The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 824 Spirit Stone Dragon

Chapter 824 Spirit Stone Dragon
That thick screen is just a wooden frame, not to mention the wooden frame, the overall carving of spirit wood is so normal here!

Gao Jiuding mainly looked at the exquisite and complicated patterns on the shelves, as well as those carved flowers and plants!

It's not that the carvings are so good, but because these are flaws, with these exquisite patterns, although they look very beautiful, they destroy the formation runes on these natural logs!

However, the carving of this thing is really beautiful, the whole body is golden, and it is still shining with various colors of light, and the flowers and plants are as if they are alive, especially some blooming flowers, which make Gao Jiuding feel as if he smelled the fragrance emanating from it. Strong aroma.

Move your eyes away from the wooden shelf, because Gao Jiuding knows that the wooden shelf is not the point, it is just a carrying object.

Looking at a small compartment, there is a jade ruyi on it. Of course, this jade ruyi is also shining with aura, which shows that this is a magic weapon, not an ornament.

Jade Ruyi is white and green in color, but its aura is earthy yellow. It is carved into the shape of a porous fungus, and the top of the handle is engraved with an inscription!

After studying it carefully, it seems that it means looking forward to a good harvest, but it is similar to the inscription on a jade Ruyi that Gao Jiuding has seen: "Regard that you will be ripe for many years, and the world will be happy."

"Earth magic weapon!" Gao Jiuding glanced at it a few times, but didn't use it.

The line of sight shifted, and the other places were all magic weapons shining with earth-yellow aura, gourd bottles, Zun bottles, lotus bottles and so on made of unknown materials.

It's just that on this screen wall, there are dozens of magic weapons, and all of them are earth magic weapons. Could it be that the owner of this palace is an earth monk?

Gao Jiuding was so shocked that he was a little numb. Just now Shen Mingyi said that he hadn't found the treasure house, so what are these things here?Maybe other people's treasure house is placed under their noses.

Who said that the treasure house must be hidden in secret?He is strong and confident, so he dares to put all the treasures in the room where he usually lives, so that he can still enjoy it at ordinary times, how good is it?

Next, Gao Jiuding and the others felt as if they had entered a museum, seeing the luxury they had never seen in their entire lives!

Every corner of this palace contained treasures that would surprise him at a glance.

Among them were white and green jade stones of various shades, antique porcelain vases, bronze objects, and statues of gold and silver.

These are not the most, the most are fur products that are very precious at first glance. These furs have only been treated a little, but each one is very delicate!

Many of them are very expensive, some like sable fur, and there are treasures that are waterproof like otter!
Other colors are as exquisite as sable fur and firefox fur, and ordinary ones like lamb fur are countless.

Of course, what is particularly eye-catching is that all kinds of exquisite costumes in the room are shining with aura!

These are the clothes that people usually wear, but these clothes are not low-grade, and each has its own characteristics!

The most conspicuous thing is an armor with a battle helmet, which is obviously more than a simple defense.

There are a lot of treasures here, and they all have a strong atmosphere of life. From the placement, it can be seen that these are the daily necessities of others.

For example, red gold jugs carved with patterns, jade plaques and jade pendants made of gold, etc.!
The two general's decorative sticks are made of unknown materials, with large gems inlaid in the middle and at both ends, and the workmanship is extremely fine.

These are still small, and there are quite a few big ones here, such as a white jade horse that is one meter long and more than 60 centimeters high.

When he first saw it, Gao Jiuding thought it was a glazed horse, but after a closer look, he realized that it was definitely a white jade horse.

It is as crystal clear as glass, just looking at its oily luster, you can tell that the original owner of this thing loves it very much, and must have played with it a lot.

Next, Gao Jiuding saw the god statues, calligraphy and paintings, ancient books,

Many rings and collars in the jewelry room.

Wine glasses, lacquerware, and porcelain in the utensil room.

And in the warehouse, there are thousands of rare playthings.

It can be said that there is everything here, such as exquisite small stone carvings, copper animal heads, bronze ware, and ceramic ware.

There are also calligraphy and painting, seals, and palace furnishings such as jade ruyis, clocks, golden pagodas, and jade chimes!
After just wandering around for a while, Gao Jiu found lacquerware, jadeware, ivory carvings, coral, agate, amber, crystal, gemstones, beads, wood carvings and so on.

Pick up a sword casually, this is a jade sword, a magic weapon of the earth attribute, it can be activated flexibly with a little output of Qi and blood, this is definitely a good thing.

Put down the jade sword, and then look at other things. The jade sword, jade earcup, goose-shaped pendant, amber the size of a grape, with micro-holes drilled at both ends, aligned and pierced through. There are zerg in this amber, which is precious Worm amber.

Gao Jiuding didn't know if this side hall was special, or if there were many palaces here, they were all decorated like this.

When you are full, warm and thoughtful, and have enough living materials, you will definitely pay attention to enjoyment, and this kind of enjoyment is not only reflected in beautiful women and food, but also the pursuit of various works of art, or simply artistic accomplishment.

For cultivators who lack cultivation materials, all things that cannot be used for cultivation are garbage, but here it is completely different.

Three generations of nobles, what is a noble?It is not only the pursuit of useful things, but also some flashy things, such as the bronze chimes, chimes, zithers, harps, pan flutes, and figurines of figurines that Gao Jiuding has seen just now.

Those are useless, but there are more useful things, such as bamboo slips, wooden tablets, and lacquer boxes with characters, ancient utensils with inscriptions, and thousands of bone utensils with inscriptions and inscriptions.

Those are the inheritance of civilization, and there are other practical utensils, such as bronze goose fish lamps, bronze hot pots, bronze mirrors, etc., the patterns on them are lifelike, and they are inlaid with agate, turquoise, gemstones, etc.

There are the most daily necessities, ornamental utensils, and weapons here, and the other is classics. There are not only a large number of jade slips and animal skin scrolls, but also bamboo slips, wooden slips, oracle bones, and lacquered scrolls with writing.

These are nothing, Gao Jiuding was still in a house in the end, and found a lot of gold plates.

These gold plates stood up like walls in the room. If it wasn't for the densely packed small characters and some patterns of human acupoints and blood vessels on them, Gao Jiuding could not be connected with the inheritance classics.

After looking at dozens of gold plates one after another, Gao Jiuding discovered that these gold plates recorded not only the road map of human's exercises, but also the blood circulation map of the monster's body, which is not easy.

Looking at the similar pictures one after another, Gao Jiuding took out his jade sledgehammer, took all the pictures and written materials that could be photographed, and sent a copy to Song Yue. Of course, An Shenxiu did not will forget.

After Song Yue left the earth, her research institute is now controlled by An Shenxiu.

"Is it really a remnant of the Beastmaster Sect?" Gao Jiuding looked away from the image of a snake like a dragon. There are too many valuable things here, and he still needs to continue to explore.

In some rooms that look very ordinary on the outside, Gao Jiuding saw the anatomy diagrams of phoenixes, dragons, and even some legendary beasts, all of which left their diagrams here. It is not something that a small local power can do.

Walking into the backyard, Gao Jiuding didn't think about those classics anymore, he walked and read them all the way, until the end, he was almost numb!
However, when he entered a small courtyard at the back, Gao Jiuding was shocked again. What he saw in front of him was a Lingshi mountain carved into a dragon's head.

This is moving a spiritual vein to the ground and carving it into a dragon?
It's not that Gao Jiuding has never seen a large piece of spiritual stone, but such a complete small spiritual vein is placed here so naked, is it looking for a beating?
"It's just a dragon's head dug out? Half of its body?" Gao Jiuding could only marvel again as he looked at the little dragon shining with strong aura.

There is a small earth spirit vein buried in the mountain at the back, which Gao Jiuding is very eager to get. Now in front of him is a divine dragon carved out of medium-grade earth spirit stones!

"Take it away, or put it here?" Gao Jiuding touched the spirit stone dragon as he walked.

People have dug out so much of it, so shouldn't he be polite?

"Let's see the situation first?" Gao Jiuding came to a small hill.

This small earth spirit vein came from this hill, Gao Jiuding explored around for a while, and found a cave.

"Is there a password?" Gao Jiuding's eyes widened as he looked at the cave door, which was seamlessly stitched together as one.

He thought of the ordinary wooden doors in the hall, and even those wooden doors had restrictions, let alone a cave in a spiritual vein.

The defense method of this cave is very sophisticated, and it is definitely not comparable to the gate of ordinary halls.

This cave is completely sealed off by the earth spirit veins, let alone whether the spirit energy is sufficient or not, it is a small spirit vein itself, if one is not good, if this spirit vein explodes, the entire palace can be wiped out.

Because the eyes can see the direction of spiritual energy flow, and Gao Jiuding can transform the body into energy, and can also refine other people's blood, so he is particularly good at breaking the restrictions set by others.

After taking a few glances, Gao Jiuding could see clearly the sealing method of this cave, which is a kind of blood seal restriction, with a stream of blood flowing inside.

Don't need to think about Gao Jiuding to know that if the blood essence imported by outsiders conflicts with the blood essence in this portal, it will definitely trigger the restrictions placed in the spirit veins, and even directly cause the spirit veins to explode.

No matter what kind of consequences it is, Gao Jiuding cannot bear it.

Destruction is impossible to destroy, because he is not incapable of dealing with it.

 Thanks to Brother SU482899 for the reward of 1000 coins, thank you ~ Brother Awakening for the reward of 200 coins!Thank you for your reward, brother who poisoned you thousands of times!
(End of this chapter)

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