The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 825 Earth Spirit Cave

Chapter 825 Earth Spirit Cave

As soon as Gao Jiuding thought, his arm turned into a bloody light and invaded into the spiritual veins!
This blood light immediately merged into the blood essence in the spirit veins. Before the two blood essences collided, the blood light transformed by Gao Jiuding began to melt and refine the blood essence in the spirit veins.

It was just a stream of blood essence, a mass of blood essence without wisdom, as long as it did not cause conflict, it would be a dead thing, so it was relatively easy for Gao Jiuding to refine it.

In just an instant, that blood essence was refined, and at the same time, the blood essence transformed by Gao Jiuding filled the spiritual vein restriction, forming a new wave of blood essence.

"This is also part of the blood inheritance, right?" His own blood has replaced the blood that has been passed down countless times from others, forming a new inheritance. How could Gao Jiuding be unhappy?

This is also a kind of genetic code. If it is not for the blood of the royal family here, it should be impossible to open this cave.

Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and the essence blood in the spirit vein was stimulated. At this time, Gao Jiuding didn't need to control it. The essence blood moved quickly along the restriction in the spirit vein. It didn't know how to activate it just for a moment. What a ban, opened the door of the cave.

"En?" Seeing that the door of the cave was about to open, but before Gao Jiuding was happy, he felt a force, through the energy and blood in the spiritual vein, invade his body forcefully, and then entered his body Consciousness sea.

Gao Jiuding was startled, divine sense invaded?No, it should be Soul Invasion!
Gao Jiuding's cold sweat broke out all at once, he was careless!

Gao Jiuding's mind sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, but before he could react, the broken earthen pot in his sea of ​​consciousness started to exert strength again!

A powerful suction absorbed the force that invaded his sea of ​​consciousness in one go.

Gao Jiuding wiped his cold sweat. He was really careless. He should have thought that it would not be too simple. There is more than one royal family here. If every royal family with the same blood can easily open the cave and hide things ?

Since there is a restriction, and it can only be opened by the blood of the royal family, there must be other means to guard against the prying eyes of the ambitious people who are also from the royal family.

The double insurance of blood and soul can also be said to be an intelligent anti-theft system. Essence and blood are the password. If the password is entered correctly, it needs artificial intelligence to verify.

"I don't know what's inside, but it's so tightly protected!" Gao Jiuding's eyes lit up, and he injected energy and blood again to activate the portal in front of him.

The khaki-colored Lingshi portal opened silently, and Gao Jiuding, a master of art, walked in without much hesitation.

The guards who had been chasing him, led by Luan Changming, had already walked in front of him.

In fact, in such a tightly protected place, it is impossible for someone to guard it inside!

"Patriarch, a storage room should not be a treasure house!" Luan Changming reported before walking a few steps.

"What is stored? No treasure?" Gao Jiuding said.

"Look, it should be Bingjia!" Luan Changming stepped aside to let Gao Jiuding see what was behind him.

Gao Jiuding saw that there were countless figures in front of him, standing straight and densely packed with countless soldiers.

Look carefully, what kind of fighter is this?Here's some standing armor!
Standing with a full set of armor, I still have my spear in my hand, a knife on my waist, a flying sword in the sword box behind my back, and an arm shield on my left arm. This is definitely fully armed.

"Patriarch, this is a combined armor, not our one-piece armor. You see, it is composed of upper body armor, skirt armor, boots, gloves, shoulder pads, helmet, and face armor. Each of them is A magic weapon made with exquisite craftsmanship!" Zhan Jiyan pointed to a piece of armor and introduced it.

Gao Jiuding looked carefully, and found that the quality was good, all of which were ninth-tier treasures, only one step away from becoming spiritual weapons. Even the long spears, long knives, and flying swords held by the armor were all nine-tier treasures.

And there is not one set of such ninth-order treasures, but countless sets.

Looking at the densely packed army behind him, like Qin Shihuang's terracotta warriors, Gao Jiuding had ten thousand mmp words in his heart that he wanted to say!
This f*cking golden wolf clansman is full of shit in his brain?They have good things they don't use, so what are they hiding?
That idiot named Wolf Thirteen also has this problem, and the royal family here also has this problem.

If Wolf Thirteen was caught off guard by him, what about the royal family here?

The two sides have been fighting for several months, but they didn't think about equipping their men well?

In the end, even if he surrendered, he didn't have the idea of ​​using these things to arm his subordinates. What kind of brain circuit is this?

"It should be difficult to refine. In a short period of time, such a complicated and high-end treasure, even if equipped with subordinates, cannot be refined. On the contrary, it is not as good as their original magic weapon!" Luan Changming suddenly said. .

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, Luan Changming was still good at figuring out what he wanted.

It should be similar to what Luan Changming said. In normal times, it is naturally impossible for the royal family to give good things to their subordinates for nothing, especially when their subordinates have so many blood pill stages, and their king is actually at the peak of the hemolytic stage. This is even more necessary to suppress up.

It is too late to arm the men after the enemy has reached the door.

After all, the treasures here are not ordinary things, and they can't exert their full power just by handing them out!

"It's so cheap for us?" Gao Jiuding still can't believe it now. Could it be that those guys who surrendered still have a second hand?
"It should be cheaper for us. They are corrupt and have internal discord. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to defeat them so easily!" Zhan Jiyan said.

Luan Changming said again: "At first we looked down on us, thinking that we were a bunch of rubbish, and we couldn't make any waves. When we organized a large army, they still dismissed them and thought they were a mob. Sky Fate City, when the encirclement is formed, it's too late to say anything!"

Zhan Jiyan also said again: "It's still a few wives who are very powerful. The infiltration plan formulated by the second lady directly sent the Tianyou army to the surroundings of Tianyun City. Later, the eldest lady came to integrate the forces and directly surrounded Tianyun City. There is no Give them time to prepare!"

Gao Jiuding kept nodding his head. It had to be said that Song Yue and An Shenxiu were both very powerful, and they launched a thunderous blow after making complete preparations.

Up to now, as long as the group of surrendered guys don't want to die, they will definitely come to this point!
"I don't know how many years these treasures have been accumulated. This may be one of the heritage of the royal family, and they generally cannot be moved lightly!" Luan Changming said.

Zhan Jiyan said: "The owner opened it so easily, shouldn't it be a good thing?"

Gao Jiuding said: "It's not easy to open this thing, first you have to have the same blood, and second you have to accept the test of the soul!"

Gao Jiuding said a bit, the process of opening the cave just now made all the guards stare wide-eyed.

Unexpectedly, under their noses, the Patriarch encountered danger twice.

"The family is blessed, but don't take any risks in the future!" Luan Changming sighed.

Zhan Jiyan also said: "Patriarch, you will be the backbone of tens of millions of us in the future!"

Gao Jiuding waved his hand and said with a smile: "If I knew there was danger, I would never approach it, let's go, this time there is something rewarding for meritorious deeds!"

"Patriarch is magnificent!" All the guards were happy. They also got a little credit this time. There are so many full sets of armor here, and they probably have a share.

"Wait!" Just when a group of people were happily about to collect those precious armors, Luan Changming at the front shouted.

Gao Jiuding was startled, and immediately stopped in his tracks: "What's wrong?"

All the guards were already very vigilant, but with Luan Changming's warning, they all unsheathed their swords and guns and began to prepare for battle.

But they stood for a while, but found nothing, no enemies, and nothing unusual!
Luan Changming said at this time: "Don't move forward, the situation ahead is not right, I feel like I am carrying a big mountain at this moment!"

Gao Jiuding took a look at Luan Changming, and sure enough, he realized something was wrong!

At this time, Luan Changming blushed and hunched his back, as if an invisible force was pressing him down!
Gao Jiuding was no stranger to such a situation, he had tested his apprentice with the gravity circle.

"Take a few steps back!" Gao Jiuding glanced at the armor in front who seemed to be close at hand.

Luan Changming took a heavy step, and suddenly stepped back a few steps. When he stood still, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's normal!"

Gao Jiuding walked a few steps and came to Luan Changming's side!
He looked ahead, this place was originally in the soil spirit vein, so it should be normal to see the strong earth spirit energy, but he didn't expect that the abnormal thing is that there is actually a gravity circle arranged here!

"You guys wait, I'll test it out!" Gao Jiuding said.

Since Luan Changming was able to withdraw, it didn't make sense that he, an earth-type qi trainer, couldn't withdraw.

"Patriarch!" All the guards objected.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand and said: "Needless to say, if it feels wrong, I will withdraw. It's just a gravity circle, and there is no great danger!"

Gao Jiuding will not take risks, mainly because he feels that he should be able to cope with the situation here.

After walking a few steps carefully, Gao Jiuding immediately felt a huge pressure when he came to the place where Luan Changming was standing just now!

Ten times the gravity, because Gao Jiuding felt a weight of a thousand catties pressing on his body. This is a kind of comprehensive suppression, and the strength comes from his body.

He originally weighed only 160 jin, but now he seemed to weigh [-] jin.

Taking a step forward is ten times the gravity, and those armors are all in this gravity circle.

Up to now, Gao Jiuding can only set up a five-fold gravity circle at most, and can't set up a ten-fold gravity circle at all, but the gravity circle here obviously covers a large area, which is not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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