The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 823 Endless Luxury

Chapter 823 Endless Luxury
"These last people are all from the royal family, including some princes of the royal family, as well as princesses, servants and so on. The number is huge!" Shen Ming said.

Gao Jiuding looked at it one by one, and the number was really huge, but the big fat man had more than 100 concubines, and more than 1 maids.

This situation shouldn't be a big deal. In the small castle they first broke through in the north, hundreds of well-qualified maids were trained.

If there is training in every small castle, then the number of maids these nobles can choose from is too large.

"Princes, princesses and those noble children must be taken seriously, but these maids and internal guards are the ones we can fight for!" Gao Jiuding looked at the guards in the entire imperial city, a total of [-].

The 1000 people who flew up into the sky before were the best of them. It was because those people were quickly exterminated that they could easily occupy this royal city now.

After eliminating those masters, the rest are ordinary monks who have been raised and disabled. How could they fight Gao Jiuding's army with all their might?
The people here may have good qualifications, but they live too comfortably, and they don't have much enterprising spirit. Otherwise, they can't all become softies and let Gao Jiuding and the others manipulate them wantonly.

For example, the big fat man sitting on top of the main hall looked very proud at first, but at this time, he has become a bereaved dog!
Looking at the downcast fat man, who looked like the sky had fallen, Gao Jiuding also lost interest in talking to him.

With a thought, all the people in the hall were collected by Gao Jiuding into the Demon Town Tower.

The people in this hall are all masters, at least they have a high level of cultivation. As for the combat power, let's not talk about it.

Those who did not resist were captured, do they still have fighting power?

This group of people are definitely those who pursue longevity, the most standard monks, do not practice spells, do not need combat power, they just pursue longevity wholeheartedly!
These people only have cultivation bases and do not have the combat power to match their cultivation bases.

This is equivalent to a group of pigs with a long lifespan. No, it should be a spirit beast that only knows how to cultivate. It has no combat power. It only knows how to accumulate aura and increase its lifespan. , it can only be swallowed by predators.

"Continue to search, a civilization that has been passed down for thousands of years must have accumulated a bit, find out their treasure house!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand and let all his men begin to clear the field.

"Patriarch, why don't you find a place to rest first?" Shen Ming said.

"Well, let's find a small mansion that is not valued!" Gao Jiuding glanced at the surrounding buildings and said.

Although I really want to study that wooden palace, but it's too messy now, it's better not to enter that kind of place.

Anyway, he can't escape from such a huge wooden palace, he will have a chance to live in it after all!
Following a group of soldiers, Gao Jiuding walked towards a building not far away.

Walking among the flowers and trees, smelling the quiet fragrance, they passed through countless pavilions and pavilions all the way.

There are flowers, plants and trees beside the pavilions, rockery and flowing water. None of these things are ordinary.

Spirit grass, spirit wood, and spirit flowers are normal. This is the normal accumulation of a big force, but the rockery piled up with spirit stones, and the flowing water covered with spirit stones, isn't it too bold?
Even if this is the imperial city, aren't they afraid of being stolen?
And the pavilions, towers and pavilions carefully carved out of spirit wood and spirit mines, Gao Jiuding's heart twitched. Aren't these things used for refining weapons?

If you read too much, you will become numb, but they are just some spiritual materials. In Gao Jiuding's hands, there are many things better than these.

A group of people walked into a building, which is full of wood and stone structure palaces, not tall, but very luxurious, and most importantly, it is clear at a glance.

Whether it's the underground, the sky, or the building, all of them have been searched, and Gao Jiuding was placed here because it is the least likely to be tricky here.

"This should be a side hall, usually used as the king's palace, or used to accommodate some princes and princesses!" Luan Changming said in a low voice.

"The door of the main hall, isn't it made of a whole spiritual tree?" Gao Jiuding's mouth twitched as he looked at the door that was shining with green aura.

The swimming green rune above also has the posture of a little dragon, how similar it is to the [-]-meter-high hall just now!

"Anything here is considered a treasure. Our people are very careful and can definitely receive it in its entirety!" Luan Changming said.

Song Yue said: "We definitely need the guards and maids here, but they must not appear here in the future!"

Luan Changming immediately said: "Don't worry, ma'am, we have now completely occupied the north bank of Tianyun River, controlling a population of 6000 million, and there are at least a few million qualified young maids and guards inside!"

"Well, just pick some people with good qualifications and clear family relationships!" Song Yue said.

Luan Changming immediately said: "This is simple. Originally, those personnel who were trained by nobles from all over the country were the focus of our Guanzhu. Now we have drawn a group of people to come here, and it is not difficult at all!"

Seeing the two chatting more and more speculatively, Gao Jiuding was already full of black lines. Is Song Yue planning to let him become the king?
The palace still needs eunuchs, and the Sangong Sixth Courtyard, why didn't Song Yue say that?

Gao Jiuding glared at Luan Changming, and said: "I don't think you need to bother, our guards are the most suitable to fill here, look at Luan Changming, he has a white face and no beard, just suitable to be a great eunuch!"

After finishing speaking, leaving Luan Changming with a confused face, Gao Jiuding pushed the door open and entered.

"Squeak!" The heavy door was easily pushed open, and the aura on it flickered, but no restriction was activated.

Gao Jiuding nodded happily. Recently, his knowledge of formations has improved, otherwise he would not have been able to open these two portals accurately.

It precisely hit the hub of the gate without mobilizing the formation. This is because Gao Jiuding can clearly see the flow route of the formation. As long as the runes are not intercepted and the runes continue to flow smoothly, the two gates will not move. anything goes wrong.

The action of opening the door may seem simple, but it contains a very high level of formation knowledge, which is the foundation of a powerful force that has been passed down for a long time.

It is convenient and fast, and has a certain degree of security. This is not something that ordinary people can make, nor is it something that ordinary families can put out!
Opening the door, Gao Jiuding was dazzled before he walked in. He rubbed his eyes and looked closely. What did he see?
There are two tall pagodas on both sides of the gate. The golden pagodas have a total of nine floors.

Gao Jiuding had seen a lot of golden pagodas, and all the golden crystal pagodas in his hands were of this color, so what dazzled his eyes was not the golden pagoda, but the gemstones inlaid on top of the pagoda.

In the nine-story pagoda, each floor of the whole body is inlaid with emeralds, densely packed, almost covering up the golden color of the pagoda.

Around the green gem, there is a trace of golden yellow, as if the emerald can also emit golden light, which is so beautiful.

"It's so beautiful!" Song Yue, who was standing outside just now, had already run to the front of Gao Jiuding, and surrounded a pagoda, stroking non-stop.

Seeing Song Yue like that, Gao Jiuding was about to hide his face, which was too embarrassing.

Along the way, aren't those spirit flowers and grasses more valuable than this golden pagoda?
"Women are really strange animals!" Looking at Song Yue's shining eyes, Gao Jiuding thought that women are really like giant dragons, and they like things that are shiny, shiny, crystal clear, and beautiful.

"What did you say?" Gao Jiuding's voice was not low, even though Song Yue was looking at the Jin Pagoda fascinated, she heard Gao Jiuding's words, which made her look a little upside down.

Gao Jiuding was still very good at reading facial expressions, he immediately walked a few steps quickly and said, "It's nothing, as long as you like it!"

"Even if you are sensible, I can be regarded as a person who has seen the world, but even so, I am still a little surprised. The people here are too extravagant, no wonder they are going to perish, we should be happy!" Song Yue said proudly.

Gao Jiuding was speechless, what else could he say?Can robbery and land grabbing be so justified?
Shaking his head, Gao Jiuding didn't care about Song Yue any more. He continued to walk forward. Just after taking a step, he saw a pair of ivory and a pair of bronze carved dragons on the left and right sides of the golden pagoda.

These things all carry a strong aura, and you don't need to look too much to know that they are rare treasures.

But now these treasures have not been refined into magic weapons, but are piled up here and become ornamental objects!
Of course, even without processing, these are all magic weapons, and next to these things, there are also treasures, which are a pair of gold pots, the whole body of the gold pots is shining with wishful patterns, and they are inlaid with orbs, emeralds and rubies.

Gao Jiuding didn't know what the use of the shining white orb was, but he could see that the emerald had a strong green aura, it was a treasure of the wood system!

And that ruby, its surroundings are blood red, what kind of rich fire aura is there to form such an easy aura?

If these are refined into a magic weapon, you don't need to think about it to know that the power will be very impressive!

Going forward, Gao Jiuding found a glass table cabinet, no, it should be a jade table cabinet, five-color glass jade, just cut and used as glass.

There is a string of large rosary beads inside. There are 154 beads in this string, which is different from the usual 108 beads.

After a few glances, there was no aura, which made Gao Jiuding a little strange. There are all treasures and spiritual materials here. This bead without any aura will not be a simple thing no matter how you look at it.

Pick it up casually, inject Qi and blood, there is no response, is it really an ordinary thing?
Although it felt strange, Gao Jiuding didn't put it back to the original place, but put it in the storage ring casually.

Keep going forward, this is already exploring and discovering, and every discovery is a treasure.

At the end is a row of storage shelves, or a screen wall?interval?screen?

(End of this chapter)

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