had heard something very funny.

Waiting until the eyes were full of tears, he stopped smiling and said, "We are the survivors of the Beast Clan, and this is our land. You monsters from overseas, dare to say that this is your hometown? You How many days have you climbed ashore?"

Looking at the vicious big fat man, his face was already full of ferocity at this time, it seemed that he wanted to gnaw his bones and eat his flesh!
"My lord, what's the use of talking? Ups and downs, the way of nature, now that we are in decline, Hegai Tiejianmen will rise, and after defeat, there is no need to complain!" The man appeared from behind a seat and said loudly.

"The weak prey on the strong. I have experienced many things like this. How many sects have been destroyed with the rise of our Beast Master Sect? The rise of the Heavenly Sword Sect and our retreat, the decline of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and our rise. How many tribes disappeared on the grassland after that?"

"Partition and reunion, the way of nature, for us, there is nothing unbearable, just like our integration of grassland tribes, now that we are weak, it is not a bad thing to merge into the embrace of the strong!"

"Yes, if you lose, you have to admit it. If you resist to the end, it will only increase the losses of both parties!"

"Your Majesty is arrogant and extravagant, and doesn't think about making progress, that's why we got the current result!"

"All resources are used for pleasure, and they keep suppressing dissidents. This is the way to die!"

Hearing the clamor of the people around him, the big fat man suddenly laughed: "Haha, what a joke, you cancerous, soft bastards, what qualifications do you have to talk about merits and demerits in front of me? Previously, I said surrender , That would allow a lot of people to survive, but what about you?

What now?Waiting for someone to put a knife on your neck, and shamelessly preach the benefits of surrender?How can you be so shameless?Those previous people all died in vain? "

Following the voice of the big fat man, echoed in the hall, the whole hall fell silent, and those people inside all stood there with their hands tied, not saying anything more.

"Then come out and surrender. I have already said that after surrendering, your life and property can be guaranteed!" Gao Jiuding didn't want to hear any more. The decline of a power is nothing more than that reason, discord between top and bottom, and excessive corruption etc.

If it weren't for these people who scraped the ground and didn't give ordinary people the chance to practice desperately, would they have ended up like this now?

"Come out one by one, why don't you let us go in and invite us?" The commander-in-chief of the battlefield is here. His name is Shen Mingyi, and he takes God as his surname, which shows that his ancestors have lofty ideals, but unfortunately they have been poor until they met Gao Jiuding. Go to the pinnacle of life.

Shen Mingyi is a real talent, good at commanding operations, especially for large-scale army mobilization, he is even more proficient!
This kind of military talent is really rare, so after a little performance, he immediately rose to the top.

The main reason is that there are too few talents who can control the army. This is definitely a handsome talent, comparable to Han Xin's top talent.

With the arrival of Shen Mingyi, he directly began to control the field.

Gao Jiuding looked around, all the surrounding buildings were surrounded, no matter whether there were people inside, someone launched a comprehensive search.

"Patriarch, we have controlled all the formation nodes, and now we have found the library, the refining workshop, and the alchemy workshop, but we just haven't found their treasure house!" Shenming reported in a low voice.

"Control everyone here first!" Gao Jiuding reminded, they haven't completely occupied this place yet, don't be careless and let others turn the tables.

"Understood, we will detain all the people in the building separately. There are hundreds of people in any palace outside. Now tens of thousands of prisoners have been collected and detained. This is the roster!" Shen Mingyi said, handing it to Gao Jiuding bought a volume of animal skins.

Gao Jiuding took it over and flipped it over a bit. The ones captured in the front were all defeated soldiers, but the ones in the back were different. From various buildings in the city, the family members of the major families, especially the important women and child.

 Thank you~ 200 coins reward for Awakening, Queen of Heaven and Queen of Earth Brothers!Thank you for your reward, brother who poisoned you thousands of times!
(End of this chapter)

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